Associazione Italo Americana FVG SPRING session classes began last week. There are still 9 more weeks. Did you forget to register? No problem. Come on down and we'll get you signed up.
Looking ahead to summer? Yes, we can. Here is the Summer STEAM Program for kids from age 3-19. For Pre K, Elementary, Middle School, High School Students. Learn English and much more by doing, making, creating. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics.
April 1-30th - PLACES without PEOPLE - Collaborative Photographic Exhibit - High School Students fromAmerican Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG and Abington Friends School Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. Free and Open to the Public during our Office Hours. Le Vie delle Foto.
Tuesday, Apr. 12th
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian (AC)
10 am - Coffee Break - A cup of coffee and some great conversation in English. ( AC)
Thursday, April 14th
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English (0-3 years) (AC)
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults (AC)
10 am - Maker Space (AC) Making Curtains for our Space.
Friday, April 15th