Book Club 2022/23


QUESTIONS?  Fill in this FORM and we will contact you.

Women's Book Club - 1 meeting a month.  American Authors

Everyone reads in English on their own and comes ready to discuss in English. 

Oct 20, 2022 – Whereabouts by Jhumpa Lahiri

Nov. 24, 2022 – I Will Die in a Foreign Land by Kalani Pickhart

Dec.15, 2022 – The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Jan. 26, 2023 – New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

Feb. 16, 2023 – Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou

Mar 16, 2023 – The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields

Apr 27, 2023 – Jazz by Toni Morrison

May 25, 2023 – May/June combined in June

June 8, 2023 –  Inheritance: Genealogy, Paternity, Love by Dani Shapiro & Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin

20/30 Something Co-ed Book Club - Just getting started.  American authors 

Everyone reads in English on their own and comes ready to discuss in English. 

February 3, 2023 - The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

March 3, 2023 - The Help by Kathryn Stockett (chapters 1-17)

April 14, 2023 -  The Help (chapters 18 to the end)

May 12, 2023 - The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon

June 9, 1923 - The Haunted Hill House by Shirley Jackson

April Activities

🚀🟠STEM Space Camp - Mission to Mars The Mission continues! For Middle and High School Students - in English on Saturday mornings with Janine.

🧲TEEN MAKER SPACE Making, Creating, Innovating in English with John on Friday afternoons.

📢FULL IMMERSION English for those working / volunteering with Displaced Persons with Karoline and Janine on Saturday afternoons.

ALL STARS Non-competitive Soccer for Unaccompanied Minors, Ukrainian teens, Underprivileged teens.  Male/female 2005-2009.

🎸TRIESTE UKULELE CLUB - First time registration required.  Saturday mornings.  Play and sing along! I Can See Clearly / Blue Moon are our next songs.  Enjoy our YouTube Playlist   Monopolele 2023 here we come!

💬 ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB 1 hour English Conversation with Melissa, American facilitator on Thursday mornings. This is NOT a Class.  

📚BOOK CLUBS - Reading and Discussing US Authors in English

Women's Book Club  - Jazz by Toni Morrison.  
20/30 Something Yr Old Co-Ed Book Club - The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

The Week Ahead: March 26-Apr 1, 2023


Trieste All Stars - Calcio per Tutti

💬English Conversation Club

🧲Teen Maker Space

April 6, 2023, 10 am - AMSTERDAM

Due to the technical difficulties with the audio during the 10 am projection of AMSTERDAM, we propose an additional showing of the film.  

April 6, 2023 at 10 am.  Members Only - at Cinema Super.

"Amsterdam," the latest film from acclaimed writer/director David O. Russell, is a fascinating and richly intricate tale that brilliantly weaves historical fact with fiction for a timely, cinematic experience. 20th Century Studios' and New Regency's original crime epic is about three close friends who find themselves at the center of one of the most shocking secret plots in American history.

The Week Ahead: March 20-25

 Hope to see you this week!  

🌷Registration for Spring English Classes

Trieste All-Stars: Calcio per Tutti -Registration Closed 

🧲Teen Maker Space - FREE for teens with Mandatory Registration

🚀🟠STEM Space Camp - Mission to Mars - FREE for teens with Mandatory registration

💬 Full Immersion English for Caseworkers and Volunteers working with Displaced Persons - FREE with registration

March 24, 2023, 10, 16:30, 19:30

AMSTERDAM - American Film Series at Cinema Super - Members Only

"Amsterdam," the latest film from acclaimed writer/director David O. Russell, is a fascinating and richly intricate tale that brilliantly weaves historical fact with fiction for a timely, cinematic experience. 20th Century Studios' and New Regency's original crime epic is about three close friends who find themselves at the center of one of the most shocking secret plots in American history.

Next Film in the American Film Series at Cinema Super
April 20, 2023
Everything Everywhere All at Once.  Winner of 7 Academy Awards.  

With her laundromat teetering on the brink of failure and her marriage to wimpy husband Waymond on the rocks, overworked Evelyn Wang struggles to cope with everything, including tattered relationships with her judgmental father Gong Gong and her daughter Joy. She must also brace herself for an unpleasant meeting with an impersonal bureaucrat: Deirdre, the shabbily-dressed IRS auditor. However, as the stern agent loses patience, an inexplicable multiverse rift becomes an eye-opening exploration of parallel realities. Will Evelyn jump down the rabbit hole? How many stars are in the universe? Can weary Evelyn fathom the irrepressible force of possibilities, tap into newfound powers, and prevent an evil entity from destroying the thin, countless layers of the unseen world?

The Week Ahead - March 13-18

Week 9 of English Courses - Spring Session begins March 27th


Trieste All Stars - Calcio per Tutti

💬English Conversation Club

📚 Women's Book Club

🧲Teen Maker Space

Ukulele Club - Winter 2022/23


Hey Uke Stars!

Promoting Music, Ukulele, English, Joy!
Free and Open to the Public

Check us out on Our YouTube Channel - Three Little Birds, Riptide, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Jolene, Proud Mary and more!  

Here is our Trieste Ukulele Club Music Library

Our public performances:

Maker Faire - September 2022 - Piazza Unità

Folks Giving - November 2022 - Sala Luttazzi


(You don't need to register for every meeting).  

WINTER Meeting Dates:

January 14, 28

February 11

March 4, 18

Spring:  April 1,  22, May 6, 27 (May 20th we'll be at Monolopele!)

All Ages and All Levels are Welcome to participate in our FREE Meetings.  

😉Membership in the Associazione Italo Americana FVG is not required, but appreciated.  Entrance to the American Film Series is included in your membership.

We are not professional musicians and this is not a "Ukulele class".  Most of us just picked up a Ukulele a few months ago, and we are learning together.  Our Uke Masters are volunteers.

We encourage participants to practice at home and meet with others to play together outside of meetings. 

ENGLISH is our working language.  Meetings and songs are mostly in English.
We have a WhatsApp group, in English, where we share ukulele related announcements, songs and chord sheets.  

Save the Date:  Monopolele - May 19-21, 2023  - Monopoli Mediterranean Ukulele Fest.

What do we do at Ukulele Club Meetings?

AGENDA - March 18, 2023, 10 am



2. OPEN: Three Little Birds


Twist & Shout - The Beatles

La Bamba - Ritchie Valens (Mexican Folk Song)

Twist & Shout / la Bamba - Bruce Springsteen 1988 - The coolest ever!

Twist & Shout/ La Bamba Play Along with Cynthia Lin & Ukulenny

La Bamba /Twist & Shout Sheet Music


 Proud Mary Play along with Cynthia Lin

🌟Proud Mary Trieste Ukulele Club Performance

Proud Mary Sheet Music

Blue Moon Sheet Music

Lava Play along with Cynthia Lin

Lava Sheet Music

Lava Original with lyrics from Moana

6.  OPEN MIC?  Accepting Brave Volunteers

7. CLOSE with El Tram de Opcina



AGENDA - March 4, 2023, 10 am


2. OPEN: Three Little Birds

3. NEW SONG 1:  PROUD MARY,  by Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)

Proud Mary Original with Tina & Ike Turner

Proud Mary with Lyrics

Proud Mary Play along with Cynthia Lin

Proud Mary Sheet Music

Extra Credit Chucking Tutorial by Cynthia Lin (optional)

NEW SONG 2:  BLUE MOON by Rogers and Hart (1934) - sung by Sinatra, Martin, Elvis, Fitzgerald and many more.

Blue Moon with Lyrics - Ella Fitzgerald

Blue Moon Play Along - Sorry.  Didn't find a good one with our chords.

Blue Moon Sheet Music


Because San Remo is San Remo - Be the star of  your Sanremo Party!

🌟Trieste Ukulele Club Performance - Feb 11, 2023

Ricchi e Poveri original San Remo 1981

Sarà perchè ti amo with LYRICS - Sing Along

Sarà Perchè Ti Amo - Chords


6.  OPEN MIC?  Accepting Brave Volunteers

7. CLOSE with El Tram de Opcina

NEXT MEETING:  MARCH 18th, 10 am

Looking for something else?  Here is the Trieste Ukulele Club Music Library


AGENDA - February 11, 2023, 10 am

🎂 🎸Happy 1st Anniversary to us!  
Our first meeting was February 5, 2022.

February 11th will be our 17th meeting!


2. OPEN: Three Little Birds


Memories by Maroon 5

Memories Video with Lyrics

Memories performance by PS22

Sheet Music



Michael Bublé with Lyrics 

Play Along Stu Fuchs 

Sway 5 Chords - Fuchs

Sway 7 Chords - Marino  (Advanced with picking)


Because San Remo is San Remo - Be the star of  your Sanremo Party!

Ricchi e Poveri original San Remo 1981

Sarà perchè ti amo with LYRICS - Sing Along

Sarà Perchè Ti Amo - Chords

6.  OPEN MIC?  Accepting Brave Volunteers

7. CLOSE with El Tram de Opcina



Looking for something else?  Here is the Trieste Ukulele Club Music Library


AGENDA - January 28, 2023, 10 am


2. OPEN: Three Little Birds


Michael Bublé with Lyrics 

Play Along Stu Fuchs 

Sway 5 Chords - Fuchs

Sway 7 Chords - Marino  (Advanced)


 Original Song with Lyrics 

🌟Trieste Ukulele Club Performance 

Austin Ukulele Society Performance  

Sheet Music on 1 page

Presentation Mode

5.  THE BEST OF:  Select some songs we learned in the past and play together

6. OPEN MIC - Do you want to play something new for the group?

7.  OVERVIEW of Next Song - Memories by Maroon 5

Memories Video with Lyrics

Memories performance by PS22

Sheet Music

7. CLOSE with El Tram de Opcina

Looking for something else?  Here is the Trieste Ukulele Club Music Library


AGENDA - January 14, 2023, 10 am

1. Welcome

2. Open with Three Little Birds


Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash

 Original Song with Lyrics 

Austin Ukulele Society Performance  

Sheet Music on 1 page

Presentation Mode

Looking for something else?  Here is the Trieste Ukulele Club Music Library

5.  NEW! Open Mic - Do you want to play something new for the group?

Shallow Chord Sheet - Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper Video with Lyrics - Tutorial - Play Along

Sway - Michael Bublé with Lyrics -  Play Along Stu Fuchs -  Sway 7 Chords Marino  - Sway 5 Chords Fuchs

6. Close with El Tram de Opcina


See what we did at our FALL 2022 Meetings.  

Check out the Trieste Ukulele Club (Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste) sites

We model ourselves on the Austin Ukulele Society.  For Inspiration look at their:

We also love Cynthia Lin.  
You can go to her YouTube Channel  to watch tutorials and download music.

Happy Strumming!

QUESTIONS?  Fill in this FORM and we will contact you.

Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste TS - IT
tel: 040 630301

Corsi di Inglese 2022/23


Welcome! Benvenuto! 


Sotto troverete tutte le informazioni per iscriverti oppure i tuoi figli ai nostri corsi di inglese.  

  • Inglese Full-Immersion senza lasciare Trieste
  • Associazione Culturale senza fini di lucro, fondata nel 1961. Riconosciuta dalla Regione FVG.
  • Corsi in presenza con classi a numero limitato. 
  • Proponiamo un corso per adulti esclusivamente ONLINE!
  • 3 Sessioni:  FALL - WINTER - SPRING da 10 lezioni collettive ciascuna. 


Clicca per scaricare le descrizioni dettagliate dei corsi per  bambini e teenager e per adulti in formato PDF.

Sai già tutto perché eri socio 2021/22?  
Prosegui direttamente per il rinnovo del tesseramento 2022/23 e l'iscrizione tramite il nostro piattaforma online e entra con l'account del figlio/a.  

Sei nuovo?  
Prima leggi le istruzioni.   Poi crea l'account con tuo indirizzo email.  

Misure anti-Covid
I corsi sono in presenza.  
Se cambia la legge, siamo pronti ad andare subito online come in passato. 

Hai bisogno di un giorno che non è nella lista sottostante? 
Manda un'email a con la tua richiesta e il tuo numero di telefono. Potremmo valutare di aprire altre sezioni.


FALL Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 26/09/2022. Fine: 15/12/2022
WINTER:  Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 09/01/2023. Fine: 25/03/2023
SPRING: Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 27/03/2023. Fine: 16/06/2023

Costo per Sessione:
Pre K - €110 - 60 min
Mar/Tue 17-18 - CLOSED
Mer/Wed 17-18 - CLOSED
Gio/Thu 17-18 - CLOSED
Ven/Fri 17-18 - 
Elementary 123 - €165 - 90 min
Mar/Tue 16:30-18 - 
Gio/Thu 16:30-18 - CLOSED
Ven/Fri 16:30-18 - 
Sab/Sat 9:30-11
Elementary 345 - €165 - 90 min

NEW! Mer/Wed 17:30-19
Gio/Thu 18:10-19:40
Ven/Fri 18:10-19:40
Sab/Sat 11:10-12:40 - 
Native Speaker - €220 - 120 min
Lun/Mon 17-19
Middle School - €220 - 120 min
Lun/Mon. 15:45-17:45
Mar/Tue 15:45-17:45 - 
Gio./Thurs 15-17
High School - €220 - 120 min
Mer./Wed 15-17 - 
Mer./Wed. 17:30-19:30 -
Gio./Thurs 18-20 - 


FALL Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 26/09/2022. Fine: 15/12/2022
WINTER:  Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 09/01/2023. Fine: 25/03/2023
SPRING: Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 27/03/2023. Fine: 16/06/2023

Costo per Sessione:

Advanced Beginner (A2) - €270 - 120 min
Lun/Mon 18-20 - 
Intermediate Conversation (B1) - €270 - 120 min
Lun/Mon 10-12 - 
Mar/Tues 10-12 

Intermediate / Advanced Conversation (B1 +B2) - €270- 120 min
Mar/Tue 18-20
NEW! Advanced Conversation
Mer/Wed 18-20 - starts May 3rd for 7 weeks

LEZIONI INDIVIDUALI a RICHIESTA e in base alla disponibilità dei nostri docenti.

Quota di Associazione 
Siamo un’Associazione Culturale senza fini di lucro e ogni partecipante deve diventare socio.
Nel caso di ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, il genitore diventa socio e il figlio è collegato al tesseramento dello stesso.

Tesseramento Annuale con validità 1/9 – 31/8:
Intero - €35
Ridotto - €25 (Studente da 16 anni; Senior da 65 anni; Docenti)

Compreso nella Quota di Tesseramento
  • Ingresso alla Rassegna del Cinema Americano in V.O. al Cinema Super per soci da 16 anni.
  • Convenzione presso TriesteCinema per biglietti a tutti i film del gruppo ad un prezzo di €5,50 per Soci 2022/23 (mostra la tua tessera aggiornata).
  • Utilizzo della biblioteca / medioteca.
  • Partecipazione ad eventi per solo soci.
  • Potrete diventare socio soltanto per frequentare la Rassegna Cinema oppure usufruire della biblioteca.

  • Online con Carta di Credito (scelta consigliata) LINK 
  • In Sede in Contanti
  • Con Voucher Welfare Aziendale come concordato con ns. admin.
  • NEW!  Con POS - Soltanto da lunedì a venerdì 9-13.  

Le informazioni dettagliate sui pagamenti sono disponibili cliccando qui

Altri corsi
Teniamo anche lezioni di gruppo e individuali per adulti a richiesta, in base alla disponibilità dei nostri docenti. 

Il nostro numero è 040 63 03 01
Scrivete ad (nel messaggio fornire anche un recapito telefonico e richiameremo appena possible)

Ci trovate in sede da lunedì a venerdì ore 9-13. 
Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - 2° Piano

The Week Ahead: March 6-11, 2023

We will also be welcoming Sheila Weir, our REPS (Regional Public Engagement Specialist) from the U.S. Embassy to Italy, Department of State.

🌷Priority Registration for Spring Classes

💙💛Ukrainian American Corner - FREE

Trieste All-Stars: Calcio per Tutti -Registration Closed 

💻Conference:  Digitalization and Inclusion in Teaching 

👩🏻‍🏫TESOL Seminar: Teaching Unaccompanied Minors

🧲Teen Maker Space - FREE for teens with Mandatory Registration

🚀🟠STEM Space Camp - Mission to Mars - FREE for teens with Mandatory registration

💬 Full Immersion English for Caseworkers and Volunteers working with Displaced Persons - FREE with registration

American Film Series 2022/23


See you at the Cinema!  

The 2022/23 American Film Series (42nd Edition) of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG has moved to Cinema Super near Viale XX Settembre in Via Paduina 4 - Trieste.

 9 American Films in English, with English Subtitles.

The Associazione Italo Americana FVG Membership price includes: 9 American films in English plus lending library and other offers only for Members.  

Validity: Sept 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023.

€25 - Students 16yrs and over, 65 and over, Teachers.


€35 - Regular Membership. 

🎁Special Convention with TriesteCinema!  With your 2022/23 Membership Card, you receive a special price of €5.50 at all TriesteCinema locations.  

😊Thank you TriesteCinema!  Show your 2022/23 Membership card.

American Film Series Films ALWAYS on Thursdays at 10, 16:30 and 19:30 and ALWAYS in English with English Subtitles.  

Sorry.  We cannot sell single admission tickets.

How to become a 2022/23 member:

  • 💳Credit Card - Make your payment ONLINE  

  • 💶Cash - Come to the Association in the mornings Monday to Saturday from 9-1 and afternoons Monday to Friday 17-19 - Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste

You were a member last year?  Bring in your plastic card and we will update it for you.  

If you are over age 16 and take an English course with us, your Membership Card includes the entrance at the American Film Series!  You must be 16 or older to attend the films.  

Are you a Mom or Dad and you are the Intero or Ridotto Member?  Pick up your card so you can go to the series and get your discount for other films at TriesteCinema. 

Preview - Trailer created by Susanne Seghayer.

Calendar with Details and Links:

27 October 2022 THE LOST CITY. Dir. Aaron Nee, Adam Nee. Starring Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum. Action/Comedy. 1h 52 min.

17 November 2022 THE EYES OF TAMMY FAYE. Dir. Michael Showalter. Starring Jessica Chastain, Andrew Garfield. Biography. 2h 6 min.

1 December 2022 ENCANTO. Dir. Jared Bush, Charise Castro Smith, Byron Howard. Animation. 1 h 39 min.

19 January 2023 LICORICE PIZZA. Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson. Starring Alana Helm, Cooper Hoffman, Bradley Cooper. Comedy. 2 h 13 min.

2 February 2023 SUMMER of SOUL. Dir. Questlove. Documentary. 1 h 58 min.

23 February 2023 CYRANO. Dir. Joe Wright. Starring Peter Dinklage, Haley Bennett. Musical/Romance. 2 h 4 min.

23 March 2023 AMSTERDAM. Dir. David O’ Russell. Starring Christian Bale, Margot Robbie. Comedy/Drama. 1 h 26 min.

6 Aprile 2023 - SPECIAL ADDITIONAL 10 am showing of AMSTERDAM.  ONLY 10 am.  

20 April 2023 EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE  Dir. Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert With: Michelle Yeho, Stephanie Hsu, Jamie Lee Curtis. Action, adventure, comedy. 2 h. 14 min.  WINNER of 7 ACADEMY AWARDS!!!

4 May 2023 THE FABELMANS. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Starring Michelle Williams, Paul Dano. Autobiography/Drama. 2 h 31 min.

Volunteer Opportunities

 We are a Non-Profit association with free activities managed by volunteers.  

We have current opportunities for:

  • Teen Maker Space Mentors - 3D Printing, Electronics, Technology
  • Craft Workshop Mentors - working with UnitedWithUkraine Crafting Women
  • University Students for Internship Credit Hours
  • Chef Mentors

APPLY on this LINK.  We'll get back to you!

TESOL Trieste Italy 2022/23

 2022/23 In Person Activities:

Friday, March 10, 2023 - 18:00-19:00 
Workshop:  Teaching Unaccompanied Minors (MSNA - Minori Stranieri Non-Accompagnati) 

Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo, 6 – Trieste

In recent years migration patterns have changed drastically and we find more and more minors traveling on their own, often sent by their families with the promise of a better future. FVG and Trieste / Muggia in particular, are entry points on the Balkan Route, the gate of hope to a bright future. In 2022 alone around 1200 Minors entered FVG. They live among us, work with us, and are part of our society, but most importantly: whoever is under 16 is at the age of compulsary schooling, even if they have never attended school before.  What does this mean for us teachers? How can we approach them and integrate them into our classes? What are the main issues when teaching this group of students? Come learn more about MSNA and its implications in today's society through practical examples.

This workshop will be led by Konstantina Mavroidakos, Legal guardian of MSNA since 2019. She holds a BA in Communication Design and a MA in Product-Service System Design both of the Politecnico di Milano, has a CELTA Certificate Pass-A, and has completed the 24 CFU for public school teaching in Italy. Konstantina has been working as an independent English and German Teacher in particular with teenagers for over a decade and has specialized in the creation of workshops to teach complex content, like Marketing or Gender, through creative practice and approach.  Born in Germany to Greek parents and living in Italy for half her life, she perfectly understands what it means to be contemporary foreign and at home.

Register to Participate at this link: Teaching Unaccompanied Minors

The deadline for registration is: Friday, March 10, 2023

Previous 22/23 Meetings

October 14, 2022, 6 pm 

FREE - Storytelling and Creative Writing Workshop for Teachers with Wendy Fambro.

This workshop will be led by Wendy Fambro, who is a recently retired, American Baptist minister from upstate New York. She holds a BA. in Psychology and a Master of Divinity (Mdiv). She has taught ESL to Haitian migrant workers, interpreted for deaf students, conducted programs for a regional branch of the United Nations, and currently teaches Tai Chi and Balance classes to older adults.

November 25, 2022, 6 pm

Education in Emergencies Workshop with Meagan Abrahamsson - English Language Specialist - American Spaces Ukraine.

What is Education in Emergencies and Building Resilience? Wars, epidemics, and natural disasters spare no children. More countries are gripped by conflict today than at any time in the past thirty years. Many of these crises span entire childhoods. In countries affected by emergencies, children lose their loved ones and homes. They lose access to safe drinking water, health care, and food. They lose safety and routine. And, without access to education, they risk losing their futures. In this workshop, we will focus on the main principles of EiE, how they are applicable to current events, and how to implement INEE standards and build resilience in the classroom.

This workshop will be led by Meagan Abrahamsson. Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Meagan has lived and worked in the U.S., Honduras, China, Australia, and China. She has worked remotely in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, the Philippines, and Ukraine. She is currently working on projects to promote mutual understanding across cultures and fight disinformation with her Ukrainian colleagues and audiences.

Her professional interests include project-based learning, community service projects, education in emergencies, social-emotional and ethical learning, democratic classrooms, human rights education, and educational technology integration.

January 20, 2023, 6 pm  

African American Vernacular English Workshop.  Speaker:  Karoline Steckley

Linguists use terms like African American Vernacular English (AAVE), African American English, African American Language, or Black English to refer to a group of dialects of English spoken all over the United States by many (but not all) Black people. AAVE is no more nor less complex, expressive, or
systematic than any other dialect of any language, including Standard American English (SAE), the dialect commonly used in media, academia, commerce, and government in the US today.

This workshop will be led by Karoline Steckley who is President of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG in Trieste, a non-profit language school and the host institution of the American Corner. She holds a B.A. in French Language & Literature and an M.A. in Foreign Language and Literature from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. She began teaching and translating in 1997 and has lived in Italy since 2003. Currently, she teaches English at CIOFS FP,  the University of Trieste, and at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG.

QUESTIONS?  Fill in this FORM and we will contact you.

What is TESOL Italy

What is TESOL Italy?

TESOL Italy (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a grass roots organization, run by teachers and for teachers. It is a non-profit Italian organization founded in 1975 by Mary Finocchiaro and Renzo Titone along with other foreign language teaching experts and pioneers. It has many members in Italy and abroad and is an affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in Virginia, USA, with over 11,000 members worldwide. TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016
What is TESOL Italy’s mission?
Its mission is to develop the expertise of those involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages and to foster professional growth and active participation in language teaching. This includes promoting community understanding of the role of language in a progressively changing environment while respecting individual language rights.
Who does TESOL Italy collaborate with?
TESOL Italy collaborates with people and organizations involved in English Language Teaching including:
Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR)
The U.S. Embassy – Public Affairs Section
The British Council
Other Professional Language Associations:
The Fulbright Commission
Italian universities
Regional educational authorities
What kind of professional development activities does it offer teachers?
  • Language improvement courses
  • CLIL language improvement and methodology courses
  • Pre-service and in-service training
  • Self-development opportunities
  • Training of teacher trainers
  • All-day seminars
  • After-school workshops
  • Annual National Convention
  • Local Group Activities
Why should I become a member?
Besides being able to take part in all professional development activities, members receive publications:
The Newsletter (five times a year) and the academic journal, Perspectives (twice a year). Members can
also start or join a local group anywhere in Italy.
What exactly are local groups?
Local groups are made up of at least five TESOL Italy members. These groups organize and hold
professional development activities in their areas. Existing groups are located in Benevento, Bologna,  Formia, L’Aquila, Marche, Messina, Napoli, Palermo, Roma, TRIESTE, Val d’Adige, and Venezia.

TESOL Trieste Local Group The TESOL Trieste Local Group was officially recognized by TESOL Italy on January 1, 2018.  Janine Sprague Zolle is the TESOL Trieste Local Group Coordinator.
A local group does many different things but basically it is a group of enthusiastic teachers who share a common goal – to engage in developing personally and professionally as EFL educators. The idea that “we are our own best resource” is empowering; it is the foundation of all grassroots organizations and what guides all local group activities.
Please remember that TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016

For more information about becoming a member of TESOL Italy, go to this LINK.  The TESOL Membership Year is from January 1st until December 31st.