OPEN DAYS - September 9 & 10, 2019


Are you a new student or a new family?
We offer OPEN DAYS on September 9th and 10th.  
ONLINE Reservation Required.  The registration CLICK HERE for the Link 
  • Visit our Space with your Children.
  • Speak to us about our Adult Classes.
  • Learn about our Teaching Methods.
  • Question & Answer Session. 
Monday, September 9th
FULL - 17:00 - PreK, Family English, Elementary, Native Speakers
18:00 - Middle School, High School
18:30 - Adults

Tuesday, September 10th
17:00 - PreK, Family English and Elementary
18:00 - Middle School, High School
18:30 - Adults

FALL ONLINE Class Registration for ALL.  
Classes begin on September 16th.
We encourage you to register early.  Some sections fill up quickly.  
Full info at the links below:

CLICK HERE for KIDS 2019/20 Pre.K, Family, Elementary 123, Elementary 345, Middle School, High School

CLICK HERE for ADULTS 2019/20 Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate Conversation, Advanced Conversation

The Week Ahead: July 22-24, 2019

Summer STEAM English Weeks, The Little Mermaid, Into the Wild, Refugee Bears Workshop.  All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

What are your Children and you doing in August?  Summer STEAM FULL IMMERSION (without leaving Trieste) . Home for lunch and in time to go to the beach!

The SUMMER STEAM Program for Kids (age 3-19) and Adults is ONLINE and registration is open. 

Last 2 weeks of August: PreK, Elementary, Middle School, High School.


Tuesday, July 23rd
10 amRefugee Bear Workshop

Wednesday, July 24th
5 pm - Kids Cartoons Classics

24/07    The Little Mermaid - Directed by  Ron Clements, John Musker (1989)1 hr 28 min
Based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson (1837).
Voices of:  Jodi Benson, Samuel E. Wright, Rene Auberjonois

Winner of 2 Oscars:  Best Music, Original Song and Best Music, Original Score.
A mermaid princess makes a Faustian bargain in an attempt to become human and win a prince's love.

24/07    La Sirenetta – Regia di Ron Clements, John Musker (1989)1 hr 28 min
Tratto dalla fiaba di Hans Christian Anderson (1837).
Voices of:  Jodi Benson, Samuel  E. Wright, Rene Auberjonois
Winner of 2 Oscars:  Best Music, Original Song and Best Music, Original Score.
Una principessa sirena fa un accordo faustiano nella speranza di diventare umana e di conquistare l’amore del principe.

8 pm - Lit Flicks - 
24/07    Into the Wild – directed by Sean Penn, 2007, 2 hr 28 min
Adaptation of Jon Krakauer’s non-fiction book (1996).
Starring:  Emile Hirsch, Vince Vaughn, Catherine Keener
After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life.

24/07    Nelle Terre Selvagge – directed by Sean Penn, 2007, 2 hr 28 min
Adattamento del biografia scritto da Jon Krakauer (1996).
Interpreti:  Emile Hirsch, Vince Vaughn, Catherine Keener
Dopo essersi laureato alla Emory University, lo studente e atleta modello Christopher McCandless abbandona i suoi averi, dona in beneficenza tutti i $24.000 che è riuscito a risparmiare e arriva in Alaska in autostop per vivere nella natura. Durante il tragitto, Christopher incontra una serie di personaggi che plasmano la sua vita.

Thursday, July 25th
CLOSED FOR VACATION until August 18th.  
You can write to and we will periodically check the mail.  ONLINE Registration for August Classes is always open!  

The Week Ahead: July 15-19, 2019

Summer STEAM English Weeks, Aristocats, Misery, Refugee Bears Workshop.  All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

ADULT High DIVE  Full Immersion for Adults this week. 
What are your Children and you doing in August?  Summer STEAM FULL IMMERSION (without leaving Trieste) . Home for lunch and in time to go to the beach!

The SUMMER STEAM Program for Kids (age 3-19) and Adults is ONLINE and registration is open. 

ADULT HIGH DIVE Full Immersion this Week.  
End of  August: PreK, Elementary, Middle School, High School

Tuesday, July 16th
10 amRefugee Bear Workshop

Wednesday, July 17th
5 pm - Kids Cartoons Classics

17/7      The Aristocats   Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman (1970) 1 hr 18 min.
Writers:  Larry Clemmons, Vance Gerry
Voices of:  Phil Harris, Eva Gabor, Sterling Holloway.
With the help of a smooth talking tomcat, a family of Parisian felines set to inherit a fortune from their owner try to make it back home after a jealous butler kidnaps them and leaves them in the country.

17/07    Gli Aristogatti    Regia di Wolfgang Reitherman (1970) 1 hr 18 min.
Scrittori:  Larry Clemmons, Vance Gerry
Voci di:  Phil Harris, Eva Gabor, Sterling Holloway.
Con l’aiuto di un gatto persuasivo, una famiglia di gatti parigini si decide a ereditare la fortuna del loro padrone; dovranno cercare di tornare a casa dopo essere stati rapiti dal maggiordomo invidioso, che li ha abbandonati in mezzo alla campagna.

8 pm - Lit Flicks - 
17/07    Misery – directed by Rob Reiner, 1990, 1 hr 47 min.
Adaptation of Stephen King’s novel Misery (1987).
Starring:  James Caan, Kathy Bates, Richard Farnsworth.
After a famous author is rescued from a car crash by a fan of his novels, he comes to realize that the care he is receiving is only the beginning of a nightmare of captivity and abuse.

17/07    Misery non deve morire – regista by Rob Reiner, 1990, 1 hr 47 min.
Adattamento del romanzo di Stephen King (1987).
Interpreti:  James Caan, Kathy Bates, Richard Farnsworth.
Uno scrittore viene salvato da una fan dei suoi romanzi dopo un incidente d’auto, ma presto si rende conto che tutte le cure che riceve sono solo l’inizio di un’incubo di prigionia e violenza.

Thursday, July 18th
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop 

The Week Ahead: July 8-12, 2019

Summer STEAM English Weeks, 101 Dalmations, The Color Purple, Refugee Bears Workshop.  All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

What are your Children and you doing this Summer?  Summer STEAM FULL IMMERSION (without leaving Trieste) . Home for lunch and in time to go to the beach!
The SUMMER STEAM Program for Kids (age 3-19) and Adults is ONLINE and registration is open. PreK and Elementary this week.

July 15- 18 - Adult Full Immersion
Last 2 weeks of  August: PreK, Elementary, Middle School, High School

Tuesday, July 9th
10 amRefugee Bear Workshop

Wednesday, July 10th
5 pm - Kids Cartoons Classics

10/07    101 Dalmations  - Directed by Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske (1961) 1 hr 19 min
Based on the novel by Dodie Smith (1956)
Voices of:  Rod Taylor, Betty Lou Gerson, J. Pat O'Malley
When a litter of Dalmatian puppies is abducted by the minions of Cruella de Vil, the parents must find them before she uses them for a diabolical fashion statement

10/07    La Carica dei 101- Regia di Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske (1961) 1 hr 19 min
Tratto dal romanzo di Dodie Smith (1956)
Voci di:  Rod Taylor, Betty Lou Gerson, J. Pat O'Malley
Una cucciolata di Dalmata viene rapita dagli scagnozzi di Crudelia De Mon; i loro genitori devono trovarli prima che vengano utilizzati per una diabolica dichiarazione di stile.

8 pm - Lit Flicks - 
10/07    The Color Purple –directed by Steven Spielberg, 1985, 2 hr 45 min
Adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple (1982)
Starring:  Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey
A black Southern woman struggles to find her identity after suffering abuse from her father and others over four decades.

10/07    Il Colore Viola –regista Steven Spielberg, 1985, 2 hr 45 min
Adattamento del romanzo di Alice Walker (1982)
Interpreti:  Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey
Una donna di colore del lotta per trovare la propria identità dopo aver subito, per quattro decenni, le violenze del padre e degli altri.

Thursday, July 11th
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop 

The Week Ahead: July 1-5, 2019

Summer STEAM English Weeks, Cinderella, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest , Refugee Bears Workshop.  All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

What are your Children and you doing this Summer?  Summer STEAM FULL IMMERSION (without leaving Trieste) . Home for lunch and in time to go to the beach!
The SUMMER STEAM Program for Kids (age 3-19) and Adults is ONLINE and registration is open.  

PreK and Elementary in July.
End of August: Middle School and High School, PreK and Elementary.

Tuesday, July 2nd
10 amRefugee Bear Workshop

Wednesday, July 3rd
5 pm - Kids Cartoons Classics

3/7        Cinderella – Cenerentola – Directed by Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson (1950) 1 hr 14 min
Based on Charles Perrault’s classic fairy tale Cendrillon (1697)
Voices of:  Ilene Woods, James MacDonald, Eleanor Audley
When Cinderella's cruel stepmother prevents her from attending the Royal Ball, she gets some unexpected help from the lovable mice Gus and Jaq, and from her Fairy Godmother.

8 pm - Lit Flicks - 
3/07      One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest  directed by Milos Foreman, 1975, 2 hr 13 min.
Starring:  Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Will Sampson.
Adaptation of Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962).
Starring:  Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Will Sampson
A criminal pleads insanity after getting into trouble again and once in the mental institution rebels against the oppressive nurse and rallies up the scared patients.

Thursday, July 4th
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop