Summer English Academy 2024


SPRING COURSES 2023/24 at this LINK

😎Full Immersion English - senza lasciare Trieste!


OPEN DAY:  08/05/2024, ore 17:30 - con Registrazione online (senza impegno) su questo LINK 

Summer English Academy mattinate da lunedì a venerdì, 9-12 

presso l'Associazione Italo Americana FVG 

Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste

QUOTA SETTIMANALE: €125 per ragazzo 

Full Immersion Mattinate in Inglese

Scuola Elementare - Scuola Media - Liceo

Corsi settimanali in SEDE in PRESENZA


Summer English Academy 2024 dell'Associazione Italo Americana FVG.  Apprendimento in Full Immersion Inglese, coinvolgente e pratico, con un'enfasi sul curriculum STEAM in inglese (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). Imparare facendo e divertendosi.
I gruppi sono divisi per ordinamento scolastico:  Scuola Elementare - Scuola Media - Liceo.  

Ogni settimana una tema diversa.  

  • QUOTA SETTIMANALE: €125 per ragazzo (iscrizione all'Associazione compresa per nuovi soci)
  • I corsi si svolgeranno in SEDE 
  • Per nuovi iscritti, il tesseramento obbligatorio all’Associazione Italo Americana FVG è compreso nella quota del corso con tesseramento valido fino al 31/8/2024.
  • Pagamento: 
    • Online con Carta di Credito 
    • In Sede con POS (la mattina) o contanti
    • Con IBAN
    • Con Welfare Aziendale (da concordare con AIAFVG)

Domande - Ci trovate da lunedì a venerdì 9-13.  

📌Passa trovarci
📞Chiama (040630301) 
📩Scrivi un mail a  


Elementary – Scuola Elementare (123 e 345)

  • Week 1. Dal 15 luglio al 19 luglio - 🦖 Jurassic Park
  • Week 2. Dal 19 agosto al 23 agosto - 🌎 Save Our Earth Recycling
  • Week 3. Dal 26 agosto al 30 agosto - 🎨 Art Attack

Middle School – Scuola Media

  • Week 1. Dal 17 giugno al 21 giugno - ♠️ Illusions: Exploring Magic, Fake News, and AI

  • Week 2. Dal 24 giugno al 28 giugno - 🎲🎮 GameCraft: Mastering Board Games and Video Game Design

  • Week 3. Dal 1 luglio al 5 luglio - 💻 CodeCraft: Unleashing Creativity with Arduino

  • Week 4. Dal 8 luglio al 12 luglio -🤣 LaughCraft: The Art of Acting, Improv and Stand-Up Comedy 

  • Week 5. Dal 19 agosto al 23 agosto - 🎥 FilmCraft: Mastering Video Production

  • Week 6. Dal 26 agosto al 30 agosto -  🔊 SoundWave: Podcasting & Audio Essentials

High School - Liceo
  • Week 1. Dal 17 giugno al 21 giugno - ♠️ Illusions: Exploring Magic, Fake News, and AI

  • Week 2. Dal 24 giugno al 28 giugno - 🎲🎮 GameCraft: Mastering Board Games and Video Game Design

  • Week 3. Dal 1 luglio al 5 luglio - 💻 CodeCraft: Unleashing Creativity with Arduino

  • Week 4. Dal 8 luglio al 12 luglio -🤣 LaughCraft: The Art of Acting, Improv and Stand-Up Comedy 

  • Week 5. Dal 19 agosto al 23 agosto - 🎥 FilmCraft: Mastering Video Production

  • Week 6. Dal 26 agosto al 30 agosto -  🔊 SoundWave: Podcasting & Audio Essentials


Precisazioni per i nuovi soci che che effettuano i pagamenti ONLINE:

La quota della prima settimana scelta (nel caso si scegliessero più di una) per i nuovi soci 2023 2024 è così divisa: 35,00 euro di tesseramento e 90,00 euro di corso per un totale di 125,00 euro.-
Il sistema di pagamenti ONLINE prevede, prima di tutto, la creazione dell'account a nome del genitore tramite la propria mail. 
Il genitore inserisce i propri dati e si tessera scegliendo la quota intero di 35,00 euro. 
A questo punto inserisce i dati del figlio minore che parteciperà al Summer English Academy e lo tessera con la quota "speciale".
Dopo aver scelto il corso, la quota della prima settimana scelta sarà NEW MEMBER corrispondente a  90,00 euro.
Le quote delle eventuali settimane successive sono di 125,00 euro (quindi non con la dicitura NEW MEMBER)

Per gli attuali soci 2032 / 2024
La quota da scegliere nel sistema di pagamenti ONLINE sarà quella della settimana scelta (senza NEW MEMBER) corrispondente a 125,00 euro
Ecco il LINK per provvedere al pagamento ONLINE.

Per ogni informazione potete chiamare il n. 040.630301 o scrivere una mail ad

Precisazioni per i soci che che effettuano i pagamenti tramite bonifico:
La quota di 125,00 euro è da versare sul seguente IBAN:

IT 05 M 02008 02230 000005261887

Intestato a: Associazione Italo Americana del FVG

causale : nome del genitore che diventa socio - nome dello studente - Summer English Academy (Elementary - Middle School or High School) - numero della settimana

Per i nuovi soci:

Assieme al bonifico dovrete inviare il seguente Modulo di iscrizione 2023 2024 compilato e firmato ad

E' possibile provvedere al pagamento anche presso la sede dell'Associazione Italo Americana in contanti. (POS solo le mattine fino alle ore 13)

20 Days in Mariupol

20 DAYS in Mariupol



Academy Award Winner:  Best Documentary Feature Film

📆 Tuesday, April 23, 2023
🕝 10:00 and 18:00
📍 American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG - Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy
🆓 Entrance free of charge
🗣️ Original Audio Languages: Ukrainian / Russian / English
Subtitles: English


An AP team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting atrocities of the Russian invasion. As the only international reporters who remain in the city, they capture what later become defining images of the war: dying children, mass graves, the bombing of a maternity hospital, and more.

After nearly a decade covering international conflicts, including the Russia-Ukraine war, for The Associated Press, 20 DAYS IN MARIUPOL is Mstyslav Chernov’s first feature film. The film draws on Chernov’s daily news dispatches and personal footage of his own country at war. It offers a vivid, harrowing account of civilians caught in the siege, as well as a window into what it’s like to report from a conflict zone, and the impact of such journalism around the globe.

20 Days in Mariupol

Academy Award Acceptance Speech – Best Documentary Feature Film

Director:  Mstyslav Chernov

March 10, 2024

"This is the first Oscar in the history of Ukraine. I'm grateful, it's an honor for me, but I'll probably be the first director on this stage to say: "I didn't want to make this movie.”

I would like to be able to exchange this Oscar for Russia never attacking Ukraine, never occupying our cities, for Russians not killing tens of thousands of my fellow Ukrainian citizens.

I would give it up to have them release all the hostages, the soldiers who defended our land, the civilians in their prisons. But I can't change history, I can't change the past, but we are all together, you and I.

We are among the most talented people in the world. We can make sure that history is corrected, that the truth prevails. And so that the people of Mariupol who died and those who gave their lives will never be forgotten, because cinema shapes memories, and memories shape history,"

"Glory to Ukraine!" Slava Ucraina

"Sono profondamente commosso. Potrei essere l'unico regista nella storia a esprimere il desiderio di non aver mai realizzato il proprio film.

Avrei voluto poter scambiare questo premio con la certezza che la Russia non avesse mai invaso il nostro paese, non avesse occupato le nostre città, non avesse ucciso decine di miglia di cittadini ucraini.

Vorrei appellarmi ai russi affinché liberino tutti gli ostaggi catturati, i soldati che hanno difeso nostro paese, i cittadini che si trovano nei loro prigioni.

Non è nel mio potere modificare quanto già accaduto - Tuttavia, insieme, io, voi, noi tutti, possiamo assicurarci che questa trama venga corretta e che la verità emerga. Che coloro che hanno sacrificato le loro vite non vengano mai dimenticati.

Il cinema ha il potere di forgiare ricordi, e i ricordi a loro volta forgiano la storia."


The Week Ahead: April 22-27, 2024


Monday, Digital Storytelling Workshop for University Students

Tuesday, Film Documentary 20 Days in Mariupol 

Trieste Ukulele Club - Spring 2024


SPRING 2024 Meeting Dates.  Saturdays, always from 10-12

April 6 - You are my Sunshine, Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone
April 20 - Meeting at the American Corner - 10-12.  Change of Venue cancelled for bad weather.
May 4
May 18 - LAST OFFICIAL MEETING OF THE YEAR.  Back in September.  
May 29- June 2 - Monopolele! - 

Our songs this Winter included:
I Have A Dream , Felicità, These Boots are Made for Walking,  Blowing in the Wind, Flowers, What's 

Our meetings are FREE.  All are Welcome!  All Levels, All Ages.
Meetings at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy

Loaner Ukes available for Meeting Days. 

Our Meeting and WhatsApp language is English.  Most songs are in English.  

We are NOT experts. We learn and have fun together.  Better Fun than Perfect.  

We play versions of songs that are ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE, even the person who just started..  

Our goal is to learn one song well each meeting.  

If you are Advanced, you are welcome to play with us and then do an OPEN MIC of a song that you have been working on.  


While are meetings are FREE, we encourage participants to become members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG to help support our efforts and take advantage of other opportunities. 

Annual Membership 1/09/23 - 31/08/24:   Reduced: €25 - students 16+, teachers, 65+, Regular: €35 

Check out:

We get inspiration from the Austin Ukulele Society and Cynthia Lin 
If you teach young students, you can get find tutorials from Dario VivianiSukuki Ukulele and Guitar Teacher in Trieste.

Are you a Music Teacher?  Download the UKULELE IN CLASS BOOKLET.

Previous meetings:

MEETING:  April 20, 2024, 10-12  

1) Warm Up:  Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F 

2) Featured Songs:  REPLAYS and PREP for an eventual Concert.

Proposed songs for a concert

Blowing in the Wind

I Have a Dream


Stand by Me

You Are My Sunshine   Fingerpicking Version

 Other Suggestions?  Ain't no Sunshine




3) Open Mic

4) Closing: El Tram De Opicina
    and/or I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends

MEETING:  April 6, 2024, 10-12  🌞

1) Warm Up:  Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F 

2) Featured Songs:   You Are My Sunshine - C F G

4) Closing: El Tram De Opicina
    and/or I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends

The Week Ahead: April 15-20, 2024


Monday, Digital Storytelling Workshop for University Students

Tuesday, Digital Storytelling Workshop for University Students - ONLINE

Wednesday, Ukrainian Women United

Thursday, American Film Series PAST LIVES

Friday, Ukrainian Women United

Saturday, Trieste Ukulele Club at Parco di San Giovanni - Posto delle Fragole

Premiere - A Drop in the Ocean - Short Film - Digital Storytelling Workshop


Text in English Below 

In una sala affollata e piena di attesa, la première di "A Drop in the Ocean", cortometraggio, ha illuminato gli schermi, i cuori e le menti dei presenti all'American Corner Trieste/Associazione Italo Americana FVG. L’11 aprile 2024, alle 17:00, questa collaborazione tra il team del Digital Storytelling Workshop e il supporto di varie organizzazioni ha preso vita.

Al centro di questa impresa cinematografica c'è un gruppo di 21 studenti delle scuole superiori di Trieste, Italia. Queste giovani menti, provenienti dal Nordio, Oberdan, CIOFS, Deledda e la Scuola Internazionale di Trieste, hanno intrapreso un viaggio di autoespressione ed esplorazione sociale attraverso la lente della migrazione, dell'identità e dell'accettazione. Sotto la guida di Susanne Seghayer, coordinatrice del Digital Storytelling Workshop, e la guida dell'organizzazione Young For Fun, questi studenti hanno approfondito le complessità del cinema.

"A Drop in the Ocean" è la storia di Marcelina, una ragazza migrante che affronta le sfide dell'assimilazione in una cultura nuova e sconosciuta, caratterizzata dalla sua freddezza e abilità tecnologica. Attraverso il viaggio di Marcelina, il film cattura le difficoltà affrontate dai migranti in tutto il mondo. Eppure, in mezzo a queste sfide, la narrazione offre speranza, mostrando il potere di trasformazione dell’amicizia e dello scambio culturale.

La produzione di "A Drop in the Ocean" non sarebbe stata possibile senza il sostegno dell'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti in Italia e la collaborazione di Young For Fun e American Corner Trieste/Associazione Italo Americana FVG. Insieme, queste entità hanno fornito le risorse e la guida necessarie, consentendo a questi giovani talenti di realizzare la loro visione e amplificare le loro voci.

Mentre scorrevano i titoli di coda e gli applausi riempivano la stanza, è diventato chiaro che "A Drop in the Ocean" rappresenta una testimonianza del potere della giovinezza, della collaborazione e della narrazione.

Guarda il video QUI

Trova altre foto QUI


In a crowded room filled with anticipation, the premiere of "A Drop in the Ocean", short film, illuminated the screens, hearts, and minds of those gathered at the American Corner Trieste/Associazione Italo Americana FVG. On April 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., this collaborative effort between the Digital Storytelling Workshop Team and the support of various organizations came to life, delivering a poignant narrative that transcended borders..

At the heart of this cinematic endeavor lies a group of 21 secondary school students from Trieste, Italy. These young minds, hailing from institutions like Nordio, Oberdan, CIOFS, Deledda, and the International School of Trieste, embarked on a journey of self-expression and social exploration through the lens of migration, identity, and acceptance. Under the mentorship of Susanne Seghayer, the coordinator of the Digital Storytelling workshop, and the guidance of the Young For Fun organization, these students delved into the complexities filmmaking.

"A Drop in the Ocean" is the tale of Marcelina, a migrant girl navigating the challenges of assimilating into a new and unfamiliar culture—one characterized by its coldness and technological prowess. Through Marcelina's journey, the film captures the struggles faced by migrants worldwide. Yet, amidst these challenges, the narrative offers a glimmer of hope, showcasing the transformative power of friendship and cultural exchange.

The production of "A Drop in the Ocean" would not have been possible without the support of the US Embassy in Italy and the collaborative efforts of Young For Fun and the American Corner Trieste/Associazione Italo Americana FVG. Together, these entities provided the necessary resources and guidance, enabling these young talents to realize their vision and amplify their voices.

As the credits rolled and applause filled the room, it became clear that "A Drop in the Ocean" stands as a testament to the power of youth, collaboration, and storytelling.

View the Video HERE

View more photos HERE

Premiere - Cortometraggio - Short Film - High School Digital Storytelling


📆  GIOVEDI' 11 APRILE 2024
🕝 17:00
📍 American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG - Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy

A DROP IN THE OCEAN - Un cortometraggio che esplora i temi della migrazione, dell'identità e dell'accettazione.

Cortometraggio scritto, diretto, girato, recitato dal Team del DIGITAL STORYTELLING WORKSHOP TEAM di STUDENTI di SCUOLA SUPERIORE di 2° Grado a Trieste.

Progetto reso possibile grazie al sostegno dell'Ambasciata USA in Italia in collaborazione con Young For Fun, American Corner Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG, Coordinamento: Susanne Seghayer - Young for Fun. 

La Trama:

In "A Drop in the Ocean," Marcelina, una bartista di Tri Savoca, si trasferisce ad Ostholt e trova difficoltà ad adattarsi alla cultura più fredda e tecnologica. Inizialmente respinta, Marcelina trova un alleato in Piper e insieme creano un'esperienza unica per il bar. Nel frattempo, Marcelina deve affrontare i pregiudizi e le difficoltà di essere una migrante, ma alla fine trova un equilibrio tra le due culture, creando un'esperienza positiva per tutti.


Il Team della Scuola Superiore è composto da 24 Studenti delle Scuole Superiori di Trieste provenienti da CIOFS, Deledda, Scuola Internazionale di Trieste, Nordio, Oberdan.


Young for Fun, associazione no-profit che realizza documentari su temi storico-culturali del Friuli Venezia Giulia, conduce i laboratori e diffonde la cultura del cinema.


Ciak si gira!



📆 Thursday, April 11, 2024
🕝 17:00
📍 American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG - Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy
🆓 Entrance free of charge 
🗣️ Language: Italian 

A DROP in the OCEAN - Short Film Written, Directed, Filmed, Acting by the Trieste High School Digital Storytelling Workshop Team.  

Project made possible by:  The US Embassy to Italy in collaboration with Young For FunAmerican Corner Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG, Coordinator:  Sergio Seghayer - Young for Fun. 

A DROP IN THE OCEAN - A Story of Migration, Identity and Acceptance  - Short Film

The Story:

In "A Drop in the Ocean" Marcelina, a bartender from Tri Savoca, moves to Ostholt and finds it difficult to adapt to the colder, more technological culture. Initially rejected, Marcelina finds an ally in Piper and together they create a unique bar experience. Meanwhile, Marcelina faces prejudice and the difficulties of being a migrant, but ultimately finds a balance between the two cultures, creating a positive experience for all.

The Filmmaking Team:  

The High School Team is composed of 24 Trieste High School Students from Nordio, Deledda, Oberdan, International School of Trieste, CIOFS.  

The Filmmaking Trainers 

Young for Fun, a non-profit association that  makes documentaries on historical and cultural subjects in Friuli Venezia Giulia, lead the workshops and spreads the culture of cinema. 

Premiere - Cortometraggio - Digital Storytelling - Universitari


Premiere - Cortometraggio - Short Film - Università Digital Storytelling


📆  LUNEDI' 13 MAGGIO 2024
🕝 17:00
📍 American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG - Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy

CURRY MIX - Un cortometraggio che esplora i temi della migrazione, dell'identità e dell'accettazione.

Cortometraggio scritto, diretto, girato, recitato dal Team del DIGITAL STORYTELLING WORKSHOP TEAM di STUDENTI UNIVERSITARI.

Progetto reso possibile grazie al sostegno dell'Ambasciata USA in Italia in collaborazione con Young For FunAmerican Corner Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG, Coordinamento: Susanne Seghayer - Young for Fun. Professore e Alumni Fulbright:  Dr. Sergia Adamo

Curry Mix a Trieste melting pot combining food culture from Bangladesh and Italy.  

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month - May 2024

National Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the diverse histories and incredible cultural contributions of Americans hailing from across the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia who have helped shape America and are instrumental in its future success.

The month of May has been designated as AAPI Heritage Month as a special time to honor, embrace and stand with the more than 24 million Asian Americans and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders living in communities throughout the United States.  The month of May was also chosen because it commemorates May 1843 – when the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the U.S.  – and marked the May 1869 completion of the transcontinental railroad, which would not have been possible without the contributions of Chinese Americans.

This year’s theme is “Bridging Histories, Shaping Our Future"  The 2024 theme is an homage to our ancestors and invites all Americans to delve into the legacies, triumphs, and challenges that have shaped AA and NHPI communities. It embodies the spirit of our collective journey – one rooted in resilience and hope – and encourages us to forge intergenerational connections to honor our past and pave a durable path forward.

Other Dedicated Web Sites

April 2024 Newsletter



April is Digital Storytelling Month.  Your story is the most important narrative.  Screening of the Academy Award Winning 20 Days in Mariupol and the High School Digital Storytelling Short Film.   

Register for SPRING Classes and Summer English Academy

SPRING Office Hours:  
Mornings:  Monday to Saturday 9-13 and 
Afternoons: Monday to Friday 17-19.

We OPEN on April 4th.
We BE CLOSED on April 25th, May 1st. 

SPRING ENGLISH CLASSES BEGAN the week of March 25th.

In some Classes we have availability for New Participants

QUESTIONS?  Call 040 630301 in the morning or  write to

The schedule is ready!  Check out the dates.  Great Weekly Themes! 🦖 Jurassic Park, 🎨Art Attack,🎲 GameCraft, 💻 CodeCraft, 🎥 FilmCraft and more.  

Registration opens on April 4th.  

Go to the cinema! Attend the 14:00 show!  
3 more great American Films in English in the series.  
Shows at 10, 14:00, 16:30, 19:30.

ATTENTION.  We always request English Language and English Subtitled versions, but some of our films are so recent that the distributors have only English Language versions with Italian Subtitles.  We select our annual list in September. Things change.  Pro: New Films! Con: Sometimes without English subtitles.

April Films
   Past Lives - 18/04/2024 - with English Subtitles

Final Film:
   The Holdovers - 2/05/2024 

You must be a Ridotto or Intero member to attend the films.  Sorry, no single tickets and no one under age 16 can attend the movies.  Members must be 16+.  

Your Membership Card gives you FREE ENTRY and discounts at Cinema Nazionale.

Free Events are posted on Facebook Pages, Instagram and our Blog.  
FREE opportunities are made possible thanks to volunteers and the support of the government of the United States of America and the U.S. Embassy to Italy.

The American Corner Library is open!  Here is the American Corner Library Catalog.  Check out a book, magazine dvd.  

Sorry, we no longer accept book or DVD donations. Here is a list of local  Bookcrossings 

eLibraryUSA is changing.  More news coming soon!  



See FREE Films Below.

🧲Teen Maker Space, - Every Friday 16:30-18:30.  Open for Middle and High School Students with Adult Mentors.  Make, Create, Innovate. Registration Required.

🇺🇸 American English Conversation Club - April 4th, 11:30.  Final meeting of this school year.  One hour of English Conversation with our Conversation Leader.  Registration Required.

🎵 Trieste Ukulele Club April 6th & 20th, 10-12.  Song of the Week:  Ain't No Sunshine.  All Ages and All Levels Welcome.  Registration Required.  
📚 Women's Book Club - April 11th 18:00 - The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy

🟦🟨 Ukrainian Women United  - Wednesdays and Thursdays, hours vary. For Ukrainian women.  Led by a Cultural Mediator. New Ukrainian/Russian Library section.  Bake bread! 

⚙ CALLING ALL CRAFTERS. Come in the morning and use our new CRICUT to design objects, labels, cell phone covers and CRICUT Press to make personalized T-Shirts, Bags etc. 
Digital Storytellinga short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share experiences and stories.

11/04, 17:00 - Premiere of "A Drop in the Ocean" Short Film by the High School Team.  Free.
The University Team will have their Premiere in May.    

Project Objective: tell the stories of second generation Italians, immigrants and refugees in our area with Short Films. This initiative is made possible thanks to the U.S. Embassy to Italy and in collaboration with Young For Fun.   
23/04, 10:00 and 18:00 - 20 DAYS in MARIUPOL
At American Corner Trieste.  Academy Award Winner - Best Documentary Feature Film.  FREE and Open to the Public. In Ukrainian, Russian, English, with English Subtitles.  
As the February 2022 Russian invasion begins, a team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting the war's atrocities.
Thanks to all who participated in our March Women's History Events! Congratulations to the the young winners of the Inspiring Women Barbies that were on display.  

Vote from Abroad. Another REMINDER!  It's important! 2024 is a General Election Year and the Primaries have started. Send your FVCA form NOW to receive your Ballots in each election in 2024.  Go to  Vote and return your ballot as soon as you receive it.

U.S. Passport Renewal.  Be travel ready! Check your expiration date. Credit Card payment now accepted! 

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service for U.S. citizens traveling to, or living in, abroad so that the Department of State can assist in an emergency and supply information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.

🌼Waiting for:  April showers to bring May flowers

🌎Trying to: Reduce Plastic Pollution 

⚾Following:  Major League Baseball

🍓Enjoying: Fresh Strawberries 

English Teachers - Check out FREE  resources on American English at State for Educators and on Facebook – American English for Educators. Join 
TESOL and our Trieste Local Group 


Take a FREE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to enhance your English language skills and specialized content knowledge!  The courses are self-paced for ENGLISH TEACHERS and ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS..

STUDY in the US

Fulbright Italy has a new website. Apply for a world of opportunities.     
EducationUSA website helps you plan your studies in the US.  

Were you a Fulbrighter or a US Govt. Exchange Alumni?  We would LOVE to meet you to learn about your experience. The US Embassy to Italy offers Grant opportunities for Fulbrighters.  Contact us.

We are a volunteer, non-profit association with openings in the Teen Maker Space, Craft Workshop, Cinema Check-In and for University Students for Internship Credits.  Fill in this FORM and we'll get back to you.



April is Arab-American Heritage Month  and Jazz Appreciation Month
April 2: World Autism Day
April 4: International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
April 5: International Day of Conscience
April 6: International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
April 7: World Health Day
April 7 - 13: National Library Week
April 10: Siblings Day
April 12International Day of Human Space Flight
April 18: International Day for Monuments and Sites 
April 20: Look Alike Day
April 22Earth Day
April 23: English Language Day
April 24-30: World Immunization Week   
April 25: World Malaria Day
April 26World Intellectual Property Day
April 29-May5: Air Quality Awareness Week
April 30: International Jazz Appreciation Day