It's going to be a busy week! Associazione Italo Americana FVG Classes begin.
All American Corner Activities are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
Have you renewed your MEMBERSHIP? Come in and we'll get you registered. The American Film Series 2015/16 Program is now available.
Tuesday, September 22nd
9:30 am- Mom & Baby Survival Italian Conversation
No Sharing and Relaxing today - If you are interested in an alternative session in the Carso on Friday, send us an email by Wednesday and we'll get you the details.

9:30am -Mom & Baby Play Date in English
10am - Survival Italian Conversation for Adults
10am - Maker Creator Space - Come and let's make something together - sewing, knitting, crocheting in English with Federica
Friday, September 25th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club
5:30 pm - Family Film Festival - Finding Nemo in English