Thanksgiving 2020

 Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

We have always celebrated Thanksgiving together.

This year will be different in the US as well as in Italy and we will miss you.    Thanksgiving is a national holiday, held on the 4th Thursday of November.  

We propose 2 Virtual Events for Thanksgiving:

24/11/2020,  11 -  Webchat - Thanksgiving Proclamation, Lincoln -  Facebook LIVE American Corner Trieste.  A discussion about the history of Thanksgiving and Abraham Lincoln's announcement in 1863, proclaiming it an official national holiday. 

26/11/2020,  ore 15 - Celebrate Thanksgiving Day with Chef Marc Murphy of the Food Network on the Facebook Page - of the US Embassy to Italy.
10 American diplomats from the U.S. Embassy in Rome and the U.S. Consulates in Milan, Florence and Naples prepare their favorite traditional Thanksgiving Day dishes, showcasing America’s rich cultural and culinary diversity. Marc Murphy, celebrity chef from the Food Network, will engage with the cooks in their own kitchens across Italy.

Marc Murphy was born in Milan when his father was a US diplomat. He now lives in New York and owns several restaurants. Since 2009 he has starred in Chopped on the Food Network.

Tips for celebrating at home:

Happy Thanksgiving from Our Home to Yours.

Traditionally for Thanksgiving everyone tries to make it home to spend a few days with family. In  2019, over 55 million Americans traveled over this weekend.  No gifts are exchanged, but instead you spend time with your family and the main event is the traditional Thanksgiving meal - Roast Turkey and Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin Pie.  In addition on TV there are the Football games and parades - Macy's Day Parade in New York and the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena.  

This year because of COVID-19, travel and family reunions are not recommended, the parades have gone virtual and most football games are played without a live public in the stadiums.    

In any case, the Thanksgiving meal is a must.  Even if children and grandchildren can't come, families will celebrate at their own homes with the traditional menu, and perhaps with a virtual connection and with a smaller turkey!  Eating leftover turkey for a month is not feasible!  

The Associazione Italo Americana FVG has been celebrating Thanksgiving "in house" with 100 people, a buffet with 3 giant turkeys, side dishes and desserts cooked by our members and live music.  From 1961, the year of foundation of the association, until 2012 we celebrated in a restaurant.  In 2020, unfortunately, it is not possible to be together. Americans in Italy in any event will remember the holiday and prepare the traditional meal at home (maybe with a chicken instead of a turkey) and perhaps with a video call to friends and relatives near and far.  In recent years, many Italians have begun to celebrate Thanksgiving.