What is it? A 10 hour Full Immersion English Fluency Boot Camp. Learn to communicate in English. During the weekend, we will be speaking and working ONLY English . . . and you will too! A great way actually SPEAK English (we know that you already studied grammar and vocabulary, but never spoke much!). Great for those who work long hours during the week, travelers, university students, people moving abroad. Of course we have regular classes for Adults and for Kids that meet once a week.
Here are the hours for the next Weekend Warrior Session (tot. 10 hours)
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 24 - 25 - 2 pm - 7 pm
You can't come for the whole time? We can work it out. Contact us at aiats.course@gmail.com
Cost: €125 (less 5% with IBAN Payment)
Weekend Warrior held 1 weekend each month. Each time is different! You can sign up for as many weekends as you wish.
Membership: In order to take a class with our Association, you must be a member. Membership: €35 - Intero, €25 - Ridotto (teachers, students 16 and over, age 65 and over). Membership is valid until Sept. 1, 2016. You will fill in a Membership Form.