July / August 2022 Newsletter
US Citizen Absentee Voters
Midterm Elections are coming up in November 2022. Request your absentee ballot.
Do it NOW while it's on your mind. www.fvap.gov Yeah... This is your mom talking. (P.S. Remember to sign and date your form)
While we're on topic... remember to FILL IN YOUR BALLOT and MAIL IT BACK as soon as you receive it.
Questions? See you on July 2nd at our US Voting Assistance table at the Independence Day Celebration.
No Masks Required!
We are so happy to inform you that as of June 16, 2022, Face Masks are no longer required to enter the Associazione Italo Americana / American Corner Trieste.
If you prefer, you can continue to wear your mask.
Games Day
Calling all TEENS. Come to Games Day in English.
Tuesday, June 14th - 10-12.
FREE with Meagan from America House Kyiv .
Building Blocks for Career Development for Teachers
FRIDAY JUNE 10, 2022 @ 18.00 - 19.00
June 2022 Newsletter