- to develop the expertise of those involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages
- to foster professional growth and active participation in language teaching.

Professional development activities offered to teachers:

- Language improvement courses
- CLIL language improvement and methodology courses
- Pre-service and in-service training
- Self-development opportunities
- Training of teacher trainers
- All-day seminars
- After-school workshops
- Annual National Convention
- Local Group Activities
Janine Sprague Zolle, Local Group Coordinator, organizes periodic seminars and workshops in Trieste. Participation is Free of Charge for TESOL members and for 1st time attendees.
Contact us at: tesolitalytrieste@gmail.com
Contact us at: tesolitalytrieste@gmail.com
2020 Meeting Dates:
Jan. 24
Mar. 6
Apr. 17
Apr. 17