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June 2019 Newsletter

JUNE 6th is the 75th ANNIVERSARY of D-DAY. Come to the screening of THE LONGEST DAY. Read an article by Ernie Pyle, American War Correspondent.
HOURS until June 15th
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday mornings: 9-12 and Monday to Friday afternoons 4-7 pm
Pick up your IBAN Receipts, Membership Cards, Make Cash Payments, during our Administration Hours, listed above.
Mornings from 9-12: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Afternoon 5-7: Wednesday
PROGRAM ROOM RENOVATION COMPLETED thanks to the support of the U.S. Embassy to Italy. Come and see the modern look and feel with bold graphics and new furnishings. The space is in line with Smithsonian designed American Spaces guidelines.
THE MARS GENERATION MOVIE in May from the American Film Showcase was a great event! Thank you to the U.S: Consulate General Milan for sponsoring the event.
GLOW Girls Leading Our World ended the school year with a Fashion Design Workshop led by Lydia Witt, designer and founder of The Sewing Cooperative Rome.. GLOW will be back in the Fall with the 24 hr Sleepover. Thanks to our Senior Mentors Erin, Konstantina and Karoline for organizing the monthly appointments!
6/6, 4 pm THE LONGEST DAY (1962) 3 hours. In English
Directed by Darryl F. Zanuck. Winner of 2 Academy Awards. All Star Cast.
Epic war film following the events of D-Day, from both the Allied and German points of view.
KIDS CARTOON CLASSICS – Wednesdays at 5 pm - Free – In English with English Subtitles1
19/6- PINOCCHIO (1940) 1 hr 28 min
26/6 - DUMBO (1941) 1 hr 4 min
LIT FLICKS – Wednesdays at 8 pm – Free – In English with English Subtitles
19/6– CAT on a HOT TIN ROOF (1958) 1 hr 40 min. by Tennesee Williams with Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman
26/6– BREAKFAST at TIFFANY’S (1961) 1 hr 55 min. by Truman Capote with Audrey Hepburn
Music, Burgers, Football and Fun! Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste in collaboration with ASD Sant’Andrea San Vito, Muli Trieste American Football, Le Ranzide Flag Football, I Refoli Flag Football. Live Folk & Blues 60s & 70s with Riccardo Gargiulo and Luigi Farina.
Our Regular Classes end in June. Families for PreK, Elementary 123, Elementary 345 and Native Speakers are invited to the last 30 minutes of the lesson for the presentation of certificates and a special surprise performed by your children.
We offer STEAM Mornings of Full Immersion Project Based English for Pre-K to High School and HIGH DIVE Intensive English for Adults. You can register directly on the ONLINE Link. If you are a new student this summer, your Membership is included in the price of the Summer Course.
2019/20 COURSES starting in the FALL
ONLINE Registration will open for ALL. on September 1, 2019. The class schedules will be very similar to those of 2018/19. Sorry. No pre-registration.
We are an association. In order to participate in members only events, attend the American Film Series, take a course, check out library materials, you MUST be a 2018/19 MEMBER.
Our 2018/19 Membership Year began on September 1st.
Here is the Membership Form. If you have been a member in recent years, we can quickly upload your data in the office. Membership prices remain unchanged. Euro 25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and over. Euro 35 – Intero. Membership is valid until August 31, 2019. Questions?
38th AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Teatro dei Fabbri
The results of our end of the year survey are:
Favorite Film: 1) The Wife, 2) Coco, 3) I, Tonya.
Least Favorite Films: 1) Florida Project 2) Lady Bird 3) Antman & the Wasp.
See you next year for the 39th American Film Series.
American Corner EVENTS
TESOL, GLOW, Teen Maker Space, Family Films, Coffee Break – Back in the Fall!
Mom & Baby Playgroup - Every Tuesday and Thursday until June 13th 10 am -– Come on down! Meet some other moms and let the kids play.
TEEN MAKER SPACE –Many thanks to Joshua Gidrum, expert Mentor!
6/6, 10:30 am - NATI per LEGGERE –Bilingual Reading English/Italian for ages 0-36 mo. Last appointment for this school year. Back in September!
Every Tuesday 10-12 – Refugee Teddy Bear Workshop – Morning Maker Space
20/6, 8 pm - Women’s Book Club -Reading around the World. Circe by Madeline Miller Send an email to to participate
11/6, 10 am Short Story Club – Discussing the D-Day Article A Pure Miracle by U.S. War Correspondent Ernie Pyle. Last appointment of the school year! Back in September.
TESOL TRIESTE LOCAL GROUP- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Workshop. Back in the FALL. We’re looking for speakers! When you attend meetings, you receive MIUR Credit, enrich your C.V. and free get professional development! Use your Bonus Docenti to become a TESOL Italy Member and attend meetings and workshops for credit, all over Italy. Go to the TESOL Italy National Convention in Rome on November 15/16. They’re looking for presenters!
TEDDY BEAR PROJECT – Integration through Entrepreneurship
Join the tailors and the volunteers every Tuesday and Thursday morning to stuff, cut, sew. The Mini Maker Faire at ICTP last week was a great showcase for our project. Refugee Bears make great gifts! Look at our Refugee Bear Migration Map. Tell us where your bear is and we’ll add your location to the map! Send us a picture and the location of your teddy bear. Follow the Refugee Bears on Instagram and Facebook . Refugee Bears make great gifts! You can find the bears at AIAFVG and at Silsorì in Monfalcone.
A call for fabric donations! Non-stretch materials please.
We are a Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association. Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities. We are looking for Volunteers to Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities at the Front Desk and in the Library
We’re looking for Volunteers for: American Film Series Cinema Check-In, Expert tailors Seamstresses for Tuesday Maker Space – Teddy Bear Project, TESOL Speakers, Teen Maker Space Mentors, Assistants for Nati per Leggere,
Send us an email and we’ll find a role for you. University of Trieste students in Humanities, P.R. and other majors can earn with us (CFU). We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours (3 CFU). You'll have a great experience and improve your English, while you also learn valuable life and people skills. High School Students can also do Alternanza Scuola Lavoro. Contact us!
AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Since 2007, we have been part of the American Spaces Network. Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always Free and Open to the Public. A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. Specific sections of the library are dedicated to Educational Advising, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space. Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVDs. The American Corner also offers Life Skills in English Courses for Refugees and Case Workers thanks to a U.S. Department of State Grant and the US Diplomatic Mission to Italy. The American Corner promotes the Teddy Bear Integration through Entrepreneurship Project, encouraging professional refugee tailors to use their skills to produce the beautifully unique teddy bears, using recycled materials.