Memorial Day 2024
Memorial Day, a U.S. federal holiday held the last Monday in May, is the nation's foremost annual day to mourn and honor its deceased service men and women.
Originally called Decoration Day, it was formalized by a "Memorial Day Order" issued by Grand Army of the Republic Commander-in-Chief John A. Logan in 1868.
Premiere - Cortometraggio - Digital Storytelling - Universitari
Premiere - CURRY MIX, Cortometraggio
Short Film - Digital Storytelling
🕝 17:00
📍 American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy

ULTIME NOTIZIE! Il film è finalista al Borderless Generation Audiovisual Festival di Gorizia e sarà proiettato al festival il 1 giugno 2024 e il vincitore sarà annunciato durante l'evento.
CURRY MIX - Un cortometraggio che esplora i complessi temi della migrazione, degli disaccordi generazionale e dell'integrazione tramite la gastronomia etnica.
Il Digital Storytelling Project è stato reso possibile grazie al sostegno dell'Ambasciata USA in Italia in collaborazione con Young For Fun, American Corner Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG,
Il cortometraggio Curry Mix è frutto del lavoro del Digital Storytelling Workshop Team, composto da 10 studenti dell' Università degli studi di Trieste e l'Università degli Studi di Udine, con il coordinamento di Susanne Seghayer e la supervisione della Prof.ssa Sergia Adamo, Alunno Fulbright.
Curry Mix è un cortometraggio che propone di adottare la prospettiva della seconda generazione di immigrati come mezzo per riflette sul tema delle migrazioni.
"Curry Mix" racconta la storia di un giovane di origine bengalese che naviga nella sua identità mentre lavora nel negozio di cibo etnico della sua famiglia a Trieste, in Italia. È bengalese, italiano o una miscela di entrambi?
Un ringraziamento a Irin Pavin Khan, del negozio Curry Mix, via Torre Bianca 22/B, Trieste, e alla sua famiglia.
Premiere - CURRY MIX, Short Film - Digital Storytelling
📆 Monday, May 20, 2024
🕝 17:00
📍 American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy
BREAKING NEWS! The film is a finalist in the Borderless Generation Audiovisual Festival in Gorizia and will be screened at the festival on June 1, 2024, and the winner will be announced at the event.
CURRY MIX - A short film that explores the complex themes of migration, generational disagreements and integration through ethnic gastronomy.
The Digital Storytelling Project was made possible thanks to the support of the US Embassy in Italy in collaboration with Young For Fun, American Corner Trieste, Associazione Italo-Americana FVG-
The short film Curry Mix is the result of the work of the Digital Storytelling Workshop Team, made up of 10 students from the Universities of Trieste and Udine, with the coordination of Susanne Seghayer and the supervision of Prof. Sergia Adamo, Fulbright Alumnus.
Curry Mix adopts the perspective of the second generation of immigrants as a means to reflect on the topic of migration.
"Curry Mix" tells the story of a young man of Bengali origin navigating his identity while working in his family's ethnic food shop in Trieste, Italy. Is he Bengali, Italian, or a blend of both?
Thanks to Irin Pavin Khan, of the Curry Mix shop, via Torre Bianca 22 / B, Trieste, and to her family.
TESOL Trieste Local Group 2023 24
cordially invites you to the Free Workshop:
From Disinformation to Digital Tools for Learning and Civic Engagement
We’re all spending more time online, and teens especially. A 2022 Pew research study found that 80% of teens report being on the internet frequently or “almost constantly.” How can educators help teens navigate the online world so that digital sources become positive tools for learning and civic engagement, rather than dangerous suppliers of misinformation and disinformation? This workshop will look at the state of teen digital literacy, and offer pedagogical tools and curriculum to help students become positively engaged in digital spaces.
hosted by:
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Friday, May 17, 2024 - 18:00-19:00
Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo, 6 – Trieste
This workshop will be held by Mary Battenfeld is a Clinical Professor of American Studies at Boston University, and currently a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Dr. Battenfeld received her B.A. in Linguistics from Swarthmore College, and her Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park, and has held previous Fulbrights in Indonesia and Nepal. She is the author of numerous articles on education history, curriculum, and policy, and co-author with Andrea S. Libresco and Jeannette Balantic of Notable Books, Notable Lessons: Putting Social Studies Back in the K-8 Curriculum (Libraries Unlimited, 2017).
Register to Participate at this link:
From Disinformation to Digital Tools for Learning and Civic Engagement
The deadline for registration is: Friday, May 17, 2024
For additional information: Janine Sprague Zolle, Trieste local group coordinator
#FactsMatter #CombatDisinformation #MediaLiteracy
cordially invites you to the Free Workshop:
Focus on Fluency
Discover the keys to unlocking fluency in your second language classroom! This workshop equips educators with simple strategies and hands-on techniques to nurture fluency in students. Dive into immersive exercises and leverage technology for dynamic learning. Join us and empower your students to thrive in a multilingual world!
hosted by
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Friday, February 23, 2024 - 18:00-19:00
Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo, 6 – Trieste
This workshop will be led by Karoline Steckley who is President of the Associazione Italo
Americana in Trieste, She holds a B.A. in French Language & Literature and an M.A. in Foreign Language and Literature from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. Currently, she teaches English at CIOFS FP, the University of Trieste, and at the Associazione Italo Americana.
Janine Sprague is the Director of the Associazione Italo Americana in Trieste. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in Bilingual Education from the University of Colorado at Denver. Currently, she teaches at the Associazione Italo Americana, as an online business language coach, and as a virtual educator for the U.S. Department of State.
Register to Participate at this link:
The deadline for registration is: Friday, February 23, 2024
For additional information:
Janine Sprague Zolle, Trieste local group coordinator
The event is open to TESOL Italy members. For those who are not TESOL Italy members for the current year, a free one-time provisional membership card will be issued. Conditions of this card will be explained onsite by the local group coordinator. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.*
Next Meeting: May, 17, 2024
QUESTIONS? Fill in this FORM and we will contact you.
What is TESOL Italy
What is TESOL Italy?
TESOL Italy (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a grass roots organization, run by teachers and for teachers. It is a non-profit Italian organization founded in 1975 by Mary Finocchiaro and Renzo Titone along with other foreign language teaching experts and pioneers. It has many members in Italy and abroad and is an affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in Virginia, USA, with over 11,000 members worldwide. TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016
What is TESOL Italy’s mission?
Its mission is to develop the expertise of those involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages and to foster professional growth and active participation in language teaching. This includes promoting community understanding of the role of language in a progressively changing environment while respecting individual language rights.
Who does TESOL Italy collaborate with?
TESOL Italy collaborates with people and organizations involved in English Language Teaching including:
Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR)
The U.S. Embassy – Public Affairs Section
The British Council
Other Professional Language Associations:
The Fulbright Commission
Italian universities
Regional educational authorities
What kind of professional development activities does it offer teachers?
- Language improvement courses
- CLIL language improvement and methodology courses
- Pre-service and in-service training
- Self-development opportunities
- Training of teacher trainers
- All-day seminars
- After-school workshops
- Annual National Convention
- Local Group Activities
Besides being able to take part in all professional development activities, members receive publications:
The Newsletter (five times a year) and the academic journal, Perspectives (twice a year). Members can
also start or join a local group anywhere in Italy.
What exactly are local groups?
Local groups are made up of at least five TESOL Italy members. These groups organize and hold
professional development activities in their areas. Existing groups are located in Benevento, Bologna, Formia, L’Aquila, Marche, Messina, Napoli, Palermo, Roma, TRIESTE, Val d’Adige, and Venezia.
TESOL Trieste Local Group The TESOL Trieste Local Group was officially recognized by TESOL Italy on January 1, 2018. Janine Sprague Zolle is the TESOL Trieste Local Group Coordinator.
A local group does many different things but basically it is a group of enthusiastic teachers who share a common goal – to engage in developing personally and professionally as EFL educators. The idea that “we are our own best resource” is empowering; it is the foundation of all grassroots organizations and what guides all local group activities.
Please remember that TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016
For more information about becoming a member of TESOL Italy, go to this LINK. The TESOL Membership Year is from January 1st until December 31st.
If you are a Teacher and have the Carta del Docente, you can use your funds to participate in TESOL initiatives.
Trieste Ukulele Club - Spring 2024
SPRING 2024 Meeting Dates. Saturdays, always from 10-12
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy
Loaner Ukes available for Meeting Days.
Our Meeting and WhatsApp language is English. Most songs are in English.
We are NOT experts. We learn and have fun together. Better Fun than Perfect.
We play versions of songs that are ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE, even the person who just started..
Our goal is to learn one song well each meeting.
If you are Advanced, you are welcome to play with us and then do an OPEN MIC of a song that you have been working on.
While are meetings are FREE, we encourage participants to become members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG to help support our efforts and take advantage of other opportunities.
Annual Membership 1/09/23 - 31/08/24: Reduced: €25 - students 16+, teachers, 65+, Regular: €35
Check out:
- Our YouTube Channel
- Our Trieste Ukulele Club Music Library
MEETING: May 18, 2024, 10-12
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
- Swing Strum: d du | d du | d du | d du
- Sheet Music
2) Featured Songs: Beatles -
Yellow Submarine - 1966 - McCartney/Lennon
3) Play through for an eventual performance (15 min)
- All 4 songs in one place
- Blowing in the Wind
- I Have a Dream
- Stand by Me
- Encore: You Are My Sunshine Fingerpicking Version
4) Open Mic
I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends
MEETING: May 5, 2024, 10-12
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
- Swing Strum: d du | d du | d du | d du
- Sheet Music
2) Featured Songs: Beatles -
Love Me Do - Debut Song 1962 - Lennon/McCartney
3) Play through for an eventual performance (15 min)
- All 4 songs in one place
- Blowing in the Wind
- I Have a Dream
- Stand by Me
- Encore: You Are My Sunshine Fingerpicking Version
4) Open Mic
MEETING: April 20, 2024, 10-12
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
- Swing Strum: d du | d du | d du | d du
- Sheet Music
2) Featured Songs: REPLAYS and PREP for an eventual Concert.
Proposed songs for a concert
You Are My Sunshine Fingerpicking Version
Other Suggestions? Ain't no Sunshine?
3) Open Mic
- Sheet Music - Revised 3/2/24
- Tutorial Play Along
MEETING: April 6, 2024, 10-12 🌞
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
- Swing Strum: d du | d du | d du | d du
- Sheet Music
2) Featured Songs: You Are My Sunshine - C F G
- Sheet Music - Revised 3/2/24
- Tutorial Play Along
Summer Nights Film Series 2024 - Call for Curators
2. Select a your 3 Films with at least 1 alternative film
- American Films
- Films must be shown with English Audio
- Preferably films of 2 hours or less (the longer your films, the longer you stay)
- DVD available in our Library or in your own Library (we will not purchase additional dvds)
- June 18/19/20 - American Dream (Susanne)
- June 25/26/27
- July 2/3/4 - Marilyn & Audrey (Francesca)
- July 9/10/11 - Frankenstein (Denise)
- July 16/17/18 - Fear of the Other (Abramo Rizzardi)
- July 23/24/25
May 2024 Newsletter
May 2024 NEWSLETTERAssociazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste |
ASSOCIAZIONE ITALO AMERICANA FVG NEWS May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Come to see Curry Mix, Film Produced by the University Digital Storytelling Team. Don't miss The Holdovers, the last film in the American Film Series. Still in time to register for Summer English Academy and the Open Day SPRING Office Hours: Mornings: Monday to Saturday 9-13 and Afternoons: Monday to Friday 17-19. We BE CLOSED on May 1st. |
SUMMER ENGLISH ACADEMY - Think Summer! The schedule is ready! Check out the dates. Great Weekly Themes! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
SUMMER ENGLISH ACADEMY OPEN DAY - May 8th at 17:30. Come and see us and learn more about the program.. QUESTIONS? Call 040 630301 in the morning or write to |
FINAL SHOW for the 2023/24 Season! Thank you Leonardo Buonomo for selecting such recent, award-winning and captivating films! Final Film: The Holdovers - 2/05/2024 at 10, 14, 16:30 & 19:30. You must be a Ridotto or Intero member to attend the films. Sorry, no single tickets and no one under age 16 can attend the movies. Members must be 16+. Your Membership Card gives you FREE ENTRY and discounts at Cinema Nazionale. What did you think of the 2023/24 Film Series? Reply in this short survey. |
Curate your own American Film Series this summer. 1 Theme. 3 Nights. 3 Films. 6 Curators. 6 Weeks of films. Submit your candidacy! |
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AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE Free Events are posted on Facebook Pages, Instagram and our Blog. FREE opportunities are made possible thanks to volunteers and the support of the government of the United States of America and the U.S. Embassy to Italy. The American Corner Library is open! Here is the American Corner Library Catalog. Check out a book, magazine dvd. Sorry, we no longer accept book or DVD donations. Here is a list of local Bookcrossings AMERICAN CORNER NEWS FREE ACTIVITIES in May: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() LOOKING AHEAD! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Digital Storytelling: a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share experiences and stories. 20/05, 17:00 - Premiere of "Curry Mix" Short Film by the University Team. FREE. A story of integration through food culture. If you missed it here is the LINK to the High School Short "A Drop in the Ocean". Project Objective: tell the stories of second generation Italians, immigrants and refugees in our area with Short Films. This initiative is made possible thanks to the U.S. Embassy to Italy and in collaboration with Young For Fun. |
US CITIZENS Vote from Abroad. Attention procrastinators! It's important! 2024 is a General Election Year. Send your FVCA form NOW to receive your Ballots for the calendar year. Go to Vote and return your ballot as soon as you receive it. U.S. Passport Renewal. Be travel ready! Check your expiration date. Credit Card payment now accepted! Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service for U.S. citizens traveling to, or living in, abroad so that the Department of State can assist in an emergency and supply information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. |
MAY STAFF PICKS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
TEACHING / LEARNING ENGLISH and STUDY in the US English Teachers - Check out FREE resources on American English at State for Educators and on Facebook – American English for Educators. Join TESOL and our Trieste Local Group IMPROVE your American ENGLISH Take a FREE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to enhance your English language skills and specialized content knowledge! The courses are self-paced for ENGLISH TEACHERS and ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS. STUDY in the US Fulbright Italy has a new website. Apply for a world of opportunities. EducationUSA website helps you plan your studies in the US. Were you a Fulbrighter or a US Govt. Exchange Alumni? We would LOVE to meet you to learn about your experience. The US Embassy to Italy offers Grant opportunities for Fulbrighters. Contact us. |