Join us this week for Nati per Leggere - Bilingual, D-Day and the Longest Day Film, End of the School Year Celebrations on Monday and Tuesday, Mom & Baby Play Date. All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
What are your Children and you doing this Summer? Summer STEAM FULL IMMERSION (without leaving Trieste) . Home for lunch and in time to go to the beach!

The SUMMER STEAM Program for Kids and Adults is ONLINE and registration is open.
Monday, June 3rd
Thursday, June 6th
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop

4 pm - Film - THE LONGEST DAY - 3 hours. 1962
In occasion of the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.
FREE and OPEN to the Public. In English with English Subtitles.

SAVE THE DATE! Last class - June 12,13,14,15
Parents of WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Pre-K, Family English, Elementary 123, Elementary 345, Native Speaker students.
JUNE 30, 2019 at Campo Sportivo Sant'Andrea San VIto - Via Locchi 38. Food, Beverages, American Football, Watermelon. Live Music - Folk Blues '60's and '70's.