Time to give thanks! November 27 - Thanksgiving Lunch at Ristorante Montecarlo. Members and their guests only. Prepaid reservation required. Read all about it. Next Film in the American Film Series:
 2/12 - Judy with Renée Zellweger. Join us for our 40th Season! 9 great films in English at Teatro dei Fabbri, via dei Fabbri 2/A - Trieste. So much better than watching on your computer! THURSDAY - NEW TIMES: 10:00, 16:30,19:30 Same Price. €25 - Ridotto, €35 - Intero. Pay by Cash at the Associazione or at the Fabbri on film day, or via Credit Card Online 24/7. Use your Membership Card to go to the film. No single tickets are sold. You can become a member at any time of the year. Remember to pick up your card.
ENGLISH CLASSES Congratulations to all our In Person and Online students on their progress! Compliments on the great costumes and creations for Halloween! Teachers, we appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm every day. In December we will open registration for the Winter Session Classes of 10 weeks that starts in January.
VOLUNTEERS Our university volunteers have been busy with the anti-Covid protocol. Their everyday work is essential to our operations. Other volunteers are gradually returning for in person activities. Thank you for donating your time! Listen to and watch the recent RAI FVG radio interview and Telequattro segment featuring Karoline Steckley and Leonardo Buonomo, speaking about the Association and the American Film Series. All Month - 7.1 million people identify themselves as Native American Indian or Alaskan Native. Each November a Presidential Proclamation dedicates the month to Native Americans. Come in and watch a Free film or participate in a Free program. American Corner Trieste  We are gradually reinstating our FREE In Person Activities. Events are be posted on Facebook Pages, Instagram and our Blog. The American Corner Library is open! Monday - Saturday 9-12 and Tuesday and Thursday 17-19. Please RETURN any items that you still have. Covid Protocol and Green Pass Rules.
12/11, 26/11 - Every other Friday at 10:00 am - NEW! English Conversation Club - Do you want to speak more and Improve your English? Have a conversation with our American Facilitator. Various topics. Free.
16/11 at 10 am and 6 pm - Film - Windtalker - Navajo Marine Code Talkers in World War II. Free.12/11, 19/11, 26/11 Fridays at 4-6 pm - Teen Maker Space for Middle School and High School Students. 3D Printing, Electronics, Technology. with Adult Mentors. Free. Reservation Required.
18/11, 7pm - Women's Book Club - House Made of Dawn - N. Scott Momaday. Free. Want to participate? Send us an email. 23/11 at 10 am and 6 pm - Our Fires Still Burn - 57 min. documentary about contemporary Native Americans in the Midwest. Free. 30/11 at 11 am - Short Story Club - discussing an excerpt from Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac. Free. eLibraryUSA – Temporary Remote Access – Request your personal temporary access code today. Read The New York Times, National Geographic, Oprah! Watch documentaries free of charge in English. American newspapers, magazines, videos, read and watch children’s books from BookFlix, resources and databases are available remotely only during the Covid-19 period (afterwards only at the American Corner). ENGLISH TEACHER’S CORNER Be an Ambassador for your U.S. University. Send us a photo of yourself wearing your U.S. University t-shirt (a current pic or from years ago) and we'll post it on our U.S. University Ambassador Virtual Wall. Maybe a potential student will contact you! Show us your school colors!
6/11 - Virtual College Fair - Students! Spend your Saturday speaking with 100 US universities, without leaving home. You could be there next Fall. Were you a Fulbrighter or a USA Govt. Exchange Alumni? We would LOVE to meet you! Are you available to share your experiences with us. Send us an email. STAFF PICKS for the Month Rocking our Mocs: Wearing our favorite mocassins! Baking Pumpkin Pie with Ms. American Pie's Recipe. Trieste Trivia: Did you know that a US Consul to Trieste was the greatest Beethoven biographer of all time? Learn more. US CITIZENS Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S. Government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country. STEP allows you to enter information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of State can better assist you in an emergency. STEP also allows Americans residing abroad to get routine information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. US Passport Renewal. Check your expiration date to avoid surprises. Adult passports can be renewed by mail. Federal Benefits Unit. Contact the office in Rome via email for assistance related to Social Security, Benefits, Medicare. OUR CALENDAR MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONTINUES - Become a member! American Film Series, Members Only Events, Library and more. 11/11: Veterans Day 15-19/11: International Education Week 8-12/11: Global Entrepreneurship Week 19/11: Women's Entrepreneurship Day 20/11: World Children's Day 25/11: Thanksgiving Day USA 27/11: Thanksgiving Lunch in Trieste - AIAFVG Members Only Looking Ahead:
2/12 - Judy in the American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri 8/12 - Italian National Holiday - No Lessons, Activities or Office Hours. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL IN PERSON SOON! How about at our Conversation Club or for Thanksgiving? |