Regular Hours: Mornings: Tues. and Thurs. 9–12, Afternoons: Mon. through Fri. 4-7
During Office Hours, you can: Pay for a Course with Cash. Check Out Books, DVDs
REMEMBER to pick up your IBAN Receipts at the Front Desk, during our Office Hours, listed above. Questions? aiafrontdesk@gmail.com
SPRING Session begins the week of March 27th. Ten more weeks! Here are our Course schedules for 2016/17: KIDS and ADULTS. The next Weekend Warrior Full Immersion Intensive Weekend is March 18-19. Registration Deadline: March 15th.
SUMMER STEAM Full Immersion English Schedule for Kids is ready! Steam Weeks for Pre-K, Elementary, Middle and High School. Here is the LINK.
YOU CAN BECOME A MEMBER AT ANY TIME OF YEAR! Membership is annual and valid until August 31, 2017. You must be a Member to take Classes at AIA FVG. Membership is also valid for entry to the American Film Series, to check out books, DVDs and magazines, and to attend some member only events. Here is the Membership Form. Membership fees: €25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and over. €35 – Intero.
The AIA FVG Travel Team is proudly teaching English in the City of Trieste managed Pre-K Classes. By the end of June, all children ages 3-6 in these classes will do a STEAM Full Immersion week with us. A great experience for the kids, our teachers and their teachers! Learn more about the project at the above link.
NEW BOOKS and DVDs – New books and DVDs are arriving and they’ll soon be available for Checkout!
3D PRINTER and SCANNER – Our Maker Space is now complete with a 3D Printer. Now we need some tech volunteers. Send us an email!
LE VIE delle FOTO – for the third consecutive year, we are participating in the citywide Photographic Exhibit. For Women’s History Month our Teen Students propose: The Woman of my Life. La Donna della mia Vita. Inauguration for Family and Friends: March 31st. Official Opening to the Public: April 1st.
A Classic American Winter Event, Trieste Style. Don’t miss it! Make your Chili at home and our panel of expert judges will select the winners, Master Chef Style. Great prizes, lots of fun, great food. AIA FVG members and their families only. Details on our Blog. Chili Makers prepare an entire recipe at home. Non cookers, make a contribution to eat. AIA FVG offers non-alcoholic beverages. Registration Deadline: March 8th.
Guest Speaker – Umberto Speranza – Fulbright U.S. 2016/17 Research Scholar
Research focusing on the Cultural and Political Implications of Refugee Arrivals in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Assessments and interviews with refugees, political leaders, aid organizations and other relevant actors in migration policymaking.
27/03 – 10 am and 1 pm - The LIFE and TIMES of ROSIE the RIVETER – 75 min. Award Winning Documentary preserved in the National Film Registry. In WWII, American women found themselves doing "men's work". They discovered a new sense of pride and dignity. When the war was over, Rosie wanted to stay, but the rules changed. The story is told by the women themselves - five former "Rosies". Includes rare archival recruitment films, stills, posters, ads and music from the period.
29/03 – 8:30 pm - HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS a group of 78 AIA FVG Members and their Families will be attending the HGT game. Maybe a Harlem Globetrotter Ambassador will pass by the Association!
36th AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Teatro dei Fabbri – Showtimes: 13:30. 16, 18:30, 21
The film series continues. Great American films in Original Version. 2016/17 Members Only. Become a member during Office Hours.
2/3 THE WITCH: A NEW-ENGLAND FOLKTALE. Dir. Robert Eggers. Starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickie. Horror. 1 h 32 min.
21/3 HAIL, CAESAR! Dir. Ethan Coen, Joel Coen. Starring Josh Brolin, George Clooney, Scarlet Johansson. Comedy. 1 h 46 min.
- Family Film Festival – 10/03, 5 pm – THE LITTLE MERMAID Disney, 1989 (85 min.)
- Nati per Leggere – 16/03, 10 am – Bilingual Reading English / Italian for ages 0-3 years.
- Mom & Baby Survival Italian – Every Tuesday, 10 am
- Mom & Baby Playgroup in English – Every Thursday, 10 am
- Teen Club – Every Friday from 5 -7 pm
- Maker Space for Adults – Every Thursday at 10 am – Use, Teach or Learn with our sewing machine, Learn how to Knit. Hang Out.
- Survival Italian for Adults – Every Thursday at 10 am
- 30/03, 8 pm- Women’s Book Club – Discussing The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner send an email to fvg@gmail.com to participate. DATE CHANGE!!!!
- 21/03, 10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break
- 28/03, 10 am - Short Story Club – A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin .
24/03, 6 pm TEACHER LEARNING NETWORK – Free and Open to All Language Teachers
Theme: Yes, I can – in English! Integrating Life Skills in the EFL Classroom.
We are a Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association.
Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities. We are looking for Volunteers to Mentor and Manage the Teen Club, Assist with the Nati per Leggere program, Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities. Send us an email. We’ll find a role for you. University of Trieste students in Humanities or P.R. can earn Internship Credit Hours with us (CFU). We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours (3 CFU). You'll have a great experience and improve your English, while you learn valuable people skills. Contact us! aia.fvg@gmail.com
AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public. A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. The US Department of State has granted us a Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to our regular library, we also feature an Education Advising Section, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space. Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVDs.