Ukulele Club


UKULELE noun  - uku·​le·​le | \ ˌyü-kə-ˈlā-lē  , ˌü- \ 

Source (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Definition of ukulele : a small guitar of Portuguese origin popularized in Hawaii in the 1880s and strung typically with four strings.

History and Etymology for ukulele:  Hawaiian ʽukulele, from ʽuku flea + lele jumping

Have you ever played? 
Would you like to learn and play and sing together? 
Are you a Uke Master?

Let us know on this FORM.  So much fun!  Believe us! It might change your life!

We'll get back to you in January.  

In the meantime, enjoy this CLIP of the Austin Ukulele Society playing Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond.

You came all the way to this page!  Thank you!  

🎄Here's a treat A UKULELE CHRISTMAS from Spotify.  Enjoy this extremely mellow playlist.