Deondre Moore - HIV Prevention Activist - December 2, 2019 - 5 pm

December 2, 2019, 5 pm
Palazzo Costanzi - Sala Veruda
Free Entry

Deondre Moore is a student Ambassador for the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation.  
His visit is made possible thanks to the US Consulate General Milan in occasion of the World AIDS Day (December 1st).

Deondre will speak on Dec. 2nd at 5 pm in Sala Veruda at the Più o Meno Positivi Conference sponsored by the ASS1 Trieste in collaboration with ArciGay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia.  

He is a college student who dedicates his free time to the Promotion of Peer and Community HIV Education and Prevention.  Deondre Moore was diagnosed with HIV at the age of nineteen (2014) on the campus of Sam Houston State University as a Freshman and has since then dedicated himself to the promotion of peer and community HIV education and prevention. 

Deondre became an official Greater Than AIDS ambassador after joining their SpeakOut Campaign, which promotes more open and frequent communication about HIV and sexual health in relationships, with health care providers, and within the broader LGBTQ community.
Due to his hard work in the community and amongst his peers, Deondre had the privilege of interning for the United States’ largest and most powerful LGBTQ civil rights organization, the Human Rights Campaign, at their headquarters in Washington D.C.
Deondre has held seminars on HIV/AIDS education and prevention on various University campuses as well as leading HIV positive people in the proper direction to get the care they need.
Deondre also serves as an official member of the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation ambassador cabinet, where he has worked closely with Elizabeth Taylor’s family, trustees, and a host of other influential friends.
As a member of the Undetectable equals Undetectable (U=U) steering committee and an official Prevention Access Campaign ambassador, Deondre has also played vital roles in expanding the messaging of U=U and bridging relationships between national organizations and PAC to continue spreading the knowledge and messaging of U=U.

Italian American Country - Book Presentation

Book Presentation - ITALIAN AMERICAN COUNTRY with Paolo Battaglia and Maurizio Bettelli
November 29, 2019, 6 pm 
Free Entry
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste

 Italian American Country: Finding Italy in Small Town America by Paolo Battaglia.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful day!  YES. We ARE OPEN.

View the photos from the Thanksgiving 2019 Potluck Dinner at this LINK.  

You're still in time to take a Thanksgiving Selfie!  We'll print
the photo for you.

This morning Karoline and Denise were on RAI TGR Buongiorno Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia to speak about Thanksgiving.  View the segment at this LINK. Go to Buongiorno Regione FVG 28/11/2019 - around 21:06.  

Spaghetti and Meatballs Video - US-Italian Ties Contest - US Embassy to Italy

The 10 winners of #italyusties!🇺🇸🎥🇮🇹 Claudia Lopes, Federica Flego e Sofia Lippi per l’American Corner Trieste 🥇🏆 Food ties us together. Spaghetti & Meatballs, piatto creato dagli immigrati negli Stati Uniti e mangiato ovunque. Claudia Lopes, Federica Flego and Sofia Lippi for the American Corner Trieste 🥇🏆 Food ties us together. Spaghetti & Meatballs, dish created by immigrants in the United States and eaten everywhere.
The Winning Video teams at the US Embassy to Italy for a 1 day Full Immersion in U.S. Diplomacy.  November 26, 2019

The Week Ahead: Nov. 25-29, 2019

THIS WEEK -  Road Trip USA continues with Short Story Club with stories on the road, the documentary: 10 Streets that Changed America. Italian American Country: Finding Italy in Small Town America by Paolo BattagliaBook Presentation. Come see the Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo, How about Teen Makers.  Come on down!  

Mon, Nov. 25
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop

Tues. Nov. 26
10 am - Short Story Club - Discussing in English some excerpts from:
Travels with Charley – John Steinbeck (1962)
In 1960, when he was almost sixty years old, John Steinbeck set out to rediscover his native land. He felt that he might have lost touch with its sights, sounds and the essence of its people. Accompanied only by his dog, Charley, he travelled all across the United States in a pick-up truck.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert Pirsig (1974)
The narration of a summer motorcycle trip across America's Northwest, undertaken by a father and his young son.   A story of love and fear -- of growth, discovery, and acceptance -- that becomes a profound personal and philosophical odyssey into life's fundamental questions.

Thursday, Nov. 28th 
Thanksgiving Day in the USA!
10 am - Documentary: 10 Streets that Changed America – In English (2018) 55 min. PBS Documentary.  55 min.
How streets have connected the nation, divided communities, and changed the way Americans live, work, and shop.

7 pm - Women's Book Club - Martin Eden by Jack London

Thurs. Nov. 29
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop
3 pm - Afterschool Hangout for Teens
4:30 pm - Teen Maker Space - Middle and High School Students

Paolo Battaglia traveled 20,000 miles from New York to California to find small communities of Italian Americans living all over the country. Battaglia interviewed hundreds of people, to understand their American life and its connection to their past in Italy.

The Week Ahead: Nov. 18-23, 2019

THIS WEEK - Old Man & the Gun, American Film Series, Thanksgiving! Nati per Leggere, Parenting Conference and more!   Road Trip USA continues with the film: Planes, Trains and Automobiles.  Come see the Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo, How about Teen Makers...Did you reserve for Thanksgiving?  Come on down!  

Mon, Nov. 18
18/11, 10 am - Michael Palumbo, speaker at the TESOL Italy Convention
Music of the Civil Rights Movement.  
Fo English and History Teachers, with the participation of a class from Carducci High School.
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop - Free
8 pm - Film: Planes, Trains and Automobiles. - See Above

Tues. Nov. 19
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break

10 am - Film:  Planes, Trains and Automobiles - FREE in English with English Subtitles
All that Neal Page wants to do is to get home for Thanksgiving. His flight has been cancelled due to bad weather, so he decides on other means of transport. As well as bad luck, Neal is blessed with the presence of Del Griffith, shower curtain ring salesman and all-around blabbermouth who is never short of advice, conversation, bad jokes, or company. And when he decides that he is going the same direction as Neal, they travel together.
8 pm - Film: Planes, Trains and Automobiles - See Above

Thurs. Nov. 21

10 am - Nati per Leggere - Early Childhool Bilingual English/Italian  Reading 0-36 months.  In occasion of the UN DAY of Children's Rights

American Film Series - 13:30. 16, 18:30, 21 - Teatro dei Fabbri - Members ONLY

OLD MAN & the GUN. Dir. David Lowery. Starring Robert Redford, Sissy Spacek. Biography, Comedy. 93 minutes.
Based on the true story of Forrest Tucker and his audacious escape from San Quentin at the age of 70 to an unprecedented string of heists that confounded authorities and enchanted the public.

6 pm - PARENTING CONFERENCE - Seeking Autonomy - Sul Sentiero dell'Autonomia - in ITALIAN - FREE - with the Psychologist from the International School of Trieste
Learning to support our children in every phase of development. Recommended for parents of Elementary and Middle School students.  / Impariamo a sostenere i figli in ogni fase della loro crescita – consigliato per asilo elementari e medie

Fri. Nov. 22
10 am - Ladies of Bonomo Sewing Workshop - Free
3 pm - Afterschool Hangout for Teens
4:30 pm - Teen Maker Space - FREE for Middle and High School Students-  Looking great!  Come and check out the evolving space.
5 pm - Family Film - CARS 

  Members ONLY

Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner 2019

Associazione Italo Americana FVG

2019/20 Members and their Families ONLY

  • Pre-Paid Reservation and Donation Required.
  • Reservations Accepted in the Office - During Office Hours.  
  • You are not reserved until you have made your donation.


Suggested *Donations:

  • €15 - Adults (over age 12)
  • €5 - Children (5-12)
  • Children under age 5 - Free

* This Event is an Annual Fund Raiser for the Associazione.  Once we have covered the costs of the Turkey, Music and SIAE, the proceeds go to finance new purchases for our Library.  

All participants bring:

  • A Traditional Side Dish or
  • A Traditional Dessert or
  • Wine or Beverages to Share

AIA FVG Provides:

  • Turkey!
  • Tableware, glasses, plates.
  • Live Music with 5 +1 

Conferences for Parents - in collaboration with IST

This Fall the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste in collaboration with the International School of Trieste will host some evening Parenting Conferences with guest speaker Dr. Paola Grassi - Psychologist.
These Conferences will be FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  


Conferences for Parents - Fall, 2019
In collaboration with IST
 at the
Associazione Italo Americana FVG
American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo, 6 – Trieste

Free Entry – Ingresso Libero

Speaker:  Dr. Paola Grassi, Psychologist

Thursday, 24 Ottobre @ 6pm at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Returning to classic games with new suggestions for limiting use of phones and other devices / Il recupero dei giochi di una volta e nuovi suggerimenti per arginare l'uso dei cellulari e dispositivi elettronici – consigliato per tutte le fasce d'età!

Thursday, 21 Novembre @ 6pm at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Learning to support our children in every phase of development. Recommended for parents of Elementary and Middle School students.  / Impariamo a sostenere i figli in ogni fase della loro crescita – consigliato per asilo elementari e medie

The Week Ahead: Nov. 11-15, 2019

THIS WEEK - Road Trip USA continues with the film:  Nebraska.  Come see the Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo, How about Teen Makers...Did you reserve for Thanksgiving?  Come on down!  

Tues, Nov. 12

10 am - Film: Nebraska In English with English Subtitles - FREE at American Corner Trieste
(2013) Starring Bruce Dern – Comedy Drama, 155 min.
"NEBRASKA" is a father and son road trip, from Billings, Montana to Lincoln, Nebraska that gets waylaid at a small town in central Nebraska, where the father grew up and has scores to settle. Told with deadpan humor and a unique visual style, it's ultimately the story of a son trying to get through to a father he doesn't understand.

10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop - Free
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate - Free
8 pm - Film: Nebraska (see info above) - Next week: Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Thurs. Nov. 14

10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop - Free
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate - Free

Fri. Nov. 15

4:30 pm - Teen Maker Space - FREE for Middle and High School Students-  Looking great!  Come and check out the evolving space.

Nov. 15/16 - TESOL Italy National Convention in Rome. 
If you're an English teachers, you are still in time to attend the TESOL Convention.  All day Thursday and Friday.  


Members Only.  Prepaid Reservation Required.  Not a member yet?  What another great reason to become one! 

TESOL - American History through Music

18/11, 10 am - Michael Palumbo, speaker at the TESOL Italy Convention
Music of the Civil Rights Movement.  

English and History Teachers, contact if you would like to attend.

TESOL Itay National Convention - Nov. 15-16, 2019

Please note that the deadline to register for the TESOL Italy National Conventional has now been extended to 8th November 2019. Please see below for further details.


Here is the LINK to the flyer of TESOL Italy's 44th National Convention "Redesigning ELT in the 21st Century", which will be held in Rome on November 15-16, 2019. You can find the flyer here:

In the flyer you will find the following information:

1) a list of the speakers that will present a paper and titles of their presentations;
2) the pre-registration form and convention fees;
3) information on how to get to the convention site;
4) a list of hotels, B&Bs and religious guesthouses in the convention site area;

The program this year is quite rich: around 90 sessions and four plenary sessions. Special attention has been paid to primary school teachers who will find a dedicated path in room 2 in all time slots.

Furthermore, one of our plenary speakers sent us a short video about his plenary talk at our Convention. We are very pleased to share it with you:
Please feel free to share this video with anyone who may be interested in the themes of this year's Convention.

For further information and/or clarification, please contact TESOL Italy's central office in Rome or visit:

Road Trip USA Thematic Events - Nov. 2019

ROAD TRIP USA 2019 – November 2019
Thematic Events
All FREE and OPEN to the Public
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant’ANTONIO Nuovo, 6 - Trieste

Thursday, Nov. 7th – 6 pm
Inauguration of Hidden Route 66 Photographic Exhibit
The Exhibit runs through 30/11
Visit during our hours: afternoons Monday to Friday 4-7 and mornings Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9-12

Tuesday, Nov. 12th 10 am and 8 pm
Film: Nebraska
In English with English Subtitles - (2013) Starring Bruce Dern – Comedy Drama, 155 min.
"NEBRASKA" is a father and son road trip, from Billings, Montana to Lincoln, Nebraska that gets waylaid at a small town in central Nebraska, where the father grew up and has scores to settle. Told with deadpan humor and a unique visual style, it's ultimately the story of a son trying to get through to a father he doesn't understand.

Tuesday, Nov. 19th – 10 am and 8 pm
In English with English Subtitles - (1987) Starring Steve Martin and John Candy – Comedy , 120 min.
All that Neal Page wants to do is to get home for Thanksgiving. His flight has been cancelled due to bad weather, so he decides on other means of transport. As well as bad luck, Neal is blessed with the presence of Del Griffith, shower curtain ring salesman and all-around blabbermouth who is never short of advice, conversation, bad jokes, or company. And when he decides that he is going the same direction as Neal, they travel together.

Friday, Nov. 22th – 5 pm
Film:  Cars
In English with English Subtitles - (2006) Animation, 120 min.
While traveling to California for the dispute of the final race of the Piston Cup against The King and Chick Hicks, the famous Lightning McQueen accidentally damages the road of the small town of Radiator Springs and is sentenced to repair it. Lightning McQueen has to work hard and finds friendship and love in the simple locals, changing its values during his stay in the small town and becoming a true winner. 

Tuesday, Nov. 26 – 10 am
Short Story Club - Discussing in English some excerpts from:
Travels with CharleyJohn Steinbeck (1962)
In 1960, when he was almost sixty years old, John Steinbeck set out to rediscover his native land.
He felt that he might have lost touch with its sights, sounds and the essence of its people. Accompanied only by his dog, Charley, he travelled all across the United States in a pick-up truck.
The narration of a summer motorcycle trip across America's Northwest, undertaken by a father and his young son.   A story of love and fear -- of growth, discovery, and acceptance -- that becomes a profound personal and philosophical odyssey into life's fundamental questions.

Thursday, Nov. 28th – 10 am
In English (2018) 55 min. PBS Documentary.  55 min.
How streets have connected the nation, divided communities, and changed the way Americans live, work, and shop.
Friday, Nov. 29th – 6 pm
Paolo Battaglia traveled 20,000 miles from New York to California to find small communities of Italian Americans living all over the country. Battaglia interviewed hundreds of people, to understand their American life and its connection to their past in Italy.

The Week Ahead: Nov. 4-8, 2019

THIS WEEK - Photo Exhibit - Unknown Historic Route 66 by Donatella Davanzo, Teen Makers, Coding Girls and More!
Road Trip USA Theme in November.

Tues, Nov. 5
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop - Free
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate - Free

Thurs. Nov. 7

10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop - Free
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate - Free

6 pm - Inauguration - Unknown Historic Route 66 - Photo Exhibit by Donatella Davanzo

Fri. Nov. 8
10 am- 6:30 pm - Coding Girls Hackathon at the University of Trieste
4:30 pm - Teen Maker Space - FREE for Middle and High School Students

ROAD TRIP USA EVENTS - 12/11 - Film Nebraska at 10 am and 8 pm - In English. Free.


Members Only.  Prepaid Reservation Required.  Not a member yet?  What another great reason to become one!