READING for Young Native Speakers
Ages: 7-10
Start date: July 1 until July 31st 2013
Total 15 hours: € 150
This five-week course is
aimed at students who have reached a high level of spoken proficiency in English.
Participants will improve all four
language skills, but especially reading and writing.
more information: +39 329 7883810
“LIT FLIX” Advanced Multimedia and Literature
Accelerated English for Teens
Ages: 11-16
Wednesdays 5-6pm *
Start date: June 12, 2013
Total 7 hours: €70
seven-week course is aimed at students who have reached a high level of spoken and
written proficiency in English. Participants will improve all four language
skills through literature, film, music, poetry, writing and conversation.
Featured authors:
Dahl, E.B. White, A.A. Milne, e.e. Cummings, Frank Baum, Mark Twain, Helen
Keller, Rebbecca Lisle, etc.
Themes: Representation of literature in film,
Friendship in literature, storytelling through music, overcoming diversity
through writing, clash of generations: communicating with teens in literature
and film, etc.
For more information: +39 329 7883810
Pagamento: Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.
pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare: Causale:
Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritti
all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
Per ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, un membro della
famiglia deve essere iscritto.
Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi
Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti,
³ 65 anni) - €25
Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per
l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.