All American Corner Activities are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
Have you renewed your MEMBERSHIP? Come in and we'll get you registered. The American Film Series 2015/16 Program is now available. The first film: Nov. 5th - Gone Girl.
Tuesday, September 29th
9:30 am- Mom & Baby Survival Italian Conversation
10am - Short Story Club - First Day of School by Jeffery Deaver. Come in and we will discuss this story that you will find online in the above link.
Thursday, Oct. 1st
9:30am -Mom & Baby Play Date in English
10am - Survival Italian Conversation for Adults
10am - Maker Creator Space - Come and let's make something together - sewing, knitting, crocheting in English with Federica
Friday, Oct. 2nd
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club
Saturday, Oct. 3rd
2pm - Model UN Workshop with the 9 students from the American Corner Delegation who will be attending the ROMUN2015 and the students from Diplomacy - Gorizia.
Planning Ahead:
Oct 6
3 pm - Conference: LGBT Social and Economic Inclusion - Justin Nelson - US National Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce with US Consulate Milan, Arcigay Arcobaleno, U. of Trieste Professors.
Oct. 18
11 am - Mother and Daughter Brunch - The Day of the Girl Child - Prepaid Reservations Required.
Oct. 20
8 pm - SCI FI Contacts Film and TV Series in collaboration with the course: Energia, Società Ambiente. Tra passato, presente e futuro, lecture series 2015-16 University of Trieste.
Oct. 23
5 pm - Halloween Party for Pre K and Elementary - Prepaid Reservations Required. AIA Members and their children only.
8 pm- Halloween Party for Middle and High School - Reservations Required.