Hispanic Heritage Month - October 2018
National Hispanic Heritage Month is the period when people recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to U.S. heritage and culture.
Hispanic Heritage Month was proclaimed in 1988 by President Reagan. The Hispanic Americans constitute 17.8% of the population of the United States (July 2016). This makes Hispanic Americans the nation's largest ethnic or racial minority.
American Corner Trieste is celebrating with these initiatives that are Free and Open to the Public.
12/10, 5:30
pm - GLOW
Quinceañera Celebration– Girls Leading Our World Workshop (only for Middle and High School Girls with a Reservation)
More resources:National Park Service https://home1.nps.gov/hispanicheritage/Smithsonian - https://www.si.edu/events/heritagemonthUS Gov. - https://hispanicheritagemonth.gov/about/
Hispanic Heritage Month - https://www.hispanicheritagemonth.org/
October 2018 Newsletter
OCTOBER = American
Film Series, Social
Security, Hispanic
Heritage, Halloween,
With the cool weather comes our full schedule of
activities. If you’re new, Welcome! If you’re a regular, Welcome Back! A special salute to our new students and
their families! Theme of the Month: Hispanic Heritage. View the Newsletter
on the Blog in Text and
in Calendar
Format. Forward the newsletter to a friend!
Tuesday and
Thursday mornings: 9-12 and Wednesday
afternoons: 5-7 pm
Pick up your IBAN Receipts, Membership Cards, Make Cash
Payments, during our
Administration Hours, listed above. Questions? aiafrontdesk@gmail.com
Thursday, Saturday mornings 9-12 and Monday to Friday afternoons from 4-7 pm.
HOLIDAYS: CLOSED: from Oct. 29th
until November 3rd.
SECURITY ADMINISTRATION at American Corner Trieste
October 9,
2018 Officials from the US Federal Social Security Administration in Rome
will be in Trieste to make a presentation, accept Social Security applications
and answer related questions. By
appointment only:
ELECTIONS – American Corner Trieste will collect Absentee
Ballots. Drop off your Voting envelopes
by October 9th at 5 pm
and they will be send via Diplomatic Courier to the US. All 50 states have Midterm elections on
November 6th. All US Citizens are
eligible to vote. Register ASAP so you
will receive your absentee ballot in time.
For more info: www.fvap.gov
began on September 15th. If
there is availability in the Winter Session, you are welcome to join a class
starting in January. Here is a link to
the Rules
for Classes.
HALLOWEEN in CLASS - We will be celebrating Halloween Week
in Class from October 22nd to 27th. Wear you costume to class if you want! Your teachers will give you more details.
WARRIOR Full Immersion English for Adults.
Oct 20&21: 1 weekend, 10 hours of Full Immersion, Infinite Fun. Registration is Open at this LINK.
INDIVIDUAL LESSONS are possible all year long. Yes,
you can! Schedule an appointment to discuss your needs.
Our 2018/19
Membership Year began on September 1st. The new membership cards are ready.
Here is the Membership
Form. If you have been a
member in recent years, we can quickly upload your data in the office. Membership prices remain unchanged.
Euro 25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and
over. Euro 35 – Intero. Membership
is valid until August 31, 2019.
Renew your membership each year to take advantage of the American Film
Series, Register for Courses, Use our Library, Participate in Members Only
AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Teatro dei Fabbri
The film series begins on Thursday, October 25th with shows at 1:30,
4, 6:30 and 9 pm.
Get your MEMBERSHIP Card Today! Enjoy 9 great American films in Original
Version on the Big Screen (not on your PC or TV!) You must be a Member to attend the films.
HERITAGE MONTH – We’ll celebrate with films, documentaries decorations and a Quinceañera Party for Middle and High School GLOW Girls.
· every Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am - Mom & Baby
· 25/10, 10:30 am – NATI per
LEGGERE –Bilingual Reading English/Italian for ages 0-36 mo.
· 16/10, 10 am – Tuesday Coffee
Break – a cup of coffee and some clever conversation!
· 18/10, 8 pm - Women’s Book Club -Reading
around the World. A Rising Man
by Abir Mukherjee. Send an email
to aia.fvg@gmail.com to participate.
TRIESTE LOCAL GROUP the first TESOLWorkshop of the school year. Teachers of English to
Speakers of Other Languages Workshop. If you’re not on the TESOL Italy Trieste
Mailing list, send an email to tesolitalytriestemail@gmail.com for details. Teachers, bring your teacher friends and
colleagues. You receive MIUR Credit,
enrich your C.V. and free get professional development!
26/10, 6 pm –
TESOL Workshop
GIRLS will come to
Trieste. A tremendous opportunity for
local high schools and their female students.
November 11& 12 Coding Training
and Hackathon for Trieste High Schools.
We are a
Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association.
We’re looking
· A Knitter to
head the Knit Wits group.
· American Film
Series Volunteers
· Expert sewers
for Tuesday Maker Space – Teddy Bear Project
· A donated Heavy
Duty Sewing Machine
Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities. We are looking for Volunteers to Mentor and
Manage the Teen Maker Club, Assist
with the Nati per Leggere program,
Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities at the Front Desk and in the Library. Send us an email. We’ll find a role for you. University of Trieste students in Humanities, P.R. and other majors can earn with us (CFU). We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours
(3 CFU). You'll have a great experience and improve your
English, while you also learn valuable life and people skills. High School Students can also do Alternanza
Scuola Lavoro. Contact us! aia.fvg@gmail.com
CORNER TRIESTE – Since 2007, we have been part of the American
Spaces Network. Programs,
consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are
always free and open to the public. A
great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. Specific sections of the library are
dedicated to Educational Advising, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s
Space. Consult our on
line catalog of Books and DVDs. The American Corner also
offers Life Skills in English Courses
for Refugees thanks to a U.S. Department of State Grant and the US
Diplomatic Mission to Italy.
The American
Corner promotes the Teddy Bear Integration
through Entrepreneurship Project, encouraging professional refugee
tailors to use their skills to produce the beautiful unique teddy bears, using
recycled materials. Select your bear and
take it home with a donation.October 2018 Calendar
October is Hispanic Heritage Month and the 1st film in the American Film Series.
Remember to renew your 2018/19 Membership to attend the 1st Film - I, TONYA on October 25th.
The Week Ahead: Sept, 24-28, 2018
A week full of American Corner Trieste activities and Associazione Italo Americana FVG Course. Come and join us! All American Corner Events are FREE.
Looking for an English Class? Go to this LINK
Looking for an English Class? Go to this LINK
Tuesday - 25/9 we propose

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - Production of Teddy Bears by Migrant Tailors in the Teddy Boy Project. Come and learn more about the project and the artisans behind it. Take home a beautiful and unique Teddy Bear. This is a continuing event every Tuesday morning.
10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English. (every Tuesday and Thursday morning). Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) . Informal. Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.
Thursday - 27/9
10 am - Nati per Leggere Bilingual English / Italian reading for 0-36 months and their families.
10 am - Nati per Leggere Bilingual English / Italian reading for 0-36 months and their families.
11 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in inglese. (see above)
8 pm - Women's Book Club - A Place for Us by Fatima Mirza. Send an email to aia.fvg@gmail.com to participate.
8 pm - Women's Book Club - A Place for Us by Fatima Mirza. Send an email to aia.fvg@gmail.com to participate.
6 pm - TESOL Italy Trieste Local Group Meeting - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages - A beginning of the school year informal meeting to discuss our programs and objectives for the 2018/19 school year.
October 9, 2018 - SOCIAL SECURITY will be in Trieste. Come to the presentation. Make an individual appointment. INFO at this LINK.
TESOL Italy Trieste Local Group

TESOL Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
TESOL Italy (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a grass roots organization, run by teachers and for teachers. It is a non-profit Italian organization founded in 1975, an affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in Virginia, USA, with over 11,000 members worldwide. TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016. Teachers in the Italian Public School System can use their "Carta Docente" to become of Members of TESOL Italy.
Through the TESOL Italy Trieste Local Group, English language teachers in schools of all types and levels, can obtain professional development and updates recognized by the MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca or The Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research).
For info about the TESOL Italy Trieste Local Group - tesolitalytrieste@gmail.com
For info about the TESOL Italy Trieste Local Group - tesolitalytrieste@gmail.com
2018/19 appointments
28/9, 6 pm - Informal Meeting discussing Programs and Objectives for the year
26/10 6 pm - Seminar
16&17/11 - TESOL Italy Annual National Convention in Rome
30/11, 6 pm - Seminar
18/1, 6 pm - Seminar
22/2, 6 pm - Seminar
23/3, 2-6 pm - Half day Conference
27/5 - 6 pm - End of the School Year Alternative Lesson
Teddy Bear Laboratory - Sept. 20 - 10 am-4 pm
See you tomorrow for the Teddy Bear Laboratory 10 am - 4 pm. Free and Open to the Public.
Learn more about the Teddy Bear Project at this LINK:
Learn more about the Teddy Bear Project at this LINK:
English Courses Off to a Great Start!
Classes at Associazione Italo Americana FVG began on Saturday, Sept. 15th. We'll see all the Monday through Friday Students this week!
There are still some openings in some classes. Looking for info?
Here are the links. Registration is ONLINE.
There are still some openings in some classes. Looking for info?
Here are the links. Registration is ONLINE.
The Week Ahead: Sept 17-21, 2018
A new year of FREE activities begins at American Corner Trieste. Come and join us! The theme for the month of September is BEARS.
Tuesday - 18/9 we propose
10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English. (every Tuesday and Thursday morning). Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) . Informal. Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.
10 am - Coffee Break in English - a cup of coffee in company and an informal chat in English of course. Once a month appointment.
Thursday - 20/9
10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in inglese. (see above)
10 am to 4 pm - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - Production of Teddy Bears by Migrant Tailors in the Teddy Boy Project. Come and learn more about the project and the artisans behind it. Take home a beautiful and unique Teddy Bear. Meet our guest: Lydia Witt, expert in Migrant Integration with the Sewing Cooperative with Migrant Tailors in Rome.
Friday 21/9
11 am - Documentary Film - Bears - Disney Nature (2014) 60 min. in English.
Follow a Mother Brown Bear and her cubs for 1 year in Katmai National Park in Alaska. The birth, feeding, fishing for salmon and finally back to hibernation for the long winter.

Looking for honey, Pooh and his friends get sidetracked and begin an adventure in search of Eeyore's lost tail and in rescue of Christopher Robin.
Back to School 2018/19!
Back to School 2018/19!
L’Associazione Italo Americana FVG è pronta per un altro fantastico anno scolastico e tante attività.
Le iscrizioni ONLINE sono aperte. Se non avete accesso a un computer, possiamo aiutarti in sede. Il ns. orario lu-mar-mer-gio-ven 16-19 e mar e gio 9-12.
I corsi iniziano sabato, 15 settembre. Lo spazio è limitato e le sezioni vengono chiusi quando la disponibilità viene esaurita.
Ecco tutte le informazioni riguardante i corsi e i LINK per l’iscrizione online:
Se non conosci l’Associazione Italo Americana FVG e i nostri corsi, puoi iscrivere te stesso o i tuoi figli ad una Mini Lezione Prova Gratuita prima dell’inizio ufficiale dei corsi. Durante l’anno scolastico, a corsi già iniziati, non offriamo lezioni prova. Le lezioni prova iniziano il 3/09/2018.
Con il 1 settembre inizia il Nuovo Anno Sociale 2018/19. E’ necessario rinnovare l’iscrizione all’Associazione e consegnare il modulo o via scan o direttamente in sede. Come socio, utilizzi la biblioteca per prendere in prestito libri, DVD e riviste, vai alla Rassegna del Cinema Americana presso il Teatro ai Fabbri, partecipi a certe attività soltanto per soci.
- Modulo di Iscrizione all’Associazione Italo Americana FVG 2018/19
- Organizzazione e Regolamento per i Corsi
- Cosa vuole dire essere socio
Condividi questo messaggio con gli amici!
A presto! See you soon! It’s going to be a fantastic year, so come and be a part of it!
Associazione Italo Americana FVG
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