April Activities

🚀🟠STEM Space Camp - Mission to Mars The Mission continues! For Middle and High School Students - in English on Saturday mornings with Janine.

🧲TEEN MAKER SPACE Making, Creating, Innovating in English with John on Friday afternoons.

📢FULL IMMERSION English for those working / volunteering with Displaced Persons with Karoline and Janine on Saturday afternoons.

âš½ALL STARS Non-competitive Soccer for Unaccompanied Minors, Ukrainian teens, Underprivileged teens.  Male/female 2005-2009.

🎸TRIESTE UKULELE CLUB - First time registration required.  Saturday mornings.  Play and sing along! I Can See Clearly / Blue Moon are our next songs.  Enjoy our YouTube Playlist   Monopolele 2023 here we come!

💬 ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB 1 hour English Conversation with Melissa, American facilitator on Thursday mornings. This is NOT a Class.  

📚BOOK CLUBS - Reading and Discussing US Authors in English

Women's Book Club  - Jazz by Toni Morrison.  
20/30 Something Yr Old Co-Ed Book Club - The Help by Kathryn Stockett.