Academy for Women Entrepreneurs

👩‍💼 Attention Women Entrepreneurs! 💡Do have a great Business Idea
🔢Are you between ages 18-40?🇺🇸Do you speak English?

Are you a new or aspiring entrepreneur? Apply for the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Italy!

Thanks to the collaboration between the U.S. Mission to Italy and Università degli Studi di Napoli "FEDERICO II", AWE offers a FREE online and in-person training, as well as but also access to the U.S. Embassy to Italy - Ambasciata Americana a Roma Exchange Alumni network 🇺🇸 in Italy and a wide range of resources and programs dedicated to women's economic empowerment.

What are you waiting for? Apply today!

Deadline: October 20th at

For more info visit:

#AWEinItaly #AWEItaly
Thunderbird School of Global Management
