First Meeting of Ukulele Club at American Corner Trieste - Italy - February 5, 2022
Watch the video of our First Song and Forever Warm-Up Song
Watch the 2 minute video of the Preparation for our first song, with music and still shots.
Thanks for joining us for our FIRST MEETING on February 5, 2022. 24 participants of all ages!
- The next meeting will be on February 19, 2022 at 12.
- Our Group working language is ENGLISH at meetings and on the WhatsAppChat. You are free to leave the chat at any time.
WELCOME - Marino, Karoline, Denise
Why the Ukulele?
- Small, light weight, inexpensive
- Easy to play for all ages
- Happiness! Fun! Joy!
Many thanks to Marino, our Volunteer Maestro!
Susanne, our volunteer filmmaker, edited our song video and made the short film about our preparation for the song.
Francesco was our photographer.

The film documentary is also available for viewing online, free of charge, on the Kanopy platform of eLibraryUSA, Request your password today.

·All together now – Performance by Austin Ukulele Society (Attn – a bit fast!)
■ Tutorial Video - Watch, Learn and Play Along

1. "One thing you might want to learn before you attend the world`s largest ukulele lesson is how to say ukulele." - Mary Schmich
2. "There`s not much you can do with a ukulele that doesn`t sound happy. " - Jeff Lynne
3. "It`s hard to be depressed around a ukulele. You just pick it up and you`re halfway home." - William H. Macy
4. “Things like guitars and ukuleles, you should never part with it, because there will probably be good, healthy times spent, just playing and writing.” - Eddie Vedder
5. "If you pick up a ukulele, it will make you unbelievably happy." - Bette Midler
Next Meeting – February 19, 2022, 12 -
How does it work?
- The plan is to meet every 2 weeks (depending on holidays) - Feb. 5, 19, March 12, 26 at 12.
- Learn 1 new song for each meeting. Prepare the song BEFORE the meeting using tutorials and come ready to play together.
- Once we get better, you could even form solo groups, that prepare songs and perform during the meetings!
- Our space is free in the mornings Monday-Friday from 9-1. Feel free to come in and practice.
- In the summer we could consider alternative outdoor venues for jamming - like in Osmizzas! or at Barcola! How fun is that!
Mighty Uke Documentary – Feb. 8th at 11 am at the American Corner. Free. Ukers tell the story of the people's instrument. In MIGHTY UKE, we discover why so many people of different nations, cultures, ages, and musical tastes are turning to the ukulele to express themselves, connect with the past, and with each other.
The film documentary is also available for viewing online, free of charge, on the Kanopy platform of eLibraryUSA, Request your password today.
Sinfonico Honolulu Concert on March 5th at 21:30 – Teatro Miela
Congrats to: Fjorela, Lia and Patrizia! You won 2 tickets each! See you at the concert! Bring your Uke! That's what Ukers do at Uke Concerts.
Sign Up Online to receive WhatsApp and Email Updates. The Chat is in English. You are free to leave the WhatsApp group or tell us to remove you from emails at any time.
Ukulele Updates:
Sign Up Online to receive WhatsApp and Email Updates. The Chat is in English. You are free to leave the WhatsApp group or tell us to remove you from emails at any time.
G-C-E-A - Good Children Eat Apples - Digital Clip On Tuner or YouTube by earTHEME – WARM-UP SONG
Click HERE and watch our 1st Group Song! Not bad for absolute beginners.
A huge round of applause to all of us! WOOO HOOO! We rock!
Next year we could be Special Guests at San Remo! Just kidding.
THREE LITTLE BIRDS by Bob Marley (Theme song for every meeting)
- Presentation of Chords and Music
- Presentation for Smart Board
- YouTube Tutorial to play and sign along with.
·All together now – Performance by Austin Ukulele Society (Attn – a bit fast!)
NEXT SONG for February 19th at 12
LET IT BE by the BEATLES 1970
Start now with the below tutorials and be ready to play together on February 19th!
■ Tutorial Video - Watch, Learn and Play Along
■ Chord Sheet - Deep Dive
■ Presentation - Deeper Dive
■ AUS Performance - Collaborative Video from te Austin Ukulele Society
■ Bob’s Demo Video - Individual Video
We recommend the Austin Ukulele Society. Check out their site with the Music Library and YouTube Channel. They are our role model!Some Ukulele Quotes:
1. "One thing you might want to learn before you attend the world`s largest ukulele lesson is how to say ukulele." - Mary Schmich
2. "There`s not much you can do with a ukulele that doesn`t sound happy. " - Jeff Lynne
3. "It`s hard to be depressed around a ukulele. You just pick it up and you`re halfway home." - William H. Macy
4. “Things like guitars and ukuleles, you should never part with it, because there will probably be good, healthy times spent, just playing and writing.” - Eddie Vedder
5. "If you pick up a ukulele, it will make you unbelievably happy." - Bette Midler