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Happy Holidays from AIA FVG / American Corner Trieste
Closed for Vacation
At Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste we're winding down for Vacation.
Some classes are still in session but our office and library services will be closed:
Thursday 17/12 No Afternoon,
Friday 18/12 No Afternoon,
Monday 21/12 No Afternoon.
We will be closed from Dec. 23rd until Jan. 7th.
You can always contact us via email at aia.fvg@gmail.com
Happy Holidays!
Some classes are still in session but our office and library services will be closed:
Thursday 17/12 No Afternoon,
Friday 18/12 No Afternoon,
Monday 21/12 No Afternoon.
We will be closed from Dec. 23rd until Jan. 7th.
You can always contact us via email at aia.fvg@gmail.com
Happy Holidays!
What's Up? Dec. 14-18, 2015
December 14-18, 2015
We still have a very full week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
Please note that we will be closed from Dec. 23rd - Jan. 6th
Fall Session Classes are ending. Enrollment is open for the Winter Session starting on January 9th. If you would like to re-enroll or if you are new, you can look at our course offerings. If you are new, please send an email to aiats.course@gmail.com to be certain that there is still availability in the class that you are interested in. Specify the name of the class, day of the week and time. You can join our courses at any time of year. Here are the links for our Winter and Spring Classes

Dinner With Jackson Pollock: Ricette, Arte e Natura continues at Palazzo Gopcevich, Via Rossini 4 - Trieste Italy until January 10th. 9 am 5 pm (Closed Mondays and 25/12, 1/1). Free and Open to the Public.
Tuesday, Dec. 15
9:30 - Mom & Baby Survival Italian
10 - Sharing and Relaxing in English
8 pm - Mad Max: Fury Road -in Original Version. Final Film in the Sci Fi Contacts Series with Giulia Iannuzzi and Guest Introduction by Claudio Tuniz (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste - Centro Fermi, Roma - Center for Archaeological Science, University of Wollongong, Australia). Free and Open to the Public.
Thursday, Dec. 17
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults and Maker Space
1:30, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm - GET ON UP - American Film Series at Cinema Dei Fabbri. This is a long movie (137 min).so the first show starts at 1:30 . Members ONLY.
Friday, Dec. 18
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Making, Creating, Hanging Out in English. Free and Open to all Middle and High School Students.
We still have a very full week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
Please note that we will be closed from Dec. 23rd - Jan. 6th

Dinner With Jackson Pollock: Ricette, Arte e Natura continues at Palazzo Gopcevich, Via Rossini 4 - Trieste Italy until January 10th. 9 am 5 pm (Closed Mondays and 25/12, 1/1). Free and Open to the Public.
Tuesday, Dec. 15
9:30 - Mom & Baby Survival Italian
10 - Sharing and Relaxing in English

Thursday, Dec. 17
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults and Maker Space
1:30, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm - GET ON UP - American Film Series at Cinema Dei Fabbri. This is a long movie (137 min).so the first show starts at 1:30 . Members ONLY.
Friday, Dec. 18
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Making, Creating, Hanging Out in English. Free and Open to all Middle and High School Students.
What's up Dec. 7 - 11
What's up December 7-11, 2015 at Associazione Italo Americana FVG /American Corner Trieste.
Monday and Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - Dec. 9 - Classes as usual
Thursday, Dec.10
8:30 am - Read-a-Thon - Across the River and Into the Trees by Ernest Hemingway
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playgroup in English

Friday, December 11
10 am - Opening of "Dinner with Jackson Pollock: Ricette, Arte & Natura" at Palazzo Gopcevich
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club and Hour of Code
5:30 pm - Family Film Polar Express
Saturday and Sunday: Dec 12-13
2-7 pm - Weekend Warrior
Monday and Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - Dec. 9 - Classes as usual

8:30 am - Read-a-Thon - Across the River and Into the Trees by Ernest Hemingway
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playgroup in English

Friday, December 11
10 am - Opening of "Dinner with Jackson Pollock: Ricette, Arte & Natura" at Palazzo Gopcevich
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club and Hour of Code
5:30 pm - Family Film Polar Express
Saturday and Sunday: Dec 12-13
2-7 pm - Weekend Warrior
Santa Visit and Cookie Fest

Tree Trimming, Singing, Reading, Eating Cookies, Letters to Santa and .... last but not least.... the arrival of SANTA!!!
The full album is visible at this LINK
Winter and Spring English Courses
Winter and Spring English Courses at Associazione Italo Americana FVG
You can always send an email to aiats.course@gmail.com for more information.
The cell phone number for additional info is: 329 01 10 424. During the Christmas holidays, telephone access will be limited
You can join our courses at any time of year.
Here below are the LINKS for our Winter and Spring Classes

The cell phone number for additional info is: 329 01 10 424. During the Christmas holidays, telephone access will be limited
Closed - Dec. 5th-8th
December 2015 Newsletter
AIA-FVG / American Corner
DECEMBER – Jackson Pollock and Food, Hemingway Read-a-thon, Cookies,
Santa, Coding, Sci Fi and more! We at
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste take the opportunity
to wish you and your families a Happy and Peaceful Holiday Season and the Best
of New Years!
Our Hours
are: Mornings: Tuesday and Thursday 9–12, Afternoons: Monday to Friday 4-7.
Dec. 7-8 and Dec. 23 – Jan. 6th. During Office Hours, you can renew your Membership or
Course with Cash, Pick up your receipts for IBAN Payments, Check Out Books,
DVD’s Magazines. Our Front
Desk Volunteers have been working hard to automate our accounting and
registration procedures!
You can
become a member at any time of year! Here is the
Membership Form. You can pay cash or pay via IBAN. Remember to fill in and scan your Membership
Form along with the copy of your IBAN Payment.
Prices remain unchanged: €35 for the Regular Adult Membership
and €25 for Reduced Membership - Students
age 16 and over, Teachers and over age 65.
To attend courses, the student (or a parent) must be a member). Membership is valid for checking out books,
magazines, DVD’s and for 9 films in
the 2015/16 American Cinema Series in the Original Version at Cinema
dei Fabbri and plus reduced ticket prices on other films at Fabbri. Membership is valid until August 31, 2016.
It’s time
to register for WINTER Classes. Do you need
to change day or class? No problem,
we’ll try to help. Take advantage of the
American Corner Library and
Facilities. Here are the Course
Offerings for ADULTS and KIDS. If there is space, after contacting us, you
can join a course at any time. Remember
to pick up your receipts at the Front Desk during Office Hours.
– The monthly dates have been set for the year
- 1 weekend each month. The next session
is Dec. 12-13, 2-7 pm on Saturday
and Sunday. 10 hours of intensive
English over the weekend. Objective: English Fluency! Too busy during the week? This is for you. Start communicating in English, fast!
– Contact us if you will be taking the exams to go to the university in the
US. We have set up a class to help you.
FILM SERIES Continues at Cinema dei Fabbri. You can
become a member even after the series starts.
ONLY Members can attend the American Film Series. No single tickets can be sold.
Dec. 17th
– GET ON UP – Shows at 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm – ATTENTION! The first show starts early because the film is 139
minutes long.
SANTA VISIT and COOKIE FEST – December 4, 2014, 5-7 pm
Have your picture taken with Santa, Delivery your
Letter to Santa, Decorate the Tree, Sing Holiay Carols. While you’re here you can also enjoy some
holiday cookies and treats. Free and
Open for all Ages. Would you like to help? Do you sing and play and instrument? How about bringing some homemade cookies!
Contact us at: aia.fvg@gmail.com
SCI FI CONTACTS Film and TV SERIES – At American Corner Trieste. FREE ENTRY.
series of science fiction movies and TV series.
In cooperation with the Energia Società Ambiente. Tra passato, presente e futuro, lecture series 2015-16
University of Trieste. Film
Series organized by Giulia Iannuzzi, PhD. Exceptional guest speakers discuss
the theme of the evening. This
Dec. 1st, 8 pm, STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN, 1982, 112 min. Special guest
speaker: Giovanni Vladilo (INAF)
Dec. 10th,
8:30am – 3 pm –
Reading from the Beginning to the End.
In collaboration with the Associazione
Culturale Cinzia Vitale and the US
Consulate Milan. Everyone reads. All
Readers will be entered in the Drawing to Win a Kindle Paperwhite. The voice of Richard Cantrell, a 50 year old Colonel
who is war-scarred, embittered, and ill, based in Trieste with TRUST, but lost
in love with a young Venetian countess.
The Colonel relives his battles and searches for peace in Venice and
Fossalon di Grado.
Dec. 11 – Jan. 10 – Palazzo
Gopcevich, 10 am – 5 pm – Tuesday to Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
very special photographic exhibit is brought to us thanks to the U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Italy and the City of Trieste. Jackson Pollock the
artist needs no introduction—but perhaps lesser known is Jackson Pollock the gardener,
baker, and dinner-party host. Dinner
with Jackson Pollock features more than fifty recipes collected from
handwritten pages scrawled by Jackson in Long Island, interspersed with Jackson’s
masterworks, still lifes of the Pollock summer home, and beautiful photographs
of each recipe. A unique and insightful
portrait of a great American artist.
ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS and FAMILIES – Free and Open to the Public
FAMILY FILM NIGHT - FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC at American Corner
Every month we will have a cartoon family film in
English. Bring the kids, the
grandchildren. Take a break! Bring some
friends. Cartoon Feature Films in English for all ages. Here is the list for 2015/16. This month:
Dec. 11th,
5:30 pm – POLAR EXPRESS - A boy
embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express. During
his adventure he learns about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas.
Make, Create, Hang out in English.
Open to all Middle and High School Students. Every week a different activity. Cooking, Playing, Coding in English. This month we’re working on Thanksgiving and
the Santa Claus Visit with Cookie Fest.
Learn how to code (computer program) with 100 million other people in 180
countries. In one HOUR of
CODE you can get a certificate, play great games, be part of something
BIG! Open for all ages.
If you have a tablet or a smart phone, please bring it. All new programs this year (Star Wars,
Minecraft and Anna and Elsa) for ages 4-104!
MOMS and BABIES (0-3 yrs)
MOM & BABY SURVIVAL ITALIAN - Every Tuesday from 9:30 – 10:30 am. Meet some other moms, learn some Survival
Italian in an informal setting. Bring
the Baby!
MOM & BABY PLAYDATE in English – Every Thursday from 9:30 – 11:30 am –
Meet Moms. Hang out in our baby friendly
space and let the kids play together.
SPACE – Every Thursday from 10-12. Use our sewing machines, knit or sew in
company. Bake a cake! It’s all good. Just clean up when you’re done.
Every Thursday
10- 11am – SURVIVAL ITALIAN Conversation for Adults – Informal
conversation in Italian for Italian language learners. No homework, no stress.
Dec. 1st
- COFFEE BREAK –Take a pause,
enjoy some English conversation and a cup of coffee.
Dec. 15th
– 10- 11:30 am - SHARING and RELAXING in ENGLISH – Talk,
Reflect, Breathe, Relax.
CLUB – Back in January
An English teacher network managed by English teachers. Contact us for the next meeting date and
Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and
Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.
A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. The US Department of State has granted us a
Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to
our regular library, we also feature an Education Advising Section, Children’s
Corner Library and Women’s Space.
Remember that we are a volunteer organization. We are looking for people to work in the
afternoons at the Front Desk, manage library checkouts, help at the cinema, manage
our morning programs, help with seasonal events, mentor teens and a variety of other
roles. Contact us! We’ll keep you busy!
Hours: Monday- Friday 4-7 pm, Tuesday and Thursday 9-12
The Hour of Code - Dec. 11, 5-7 pm
Friday, Dec. 11th
5-7 pm –
Free and Open to the Public
American Corner Trieste
Learn how to code (computer program) with 100 million other people in 180 countries. In one hour you can get a certificate, play great games, be part of something BIG! Open for all ages. If you have a tablet, please bring it. All new programs this year (Star Wars, Minecraft and Anna and Elsa) for ages 4-104!
Dinner with Jackson Pollock: Ricette, Arte & Natura

December 11, 2015 - January 10, 2016
Palazzo Gopcevich , Via Rossini, 4 - Trieste
Hours: 10-17 (closed Monday and on 25/12, 01/01)
In collaboration with the US Diplomatic Mission to Italy, the Comune di Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Free and Open to the Public.
Photographic Exhibit showing Jackson Pollock's same creativity and enthusiasm in culinary arts as well as contemporary art.
The Book: Dinner with Jackson Pollock: Recipes, Art & Nature can be purchased on Amazon.it at this LINK.
L’Associazione Italo Americana FVG
L’American Corner Trieste

You can hear the life in the grass, hear it growing.
Next thing there’s a dry spell…and the life is gone.
Put your ear to it then and all you hear is the wind.
J. Pollock

nel quale la fotografa Robyn Lea racconta in immagini la casa (oggi museo) dei Pollock, negli Anni Cinquanta buen retiro della coppia formata dal maestro dell’Action Painting e della moglie Lee Krasner, anche lei pittrice.
La casa di Springs, a Long Island, nella quale si trasferì dal 1945 e amava ricevere i suoi ospiti e soprattutto cucinare per loro, è la prova di come Pollock mettesse la stessa passione nel dipingere, nel cucinare e soprattutto nel cuocere al forno – la sua specialità - pane e torte di mele.
Dopo aver scoperto le ricette scritte a mano da Pollock e dalla moglie, Robyn Lea ha stabilito una connessione tra ricette, arte e natura. Cibo e sostenibilità, sono le tematiche sulle quali i Pollock costruirono la loro vita a Springs, in sintonia con i ritmi della natura, una relazione con la natura estesa all’amore dell’artista per l’orto, per la pesca e per la ricerca di cibi freschi e selvatici: gli ingredienti per le loro ricette venivano spesso reperiti nelle foreste, negli oceani, nelle baie e nei ruscelli intorno alla loro casa. Una scelta in parte dovuta alla situazione economica difficoltosa ma soprattutto al profondo rispetto per la generosità della natura.
Storie e curiosità che si trovano raccontate nelle 51 immagini esposte al Palazzo Gopcevich, immagini che Robyn Lea ha creato fotografando i piatti che un gruppo di chef hanno realizzato a partire dalle ricette di Pollock. Per scoprire un lato più umano di un’icona dell’arte contemporanea.
Palazzo Gopcevich – Sala Attilio Selva
Via Rossini, 4
Ingresso libero
11 dicembre 2015 – 10 gennaio 2016
Ore 10 – 17 (chiuso lunedì e il 25/12, 1/1)
Per informazioni al museo - telefono: 040/6754072
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Denise Tecchio – American Corner Trieste aia.fvg@gmail.com , 040 63 03 01, 328 88 46 049
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