All American Corner Activities are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
Have you renewed your MEMBERSHIP? Come in and we'll get you registered. The American Film Series 2015/16 Program is now available. The first film: Nov. 5th - Gone Girl - First Show only this film - 13:30
Tuesday, Oct. 13th
9:30 am- Mom & Baby Survival Italian Conversation
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break in English.
Thursday, Oct. 15th
9:30am -Mom & Baby Play Date in English
10am - Survival Italian Conversation for Adults
10am - Maker Creator Space - Come and let's make something together - sewing, knitting, crocheting in English with Federica
8pm - Wine Cheese & Books - Women's Book Club - We are discussing "Girl on a Train" by Paula Hawkins. Want to participate? Send us an email for details aia.fvg@gmail.com ALL PARTICIPANTS bring Food and Beverages to share. Yes, you do need to have read the book (or at least part of it) and be ready to discuss it in English.
Friday, Oct. 9th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Making Nachos this Week!
Are you stressed? Make a donation to get a Designer Anti-Stress Ball Created by our Teen Club
5:30 pm - Family Film Series - Planes: Fire & Rescue - Disney- 80 min.
Planning Ahead:
11 am - Mother and Daughter Brunch - The Day of the Girl Child - Prepaid Reservations Required.
Tuesday, Oct. 20
8 pm - SCI FI Contacts Film and TV Series in collaboration with the course: Energia, Società Ambiente. Tra passato, presente e futuro, lecture series 2015-16 University of Trieste.
Friday, Oct. 23
5 pm - Halloween Party for Pre K and Elementary - Prepaid Reservations Required. AIA Members and their children only.
8 pm- Halloween Party for Middle and High School - Prepaid Reservations Required. AIA Members and their families only.