Thanksgiving Unfortunately, because of the local COVID situation our Thanksgiving event was cancelled. We all hope to celebrate together in 2022.
American Film Series
 2/12 - JUDY with Renée Zellweger - Academy Award. Best Actress. Join us for our 40th Season! 9 great films in English at Teatro dei Fabbri, via dei Fabbri 2/A - Trieste. So much better than watching on your computer! THURSDAY - NEW TIMES: 10:00, 16:30,19:30 Mandatory: Super Green Pass & Face Mask Same Price. €25 - Ridotto, €35 - Intero. Pay by Cash at the Associazione or at the Fabbri on film day, or via Credit Card Online 24/7. Use your Membership Card to go to the film. No single tickets are sold. You can become a member at any time of the year. ENGLISH CLASSES
 The Fall session is almost over and the Winter Session begins on January 10th. We hope to see you return in January! Currently enrolled students can confirm their places until December 12th. New students can register for courses starting December 13th. We continue to follow the Covid Protocol and government legislation. Our 60th Anniversary Documentary film will be shown at the Sala Luttazzi. Free and Open to the Public. Reservation recommended. Interviews with members form the past and present. 60 years of history. Over 3 generations of Triestini have studied English with the Association and 2 generations have enjoyed the American Film Series. View the Trailer here.
On December 2nd, AIAFVG will be recognized by the Mayor of Trieste, in occasion of the 60th Anniversary!
We thank all who participated (online or by proxy) in our Annual Assembly Meeting on November 26th. American Corner Trieste  Free Events are posted on Facebook Pages, Instagram and our Blog. The American Corner Library is open! Monday - Saturday 9-12 and Tuesday and Thursday 17-19. Please RETURN any items that you still have.
10/12 - NEW! English Conversation Club - Do you want to speak more and Improve your English? Have a 1 hour conversation with our American Facilitator. Various topics. Free. Limited to 8 participants.03/12, 10/12 Fridays at 4-6 pm - Teen Maker Space for Middle School and High School Students. 3D Printing, Electronics, Technology. with Adult Mentors. Free. Reservation Required.
09/12, 7:30 pm - Women's Book Club - My American Dream by Lidia Bastianich. Special holiday meeting for regular participants. eLibraryUSA – Temporary Remote Access – Request your personal temporary access code today. Read The New York Times, National Geographic, Oprah! Watch documentaries free of charge in English. American newspapers, magazines, videos, read and watch children’s books from BookFlix, resources and databases are available remotely only during the Covid-19 period (afterwards only at the American Corner).
Ukulele? Have you every played? Would you like to learn and play and sing together? Let us know on this FORM. So much fun! Believe us! ENGLISH TEACHER’S CORNERTESOL ITALY - Renew your Membership and participate in future Online English Language Improvement Courses for English Teachers.
Were you a Fulbrighter or a USA Govt. Exchange Alumni? We would LOVE to meet you! Are you available to share your experiences with us. Send us an email. Fulbright is celebrating 75 years of activity! STAFF PICKS for the Month US CITIZENS Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S. Government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country. STEP allows you to enter information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of State can better assist you in an emergency. STEP also allows Americans residing abroad to get routine information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. US Passport Renewal. Check your expiration date to avoid surprises. Adult passports can be renewed by mail. Federal Benefits Unit. Contact the office in Rome via email for assistance related to Social Security, Benefits, Medicare. OUR CALENDAR MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONTINUES - Become a member! American Film Series, Members Only Events, Library and more. 29/11- 12/12 - Confirmation of participation in Winter Session Classes. 1/12 - World Aids Day 2/12 - Judy in the American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri. 3/12 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities 5/12 - International Volunteer Day - Thank YOU Volunteers! 6-12/12 - Computer Science Education Week, Try these Free Activities: Hour of Code and the Microsoft MakeCode Arcade 8/12 - Italian National Holiday - No Lessons, Activities or Office Hours. 13/12 - Registration opens for NEW Students in Winter Classes. 18/12 - International Migrants Day 19/12-09/01 - Closed for Winter Break. Contact us via email with your phone number for any queries. 20/12 - International Human Solidarity Day 25/12 - Christmas Day 01/01 - New Year's Day 10/01 - Winter Session Lessons Begin