Halloween will be celebrated in all of our Children’s Classes.
Festeggeremo Halloween in classe da venerdì 25/10 a giovedì 31/10.
I bambini possono arrivare in maschera se vogliano. Non occorre essere spaventoso! Anche le principesse, i poliziotti e i Power Ranger sono ben accetti!
Vi ricordiamo che SAREMO CHIUSI venerdì e sabato il 1 e 2 novembre. Si riapre lunedì 4 novembre.
Happy Halloween!
Children can wear costumes if they wish. For Halloween, any type of costume is great. Carnival type costumes are fine. It doesn’t have to be scary.
Exploring America in Italy: The Three American Corners Making Cultural Connections
Under the guidance of the U.S. Embassy to Italy and the Office of American Spaces in Washington D.C., and joining over 600 American Corners in more than 140 countries, Italy’s American Corners are creating spaces for connection, learning, and cultural exchange. With three locations now open, the American Corners in Trieste, Pistoia, and Palermo serve as lively centers for American culture, English language practice, and cross-cultural dialogue.
American Corner Trieste – A Trailblazer for Cultural Exchange
Founded in 2007, the American Corner Trieste was the first of its kind in Italy. Hosted by the Associazione Italo Americana FVG, this center has offered Trieste a range of American-centered programs: film screenings, language courses, cultural workshops, STEM activities, educational advising, skills building projects and even a celebrated Fourth of July event. The center is a valued part of Trieste’s cultural scene, drawing locals, students, and American enthusiasts alike. Its long-standing presence has paved the way for the American Corner concept to expand to other Italian cities.
YouLab Pistoia – A Fusion of Technology and Culture
The American Corner in Pistoia, known as YouLab Pistoia, is another key addition to Italy's network of American Corners. Although its exact founding year is unclear, YouLab Pistoia offers a unique twist by combining American culture with digital literacy. Hosted by the Biblioteca San Giorgio, YouLab Pistoia is a creative space where technology and culture meet. Programs include everything from English conversation practice to workshops on digital skills, empowering local residents with tools that blend American innovation and Italian creativity.
American Corner Palermo – Honoring Legacy and Building Future Connections
The newest addition to the family, American Corner Palermo, opened its doors in October 2024, with programming opportunities starting in 2025. Hosted by the Fondazione Falcone, this center stands as a tribute to intercultural friendship and the shared commitment to justice, given the Fondazione’s dedication to combating organized crime in Sicily. By fostering cultural exchange, this American Corner is poised to enrich Palermo’s cultural landscape, creating new avenues for understanding and collaboration between Italy and the United States.
What American Corners Mean for Italy
Each of these American Corners brings a unique dimension of American culture to its host city. Together, they offer an impressive array of resources, from language and digital skills to educational and cultural experiences that deepen the ties between Italians and Americans. With the American Corner network growing, the future looks bright for cultural exchange across Italy, fostering a sense of shared values and creating bridges between two vibrant cultures.
Whether you're a local, an American living in Italy, or simply curious, these centers are worth visiting. Check out an American Corner near you and dive into this unique blend of Italian and American cultures!
Video di Presentazione del Progetto Digital Storytelling - Paolo Borraccetti - Filmmaker
Trieste, 20 agosto 2024
Ai Dirigenti Scolastici e Insegnanti delle scuole superiori/Licei Oggetto: Workshops Gratuiti di Digital Storytelling per studenti
L’Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti, in collaborazione con l’Associazione Italo Americana FVG, offre workshops gratuiti per la creazione di cortometraggi documentari, rivolti agli studenti delle scuole superiori per l’anno scolastico 2024/2025.
Tematiche: Origini, inclusione, multiculturalità, e sfide dei ragazzi con background multiculturale.
Durata: 18 ore di Workshop con 3 sessioni in presenza e incontri online, più il lavoro di preparazione, riprese e montaggio di brevi documentari.
Venerdì 25 ottobre: 16-19 - Scrittura
Sabato 26 ottobre: 9.30-12.30 - Scrittura
Venerdì 15 novembre : 16-19 - Produzione
Sabato 16 novembre: 9.30-12.30 - Produzione
Venerdì 29 novembre: 16-19 - Post Produzione
Sabato 30 novembre: 9.30-12.30 - Post Produzione
Modalità: Gli studenti lavoreranno in gruppi di 4 per creare brevi documentari, utilizzando smartphone e computer personali per le riprese e il montaggio.
Iscrizioni e Selezioni: Numero massimo partecipanti: 12 (3 gruppi). Scadenza per inviare la candidatura: 11 ottobre 202418 ottobre 2024. Compilare il Google Form (https://forms.gle/Up98JGwC6aka8dse6)
Themes for the 2024 Fall Edition: American Road Trip
Initiative organized by Cedocs - Bolzano with the Associazione Italo Americana FVG, with the support of the Province of Bolzano - Bilingualism and Foreign Languages.
Instructor: Karoline Steckley, President of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
Participation: Free of Charge. ONLINE. .
Send an email to the following address to get the ZOOM LINK.info@cedocs.it
All the videos of the previous lessons are on the YouTube Channel under the title "I Video del Cedocs". Type Karoline Steckley.
1. Thursday 3/10 – ore 18 - American Road trip- then & now
2. Thursday 10/10 - ore 18 - The American South
3. Thursday 17/10 - ore 17 - Boston and the East Coast
4. Thursday 24/10 – ore 18 - New York
5. Thursday 31/10 – ore 18 - Out West
6. Thursday 7/11 – ore 18 - US Presidential Inauguration
7. Thursday 14/11 - ore 18 - The Midwest
8. Thursday 21/11 – ore 18 - California & Pacific North West
9. Thursday 28/11 – ore 18 -Native American Reservations
10. Wednesday 04/12 – ore 18 - National Parks then & now
Ballots were emailed on September 20/21 to those who filled in the FCPA Card. If you need help to print your ballot, we are here. Come to the office in the morning.
Posta Prioritario Internazionale costs around €5.50, depending on the weight.
On the Road to the Oval Office - October 2024 Events
Oval Office Film Series - FREE at American Corner Trieste
🎬🍿Ready for a Presidential movie marathon? 👔🇺🇸 Check out the OVAL OFFICE Film Series—where politics, power, and drama collide! 💥 Here’s the ultimate lineup:
October 9th, 10 am - 📺West Wing - TV Series (1999)
Season 1,
Episode 1 – The beginning of greatness 🌟
Disinformation in the Contemporary Landscape - Seminar
October 10, 2024, 15-18
At the University of Trieste - Department of Humanities -
Androna Campo Marzio 10, Sala Atti.
Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di Trieste - Dipartimento degli Studi Umanistici
United States Mission to Italy
American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
In English - Free and Open to the Public
Perspectives on the pervasive influence of disinformation in today’s media landscape, and the intersection of language, politics, and media.
Rachel Cooke -US Embassy to Italy Minister Counselor for Public Diplomacy
Piergiorgio Trevisan - University of Trieste
Massimiliano Demata - University of Turin
Nicoletta Vasta - University of Udine
BIOS of Speakers:
Piergiorgio Trevisan Università degli Studi di Trieste - Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - English language and Translation. Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics. His research interests include stylistics, critical discourse analysis, systemic functional linguistics for experimental stimulus design in neurolinguistics.
Rachel Cooke US Embassy to Italy - Minister Counselor for Public Affairs
Rachel has focused for 30 years on building U.S. relationships in Asia and the Pacific. Her leadership roles in the region have included U.S. Consul General in Perth, Australia, a year as Acting DCM for our 7 th largest global mission, the U.S. Embassy to Indonesia, and six months as CdA, a.i. for the U.S. Mission to ASEAN.
She spent two years in Afghanistan developing educational opportunities and engaging with the media, and another two years leading joint civilian-military training. Rachel served twice in Washington, DC, focusing on Afghanistan and on Southeast Asia. Earlier in her career she served in Malaysia, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan, where she was Acting Public Affairs Officer during both the 2005 and 2010 revolutions.
Prior to joining the Foreign Service Rachel worked for the EPA and for NASA, and was a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand teaching fish farming. She has learned Thai, Russian, Persian, Indonesian, and Italian.
In the summer of 2024 she became the Minister Counselor for Public Diplomacy at the US Embassy to Italy in Rome..
Massimiliano Demata (DPhil Oxford) is Associate Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Turin. He has published books, journal articles and book chapters on political and media discourse, the language of borders and the nation, populism, conspiracy theories and computer-mediated communication. His latest monograph are Discourses of Borders and the Nation in the USA (Routledge 2022) and, with other authors, Voices of Supporters. Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections (John Benjamins 2023). He has co-edited the volume Conspiracy Theory Discourses (John Benjamins 2022), has edited or co-edited four special issues of major journals, and is the editor of the Journal of Language and Discrimination. He has been visiting professor and has lectured in Austria, France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg, the UK and a Fulbright Scholar in the USA.
Nicoletta Vasta - Università degli Studi di Udine - Nicoletta Vasta is Full Professor of English Language Her research interests lie in domain-specific discourse analysis, multimodality and digital media in educational contexts, which she investigates from a systemic-functional and critical linguistics perspective. Formerly Vice-President of AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica), she co-edited a special issue of its journal "Textus" on "Identity Construction and Positioning in Discourse and Society" (with C.R. Caldas-Coulthard, 2009). Her latest volume is "Multiliteracy Advances and Multimodal Challenges in ELT Environments" (with A. Baldry, 2020). She is currently completing a monograph on podcasting as a hybrid genre and its ideological and educational impact on revisiting the past.
Il film commedia racconta la vera storia della nazionale di calcio delle Samoa Americane, considerata la peggior nazionale del mondo per le qualificazioni al campionato mondiale di calcio 2014. I temi tratti nel film sono: il lavoro di squadra, la perseveranza e la diversità.
Alla proiezione, Rachel Cooke, Console dell’Ambasciata USA in Italia farà una breve introduzione, e Elena SpinelliCoach Mentor assieme alla Alessia Pittoni, Studentessa triestina,e Karina Sandu, Studentessa torinese ci parleranno brevemente della loro esperienza a Los Angeles nel mese di giugno 2024. L’obiettivo del programma è stato quello di promuovere la leadership femminile tramite lo sport con dei workshop, incontri, sessioni sulla comunicazione e team building, eventi culturali, sportivi, e ovviamente gli allenamenti sportivi. A questo progetto hanno partecipato 50 ragazze di 9 nazioni.
Proiezioni del film in V.O. con sottotitoli in italiano:
10 ottobre 2024, ore 8:30
10 ottobre 2024, ore 11:00
Classi della terza media e i loro professori
Classi delle Scuole superiori (licei, istituti tecnici) e i loro professori
Capacità sala:
425 posti per ogni proiezione
Prenotazione obbligatorio, ad esaurimento posti.
Per tal motivo preghiamo i professori interessati di comunicarci il numero delle classi e il numero totale degli studenti partecipanti.
Eventualmente il progetto potrebbe rientrare nei progetti di PCTO. Vi chiediamo con anticipo di poter aprire una convenzione tra il vostro Istituto/liceo e l'Associazione Italo Americana in modo tale che le due ore svolte possano rientrare nei progetti di PCTO dei ragazzi.
L’Associazione Italo Americana del FVG propone un ciclo di 9 film in versione originale inglese presso il Cinema Super di via Paduina 4 – Trieste.
E’ possibile aderire all’iniziativa diventando soci dell’Associazione Italo Americana del FVG con una quota annuale di 25,00 euro per studenti maggiori di 16 anni, docenti e over 65 anni. La quota annuale per chi non appartiene a queste categorie è di 35,00 euro.
Il tesseramento è consentito a coloro che abbiano compiuto i sedici anni di età. Il Primo Film: The Challengers - October 24th.
Corsi di inglese 2024 2025
La registrazione alla Sessione Fall dei nostri corsi è aperta!!Ecco il LINK con tutte le informazioni.
E' in programma anche un corso di inglese per insegnanti. Scriveteci se siete interessati così possiamo iniziare a pianificarlo!!
Tesol Group
Abbiamo un gruppo locale Tesol Trieste per gli insegnanti!!
A breve ci sarà la "Convention" annuale a Roma il 6 e 7 dicembre
Scriveteci per ottenere informazioni o semplicemente per essere inseriti nel gruppo
#SportsDiplomacy programs leverage the power of sport to empower women and girls, and teach the skills necessary to build stronger, more inclusive communities.
In June 2024, the Sports Visitor Program hosted 58 participants from Taiwan, Czech Republic, Italy, Georgia, Israel, Brazil, Niger, Mauritania, Bangladesh, nine countries in collaboration with The Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy and PeacePlayers International in Los Angeles. Over two weeks, the youth athletes practiced basketball and soccer with American peers, attended professional soccer games, learned rugby basics, and trained at LAFC and Jumpman LA’s rooftop court. They also visited USC to work on writing, brainstorm entrepreneurial ventures, learn about leadership in sports, and practice mindfulness techniques. The success of the program was thanks to partners like the Center For Healing and Justice Through Sport, Positive Coaching Alliance, Jr. Clippers, Train the Mind, and UCLA Sports Performance Powered by EXOS. Thank you to all partners and facilitators for their contributions.
The Associazione Italo Americana FVG Participates in:
Photographic Exhibit - Trieste USA 1945-1954. Foyer of the Teatro Rossetti
21/10 , 6 pm - Le Ragazze di Trieste / Our American Days - Documentary Films with roundtable discussion - Teatro Rossetti - Karoline Steckley, Denise Tecchio, Chiara Barbo.
22/10 - 10 am - Repeat at American Corner Trieste
29/10 - 11 am - Repeat at American Corner Trieste
If you missed the shows, you can watch them on YouTube on these links.