YOUR Membership Card for the Associazione Italo Americana FVG is VALUABLE! Already renewed for 2022/23? Thank you! Please pick up your card at the Association. If you have the plastic card, bring it into the Association and we will update it and print the new year on it.
Did your register your son/daughter under age 16 for an English course for 22/23? Congratulations! You are as a parent have become a member and can take advantage of the opportunities that your card offers!
Did you register your son/daughter over age 16 for an English course for 22/23? What luck! Your child is a member and can go to the American Film Series at Cinema Super (entry is included in membership). Children under age 16 cannot attend the movie series at the cinema.
Still need to become a 2022/23 member? You can renew or register for the first time ONLINE with a credit card. Of course if you prefer, you can always come to the Association during office hours and pay cash.
Give a membership to your friends, husband/wife, kids 16 and over, university students. It's always a great experience to go to the cinema, eat popcorn and see a film in original version.
How about Date Night!
Give yourself a present! The 22/23 membership also gives you a special price for the other films shown at the TriesteCinema Group.
NEWS! CINEMA SUPER near Viale XX settembre is the new location for the American Films Series!
The American Film Series begins on October 27th with shows at 10, 16:30 e 19:30. Film titles coming soon!
Annual Membership Fee 2022/23 - validi from Sept. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2023 (membership free unchanged for 10 years) €25 Reduced - students 16 and older, teachers, seniors 65 and older €35 Regular - common mortals
Become a MEMBER and PICK UP your card to:- ATTEND ENGLISH COURSES, registration is open and classes begin the week of Sept. 26th.
- GO TO the AMERICAN FILM SERIES at CINEMA SUPER - 9 American films in original version with English subtitles - 1st film - October 27th (entry is included in your membership)
- RETURN to the Cinema! TriesteCinema offers a special price for all the films (also in Italian) shown at the TriesteCinema Group for our 22/23 Members (you must show your updated card 22/23 at the box office)
- CHECK OUT books, DVDs and magazines in English from our Library
- PARTICIPATE in Members ONLY activities
Carry your Membership Card with you! You will need it at the Cinema Super to enter the American Film Series. It will definitely be requested to obtain the discounted ticket price in the other cinemas in the TriesteCinema Group.
OOPS! Did your forget to register for an ENGLISH CLASS or for an OPEN DAY? No Problem. Here is a LINK with all the info. |