Here is our November 2015 Schedule in Calendar Format.
Something for everyone!
November 2015 Newsletter
AIA-FVG / American
Corner Trieste
– Thanksgiving,
American Film Series! It's also time for
Membership Renewal, Professional Development for Teachers, Sci Fi, Early Childhood Reading. We have a new format for our newsletters too. Lots of great reasons to come and join an
activity, renew your membership, take a course.
Our Hours
are: Mornings: Tuesday and Thursday 9–12, Afternoons: Monday to Friday 4-7.
Oct. 30- Nov 3. During Office Hours, you can renew your Membership or
Course with Cash, Pick up your receipts for IBAN Payments, Check Out Books,
DVD’s Magazines. Our
Front Desk Volunteers have been working hard to automate our accounting and
registration procedures! Pass by and pick up your OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP CARD.
9 great films at Cinema dei Fabbri.
You can
become a member even after the series starts.
ONLY Members can attend the American Film Series. No single tickets can be sold.
Nov. 5th - GONE GIRL – Shows at 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm – ATTENTION! For
Gone Girl, the first show starts early because the film is 149 minutes
Renew your
Membership Early!
encourage you to purchase your Memberships for 2015/16 during our Office Hours
before the Film Series begins. We will sell memberships at Cinema dei Fabbri
only at the 1st movie. Here
is the Membership Form. You can pay cash or pay via IBAN. Remember to fill in and scan your Membership
Form along with the copy of your IBAN Payment.
Prices remain unchanged: €35 for the Regular Adult Membership
and €25 for Reduced Membership - Students
age 16 and over, Teachers and over age 65.
To attend courses, the student (or a parent) must be a member). Membership is valid for checking out books,
magazines, DVD’s and for 9 films in
the 2015/16 American Cinema Series in the Original Version
at Cinema dei Fabbri and plus reduced ticket prices on other films at Fabbri. Membership is valid one school year and must
be renewed annually in September.
How is your FALL class going? Do you want to continue in the WINTER? Inform us so that we can reserve your space
for you. Do you need to change day or
class? No problem, we’ll try to
help. Take advantage of the American Library
and Facilities. If you missed the
beginning of courses for ADULTS
or KIDS,
contact us. We’ll try to find a space
for you or an alternative day based on availability. We calculate the price
from the date you start.
– The monthly dates have been set for the year
- 1 weekend each month. The next session
is November 28-29, 2-7 pm on Saturday and Sunday. 10 hours of intensive English over the
weekend. Objective: English Fluency! Too
busy during the week? This is for
you. Start communicating in English,
and SAT EXAM PREPARATION – Contact us if you will be taking the exams to go
to the university in the US. We have set
up a class to help you.
FAMILY STYLE THANKSGIVING DINNER – November 21, 2015, 7:30 pm
(Yes, we know that
Thanksgiving is officially on Thursday, November 26th).
Thanksgiving at AIA FVG is now a classic!
LIMITED to 100
participants. RESERVATION and PAYMENT
to block your place.
Contribution €15 for Adults, €5 for children age 5-12. DEADLINE for Reservations: November 15th. The Association will be cooking the Turkeys. The rest is a Pot Luck! North Americans bring assigned Hors d'oeuvres and Side dishes. Everybody else brings Dessert. All participants bring beverages (wine or whatever you prefer to drink) and their appetites. Live music by the Five plus One Group with Judy Moss.
Contribution €15 for Adults, €5 for children age 5-12. DEADLINE for Reservations: November 15th. The Association will be cooking the Turkeys. The rest is a Pot Luck! North Americans bring assigned Hors d'oeuvres and Side dishes. Everybody else brings Dessert. All participants bring beverages (wine or whatever you prefer to drink) and their appetites. Live music by the Five plus One Group with Judy Moss.
will need volunteer crews for American Cooking School, Set-up and
Clean-up. Contact us!
November 7, 2-5 pm –
Free and Open to All English Teachers. To
register send an email to Include your name, School name, Grade you
Teach, Your telephone number. Share with
a colleague, bring a colleague.
SCI FI CONTACTS Film and TV SERIES – At American Corner
Trieste. FREE ENTRY.
series of science fiction movies and TV series.
In cooperation with the Energia Società Ambiente. Tra passato, presente e futuro, lecture series
2015-16 University of Trieste. Film Series organized by Giulia Iannuzzi, PhD. Exceptional
guest speakers discuss the theme of the evening. This month:
Nov. 17th, 8 pm,
THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, 2004, 124 min. Special guest speaker: Filippo Giorgi (International
Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste).
Theme: Eco Catastrophe.
American Corner Trieste delegation (6 High School students and 3 University
students from Trieste) has returned from their Model UN Simulation in Rome
thanks to scholarships offered by the U.S. Embassy to Italy. They will speak about their experience (in
Italian). Open to the Public.
ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS and FAMILIES – Free and Open to the Public
NATI PER LEGGERE – Thursday, Nov. 19th, 10 am
reading... quietly. Our Children’s Corner is a Nati per Leggere Point.
We’ll share our favorite books by Eric Carle, one of the most popular American
authors of children's literature, and discuss the benefits of reading to
very young children at home. Antonella Farina, the provincial coordinator
of “Nati per Leggere” (the Italian Program similar to the American Reach Out and Read organization),
will speak. Reading both in English and
FAMILY FILM NIGHT - FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC at American Corner
Every month we will have a cartoon family film in
English. Bring the kids, the
grandchildren. Take a break! Bring some
friends. Cartoon Feature Films in English for all ages. Here is the list for 2015/16. This month:
Nov. 16th,
5:30 pm – SPIRIT:
Stallion of the Cimarron - As a wild
stallion travels across the frontiers of the Old West, he befriends a young
human and finds true love with a mare.
Make, Create, Hang out in
English. Open to all Middle and High
School Students. Every week a different
activity. Cooking, Playing, Coding in
English. This month we’re working on Thanksgiving
and the Santa Claus Visit with Cookie Fest.
MOMS and BABIES (0-3 yrs)
MOM & BABY SURVIVAL ITALIAN - Every Tuesday from 9:30 – 10:30
am. Meet some other moms, learn some
Survival Italian in an informal setting.
Bring the Baby!
MOM & BABY PLAYDATE in English – Every Thursday from 9:30 –
11:30 am – Meet Moms. Hang out in
our baby friendly space and let the kids play together.
SPACE – Every Thursday from 10-12. Use our sewing machines, knit or sew in
company. Bake a cake! It’s all good. Just clean up when you’re done.
We’ll discuss The
Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. Want to participate? Send us an email for details.
Every Thursday
10- 11am – SURVIVAL ITALIAN Conversation for Adults – Informal conversation in Italian for Italian language learners. No homework, no stress.
Nov. 10th,
10- 12 - COFFEE BREAK –Take a pause,
enjoy some English conversation and a cup of coffee.
Nov. 17th – 10-
11:30 am - SHARING and RELAXING in ENGLISH – Talk, Reflect, Breathe, Relax.
– Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and
Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.
A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. The US Department of State has granted us a
Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to
our regular library, we also feature an Education Advising Section, Children’s
Corner Library and Women’s Space.
Remember that we are a volunteer organization. We are looking for people to work in the
afternoons at the Front Desk, manage library checkouts, help at the cinema,
mentor teens and a variety of other roles.
Contact us! We’ll keep you busy!
What's Up - Oct. 26-30
What's up this week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste?
Unless specified, all activities are FREE and OPEN to the Public.
Membership Cards are READY! Come in and pick up your card. If you haven't become a 2015/16 Member, now is the time! Don't miss the First Film in the American Film Series 2015/16 - Gone Girl - Nov. 5th with showings at 1:30, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm at Cinema dei Fabbri.

Tuesday, Oct 27
9:30 am Mom & Baby Survival Italian
10 am Short Story Club - The story of the month is Early Autumn by Langston Hughes. Read it at home and come in to discuss it in English.
8 pm - MOON SCI FI CONTACTS FILM SERIES - guest speakers: Eduardo Milotti Edoardo Milotti (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics - University of Trieste)
In 2035, Lunar Industries have made a fortune after an oil crisis by building Sarang, an automated lunar facility to mine the alternative fuel helium-3. Helium-3 is used primarily to power fusion reactors and other things that run on fusion energy. Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell), the astronaut who maintains operations at Sarang, nears the end of a three-year work contract as the facility's sole resident...
Thursday, Oct 28
9:30 am Mom & Baby Play Group in English
10 am Survival Italian for Adults
10 am - Maker Space - Make, Create, Hang Out in English. For Adults.
FRIDAY, Oct. 30 - Tues, November 3rd
No Classes these days!
We'll see you on November 4th.
Unless specified, all activities are FREE and OPEN to the Public.
Membership Cards are READY! Come in and pick up your card. If you haven't become a 2015/16 Member, now is the time! Don't miss the First Film in the American Film Series 2015/16 - Gone Girl - Nov. 5th with showings at 1:30, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm at Cinema dei Fabbri.

Tuesday, Oct 27
9:30 am Mom & Baby Survival Italian
10 am Short Story Club - The story of the month is Early Autumn by Langston Hughes. Read it at home and come in to discuss it in English.
8 pm - MOON SCI FI CONTACTS FILM SERIES - guest speakers: Eduardo Milotti Edoardo Milotti (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics - University of Trieste)

Thursday, Oct 28
9:30 am Mom & Baby Play Group in English
10 am Survival Italian for Adults
10 am - Maker Space - Make, Create, Hang Out in English. For Adults.
FRIDAY, Oct. 30 - Tues, November 3rd
No Classes these days!
We'll see you on November 4th.
Definitive Membership Cards are Ready

The cards for all memberships issued by October 15th are ready!
The office is open:
Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-12
Monday to Friday 4-7 pm.
Our super volunteer Claudia is now working on the rest of the cards.
We will be closed from Friday, October 30th until November 3rd. There will be no group classes on those dates.
You forgot to get your Membership? Here are all the DETAILS about Membership and the American Film Series. Only €25 for students + 16 years, teachers, +65
Only €35 for regular Adult Memberships.
What's Up Oct 19-25?
What's up this week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste?
Unless specified, all activities are FREE and OPEN to the Public.
Tuesday, Oct 20
9:30 am Mom & Baby Survival Italian
10 am Sharing & Relaxing in English -
8 pm - TERRA NOVA - SCI-FI CONTACTS FILM SERIES - guest speakers:Vanni Lughi, Alessandro Massi Pavan (School on Energy Giacomo Ciamician, University of Trieste)
Thursday, Oct 22
9:30 am Mom & Baby Play Group in English
10 am Survival Italian for Adults
10 am - Maker Space
Friday, Oct. 23
5 pm Halloween Party for Pre K & Elementary - AIA FVG Members Only with Prepaid Reservation
8 pm Halloween Party for Middle & High School - AIA FVG Members Only with Prepaid Reservation
Saturday and Sunday, Oct 24 -25
Weekend Warrior Full Immersion English -AIA FVG Members Registered for the Course.
Unless specified, all activities are FREE and OPEN to the Public.
Tuesday, Oct 20
9:30 am Mom & Baby Survival Italian
10 am Sharing & Relaxing in English -
8 pm - TERRA NOVA - SCI-FI CONTACTS FILM SERIES - guest speakers:Vanni Lughi, Alessandro Massi Pavan (School on Energy Giacomo Ciamician, University of Trieste)

9:30 am Mom & Baby Play Group in English
10 am Survival Italian for Adults
10 am - Maker Space
Friday, Oct. 23
5 pm Halloween Party for Pre K & Elementary - AIA FVG Members Only with Prepaid Reservation
8 pm Halloween Party for Middle & High School - AIA FVG Members Only with Prepaid Reservation
Saturday and Sunday, Oct 24 -25
Weekend Warrior Full Immersion English -AIA FVG Members Registered for the Course.
Professional Development Workshop for English Teachers - Saturday Nov. 7, 2015, 2-5 pm
Professional Development Workshop for English Teachers
FREE with Advance Registration:
To Register send an email to (with your Name, School Name, Grade that you teach )
Teaching English as a Second Language in Schools.
From Pre-K to High School. Techniques, Strategies, Diversified Learning.
Upon completion of the workshop, each participant will receive a certificate of participation.
Janine Sprague
FLUENCY SOUP Karoline Steckley
Erin Russo
Marina Randich
Karoline and Janine
Maureen McCleary
Piazza S. Antonio, 6
040 63 03 01
FREE with Advance Registration:
To Register send an email to (with your Name, School Name, Grade that you teach )
Teaching English as a Second Language in Schools.
From Pre-K to High School. Techniques, Strategies, Diversified Learning.
Upon completion of the workshop, each participant will receive a certificate of participation.
Janine Sprague
FLUENCY SOUP Karoline Steckley
Erin Russo
Marina Randich
Karoline and Janine
Maureen McCleary
Piazza S. Antonio, 6
040 63 03 01
#ROMUN2015 - American Corner Trieste with the US Ambassador

The American Corner Trieste Delegation had a special meeting with John Phillips, US Ambassador to Italy.
At the opening ceremony of the #ROMUN2015 Model UN, in addition to meeting U.S. Ambassador John Phillips, the delegation also met Giorgio Napolitano, former President of the Republic of Italy and Franco Frattini, President of the SIOI.
Ambassador Phillips encouraged the the young people to meet the challenges of the new sustainable development goals of the United Nations, and spoke of the efforts of President Obama to address climate change, and the issues of Expo 2015 Milano : Feed the Planet.
In the Photo:
From Left: Tina Busan, Michelle Wardell, Ada Caruso, Caterina Rosso, Paola Codiglia, Ambassador Phillips, Amrit Beran, Alice Onor, Francesco Cenci, Leonardo Iurada.
Planes 2 , Teen Club, Mother & Daughter Brunch - What a Weekend!
Join us this weekend at American Corner Trieste!
Friday activities are Free and Open to the Public. Sunday Brunch is via Prepaid Reservation only.
Friday, Oct. 9th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Planning Halloween and Decorating!
Are you stressed? Make a donation to get a Designer Anti-Stress Ball Created by our Teen Club
5:30 pm - Family Film Series - Planes: Fire & Rescue - Disney- 80 min.
When Dusty learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he joins a forest fire and rescue unit to be trained as a firefighter, or else his air strip will be shut down.
Sunday, Oct. 18
11 am - Mother and Daughter Brunch - The Day of the Girl Child - Prepaid Reservations Required. €10 per person. Deadline: October 16th
Friday activities are Free and Open to the Public. Sunday Brunch is via Prepaid Reservation only.
Friday, Oct. 9th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Planning Halloween and Decorating!
Are you stressed? Make a donation to get a Designer Anti-Stress Ball Created by our Teen Club
5:30 pm - Family Film Series - Planes: Fire & Rescue - Disney- 80 min.
When Dusty learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he joins a forest fire and rescue unit to be trained as a firefighter, or else his air strip will be shut down.

11 am - Mother and Daughter Brunch - The Day of the Girl Child - Prepaid Reservations Required. €10 per person. Deadline: October 16th
American Corner Trieste Delegation at the ROMUN2015 Model UN
Countdown to #ROMUN2015 Model UN - October 16-20, 2015.
The American Corner Trieste Delegation is ready to go!
More info at this LINK

The American Corner Trieste Delegation is ready to go!
More info at this LINK

What's Up - Oct. 12- 18 - American Corner Trieste
What's Up this week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste?

All American Corner Activities are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
Have you renewed your MEMBERSHIP? Come in and we'll get you registered. The American Film Series 2015/16 Program is now available. The first film: Nov. 5th - Gone Girl - First Show only this film - 13:30
Tuesday, Oct. 13th
9:30 am- Mom & Baby Survival Italian Conversation
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break in English.
Thursday, Oct. 15th
9:30am -Mom & Baby Play Date in English
10am - Survival Italian Conversation for Adults
10am - Maker Creator Space - Come and let's make something together - sewing, knitting, crocheting in English with Federica
8pm - Wine Cheese & Books - Women's Book Club - We are discussing "Girl on a Train" by Paula Hawkins. Want to participate? Send us an email for details ALL PARTICIPANTS bring Food and Beverages to share. Yes, you do need to have read the book (or at least part of it) and be ready to discuss it in English.
Friday, Oct. 9th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Making Nachos this Week!
Are you stressed? Make a donation to get a Designer Anti-Stress Ball Created by our Teen Club
5:30 pm - Family Film Series - Planes: Fire & Rescue - Disney- 80 min.
Planning Ahead:
Sunday, Oct. 18
11 am - Mother and Daughter Brunch - The Day of the Girl Child - Prepaid Reservations Required.
Tuesday, Oct. 20
8 pm - SCI FI Contacts Film and TV Series in collaboration with the course: Energia, Società Ambiente. Tra passato, presente e futuro, lecture series 2015-16 University of Trieste.
Friday, Oct. 23
5 pm - Halloween Party for Pre K and Elementary - Prepaid Reservations Required. AIA Members and their children only.
8 pm- Halloween Party for Middle and High School - Prepaid Reservations Required. AIA Members and their families only.

All American Corner Activities are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.
Have you renewed your MEMBERSHIP? Come in and we'll get you registered. The American Film Series 2015/16 Program is now available. The first film: Nov. 5th - Gone Girl - First Show only this film - 13:30
Tuesday, Oct. 13th
9:30 am- Mom & Baby Survival Italian Conversation
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break in English.
Thursday, Oct. 15th
9:30am -Mom & Baby Play Date in English
10am - Survival Italian Conversation for Adults
10am - Maker Creator Space - Come and let's make something together - sewing, knitting, crocheting in English with Federica
8pm - Wine Cheese & Books - Women's Book Club - We are discussing "Girl on a Train" by Paula Hawkins. Want to participate? Send us an email for details ALL PARTICIPANTS bring Food and Beverages to share. Yes, you do need to have read the book (or at least part of it) and be ready to discuss it in English.
Friday, Oct. 9th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Making Nachos this Week!
Are you stressed? Make a donation to get a Designer Anti-Stress Ball Created by our Teen Club
5:30 pm - Family Film Series - Planes: Fire & Rescue - Disney- 80 min.
Planning Ahead:
11 am - Mother and Daughter Brunch - The Day of the Girl Child - Prepaid Reservations Required.
Tuesday, Oct. 20
8 pm - SCI FI Contacts Film and TV Series in collaboration with the course: Energia, Società Ambiente. Tra passato, presente e futuro, lecture series 2015-16 University of Trieste.
Friday, Oct. 23
5 pm - Halloween Party for Pre K and Elementary - Prepaid Reservations Required. AIA Members and their children only.
8 pm- Halloween Party for Middle and High School - Prepaid Reservations Required. AIA Members and their families only.
Gone Girl - First Show at 13:30 (1:30pm) Nov. 5th
Because of the length of the film, the first show begins at 13:30.
This is an exception. The other films start at 14.
5 November 2015
GONE GIRL. Dir. David Fincher. Starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike. Thriller, 149 min.
SPECIAL SHOWTIMES for Gone Girl - 13:30, 16, 18:30, 21.
Here is the LINK to the American Film Series 2015/16 Schedule
5 November 2015
GONE GIRL. Dir. David Fincher. Starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike. Thriller, 149 min.
SPECIAL SHOWTIMES for Gone Girl - 13:30, 16, 18:30, 21.
Here is the LINK to the American Film Series 2015/16 Schedule
American Corner Trieste Delegation at the Model United Nations - ROMUN2015 in Rome - Oct. 16-20
9 students from the American Corner Trieste have been awarded scholarships to attend ROMUN2015 - the Official Model United Nations in Rome from October 16-20, 2015.
American Corner Trieste congratulates the American Corner Delegation and thanks the US Embassy to Italy for this tremendous opportunity.
Meet our American Corner Trieste Delegation through their Video Messages and learn more about ROMUN2015 - the Model UN Project held at the Headquarters of F.A.O. Rome. Many thanks to the M.S.O.I. Gorizia - Diplomacy Faculty for the Mini-Model UN Simulation that they organized for the American Corner Trieste Delegation.
Here is the Day 1 Agenda, with speakers ranging from Giorgio Napolitano, Franco Frattini, John Phillips, US Ambassador to Italy and guest messages from Pope Francis and Mikhail Gorbachev.
#romun2015 #americanspaces
American Corner Trieste congratulates the American Corner Delegation and thanks the US Embassy to Italy for this tremendous opportunity.
Meet our American Corner Trieste Delegation through their Video Messages and learn more about ROMUN2015 - the Model UN Project held at the Headquarters of F.A.O. Rome. Many thanks to the M.S.O.I. Gorizia - Diplomacy Faculty for the Mini-Model UN Simulation that they organized for the American Corner Trieste Delegation.
Here is the Day 1 Agenda, with speakers ranging from Giorgio Napolitano, Franco Frattini, John Phillips, US Ambassador to Italy and guest messages from Pope Francis and Mikhail Gorbachev.
#romun2015 #americanspaces
LGBT Economic & Social Inclusion - in STREAMING
If you can't join us in person for the LGBT Economic & Social Inclusion Conference October 6th at 3 pm, you can still follow it in STREAMING.
Justin Nelson - National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
Rami Shakra - US Consulate Milan
Antonio Benozzo - U of Val D'Aosta
Sergia Adama - U of Trieste
Sandi Paulina - Arcigay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia
Here is the Video LINK.
Here is the link to the Slide Presentation.
Here is the photo album link.
Below you'll see the article from Primorski - Oct. 7, 2015
Justin Nelson - National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
Rami Shakra - US Consulate Milan
Antonio Benozzo - U of Val D'Aosta
Sergia Adama - U of Trieste
Sandi Paulina - Arcigay Arcobaleno Trieste Gorizia
Here is the Video LINK.
Here is the link to the Slide Presentation.
Here is the photo album link.
Below you'll see the article from Primorski - Oct. 7, 2015
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Renew your Membership!
Remember to renew your 2015/16 Membership in the Associazione Italo Americana FVG. If you have already renewed or are a new member, welcome!
Attend the 35th American Film Series 2015/16 in English. We're very excited about this year's program.
In addition to the American Film Series, Members can check out books and DVD's from the American Corner Library, Childrens Corner, Womens Space, attend special events and conferences, thematic film series, register for courses at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG, see other films at the Cinema dei Fabbri with reduced entry prices.
Membership must be renewed annually and is valid until August 31, 2016.
Become an Associazione Italo Americana FVG Ambassador! Share this message with your friends, colleagues, classmates. Come by the office and pick up some flyers.
Register at: Associazione Italo Americana FVG, Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste.
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 4- 7 pm and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-12.
Save time and download the Membership Form.
€25 - "Ridotto" Reduced - Students (+16), teachers/professors, seniors (+ 65)
€35 - "Intero" - Regular
The American Film Series is shown at the Cinema dei Fabbri, via dei Fabbri 2/A. Sorry, no single entry tickets. You must be a member to attend the films. Showtimes: 14, 16, 18:30, 21 (2 pm, 4 pm, 6:30 pm, 9 pm)
Here is the link for the Scheduleof the 35th American Film Series 2015/16 , startin on November 5th with GONE GIRL.
For additional information:
See you at the Movies. . .in the Library, at a Conference or at an Event!
LGBT Economic & Social Inclusion
October 6, 2015, 3:00 pm
Conference and Panel Discussion
Guest Speaker: Justin Nelson - President and Co-Founder: US National Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce NGLCC
Free and Open to the Public at American Corner TriestePiazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
Conference and Panel Discussion
LGBT Economic & Social Inclusion
Free and Open to the Public at American Corner TriestePiazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
Weekend Warrior - Inglese Intensivo
A Full Immersion English Class without leaving Trieste?
We have the course for you at Associazione Italo Americana FVG!
Of course we have regular Adult English Classes that meet once a week and Individual Lessons too.
€125 per weekend (5% discount IBAN payment €118.75) IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887
You must become a Member of AIA FVG to take courses.
For more info: or tel: 040 63 03 01.

No Time during the weekend?
How about a 3 day Full Immersion during the week? NINE to FIVE
24 hours of practical English in 3 days! A Full Immersion without leaving Trieste.
Like Weekend Warrior, but more intense.
Be a Rock Star when you get back to the Office! Hurrah!
July 25 - 26 - 27 - 9 am to 5 pm
Price: €300 (with IBAN Payment you receive a 5% discount bringing the price to €285)
We have the course for you at Associazione Italo Americana FVG!
Of course we have regular Adult English Classes that meet once a week and Individual Lessons too.
€125 per weekend (5% discount IBAN payment €118.75) IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887
You must become a Member of AIA FVG to take courses.
For more info: or tel: 040 63 03 01.

No Time during the weekend?
How about a 3 day Full Immersion during the week? NINE to FIVE
24 hours of practical English in 3 days! A Full Immersion without leaving Trieste.
Like Weekend Warrior, but more intense.
Be a Rock Star when you get back to the Office! Hurrah!
July 25 - 26 - 27 - 9 am to 5 pm
Price: €300 (with IBAN Payment you receive a 5% discount bringing the price to €285)
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