February 2019 Newsletter
FEBRUARY = Black History Month, State of the Union Message,
GLOW Tap Dance, Maker Space, Refugee English Classes and more. View the Newsletter
on the Blog in Text and in Calendar
Format. Forward the newsletter to a friend!
Tuesday and
Thursday mornings: 9-12 and Wednesday
afternoons: 5-7 pm
Pick up your IBAN Receipts, Membership Cards, Make Cash
Payments, during our
Administration Hours, listed above.
We will be CLOSED for Carnival from Saturday, MARCH 2nd until Friday, MARCH
8th. No lessons, no activities, no
library. Lessons will start again on
Saturday, March 9th.
Thursday, Saturday mornings 9-12 and Monday to Friday afternoons from 4-7 pm.
WEATHER POLICY – We close ONLY when the city of Trieste closes schools. We will post on Facebook and on the BLOG if
we close.
We are an
association. In order to participate in
members only events, attend the American Film Series, take a course, check out
library materials, you MUST be a 2018/19 MEMBER.
Our 2018/19
Membership Year began on September 1st.
Here is the Membership
Form. If you have been a
member in recent years, we can quickly upload your data in the office. Membership prices remain unchanged.
Euro 25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and
over. Euro 35 – Intero. Membership
is valid until August 31, 2019. Questions? aiafrontdesk@gmail.com
The film series continues with shows at 1:30, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm.
2 films
this month:
7/02/2019: Ant-Man and the Wasp. Starring
Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly. Action, adventure. 118 min.
Dog Days.
Starring Eva Longoria, Lauren Lapkus. Comedy. 113 min.
OFF coming in March
Yes, there will be pie! Details coming soon. We will
celebrate π 3.14…
Start your ovens and test some recipes. Check
out this website
for inspiration. The heat is on! Details coming soon. We need lots of pies! We’re working on some great prizes. You’ll all be tasters. Members and their families only.
WARRIOR Full Immersion Weekends are
Back. 10 hours, 2 days, Instant Fluency. February 16/17 and / or March 16/17. Register
Online HERE.
INDIVIDUAL LESSONS are possible all year long. Yes,
you can! Schedule an appointment to discuss your needs.
American Corner EVENTS - FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC
06/02 at 10
am – The Annual Message that the President of the United States makes to
Senate and Congress. Come and watch the
speech in playback. The speech was made
the night before. We will also view the
Opposition Speech.
20/2 – 10 am, 2 pm, 5 pm - FILM – BLACK
PANTHER (2018) in English (135 min.) Action, Adventure, Sci Fi. Nominated for 7 Oscars.
Starring: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o.
T'Challa, heir to the hidden
but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a
new future and must confront a challenger from his country's past.
26/2, 10 am- Short Story Club –
from The Underground Railroad by
Whitehead. Pulitzer Prize winning novel chronicling
a young slave's adventures as she makes a desperate bid for freedom in the
antebellum South.
Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am - Mom & Baby Playgroup – Come on
down! Meet some other moms and let the kids play.
Fridays at
4:30pm - TEEN
MAKER SPACE – How cool! We’re
3D printing a Chess Set and Building
a homemade Drone with our expert Mentor!
8/02, at
5:30 pm - GLOW TAP
Leading Our World – For Middle/High School Girls by reservation only.
Tuesday 10-12 – Refugee
Teddy Bear Workshop – Morning Maker Space
17/01, 8 pm -
Women’s Book Club -Reading around the World. Love Medicine
by Louise Erdrich. Send
an email to aia.fvg@gmail.com to participate.
19/02, 10 am –
Tuesday Coffee Break – A cup of
coffee and some great conversation!
TRIESTE LOCAL GROUP the first TESOL Workshop of the school year. Teachers of English to
Speakers of Other Languages Workshop. If you’re not on the TESOL Italy Trieste
Mailing list, send an email to tesolitalytriestemail@gmail.com
for details. Teachers, bring your
teacher friends and colleagues. You
receive MIUR Credit, enrich your C.V. and free get professional development! Use
your Bonus Docenti to become a TESOL Italy Member and attend meetings and
workshops for credit, all over Italy. Join us. Be a presenter in Trieste and put it
on your CV. Share your teaching knowledge and experience!
Next Meeting: Details coming Soon!
Check our Blog Periodically.
Teachers will be emailed directly.
Integration through Entrepreneurship
Refugee Teddy Bears are now around the world. Look at our Refugee
Bear Migration Map. Tell us where your bear is and we’ll add your
location to the map! Watch the RAI FVG feature
about the project. In December all of
our bears were “adopted”, but more are now available at the Associazione Italo
Americana during our office hours. Thanks
to ICTP, the US Embassy to Italy and the Sewing Project for hosting us and
promoting the bears! Follow the Refugee
Bears on Instagram
and send us a picture and the location of your teddy bear. Join the tailors and the volunteers every
Tuesday and Thursday morning to stuff, cut, sew. Refugee Bears make great gifts! In addition to bears, new items include tote bags, tablet covers and small bags. In December the Refugee Tailors held sewing workshops for students at CIOFS
and helped the students & staff to produce beautiful items for the CIOFS
Christmas Market. We are looking for a heavy duty sewing machine to donate or at a reduced price? Contact us.
We are a
Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association. Volunteers
run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities. We are looking for Volunteers to Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities at the Front Desk and in the Library
We’re looking
forVolunteers for: American
Film Series Cinema Check-In, Expert tailors Seamstresses for Tuesday Maker
Space – Teddy Bear Project, TESOL Speakers, Teen Maker Space Mentors,
Assistants for Nati per Leggere,
Send us an email and we’ll find a role for you. University of Trieste students in Humanities, P.R. and other majors can earn with us (CFU). We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours
(3 CFU). You'll have a great experience
and improve your English, while you also learn valuable life and people skills. High
School Students can also do Alternanza
Scuola Lavoro. Contact us! aia.fvg@gmail.com
CORNER TRIESTE – Since 2007, we have been part of the American
Spaces Network. Programs,
consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are
always free and open to the public. A
great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. Specific sections of the library are
dedicated to Educational Advising, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s
Space. Consult our on
line catalog of Books and DVDs. The American Corner also
offers Life Skills in English Courses
for Refugees and Case Workers thanks to a U.S. Department of State Grant
and the US Diplomatic Mission to Italy. The
American Corner promotes the Teddy Bear
Integration through Entrepreneurship Project, encouraging
professional refugee tailors to use their skills to produce the beautiful
unique teddy bears, using recycled materials.
Select your bear and take it home with a donation.
Black History Month
BLACK HISTORY EVENTS 2019 - FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
20/2/19 – 10 am, 2 pm, 5 pm - FILM – BLACK PANTHER (2018) in English (135 min.) Action, Adventure, Sci Fi. Nominated for 7 Oscars.
26/2/19, 10 am- Short Story Club – Excerpts from The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead.
Pulitzer Prize winning novel chronicling a young slave's adventures as she makes a desperate bid for freedom in the antebellum South.
Starring: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o.
From the Marvel Series. T'Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country's past.

GLOW Tap Dancing

GLOW - Girls Leading Our World
FREE for Middle & High School Girls with a Reservation.

Friday February 8th from 1730 - 1900
Get ready to groove, because you will be attending a TAP DANCE SESSION with Lara Basiaco and Konstantina Mavroidakos!
Konstantina started tapping when she was 10 years old and hasn't stopped moving ever since. She has tapped in various schools with various styles in Cologne, in Milan and now in Trieste. Lara started tapping 10 years ago at TOC TOC Trieste and is meanwhile teaching the absolute beginners at that school. Together they tap dance at TOC TOC Trieste.
Learn about their passion for Tap Dancing, different styles of tapping, and prepare to learn your first steps with real tap shoes!
If you want to participate, please register as usual here at this RSVP and don’t forget to tell us your shoe size!
Let’s tap together!
* GLOW Team *
The Week Ahead: Jan 28- Feb. 2, 2019
Short Story Club, Refugee Bears, Moms& Babies, Teen Maker Space. Here's the plan at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste. All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
Tuesday, January 29th

10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop
American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri - AIA FVG Members Only - Shows at 1:30, 4 pm, 6:30 pm, 9 pm

Friday, February 1st
4:30 pm NEW TIME!- Teen Maker Space
4:30 pm NEW TIME!- Teen Maker Space
RATATOUILLE - FRIDAY, January 25th at 5 pm
Regolamento per Chiusura a Causa del Tempo
SOLTANTO se il Comune di Trieste chiude le scuole a causa di maltempo, l'Associazione Italo Americana FVG chiude e annulla corsi ed eventi.
Non sono previsti recuperi.
Se hai qualche dubbio, troverete aggiornamenti sul ns. Blog oppure sule ns. pagine Facebook.
Policy for Winter Weather Closing:
Only in the event that the City of Trieste Closes the Public Schools because of Severe Weather, We also Close and Cancel Classes and Events. No makeup lessons are foreseen.
If you are in doubt, you can always find updates on our Facebook Pages and Blog.
Se hai qualche dubbio, troverete aggiornamenti sul ns. Blog oppure sule ns. pagine Facebook.
Policy for Winter Weather Closing:
Only in the event that the City of Trieste Closes the Public Schools because of Severe Weather, We also Close and Cancel Classes and Events. No makeup lessons are foreseen.
If you are in doubt, you can always find updates on our Facebook Pages and Blog.
The Week Ahead: Jan 21-25, 2019
Coffee Break, Nati per Leggere, Refugee Bears, Teen Maker Space. Here's the plan at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste. All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

Tuesday, January 22nd
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop

10:30 am - Nati per Leggere - Early Childhood Bilingual Reading 0 - 36 months.
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop

4:30 pm NEW TIME!- Teen Maker Space
5 pm - Family Film - RATATOUILLE in English
TESOL Workshop - Jan 18, 2019 - 6 pm
Local Group
invites you to the Free Workshop:
Teaching Third Culture Kids-
Opportunities and Challenges
hosted by
Associazione Italo
Americana FVG
American Corner Trieste
American Corner Trieste
Friday, January 18- 18:00-19:00
Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo, 6 – Trieste
This talk
will be led by Janine Sprague Zolle, and discuss the unique life abroad of third culture kids
(TCK), who straddle cultures and languages on a daily basis. Find out how you can address this
populations’ particular linguistic needs and provide a space where TCKs feel
they belong and can express their unique cultural heritage.
Janine Sprague Zolle holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology
and Spanish and a master’s degree in Bilingual Education. She has worked over
the past 25 years in Mexico, USA and
Italy, using her expertise in language
and literacy acquisition to empower students of all ages and diverse
backgrounds to reach their full potential.
She is currently working as an EFL teacher at the Associazione Italo
Americana in Trieste, Italy, where she also coordinates the local School
Programs and TESOL Italy local group. She is also the mother of 3 third culture
Register to Participate at this
The deadline for registration is:
Friday, January 18, 2019
For additional information:
Janine Sprague Zolle, Trieste local group coordinator tesolitalytrieste@gmail.com
The Week Ahead: January 14-18, 2019

A week dedicated to John Paul Jones, JFK and U.S. Navy theme events in addition to our regular classes and activities. Here's the plan at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste. All American Corner events are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
Monday, January 14th
WINTER Session Classes are in Week 2. There are still some openings. New Students, until week 3 you can still register ONLINE. Here's the LINK. See you in class! Weekend Warrior Full Immersion this weekend.
Tuesday, January 15th
10 am - Film - John Paul Jones (1959) - in English (2 hours 6 min)The career of Revolutionary War naval hero, and Father of the U.S. Navy, from his youth in Scotland through his service to Catherine the Great of Russia. Director: John Farrow, Stars: Robert Stack, Marisa Pavan, Charles Coburn
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop

Conference and Presentation of his book Una Tigre Sull'Oceano about the life of John Paul Jones, American patriot and hero in the U.S. Continental Navy. Jones is considered one of the fathers of the U.S. Navy along with John Barry.
Introduction: Cap. Fabio Tognoni - Presidente Associazione Arma di Cavalleria - Sezione di Trieste

10 am - Film - PT 109 (1963) 2 hours 20 min.
True Story - During WW2, Lieut. John F. Kennedy took command of PT 109 to fight the Japanese in the Solomon Islands. He and the crew narrowly escaped becoming POWs. This film was made a few months before the death of JFK.
Director: Leslie H. Martinson
Stars: Cliff Robertson, Robert Culp, Ty Hardin
Thursday, January 17th
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date
10 am - Refugee Bear Workshop
8 pm - Women's Book Club - Discussing the The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.
Friday, January 18th
4 pm - Teen Maker Space
6 pm - TESOL Workshop - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages - Teaching Third Culture Kids.
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