Se il Comune di Trieste annuncia la chiusura delle scuole a causa tempo inclemente, l' ASSOCIAZIONE ITALO-AMERICANA DEL F.V.G. / American Corner Trieste chiude e annulla corsi ed eventi. Se hai dubbi, troverai aggiornamenti sul blog e Facebook.
Policy for Winter Weather Closing:
In the event that the City of Trieste Closes the Public Schools because of Severe Weather, We also Close and Cancel Classes and Events.
If you are in doubt, you can always find updates on our Facebook Pages and Blog.
TESOL Trieste Local Group 2020
TESOL ITALY's mission is

Professional development activities offered to teachers:

- to develop the expertise of those involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages
- to foster professional growth and active participation in language teaching.

Professional development activities offered to teachers:

- Language improvement courses
- CLIL language improvement and methodology courses
- Pre-service and in-service training
- Self-development opportunities
- Training of teacher trainers
- All-day seminars
- After-school workshops
- Annual National Convention
- Local Group Activities
Janine Sprague Zolle, Local Group Coordinator, organizes periodic seminars and workshops in Trieste. Participation is Free of Charge for TESOL members and for 1st time attendees.
Contact us at:
Contact us at:
2020 Meeting Dates:
Jan. 24
Mar. 6
Apr. 17
Apr. 17
Closed for Vacation
Happy Holidays!
We will close from Friday, December 20th until Monday, January 6th.
Back and ready for classes on Tuesday, January 7th.
Looking for an English Class? Details HERE. Online registration always open.
You can check our blog or contact us via email:
See you in the New Year!
We will close from Friday, December 20th until Monday, January 6th.
Back and ready for classes on Tuesday, January 7th.
Looking for an English Class? Details HERE. Online registration always open.
You can check our blog or contact us via email:
See you in the New Year!
Bruce McGuire reading Robert Frost
🎄🎅Bruce McGuire, American Actor, was our Guest Reader for the Holiday Poetry Morning - December 13, 2019 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG during the Holiday Solidarity Market - Cucendo l'Integrazione.
Thank you Luca Weiser of Cineofficina for making the video!
Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
A Visit from St. Nicolas - Clement Clarke Moore
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
A Visit from St. Nicolas - Clement Clarke Moore
Holiday Solidarity Market - Cucendo l'Integrazione

Friday, December 13, 2019 - 10 am - 7 pm
- Handmade items, teddy bears, Sustainable bags, misc.
- Used books
Made by the Women of ICS and the men of the Refugee Bear Project
11 am - Poetry Reading - Christmas Trees by Robert Frost
Guest Reader: Bruce McGuire, American Actor
The story of Robert Frost's Christmas Cards
Poetry Reading - Christmas Trees by Robert Frost
Just in time for the Holidays!
Friday, December 13th at 11 am.
Reading of: CHRISTMAS TREES by Robert Frost.
Guest Reader: Bruce McGuire, American Actor.
Free Entry - During the Holiday Market.
Learn more about Robert Frost and his tradition of writing circular poems to his friends for Christmas.
The Smithsonian Magazine - Robert Frost's Christmas Cards - Robert Frost's Christmas Cards
Library of Congress - Christmas Greetings from Robert Frost
Robert Frost Reads - Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening
Friday, December 13th at 11 am.
Reading of: CHRISTMAS TREES by Robert Frost.
Guest Reader: Bruce McGuire, American Actor.
Free Entry - During the Holiday Market.
Learn more about Robert Frost and his tradition of writing circular poems to his friends for Christmas.
The Smithsonian Magazine - Robert Frost's Christmas Cards - Robert Frost's Christmas Cards
Library of Congress - Christmas Greetings from Robert Frost
Robert Frost Reads - Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening
Welcome to Trieste Ambassador Eisenberg!
December 10, 2019

Ambassador Eisenberg and Consul General Martinez at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
CLICK HERE to View the interview with Ambassador Eisenberg by Giorgio Bearz from RAI TGR FVG
Go to 12:00 for the Interview

CLICK HERE to View the interview with Ambassador Eisenberg by Giorgio Bearz from RAI TGR FVG
Go to 12:00 for the Interview
The Week Ahead: Dec 9-13, 2019
THIS WEEK: Assemblea dei Soci, Holiday Market, Coffee Break, Poetry Reading, Nati per Leggere. Spoiler! There are rumors of a Santa Visit in PreK and Elementary Classes this week!
Last week of FALL CLASSES. Registration for WINTER for NEW Students Opens on December 16th. Current students just confirm their participation.
Come see the Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo has been prolonged until December 10th. Come on down!
Mon, Dec. 9th9 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop
10:30 am - Nati per Leggere - Bilingual Italian / English - Early Childhood Reading 0-36 months
10 am - 7 pm - Holiday Solidarity Market - Cucendo l'Integrazione - All Day. Handmade Gifts from the Refugee Community. Available for a Donation.
10 am - 7 pm - Holiday Solidarity Market - Cucendo l'Integrazione - All Day. Handmade Gifts from the Refugee Community. Available for a Donation.
11 am - Short Story Club - Reading of The Christmas Trees by Robert Frost. Guest Reader: Bruce McGuire, American Actor
6:30 - Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci - We hope to see ALL our our Members! If you cannot attend, please make a proxy (delega)
Looking Ahead:
December 20-January 6th - Closed for Vacation.
Trieste, 3 dicembre 2019
E’ convocata
per il giorno 13 dicembre 2019 alle ore 17:30 in prima adunanza
per il giorno 13 dicembre 2019 alle ore 18:00 in SECONDA ADUNANZA
presso la sede dell’Associazione Italo Americana della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6, Trieste
per discutere e deliberare sul seguente
Concluderemo con un brindisi e lo scambio degli auguri.
Il Presidente
Leonardo Buonomo
Con la presente delego ……….......………...……………........................……….
a rappresentarmi all’ASSEMBLEA ORDINARIA dell’Associazione Italo-Americana FVG del giorno 13 dicembre 2019.
NOME E COGNOME DEL DELEGANTE……………………………...........……
FIRMA …………………………………………………………………….................
December 2019 Newsletter
BOOK , Volunteer Day, Registration
for Winter Session, VACATION! and lots more! Did you forget renew your membership? No problem!
Come on down during our office hours.
View the Newsletter
on the Blog in Text and in Calendar
Format. Forward the newsletter to a friend!
Mornings from 9-12: Tuesday and Thursday. Saturdays
Afternoons 4-7: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
We will be
CLOSED from December 20th – January 6th. No Classes, No Admin., No Library
2/12, 5 pm
Prevention & Awareness with Deondre Moore,
Ambassador for the Elizabeth
Taylor AIDS Foundation in collaboration with the Consulate General Milan,
Arcigay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia. In
Sala Veruda – Trieste.
13/12, 10
am – 7 pm - Holiday
Solidarity Market – In collaboration with the Women from ICS and
Refugee Bears. Handmade objects, food, used
books, poetry reading. Come on
down! All. Day. Long.
Volunteer Day – Volunteers, we salute and thank you! Volunteer for
an Inclusive Future.
Italy Ties Video Contest Winners! Claudia Lopes, Sofia Lippi and Federica Flego
from the American Corner Trieste submitted a winning 30 second video entry in
this contest organized by the US Embassy to Italy and won a trip to the Rome
for a one day full-immersion in US Diplomacy. Here’s their VIDEO.
We are an association. In order to participate in members only
events, attend the American Film Series, take a course, check out library
materials, you MUST be a 2019/20 MEMBER.
Our 2019/20 Membership Year began on September 1st.
Here is the Membership
Form. If you have been a member in recent years, we
can quickly upload your data in the office.
Membership prices remain unchanged. Euro 25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and
over, Teachers and 65 and over. Euro 35 – Intero. Membership is valid until August 31, 2020. Questions?
FOR MEMBERS ONLY – Not a member yet? What great
reasons to join!
at Teatro dei Fabbri – Via dei Fabbri
-Shows at 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm
You can
renew your Membership Cards at any time of the year. 9
great films including: Admission to
Films for Members Only. No single
tickets sold.
05/12 –GREEN BOOK. Starring: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali. Biography, Comedy, Drama. 130
minutes. Winner of 3 Academy Awards.
POTLUCK DINNER – Great food, music, people. View the PHOTOS of the event. Hope to see you
there next year!
2019/20 COURSES
FALL Classes end the week of Dec. 9-14.
If you wish to continue, please confirm at the Front Desk.
WINTER ONLINE Registration opens on December 16th, based
on availability. Winter classes begin on January 7th.
SPACE – every Friday from 4:30 – 7 pm – Free for Tweens and
Teens. Adult Mentor. Check out the
transformation of the space! Great job
Joshua and Kids!
& Friday mornings, 10-12 – Ladies’ Sewing Workshop with ICS.
12/12, 7 pm -
Women’s Book Club – The regular participants are
going out to dinner. No book this month.
10/12, 10 am – Tuesday Coffee Break – A cup of
coffee and great conversation in English.
to Janine Sprague Zolle, the Tesol Trieste Coordinator, on winning TESOL Italy Sirio Award for Excellence at the National Convention.
A call for
guest speakers. Are you an English teacher
who would like to lead a seminar or workshop for the Trieste Local Group? Would you like to be added to the TESOL Local
Group Mailing List? Send an email to tesolitalytrieste@gmail
REFUGEE BEAR PROJECT – Integration through
NEW ITEM! Bear in a Bag. Sustainable Wrapping! No need to wrap your gift and you can reuse
the bag. Just in time for the
Holidays! Refugee Bears make great
gifts! Look at our Refugee
Bear Migration Map. Tell us where your bear is and we’ll add your
location to the map! Send us a picture
and the location of your refugee bear and we’ll add it to Instagram. Follow the Refugee Bears on Instagram and Facebook . A call for fabric donations and large
buttons! Non-stretch materials
We are a
Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association. Volunteers
run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities. We are looking for Volunteers to Work at the Cinema, Help with Sewing and
with our Morning Activities at the Front Desk and in the Library, TESOL Speakers, Teen Maker
Space Mentors, Assistants for Nati per Leggere.
Send us an email and we’ll find a role for you. University of Trieste students in Humanities, P.R. and other majors can earn with us (CFU). We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours
(3 CFU). You'll have a great experience
and improve your English, while you also learn valuable life and people skills. Contact us!
2007, we have been part of the American
Spaces Network. Programs, consultation
of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always Free and
Open to the Public. A great place to
study, meet friends, bring your kids.
Specific sections of the library are dedicated to Educational Advising,
Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space.
Consult our on line
catalog of Books and DVDs. The American Corner also
offers Life Skills in English Courses for Refugees and Case Workers thanks to a
U.S. Department of State Grant and the US Diplomatic Mission to Italy. The American Corner promotes the Refugee Bear
Integration through Entrepreneurship Project, encouraging professional
refugee tailors to use their skills to produce the beautifully unique teddy
bears, using recycled materials.
Happy Holidays!
See you in 2020!
The Week Ahead: December 2 - 6, 2019
THIS WEEK - GREEN Book, HIV Prevention & Awareness, Teen Makers, Polare Express.
Come see the Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo has been prolonged until December 6th. Come on down!
Mon, Dec. 2
Thursday, Dec. 5
In 1962, Tony "Tony Lip" Vallelonga, a tough bouncer, is looking for work when his nightclub is closed for renovations. The most promising offer turns out to be the driver for the African-American classical pianist Don Shirley for a concert tour into the Deep South states. Although hardly enthused at working for a black man, Tony accepts the job and they begin their trek armed with The Negro Motorist Green Book, a travel guide for safe travel through America's racial segregation. Together, the snobbishly erudite pianist and the crudely practical bouncer can barely get along with their clashing attitudes to life and ideals. However, as the disparate pair witness and endure America's appalling injustices on the road, they find a newfound respect for each other's talents and start to face them together. In doing so, they would nurture a friendship and understanding that would change both their lives.
Fri. Dec. 6
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop
3 pm - Afterschool Hangout for Teens
4:30 pm - Teen Maker Space - Middle and High School Students
5 pm - Family Film - Polar Express - (2004) 100 min. with Tom Hanks.
On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas.
DECEMBER 13th - 10 am - 7 pm
HOLIDAY MARKET in collaboration with ICS
Handmade objects and Food. Available for a donation.
Come see the Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo has been prolonged until December 6th. Come on down!
Mon, Dec. 2
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop
5 pm - HIV Prevention & Awareness with Guest Speaker Deondre Moore - Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation - Sala Veruda - Behind Piazza Unità - Free Entry. Comune di Trieste with Aricigay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia and US Consulate General Milan.
5 pm - HIV Prevention & Awareness with Guest Speaker Deondre Moore - Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation - Sala Veruda - Behind Piazza Unità - Free Entry. Comune di Trieste with Aricigay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia and US Consulate General Milan.
American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri - Members Only.
Shows at 13:30, 16, 18:30, 21
GREEN BOOK. Dir. Peter Farrelly. Starring Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali. Biography, Comedy, Drama. 130 minutes. In 1962, Tony "Tony Lip" Vallelonga, a tough bouncer, is looking for work when his nightclub is closed for renovations. The most promising offer turns out to be the driver for the African-American classical pianist Don Shirley for a concert tour into the Deep South states. Although hardly enthused at working for a black man, Tony accepts the job and they begin their trek armed with The Negro Motorist Green Book, a travel guide for safe travel through America's racial segregation. Together, the snobbishly erudite pianist and the crudely practical bouncer can barely get along with their clashing attitudes to life and ideals. However, as the disparate pair witness and endure America's appalling injustices on the road, they find a newfound respect for each other's talents and start to face them together. In doing so, they would nurture a friendship and understanding that would change both their lives.

10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop
3 pm - Afterschool Hangout for Teens
4:30 pm - Teen Maker Space - Middle and High School Students
5 pm - Family Film - Polar Express - (2004) 100 min. with Tom Hanks.
On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas.
DECEMBER 13th - 10 am - 7 pm
HOLIDAY MARKET in collaboration with ICS
Handmade objects and Food. Available for a donation.
Conferma Partecipazione nella Sessione Winter
Siamo quasi giunti alla fine della Fall Session, le lezioni si concluderanno nella settimana dal 9/12 al 14/12.
Le chiediamo, se non l’ha già fatto, di CONFERMARE o DISDIRE l’iscrizione ai corsi della Winter Session (dal 7/01/2020 al 23/03/2020 per una durata di 10 lezioni) entro e non oltre il 7/12/2019.
Per procedere alla conferma può inviare una mail di risposta a questo indirizzo o recarsi personalmente al front desk della nostra associazione durante l’orario di apertura.
Gli iscritti alla Fall Session che confermano la loro iscrizione al corso invernale mantengono il loro posto.
A partire dal l 16/12 apriranno le iscrizioni ONLINE per eventuali nuovi partecipanti.
A partire dal l 16/12 apriranno le iscrizioni ONLINE per eventuali nuovi partecipanti.
Per procedere al pagamento le ricordiamo che il nostro IBAN è: IT 05 M 02008 02230 000005261887
I giorni, orari, e prezzi dei singoli corsi si possono trovare sul sito della nostra associazione, cliccando su:
La preghiamo di effettuare il pagamento della quota prima dell’inizio del corso.
Qui di seguito il link al nostro Calendario Scolastico:
Vi ricordiamo inoltre di ritirare le vostre tessere e le ricevute presso il front desk durante l’orario di apertura.
Speriamo di ritrovarvi a gennaio!
Deondre Moore - HIV Prevention Activist - December 2, 2019 - 5 pm
December 2, 2019, 5 pm
Palazzo Costanzi - Sala Veruda
Free Entry
Deondre Moore is a student Ambassador for the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation.
His visit is made possible thanks to the US Consulate General Milan in occasion of the World AIDS Day (December 1st).
Deondre will speak on Dec. 2nd at 5 pm in Sala Veruda at the Più o Meno Positivi Conference sponsored by the ASS1 Trieste in collaboration with ArciGay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia.
He is a college student who dedicates his free time to the Promotion of Peer and Community HIV Education and Prevention. Deondre Moore was diagnosed with HIV at the age of nineteen (2014) on the campus of Sam Houston State University as a Freshman and has since then dedicated himself to the promotion of peer and community HIV education and prevention.
Deondre became an official Greater Than AIDS ambassador after joining their SpeakOut Campaign, which promotes more open and frequent communication about HIV and sexual health in relationships, with health care providers, and within the broader LGBTQ community.
December 2, 2019, 5 pm
Palazzo Costanzi - Sala Veruda
Free Entry
Deondre Moore is a student Ambassador for the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation.
His visit is made possible thanks to the US Consulate General Milan in occasion of the World AIDS Day (December 1st).
Deondre will speak on Dec. 2nd at 5 pm in Sala Veruda at the Più o Meno Positivi Conference sponsored by the ASS1 Trieste in collaboration with ArciGay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia.
He is a college student who dedicates his free time to the Promotion of Peer and Community HIV Education and Prevention. Deondre Moore was diagnosed with HIV at the age of nineteen (2014) on the campus of Sam Houston State University as a Freshman and has since then dedicated himself to the promotion of peer and community HIV education and prevention.
Deondre became an official Greater Than AIDS ambassador after joining their SpeakOut Campaign, which promotes more open and frequent communication about HIV and sexual health in relationships, with health care providers, and within the broader LGBTQ community.
Due to his hard work in the community and amongst his peers, Deondre had the privilege of interning for the United States’ largest and most powerful LGBTQ civil rights organization, the Human Rights Campaign, at their headquarters in Washington D.C.
Deondre has held seminars on HIV/AIDS education and prevention on various University campuses as well as leading HIV positive people in the proper direction to get the care they need.
Deondre also serves as an official member of the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation ambassador cabinet, where he has worked closely with Elizabeth Taylor’s family, trustees, and a host of other influential friends.
As a member of the Undetectable equals Undetectable (U=U) steering committee and an official Prevention Access Campaign ambassador, Deondre has also played vital roles in expanding the messaging of U=U and bridging relationships between national organizations and PAC to continue spreading the knowledge and messaging of U=U.
Italian American Country - Book Presentation
Book Presentation - ITALIAN AMERICAN COUNTRY with Paolo Battaglia and Maurizio Bettelli
November 29, 2019, 6 pm
Free Entry
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
Italian American Country: Finding Italy in Small Town America by Paolo Battaglia.
November 29, 2019, 6 pm
Free Entry
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
Italian American Country: Finding Italy in Small Town America by Paolo Battaglia.
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