GLOW, Moms & Babies, Teen Maker Space and more.
American Corner Activities are Free and Open to the Public.
Monday, Feb. 5
9 am and 11 am - Speaker: The LEGACY of MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. - Kim Natoli - Public Affairs Officer from the US Consulate General Milan will speak to High School Students from Nordio, Preseren and IST. By Invitation Only.

Tuesday, Feb. 6
11 am - Film: SELMA - in English
The story of Martin Luther King's March to Birmingham Alabama.
Free and Open to the Public.
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group -Come and hang out. Bring the Kids. Don't get BLUE. Get OUT of the house.
Wednesday, Feb. 7

6 pm - Knit Wits - Knitting Group. Come to knit in company, learn or teach!
We're thinking about changing the day and time.
What would be best for you?
- Tuesday mornings at 10 am
- Thursday mornings at 10 am
- Wednesday evenings from 5-7
- Wednesday evenings from 6-8 (like it is now)
- Send us an email with your preference. aia.fvg@gmail.com
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group
10 am - Morning Makers
1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm - FILM - MANCHESTER by the SEA
Dir. Kenneth Lonergan. Starring Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams. Drama. 137 minutes at Teatro dei Fabbri in the American Film Series. Members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG only. No single ticket sales.
5 pm - Teen Maker Space - continuing with our 3D T-Rex and 3D Design Projects.
6pm - GLOW - Girls Leading Our World. Web Design! A special workshop on designing your own Web Site and Logo. Guest Barbara Razzini. Bring your Laptop! More info and Registration Link here: http://aia-fvg.blogspot.it/2018/02/glow-feb-9-2018-web-design-for-teen.html
We will be CLOSED from Saturday, February 10th until Friday, February 16th.
Back for Class on Saturday February 17th.