Christmas Holidays

Documentario: La Storia dell'Ucraina
L'Associazione Culturale Ucraina-Friuli, in collaborazione con l’Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, è lieta di invitarvi alla proiezione del film documentario "La Storia di Ucraina", diretto dal regista Akim Halimov e tradotto in lingua italiana da Vladislav Maistruc.
L’evento si terrà venerdì 20 dicembre 2024, alle ore 16:30, presso la sede dell'Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste in Piazza San Antonio Nuovo 6, Trieste (secondo piano).
Programma dell'evento:
Ore 16:30: Proiezione del documentario “La Storia di Ucraina”.
A seguire: Brindisi natalizio e mercatino di articoli di artigianato ucraino.
L’evento rappresenta un’opportunità unica per approfondire la storia e la cultura dell’Ucraina e favorire un momento di incontro e condivisione in clima natalizio.
Ingresso libero.
Per maggiori informazioni, contattare:
Associazione Culturale Ucraina-Friuli: https://www.ucraina-friuli.it/
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste: www.aia-fvg.blogspot.com
The Associazione Ucraina-Friuli, in collaboration with the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, is pleased to invite you to the screening of the documentary film "The History of Ukraine", directed by Akim Halimov and translated into Italian by Vladislav Maistruc.
The event will take place on Friday, December 20, 2024, at 4:30 PM, at the headquarters of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, located at Piazza San Antonio Nuovo 6, Trieste (second floor).
Event Program:
- 4:30 PM: Screening of the documentary "The History of Ukraine".
- Following the screening: Christmas toast and Holiday market featuring Ukrainian products and crafts.
This event offers a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of Ukraine's history and culture while fostering a moment of connection and sharing in the festive spirit.
Free admission.
For more information, contact:
- Associazione Culturale Ucraina - Friuli: https://www.ucraina-friuli.it/
- Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste: www.aia-fvg.blogspot.com
Wright Brothers - 1st Flight
Wright Brothers - Celebrating the First Flight
December 17, 1903
19/12/2024 - 10 am - Nova Documentary - Wright Brothers' Flying Machine -
The secrets of the Wright Brothers' innovative genius are explored in this historic episode, as NOVA marks the 121st anniversary of powered flight. Their first successful flight, on North Carolina's Outer Banks, took place in December 1903. NOVA examines a working model of the Wright Model B, first flown publicly in 1908. #PBSAmerica #NOVA #WrightBrothers #Aviation #History
Additional Resources
Wright Brothers National Monument - Kitty Hawk, North Caroline
Wright Brothers - Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum - Washington D.C.
Wright Brothers - Library of Congress - Washington D.C.
If you ask most people in the U.S. who invented the airplane, they would likely respond by saying it was the Wright Brothers. Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first controlled, motor-operated airplane flight 4 miles south of Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903.
That’s why Wright Brothers Day is celebrated annually on December 17th. This day not only commemorates the achievements of these two brothers but also the achievement of human flight.
The History of Wright Brothers Day
The history of this holiday can be traced back to the 1960s when a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress declared December 17, 1963, as Wright Brothers Day. Although this holiday was originally supposed to be just a one-off celebration for that year, Congress amended the resolution to designate December 17th as Wright Brothers Day going forward. This allows U.S. Presidents to issue an annual proclamation encouraging people to observe this holiday.
The Wright Brothers’ Interest in Aviation Began with a Toy
Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867, near Millville, Indiana. Orville Wright was born on August 19, 1871. Their father, Milton Wright, was a bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, and as a result of his duties, had to travel frequently.
When he returned from these trips, he would often bring back small toys for his five children. In 1878, he brought back a small model helicopter for his boys that was made from bamboo, paper, cork, and powered by a rubber band.
This model was based on a design by French aeronautical pioneer Alphonse Penaud. The toy fascinated the boys and resulted in them developing a lifelong interest in flying and aeronautics. The rest is history.
Interesting Facts About Aviation
We know there are probably quite a few people who are looking for some cool aviation facts to talk about on Wright Brothers Day, so we decided to list a few of them below. Hopefully, the following factoids will prove both interesting and fun to anyone reading them.
- Orville Wright’s flight lasted 12 seconds and only covered 120 feet.
- Wilbur Wright once quipped that he didn’t have time for both a wife and an airplane.
- The oldest airline in the world is KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, established in 1919.
- In 2019, an aircraft took off or landed every 37 seconds at Chicago O’Hare’s Airport.
- The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright Brothers’ first flight.
- The family of 747 planes has flown more than 5.6 billion people over the years. That’s the equivalent of approximately 80% of the world’s population.
- Pilots and co-pilots eat separate meals to prevent them both from getting food poisoning in case of food contamination.
Christmas Carol Service
Christmas Carol Service at Christ Anglican Church
Via San Michele 13 - Trieste
Sunday, Dec. 15th, 5 pm
The Week Ahead: December 16 - 21, 2024
S22/12 - CLOSED for VACATION - Contact us on this LINK.
Fine della Sessione Fall
I soci attualmente iscritti ai corsi possono confermare la partecipazione nella sessione Winter..
Dal 15/12 apriamo le iscrizioni ai nuovi partecipanti. LINK ai corsi.
I Corsi WINTER iniziano la settimana del 7 gennaio 2025.
The Week Ahead: Dec. 9-14, 2024
Monday to Saturday 9-13
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 5-7
02-15/12 - CONFIRMATION of Current Participants in English Classes.
Advanced Reading & Conversation Class for TEENS
Advanced Reading & Conversation for TEENS
Focus on Fluency
Especially for teens who:
✅ attended an International School
✅ have a Native Speaker Parent
✅ have lived abroad
✅ possess Advanced English Skills
Fridays - 15:30-17:30
Winter - 10 weeks - starting on January 10, 2025
Participants must meet with the instructor and take a placement test before they are accepted.
Meeting with prospective students / parents - Friday, December 13, 2024 at 16:30.
Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci 13/12/2024
1° convocazione ore: 16.30
2° convocazione ore: 17.30
1. Approvazione verbale dell’assemblea della seduta precedente
2. Approvazione bilancio consuntivo 2023 - 2024
3. Approvazione bilancio di previsione 2024 – 2025
4. Rassegna cinema
5. Report attività e corsi Associazione Italo Americana
6. Report attività American Corner
7. Varie ed eventuali
Il Presidente Karoline Jeane Steckley
Con la presente delego ……….......………...…………........................……….......... a
rappresentarmi all’assemblea ordinaria dell’Associazione Italo-Americana FVG del giorno 13
dicembre 2024
NOME E COGNOME DEL DELEGANTE……………………………............….....................…
FIRMA …………………………………………………………………….....................................
Trieste Ukulele Club - Fall 2024
FALL 2024 Meeting Dates. Saturdays, always from 10-12
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy
Loaner Ukes available for Meeting Days.
Our Meeting and WhatsApp language is English. Most songs are in English.
We are NOT experts. We learn and have fun together. Better Fun than Perfect.
We play versions of songs that are ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE, even the person who just started..
Our goal is to learn one song well each meeting.
If you are Advanced, you are welcome to play with us and then do an OPEN MIC of a song that you have been working on.
While are meetings are FREE, we encourage participants to become members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG to help support our efforts and take advantage of other opportunities.
Annual Membership 1/09/24 - 31/08/25: Reduced: €25 - students 16+, teachers, 65+, Regular: €35
Check out:
- Our YouTube Channel
- Our Trieste Ukulele Club Music Library
🎄🎅🤶MEETING: Dec. 7th - NEXT MTG. Jan. 18th
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
Performance Austin Ukulele Society
Original Bing Crosby and the Andrew's Sisters - with lyrics
CYNTHIA LIN - Mele Kalikimaka - video tutorial
Cynthia Lin Sheet Music - Mele Kalikimaka
3) Open Mic
I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends - 1st verse
MEETING: Nov. 23, 2024, 10-12 - Next Mtg. Dec. 7th
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
2) Featured Song -
Replay - Featured Song - Somewhere Over the Rainbow in C
- Sheet Music - Arrangement by Cynthia Lin
- Tutorial by Cynthia Lin
- Judy Garland Original - The Wizard of Oz (1939)
- Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole - Ukulele Version (2010)
- History of the Song
Replay - Yellow Submarine 1966 - McCartney/Lennon
Extra Credit Songs for future reference:
3) Play through for an eventual performance (15 min)
- All 4 songs in one place
- Blowing in the Wind
- I Have a Dream
- Stand by Me
- Encore: You Are My Sunshine Fingerpicking Version
4) Open Mic
I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends - 1st verse
MEETING: Nov. 9, 2024, 10-12
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
2) Featured Song - Somewhere Over the Rainbow in C
- Sheet Music - Arrangement by Cynthia Lin
- Tutorial by Cynthia Lin
- Judy Garland Original - The Wizard of Oz (1939)
- Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole - Ukulele Version (2010)
- History of the Song
Just because:
Yellow Submarine 1966 - McCartney/Lennon
Extra Credit Songs for future reference:
3) Play through for an eventual performance (15 min)
- All 4 songs in one place
- Blowing in the Wind
- I Have a Dream
- Stand by Me
- Encore: You Are My Sunshine Fingerpicking Version
4) Open Mic
I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends - 1st verse
MEETING: Oct. 19, 2024, 10-12
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
2) Featured Song - When the Saints Go Marching In. C G F
- Sheet Music
- Finger Style Tutorial
- Preservation Hall New Orleans Jazz Band Version
- Louis Armstrong Version with Lyrics - Singing at 1.10
- History of this Gospel Song
Extra Credit Songs for future reference:
- Sway - Sheet Music - Calico Arrangement
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Sheet Music - Cynthia Lin arrangement
- Somewhere over the Rainbow Tutorial and Play Along - Cynthia Lin
3) Play through for an eventual performance (15 min)
- All 4 songs in one place
- Blowing in the Wind
- I Have a Dream
- Stand by Me
- Encore: You Are My Sunshine Fingerpicking Version
4) Open Mic
I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends - 1st verse
MEETING: Oct. 5, 2024, 10-12
1) Warm Up: Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F
2) Featured Song - I Feel Good - James Brown- C F G7
Strum D DU UDU or Chucking D xU UxU or
- Sheet Music
- Original Song 1965 - Super Cool Dance Moves. James Brown in a Christmas Sweater from the film Ski Party. Go to 1:00 for the Song.
- Song with Lyrics - Sing along
- Original Song Performed in 2005
- Play Along - starts at 50:00 - not the best sound
3) Play through for an eventual performance (15 min)
- All 4 songs in one place
- Blowing in the Wind
- I Have a Dream
- Stand by Me
- Encore: You Are My Sunshine Fingerpicking Version
4) Open Mic
I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends - 1st verse
The Week Ahead: Dec. 2, 2024
02-15/12 - CONFIRMATION of Current Participants in English Classes.
December 2024 Newsletter
December 2024 NEWSLETTERAssociazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste |
ASSOCIAZIONE ITALO AMERICANA FVG NEWS December ![]() ![]() ![]() Regular activities continue: Trieste Ukulele Club, Women's Book Club, Teen Maker Space, Online Conversations, Digital Storytelling for Teens and more! FALL Office Hours: Mornings: Monday to Saturday 9-13 Afternoons: Monday to Friday 17-19 We will be CLOSED from December 23rd until January 7th. No Classes, Office, Activities. You can contact us on this FORM. |
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REGISTRATION For WINTER COURSES: Dec. 2nd - Confirmation of Current Participants. Dec. 16th - Registration of NEW Participants. Kids, Teens, Adults. Once a Week Classes. NEW Course- High School Advanced Reading & Conversation. QUESTIONS? Call 040 630301 in the morning or write to aiatriesteinfo@gmail.com |
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9 great American films FREE for Members Only at Cinema Super. Our films are in original version ENGLISH, with subtitles. You must be a Ridotto or Intero member to attend the films. Sorry, no single tickets. If your child under age 16 takes a course with us, one of the parents is a Member. If you take a course with us, and you're 16 or over, you're a Member. Membership Prices: €25 (Reduced) or €35 (Regular) memberships. A great gift for your teen, companion, friend, spouse. Get your Membership Card so you can get discounts at Trieste Cinema Group (all cinemas near Viale). You can pay online by credit card 24/24, with Cash at the Association, by POS in the mornings. |
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Friday, December 13th at 5:30 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are invited to submit a Proxy (delega). |
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eLibraryUSA is a digital collection of trusted information resources from the United States with quality newspapers, magazines, journals, books, and award-winning films and videos. Offered by the Office of American Spaces, U.S. Department of State, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy. Request your Free eLibraryUSA Individual Password. The American Corner - Paolo Bearz Library also has a great selection of Books, Dvds, Magazines that members can check out. The Children's Corner Library is full of wonderful resources. Come in during our office hours (until December 22nd) and get set for the holidays! |
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AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE Free Events are posted on Facebook Pages, Instagram and our Blog. FREE opportunities are made possible thanks to volunteers and the support of the government of the United States of America and the U.S. Embassy to Italy. The American Corner Library is open! Don't buy any more books in English. Here is the American Corner Library Catalog. Check out a book, magazine dvd. Sorry, we no longer accept book or DVD donations. Here is a list of local Bookcrossings Regular FREE Activities! Click on the links and register to participate. 4/12 at 18 - FREE Final Online English Conversation - American Road Trip about American Life and Culture with Karoline on Zoom. 6/12 - UnitedWithUkraine Holiday Event- Go to the link and contact the mentor for info. Fridays 6/12 & 13/12 - 15:30-17:30 - Teen Maker Space - for Middle & High School Students. 7/12, 10-12 Trieste Ukulele Club Holiday Edition. All Ages. All Levels. 12/12, 10 - Documentary: Our American Days & Le Ragazze di Trieste 19/12, 10 - Documentary: Wright Brothers Flying Machine 19/12, 18 - Women's Book Club - Educated by Tara Westover. |
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AMERICAN CORNER NEWS Thanks to those who attended our Extraordinary November Events.
Teachers! Mission Speakers - Have a US Diplomat speak to your High School or University Classroom via Zoom. |
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US CITIZENS YOUR VOTE COUNTS. Request your Absentee Ballots in January and you will be set for all elections in 2025. www.fvap.gov U.S. Passport Renewal. Be travel ready! Check your expiration date. Credit Card payment now accepted. If you're in the US, you can now renew directly online! Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service for U.S. citizens traveling to, or living in, abroad so that the Department of State can assist in an emergency and supply information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. |
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DECEMBER STAFF PICKS ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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TEACHING / LEARNING ENGLISH and STUDY in the US English Teachers - Check out FREE resources on American English at State for Educators and on Facebook – American English for Educators. Join TESOL and our Trieste Local Group . 6&7/12 - TESOL Italy Convention in Rome with several of our teachers in attendance for Professional Development. IMPROVE your American ENGLISH Take a FREE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to enhance your English language skills and specialized content knowledge! STUDY in the US Fulbright Italy promotes study in the US. Apply for a world of opportunities. EducationUSA website helps you plan your studies in the US. Were you a Fulbrighter in Italy or the US or a US Govt. Exchange Alumni? We would LOVE to meet you to learn about your experience. The US Embassy to Italy offers Grant opportunities for Fulbrighters. Contact us. |
WANT TO VOLUNTEER? ![]() ![]() |