We still have a very full week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
Please note that we will be closed from Dec. 23rd - Jan. 6th

Dinner With Jackson Pollock: Ricette, Arte e Natura continues at Palazzo Gopcevich, Via Rossini 4 - Trieste Italy until January 10th. 9 am 5 pm (Closed Mondays and 25/12, 1/1). Free and Open to the Public.
Tuesday, Dec. 15
9:30 - Mom & Baby Survival Italian
10 - Sharing and Relaxing in English

Thursday, Dec. 17
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults and Maker Space
1:30, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm - GET ON UP - American Film Series at Cinema Dei Fabbri. This is a long movie (137 min).so the first show starts at 1:30 . Members ONLY.
Friday, Dec. 18
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Making, Creating, Hanging Out in English. Free and Open to all Middle and High School Students.