QUANDO: 14 ottobre 2023
ore 10-13 - Teoria
ore 14-16 - Pratica
DOVE: American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
Entro il 1 ottobre prorogato al 7 ottobre, Vi faremo sapere se la domanda è stata accolta.
Il digital marketing come strumento per evidenziare il talento. Il ruolo dell'artista è quello di cambiare le regole, modificare a percezione e ribaltare il punto di vista. In questo workshop si gettano le basi per piegare le piattaforme social alle proprie necessità, utilizzando il proprio linguaggio (unico e inimitabile).
Digital marketing as a tool to highlight talent. The role of the artist is to change the rules, alter perception, and flip the point of view. In this workshop, we lay the foundations for bending social platforms to our own needs, using our own (unique and inimitable) language.
Il DOCENTE: FABRIZIO GALASSI fabriziogalassi.com
Giornalista, docente e consulente in ambito musicale, è stato direttore di Rockstar.it fino al 2008; dal 2009 insegna Digital Marketing e Storia della Pop Culture presso IED di Roma nel corso Sound Design; ha tenuto lezioni al Master in Management, Marketing e Comunicazione della Musica de La Sapienza, alla NUT Academy di Napoli, alla Napier Academy di Milano oltre a workshop e seminari in tutta Italia.
Come giornalista scrive e ha scritto per Repubblica.it, Kataweb, MTV Italia, Wired, IlFattoQuotidiano e Left.
Ha svolto consulenze in ambito digitale per Ericsson, Rai, Nokia, iCompany, BelieveDigital, Zimbalam, Fenix Entertainment.
Attualmente è Digital Manager per l'etichetta T-Recs Music.
EVENTO RESO POSSIBILE GRAZIE al Sostegno dell'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti in Italia, United States Department of State - Educational and Cultural Affairs.
The Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - TS, proposes a Digital Marketing Workshop for Musicians.
The Workshop in Trieste is FREE of CHARGE. The 20 participants will be selected, based on the application form. The deadline to complete the application is September 30th. We invite you to share this message with other people who could be interested.
In this Workshop the foundations are laid for adapting social platforms to one's needs, using one's own language (unique and inimitable). Digital marketing as a tool to highlight talent. The artist's role is to change the rules, modify perception and overturn the point of view.The Workshop will be in Italian with the possibility of having an English translation.
WHEN: October 14, 2023
10am-1pm - Theory
2-4pm - Practice
WHERE: American Corner Trieste / Italian American Association FVG
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy
FOR: 20 MUSICIANS who want to improve their digital presence
HOW: APPLICATION FORM to be completed online by September 30th Date Changed: October 7th. After October 8st, applicants will be notified if they have been accepted.
Journalist, professor and consultant in the music field, he was director of Rockstar.it until 2008; since 2009 he has taught Digital Marketing and History of Pop Culture at IED in Rome in the Sound Design course; he held lessons at the Master in Management, Marketing and Communication of Music at La Sapienza, at the NUT Academy in Naples, at the Napier Academy in Milan as well as led workshops and seminars throughout Italy.
As a journalist he writes for Repubblica.it, Kataweb, MTV Italia, Wired, IlFattoQuotidiano and Left. He has carried out digital consultancy for Ericsson, Rai, Nokia, iCompany, BelieveDigital, Zimbalam, Fenix Entertainment. He is currently Digital Manager for the T-Recs Music label.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: aia.fvg@gmail.com www.aia-fvg.blogspot.com tel: 040630301
EVENT MADE POSSIBLE THANKS to the support of the United States Embassy in Italy, United States Department of State.