ASSOCIAZIONE ITALO AMERICANA FVG NEWS June! Finally! School is almost over and summer is here. Thank you to our members, English language learners - young and old, program participants, our teachers, our administrative staff and our volunteers for making it a great year!Join us for the U.S. Navy Top Side Brass Band Concert. How about a Summer Film or Kids Flix? There are still some places available in the Summer English Academy. Office Hours Until June 15th: Mornings: Monday to Saturday 9-13 and Afternoons: Monday to Friday 17-19.Office Hours from June 17thMornings: Monday to Friday 9-13 and Afternoons: Wednesday 17-19.
The final film in the 2023/24 Season was The Holdovers, a true gem that ended on an unexpectedly joyous note. We hope to see you at the movies again in 2024/25. You can renew your membership in September. What did you think of the 2023/24 Film Series? Reply in this short survey by June 8th. Below is the LINK. We made the link very big so you don't forget. Your opinion is important. |
Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 9 p.m. in Piazza Verdi - Trieste
Join us for a night of fantastic music as we celebrate Independence Day with the Navy Band! This event is FREE and marks the kick-off of the TriesteLovesJazz Festival.
FREE Films in ENGLISH shown at AIAFVG / American Corner Trieste.Bring your friends and all the neighborhood kids.Summer Nights June Themes: The American Dream and Musicals. Kids Flix: Lilo & Stich and Wall-E. Thanks to our 5 Film Curators who will introduce the films to you at the screenings! Susanne, Francesca, Denise, Karoline, Abramo. Susanne's American DreamJune 18 La La LandJune 19 The Pursuit of HappynessJune 20 Revolutionary Road Karoline's MusicalsJune 25 Top HatJune 26 Singing in the RainJune 27 On the TownKIDS FLIXJune 19 Lilo and StitchJune 26 Wall-E |
AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE Free Events are posted on Facebook Pages, Instagram and our Blog. FREE opportunities are made possible thanks to volunteers and the support of the government of the United States of America and the U.S. Embassy to Italy.
The American Corner Library is open! Here is the American Corner Library Catalog. Check out a book, magazine dvd. Sorry, we no longer accept book or DVD donations. Here is a list of local Bookcrossings
SUMMER NIGHTS and KIDS FLIX Films -June 18-July 18. See Above Trieste Ukulele Club - Regular meetings will start again in October. As you read this, some of us are at the Monopolele Ukulele Festival. |
US CITIZENS Vote from Abroad. Attention procrastinators! It's important! 2024 is a General Election Year. Send your FVCA form NOW to receive your Ballots for the calendar year. Go to Vote and return your ballot as soon as you receive it. U.S. Passport Renewal. Be travel ready! Check your expiration date. Credit Card payment now accepted! Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service for U.S. citizens traveling to, or living in, abroad so that the Department of State can assist in an emergency and supply information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. |
Take a FREE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to enhance your English language skills and specialized content knowledge! The courses are self-paced for ENGLISH TEACHERS and ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS. STUDY in the US
Fulbright Italy has a new website. Apply for a world of opportunities. EducationUSA website helps you plan your studies in the US. Were you a Fulbrighter or a US Govt. Exchange Alumni? We would LOVE to meet you to learn about your experience. The US Embassy to Italy offers Grant opportunities for Fulbrighters. Contact us. |
WANT TO VOLUNTEER? We are a volunteer, non-profit association with openings in the Teen Maker Space, Craft Workshop, Cinema Check-In and for University Students for Internship Credits. Fill in this FORM and we'll get back to you.
US and INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL DAYS June: LGBTQI+ Pride Month and National Caribbean-American Heritage Month June 1: Global Day of Parents June 3: World Bicycle Day June 4: International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression June 5: World Environment Day June 8: World Ocean Day June 12: World Day Against Child Labour June 14: National Flag Day June 18: Father's Day in the USA June 19: Juneteenth June 20: World Refugee Day June 26: International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking |