The Week Ahead: Nov. 25-29, 2019

THIS WEEK -  Road Trip USA continues with Short Story Club with stories on the road, the documentary: 10 Streets that Changed America. Italian American Country: Finding Italy in Small Town America by Paolo BattagliaBook Presentation. Come see the Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo, How about Teen Makers.  Come on down!  

Mon, Nov. 25
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop

Tues. Nov. 26
10 am - Short Story Club - Discussing in English some excerpts from:
Travels with Charley – John Steinbeck (1962)
In 1960, when he was almost sixty years old, John Steinbeck set out to rediscover his native land. He felt that he might have lost touch with its sights, sounds and the essence of its people. Accompanied only by his dog, Charley, he travelled all across the United States in a pick-up truck.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert Pirsig (1974)
The narration of a summer motorcycle trip across America's Northwest, undertaken by a father and his young son.   A story of love and fear -- of growth, discovery, and acceptance -- that becomes a profound personal and philosophical odyssey into life's fundamental questions.

Thursday, Nov. 28th 
Thanksgiving Day in the USA!
10 am - Documentary: 10 Streets that Changed America – In English (2018) 55 min. PBS Documentary.  55 min.
How streets have connected the nation, divided communities, and changed the way Americans live, work, and shop.

7 pm - Women's Book Club - Martin Eden by Jack London

Thurs. Nov. 29
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop
3 pm - Afterschool Hangout for Teens
4:30 pm - Teen Maker Space - Middle and High School Students

Paolo Battaglia traveled 20,000 miles from New York to California to find small communities of Italian Americans living all over the country. Battaglia interviewed hundreds of people, to understand their American life and its connection to their past in Italy.