What's the Buzz this Week?
What's the Buzz this Week?
NEW PROGRAM in February 2021!
Mondays at 11 am - Karoline and Denise Buzz and Chat in English about what's up these days. What we usually do anyway on Monday mornings, but now you can be a part of it!
Usually 20 minutes. Periodic Special Guests.
On FacebookLIVE - AIAFVG and American Corner Trieste.
If you missed it, you can catch it on our YouTube Channel!
01/02, 11 am - What's the Buzz this Week?
Who knows that the buzz is yet? We'll figure it out on Monday! Karoline and Denise
08/02, 11 am – What's the Buzz this Week? A Chat about Amanda Gorman – with Karoline Steckley, President -AIAFVG and Special Guests
Amanda Gorman just wowed the world with her poem The Hill We Climb, composed for and recited at the Presidential Inauguration. Amanda was the Youth Poet Laureate at age 17. At 22, she is the youngest poet to read at an Inauguration, and has a reading scheduled at the Super Bowl of all places. In addition she's a Harvard University graduate, a fashion icon and more!
Karoline will look at Amanda Gorman and her inspiration to write the Inauguration poem and also take a closer look at some of her interesting facets that made her the star of the inauguration.
Karoline Steckley is the President of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG, an English Teacher at AIAFVG and CIOFS FB FVG in Trieste, a blogger, a writer, a TESOL Member and Regular Speaker at TESOL Italy Conventions, originally from Racine, WI.
with guests:
Laura Williams teaches Advanced Placement World History, World History, and US History at Elba Central School in Elba, NY. She has spoken at the TESOL Italy Convention.
Angela Boone Mansfield is an educator in the Minnesota Department of Education, working for Equitable Access to Excellent and Diverse Educators. She is based in Minneapolis, MN.
Denise Tecchio is the Coordinator of the American Corner Trieste, originally from Cincinnati, OH
15/02 - Carnival Break - We'll have extra buzz next week!
22/02, 11 am - What's the Buzz this Week? with Karoline and Denise. Open Mic!
AIA FVG Celebrates 60 years
Associazione Italo Americana FVG 1961-2021
This year in November 2021 AIAFVG we will officially be 60 years young!
3 generations of Triestini have been connected to the Association.
We’re planning a celebration when we can meet in person.
Think: AIA FVG Alumni Association – Events - Documentary Film.
Share your memories with us. Tell your friends and family.
Fill in the AIA 60th Anniversary Info Form and tell us all about it! Be a part of it!
- Were your parents of relatives with us?
- Did you study or teach English with AIAFVG? Who was your teacher?
- Did you attend the American Film Series?
- Did you take a US Study Tour?
- Attend lectures or programs?
- Read every book in the Library?
- Do you have old photos or diplomas?
All'Associazione sono legate 3 generazioni di Triestini. In novembre 2021, AIAFVG avrà 60 anni!
Compila il modulo per il 60 ° anniversario dell'AIA FVG e raccontaci tutto!
Stiamo programmando una festa quando possiamo incontrarci di persona.
Imaginare: un'AIA FVG Alumni Association - Eventi - Film documentario.
Condividi i tuoi ricordi con noi. Dillo ai tuoi amici e familiari.
- I tuoi parenti erano con noi?
- Hai studiato o insegnato inglese con AIAFVG? Chi era il tuo insegnante?
- Hai visto tutti i film della Rassegna del Cinema Americana negli anni 80?
- Hai fatto un viaggio stuio negli Stati Uniti? Frequentavi lezioni o programmi? Hai letto tutti i libri della Biblioteca?
- Hai vecchie foto o diplomi?
Fulbright - Celebrating 75 Years
Fulbright 1946-2021
The Fulbright program is celebrating 75 years this year.
Were you a Fulbrighter or did you participate in a US Government Exchange Program?
We'd love to meet you and have you share your story with us.
Fill in our Fulbright FVG Contact Form.
Our objective is to set up a local Alumni Group of Fulbrighters and US Exchange Program Participants.
Would you like to be a Fulbrighter in the future? Go to this LINK.
February 2021 Newsletter
Black History Month 2021
February is Black History Month and this year we are celebrating African American Poets.
What is Black History Month?
Programs on this theme include:
08/02, 11 am – What's the Buzz this Week? A Chat about Amanda Gorman – with Karoline Steckley – President, AIAFVG
Amanda Gorman just wowed the world with her poem The Hill We Climb, composed for and recited at the Presidential Inauguration. Amanda was the Youth Poet Laureate at age 17. At 22, she is the youngest poet to read at an Inauguration, and has a reading scheduled at the Super Bowl of all places. In addition she's a Harvard University graduate, a fashion icon and more!
Karoline will look at Amanda Gorman and her inspiration to write the Inauguration poem and also take a closer look at some of her interesting facets that made her the star of the inauguration.
Karoline Steckley is the President of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG, an English Teacher at AIAFVG and CIOFS FB FVG in Trieste, a blogger, a writer, a TESOL Member and Regular Speaker at TESOL Italy Conventions, originally from Racine, WI.
with guests:
Laura Williams teaches Advanced Placement World History, World History, and US History at Elba Central School in Elba, NY. She has spoken at the TESOL Italy Convention.
Angela Boone Mansfield is an educator in the Minnesota Department of Education working towards Equitable Access to Excellent and Diverse Educators. She is based in Minneapolis, MN.
Denise Tecchio is the Coordinator of the American Corner Trieste, originally from Cincinnati, OH
23/02, 11am NEW! Adult Read Aloud – Listen to The Voice of Langston Hughes 1950’s poetry readings by Langston Hughes himself on Facebook ACTS.
NEW! Adult Beginner Course - 5 weeks
Nuovo Corso! ADULT BEGINNER Principiante
5 settimane - 5 lezioni di 2 ore ciascuna - €125
MATTINA - 2 FEBBRAIO 2021- MARTEDI', ore 10-12
Perfetto per iniziare! Sei interessato?
- Chiamaci la mattina da lunedì a venerdì dalle 9 alle 13 - 040 63 03 01
- Mandaci un mail (specificando anche tuo numero di telefono) aiatriesteinfo@gmail.com
- Passa in sede - (Mattina) Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - 2° piano Trieste - Italia
- DoubleYou
- Edenred
- Easy Welfare
- Tantosvago (Easypay)
Online Individual Lessons for Adults, Children, Teens
LEZIONI INDIVIDUALI ONLINE per tutte le età ed ogni essigenza.
Cliccare sul LINK per l'iscrizione ONLINE.
Vi ricordiamo che siamo un ASSOCIAZIONE, perciò per i ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, un genitori diventa soci. Le persone da 16 anni in poi devono avere la tessera personale.
Se avete domande, ci trovate in sede da lunedì a venerdì, 9-13. 040 63 03 01, email: aiatriesteinfo@gmail (nel messaggio fornire anche un recapito per essere richiamato).
Le lezioni individuali sono a disposizione degli studenti che preferiscono un approccio individuale e/o preferiscono svolgere le lezioni online con l’insegnante in presenza. Gli insegnanti sono assegnati basandosi sulle esigenze degli studenti e alle disponibilità individuali. Le lezioni individuali possono anche essere integrate ai corsi di gruppo.
In seguito alla lezione, materiale supplementare è fornito per permettere allo studente di approfondire la sua conoscenza del tema trattato.
Date e orari delle lezioni da concordare con l'insegnante assegnato.
Livello / Costo
PreK / Family - Le lezioni di 20 minuti vengono svolti tramite Zoom.
Pacchetto di 5 lezioni - €75
Pachetto di 10 lezioni - €150
Elementary 123 /345- Le lezioni di 20 minuti vengono svolti tramite Zoom.
Pacchetto di 10 lezioni - €75
Pacchetto di 10 lezioni - €150
Elementary 345 - Le lezioni di 40 minuti (se preferite una lezione più lunga)vengono svolti tramite Zoom.
Pacchetto di 5 lezioni - €150
Pacchetto di 10 lezioni - €300
Middle School - Le lezioni di 40 minuti vengono svolti tramite Zoom.
Pacchetto di 5 lezioni - €150
Pachetto di 10 lezioni - €300
High School - Le lezioni di 60 minuti vengono svolti tramite Zoom.
Pacchetto di 5 lezioni - €225
Pacchetto di 10 lezioni - €450
ADULT - Le lezioni di 60 minuti vengono svolti tramite Zoom.
Pacchetto di 5 lezioni - €225
Pacchetto di 10 lezioni - €450
Individual Lessons are available for students who prefer a one-on-one approach and/or prefer to have online lessons with the presence of the instructor. Instructors are assigned based on student needs and individual availability. Individual lessons can also supplement group courses.
Additional material is supplied to the student to allow them to deep dive into the theme of the lesson.
PreK / Family English - The 20 minute lessons are on the Zoom platform.
Elementary 123/345- The 20 minute lessons are on the Zoom platform.
Elementary 345 - The 40 minute lessons are on the Zoom platform- if you prefer a longer lesson.
Middle School- The 40 minute lessons are on the Zoom platform.
High School - The 60 minute lessons are on the Zoom platform.
Karoline Steckley featured in Il PIccolo 21/01/2021
La Nuova America - Il Piccolo 21/01/2021
Karoline Steckley, President of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG, was interviewed regarding the Inauguration of President Biden.
Prefettura - Lessons must be held ONLINE
Risposta della Prefettura di Trieste riguardante Lezioni a Distanza:
Trieste, 19/01/2021
Si conferma che i corsi di formazione pubblici e privati possono svolgersi solo con modalità a distanza così come previsto dall’art.1, comma 10, lett. s) del DPCM DEL 14 corrente.
US Presidential Inauguration 2021
Countdown to January 20, 2021 - US Presidential Inauguration
21/01, 11 am – Short Story Club - Poetry at Presidential Inaugurations – We’ll read and discuss Presidential Inaugural Poems on Facebook LIVE American Corner Trieste. Amanda Gorman, the first US Youth Poet Laureate, will be the reader in 2021.
We'll read the 5 and discuss the poems from past inaugurations: Robert Frost (Kennedy, 1961), Maya Angelou (Clinton, 1993), Miller Williams (Clinton, 1997), and Elizabeth Alexander (Obama, 2009), Richard Blanco (Obama, 2013).
For more than 200 years America’s citizens have witnessed the Inauguration ceremonies of the President and Vice President of the United States. From the first Inauguration of George Washington, in New York City, in 1789, to today, as we prepare for the 59th Inaugural Ceremonies, the Swearing-In Ceremonies represent both national renewal and continuity of leadership. As each president has offered a vision for America’s future, we reflect on the heritage of Inaugurals past.
Since 1901, and in accordance with the 20th Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) has been responsible for the planning and execution of the Inaugural Ceremonies of the President-elect and Vice President-elect of the United States at the Capitol.
The Presidential Inauguration will be different this year with very few live spectators, no crowds and a virtual parade.
Watch the Inauguration of Joseph Biden - President and Kamala Harris - Vice President live from the Capitol Steps on January 20th at 5:30 pm Italian time. We'll watch the Live Stream from the PBS NewsHour together on Facebook Live.
Here are some additional resources about the Inauguration:
Voice of America - US PRESIDENTS - Podcast Series
The White House - The Presidents
Farmer's Almanac - All You Need to Know about the Inauguration
The New Republic - Stories from Inauguration History
Abraham Lincoln's Campaign Biography, by Abraham Lincoln
Robert Frost - JFK Inauguration
Poets.org - Presidential Inaugural Poems
Library of Congress - Poetry and the Presidential Inauguration
Poetry for Presidents https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/poetry-for-presidents
American Writer's Museum - Stories that feature Elections
Corsi di Inglese - Inverno 2021
Le iscrizioni sono aperte per la sessione Winter dei nostri corsi collettivi.
Siamo un non-profit associazione culturale fondata nel 1961 e riconosciuta dalla regione FVG.
I corsi inizieranno la settimana dell’11 gennaio in modalità ONLINE fino a data da destinarsi. Appena possibile, torneremo in PRESENZA.
Abbiamo anche certi corsi per Adulti che sono esclusivamente ONLINE. Offriamo anche Lezioni Individuali ONLINE per bambini, teens, adulti.
I nostri SOCI possono iscriversi per partecipare a Corsi di Inglese ed Altre Attività.
Insegnamo inglese a tutti livelli a persone da 3 a 99 anni!
E' possibile pagare ONLINE con la Carta di Credito, in contanti oppure con Welfare Aziendale.
La visualizazzione dei film nell'American Film Series è compresa nel tesseramento!
CLICCARE su i link sotto per INFO riguardante corsi, orari, iscrizione e pagamento online
- CORSI per BAMBINI & TEENS - Descrizioni e Links - Orari & Prezzi
- CORSI per ADULTI - Descrizioni e Links - Orari & Prezzi
- LEZIONI INDIVIDUALI ONLINE per Bambini, Teens, Adulti
- FAQs
- AIAFVG Canale YouTube - Spiegazione dei Corsi, Presentazione Open Days, Visita Guidata all'AIAFVG, Regolamento Covid-19
I CORSI WINTER INIZIANO la settimana del 11 GENNAIO 2021
- Inviaci un email, lasciando anche il numero di telefono al: aiatriesteinfo@gmail.com Vi contatteremo appena possibile.
- Passa in Sede. Ci trovete da Lunedì a Venerdì: 9-13 -Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - 2° Piano - Trieste
- Chiamaci durante l'orario sopra allo 040 63 03 01
- Inviaci un email, lasciando anche il numero di telefono al: aiatriesteinfo@gmail.com Vi contatteremo appena possibile.
- Passa in Sede. Ci trovete da Lunedì a Venerdì: 9-13 -Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - 2° Piano - Trieste
- Chiamaci durante l'orario sopra allo 040 63 03 01
IMPORTANTE : il tesseramento va di pari passo con il pagamento della tessera stessa.
Prima di tesserarsi controllare la disponibilità dei corsi altrimenti si rischia di pagare la tessera quando il corso è già pieno.
Prima di tutto, cliccare sul tasto di “VERIFICA DISPONIBILITA’ CORSI” e poi tesserarsi attraverso il tasto “TESSERATI”.
NB Una persona può comunque tesserarsi come socio senza iscriversi subito ai corsi.
Cliccare sul link per le iscrizioni:
Qui di seguito le istruzioni per iscriversi e per pagare i corsi in modalità Online:
Winter 2021 Admin Hours from January 7, 2021
From Thursday, January 7th Office is Open for Administrative Issues.
Courses are ONLINE until further notice. All Activities are ONLINE.
Library Lending is Suspended.
Admin Hours:
Monday to Friday - 9 - 13
Tel: 040 63 03 01
Email for Admin: aiatriesteinfo@gmail.com
Email for other Questions: aia.fvg@gmail.com
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
You can contact us by email at any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include your telephone number in the message.
Newsletter January 2021