Integration through Entrepreneurship
Integrazione tramite Imprenditoria
Come to the American Corner Trieste and select your unique Refugee Bear.
You can also find us at:
World Refugee Party - June 23rd 5-11 pm - Via San Michele Park - Trieste
Independence Day Celebration - June 30th - 6-10 pm - Starc Sporting Field, Via Locchi - Trieste
Silsorì - Via I Maggio 153 - Monfalcone
The Sewing Cooperative - Rome
Follow the project on Facebook
Follow the project on Instagram
Follow the Refugee Bear Migration on our Google Map
Give us the location of you and your bear and we'll add you to our map. If you want we'll post a photo of your bear in it's new home.

The project is supported by volunteers who share their expertise in graphics, marketing, communications and language training. The American Corner Trieste provides space, equipment and of course, stuffing. All other materials for the bears are donated by the public.
The Refugee Bear Project è nato nel 2018 per promuovere l’integrazione attraverso l’imprenditoria. Mette in mostra il talento sartoriale dei rifugiati. Questo orsetto è stato ideato da Azim & Abbas, noti anche come i “Teddy Boys,” come simbolo di protezione e amore.
Un concetto semplice per aiutare l’integrazione di due esperti sarti (rifugiati dall’Afghanistan tramite Iran) è stata trasformata in un workshop settimanale a titolo volontario per i nuovi rifugiati e membri della comunità.
Il progetto è sostenuto da volontari che condividono la loro esperienza nella grafica, nel marketing & comunicazioni e nell’acquisizione linguistico. L’American Corner Trieste mette a disposizione un laboratorio con la relativa attrezzatura necessaria e l’imbottitura. La stoffa per creare gli orsacchiotti viene gentilmente donata.
Since 2016, with the support of the U.S. Department of State, the American Corner has been teaching Life Skills English for Refugees.
Many of our students have now received their official resident status and can work to support themselves.During our classes, we discovered that many students were expert tailors. In May 2018 the Refugee Bear Project was born.Each bear is made with donated recycled materials and all bears are absolutely unique. Always the same size, but in different variations.