THANKS FOR JOINING US and making the event such a success!
Here is the LINK to the PHOTOS OF THE July 2nd EVENT.
SATURDAY - July 2, 2022 at 6 pm
Sabato, 2/07/2022 dalle 18 in poi.
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Junior Alpina Baseball & Softball
Soldiers Field - SP 35 Km 4 (ex SS 202) in Opicina.
Take bus n. 4 or come by car.
Una serata stelle e strisce - A Red - White and Blue evening
Home Run Challenge e Slow Pitch

Kiosk con burgers e hot dog a pagamento - Burgers and Hot Dogs - Open Bar
👕 Indossa la maglia della tua squadra preferita! Porta il guanto da baseball! Wear your team shirt! Bring your baseball mitt!
🎸UKULELE Jam Session con il Trieste Ukulele Club - Porta il tuo Ukulele oppure, ti prestiamo uno noi! Non Suoni? Canta! Tutti sono benvenuti! Bring your Ukulele for a Jam Session - If you don't have one, we have lenders. Can't play? Sing! All are welcome.
🇺🇸 🗳️ American Citizens - Did you request your Absentee Ballot for the 2022 mid-term elections? Most states require you to fill in the FVAP Card every year. Go on the website, fill in your form and we will send it to the the US with the Diplomatic Pouch from the Consulate. Yes. Your vote is counted. Your vote counts.
Participate in the #JulyUSA contest and win an invitation to the Independence Day Celebration at the US Embassy in Rome.
Are you between 18 and 28 years old ?
Tell us your idea of freedom!
Participate in the #JulyUSA contest - through a photograph or elaborate graphic, or by making a short video (max. 30 seconds) in which you share your idea of freedom, inspired by the famous phrase included in the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The authors of the elaborate graphic and video that will be judged winners by the United States Embassy will be invited to attend the 2022 Independence Day celebration in Rome.
Submit your work here: - DEADLINE: JUNE 20th
The finished product will have to meet the following criteria:
- The final image or video format is free — horizontal, vertical or square — and may consist of one or more contributions chosen from video images, photos, text and graphic elements;
- The video will have a maximum duration of 30 seconds and it should be in high resolution, with good audio quality;
- The author of the image or video will have to retain the rights to use the images and/or the audio/video fragments used.