The Association will be closed Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday we will be in the process of moving.
Classes begin and we hope to be back to our old routine on April 8 at the new office in Piazza Sant'Antonio, 6.
Wish us luck.
Phone Number for Association
As you know, we are in the midst of changing locations. As of today, in fact, our telephone at Via Roma was turned off and activated at Piazza Sant'Antonio, 6.
Because of the Bora, we did not move our office on Monday as planned and we are still working in the old office... The problem is that we no longer have internet or a phone line in Via Roma, Thank Goodness for Smart Phones!
If you need information about courses or anything else that you would normally get from calling our landline, please call Karoline +39 3498666667 or email us
We may actually get the Front Desk cleaned out and packed up by the time the movers come next week (not having internet can be a good thing!).
Wish Us Luck! We have accumulated a fair amount of (to use the polite term) stuff in the 44 years we have been at Via Roma. It's a good moment to sift, pitch, and simplify.
For those of you on the fence about becoming a volunteer at the Association, the next couple of weeks will be a perfect time to get your feet wet and see what we are all about.
See you soon!
Because of the Bora, we did not move our office on Monday as planned and we are still working in the old office... The problem is that we no longer have internet or a phone line in Via Roma, Thank Goodness for Smart Phones!
If you need information about courses or anything else that you would normally get from calling our landline, please call Karoline +39 3498666667 or email us
We may actually get the Front Desk cleaned out and packed up by the time the movers come next week (not having internet can be a good thing!).
Wish Us Luck! We have accumulated a fair amount of (to use the polite term) stuff in the 44 years we have been at Via Roma. It's a good moment to sift, pitch, and simplify.
For those of you on the fence about becoming a volunteer at the Association, the next couple of weeks will be a perfect time to get your feet wet and see what we are all about.
See you soon!
Schools are closed tomorrow in Trieste, so the Association is closing too. For more information: 3498666667
We will let you know when we will make up this week's film.
The weather seems to be getting worse. Please stay safe.
The weather seems to be getting worse. Please stay safe.
The weather is TERRIBLE today! Stay home and have some hot soup!
Corsi - Primavera 2013 - dal 15/4
RAGAZZI (1 volta alla settimana):
Pre-School (Scuola Materna)
Martedì: 17:00-18:00. 16, 23, 30 Aprile; 7, 14, 21, 28 Maggio; 4 Giugno. Totale: 8 settimane (8 ore) € 80Mercoledì: 17:00-18:00. 17, 24 Aprile 8, 15, 22, 29 Maggio; 5, 12 Giugno. Totale: 8 settimane (8 ore) € 80
Elementary (Sc. Elementare)
Martedì: 17:00-18:30. 16, 23, 30 Aprile; 7, 14, 21, 28 Maggio; 4 Giugno. Totale: 8 settimane (12 ore) € 120Mercoledì: 15:30-17:00. 17, 24 Aprile; 8, 15, 22, 29 Maggio; 5, 12 Giugno. Totale: 8 settimane (12 ore) € 120
Middle School (Sc. Media)
Martedì: 15:00-17:00. 16, 23, 30 Aprile; 7, 14, 21, 28 Maggio; 4 Giugno. Totale: 8 settimane (16 ore) € 210
High School (Sc. Superiore)
Giovedì: 15:00-17:00 . 18 Aprile; 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Maggio; 6, 13 Giugno. Totale 8 settimane (16 ore) € 210Giovedì: 17:30-19:30. 18 Aprile; 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Maggio; 6, 13 Giugno. Totale 8 settimane (16 ore) € 210
ADULTI (1 volta la settimana):
Beginners / Advanced Beginners Lunedì: 18:00-20:00. 15,22,29 Aprile; 6,13,20,27 Maggio; 6,10,17 Giugno.
Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore) € 260
Intermediate Conversation:
Martedì: 18:00-20:00. 16,23,30 Aprile; 7,14,21,28 Maggio; 4,11,18 Giugno. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore) € 260
Advanced Conversation:
Mercoledì:18:00-20:00. 17,24 Aprile; 8,15,22,29 Maggio; 5,12,19,26 Giugno. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore) € 260
Pagamento: Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.
(Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare: Causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritti all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
Per ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, un membro della famiglia deve essere iscritto. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.
Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25
Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.SUPER ENGLISH INTENSIVE WEEK
8-12 aprile 2013
TOTALE 10 ore € 130
Adult Beginner 4-6 pm (ore 16-18)Adult Advanced Beginner 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Adult Intermediate Conversation 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Adult Advanced Conversation 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Una botta d’inglese in 1 settimana. Quello che serve per riprendere il tuo inglese un po’ arrugginito. Una vera settimana di full immersion!
(Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare: Causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritti all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25. Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.
Extra Extra- Special Edition Newsletter
AIA-FVG / American Corner Trieste
We promised you exiting news in March. By
now you know our big news about the MOVE to Piazza S. Antonio, 6. While we are moving, we still busy with
courses and activities. Here is a look at what is up from now until the end of
the month. Films, Speakers, Storytime, Spring Festival and an Open House Book
Fair in
our Library. Not to mention packing, unpacking, disassembling, assembling. Here are some photos so you can see our progress.
our Library. Not to mention packing, unpacking, disassembling, assembling. Here are some photos so you can see our progress.
CALL for VOLUNTEERS – We have hired a moving company, but we have to have
everything disassembled and ready to go.
Our libraries shelves and display cases are bolted to the walls and we
have to get them down and bolt them back up in the new place. If you are good with a Screw Driver and a
Drill, please contact us ASAP at or 040 63 03 01. We need all the help we can get! BYOT (Bring Your Own TOOLS). We’re really getting into these acronyms aren’t
at the Ariston.
March 21st - Moonrise
Kingdom - 94 min. with Bruce Willis,
Bill Murray, Francis McDormand. Regular
show times: 2,4,6:30, 9 p.m.
Open House and Book Fair in our Library. Friday March 22nd - 10-12 and 4-8 p.m. and Saturday, March 23rd - 10 -12.
We are moving and consolidating our Library Collection. A part of our Library from Allied Reading Room and USIS times has been donated to the University of Trieste. The remaining books 3,000 Non-Fiction Books (History, Politics, Philosophy, Art, Music, Nature, etc) are available to the general public for a small contribution. There is something for everyone. BYOB – in this case Bring Your Own BAG to carry home your books! Visit via Roma 15 one last time.
Friday American Experience – Friday, March 22nd 6 p.m - Resistance is Futile, Exporing American Discourses of Technology, with Guest Lecturer Laura Moeller, from the U. of Dortmund American Studies
Saturday Storytime – Saturday, March 23rd, 10:30 - 11:30 - If you Give a Party -our final Storytime for this Winter. Yes, we'll have a party with the kids and give everybody a certificate!
Festa della Primavera in Piazza Volontari Giuliani e Dalmati. Saturday, March 23rd, 2:30 - 7 p.m. – A multicultural Party for all ages to promote the renovation of the park in the square. We’ll be there and at 4:30 our Storytime team will read "From Head to Toes", one of our favorites. In the case of rain or Bora, the
event is postponed.
Made for Each Other - March 25th at 8 p.m. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)- at Cappella Underground.
Technical Information:
Our office will be closed from March 29th until April 2nd. On April 3rd we re-open in Piazza S. Antonio 6 for course registration. The library will open during the week of April 8th and we will gradually re-shelve.
Our office will be closed from March 29th until April 2nd. On April 3rd we re-open in Piazza S. Antonio 6 for course registration. The library will open during the week of April 8th and we will gradually re-shelve.
Don't forget: Intensive
Week for Adults – April 8-12 – Jump
start your English. 10 hours of English
in 5 days! Come out speaking almost like a native…Adult Beginner,
Adult Advanced, Adult Intermediate- Monday to Friday 6-8 p.m. Cost €130. Spring
Courses – Starting April 15 – Our regular courses will continue from April 15th with the same days and times. Talk to your teacher if you are already in a
course. Classes for students will end
with the Italian school year. Call 349
8666667 for course info.
Hours: Monday-Friday 4-8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10-12
Festa di Primavera - Special Storytime at 4:30
Festa di Primavera in Piazza Volontari Giuliani e Dalmati - Saturday, March 23rd - 2:30 - 7 p.m. - We will be there and have a special Storytime at 4:30 p.m (of course our morning Saturday Storytime and party will also be held at 10:30 as scheduled).
A multi-cultural event to promote the renovation of the square. Non-profit cultural Associations: Italian, Slovenian, American, Serbian, Russian, Brazilian activities plus Gardening and Health tips. In case for rain or Bora, the party is postponed. Open to all ages.
Keeping you in the Loop!
With all the action around via Roma, it's hard to believe we are moving at the end of the month. Only the packing boxes give us away.
Friday we had over 50 people at our TGIF Happy Hour! The food, by the way, was amazing: Fried chicken, Cole Slaw, Caesar Salad, and Mac n' Cheese. For Pics, see FB. Thanks, again, Marino, for cooking it up for us!! It was our last Happy Hour in Via Roma.
Saturday morning Storytime had a record 40 kids!! Thanks Erin and our other fantastic volunteers for making it a success! Remember, next Saturday is our last Storytime for this year. Come for the party! We will pick up again this summer with our Summer Reading Program, of course.
Tonight is Made for Each Other at Cappella Underground. If you have never seen Third Rock From the Sun, come for a good laugh! This crummy weather makes it the perfect day to break some records there as well!
Thanks to everyone who has offered to unpack boxes for us at the new place! We will definitely need you in the coming weeks!
Remember to sign up for the next round of courses starting in April. For information, call +393498666667, or stop in during business hours. We are looking forward to Super Intensive Week on April 8 and regular courses the week after.
For Materna classes, you can choose between Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5-6. The Tuesday course is at the same time as an elementary course, practical if you have one kid for each!
See you this week at the Association!
Friday we had over 50 people at our TGIF Happy Hour! The food, by the way, was amazing: Fried chicken, Cole Slaw, Caesar Salad, and Mac n' Cheese. For Pics, see FB. Thanks, again, Marino, for cooking it up for us!! It was our last Happy Hour in Via Roma.
Saturday morning Storytime had a record 40 kids!! Thanks Erin and our other fantastic volunteers for making it a success! Remember, next Saturday is our last Storytime for this year. Come for the party! We will pick up again this summer with our Summer Reading Program, of course.
Tonight is Made for Each Other at Cappella Underground. If you have never seen Third Rock From the Sun, come for a good laugh! This crummy weather makes it the perfect day to break some records there as well!
Thanks to everyone who has offered to unpack boxes for us at the new place! We will definitely need you in the coming weeks!
Remember to sign up for the next round of courses starting in April. For information, call +393498666667, or stop in during business hours. We are looking forward to Super Intensive Week on April 8 and regular courses the week after.
For Materna classes, you can choose between Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5-6. The Tuesday course is at the same time as an elementary course, practical if you have one kid for each!
See you this week at the Association!
Missing Via Roma Already?
Thank you, dear members and friends, for being such astute readers and translators.
The truth is, the Association moved to Via Roma, 15 in 1969 and NOT in 1984 as was previously believed.
There lies the discrepancy in the communication we sent out. The English version was corrected. The Italian version was not.
Also, the American in me got carried away when I called it Piazza "San Antonio" instead of "Sant'Antonio". I realize now that we are not in Texas.
My apologies.
The truth is, the Association moved to Via Roma, 15 in 1969 and NOT in 1984 as was previously believed.
There lies the discrepancy in the communication we sent out. The English version was corrected. The Italian version was not.
Also, the American in me got carried away when I called it Piazza "San Antonio" instead of "Sant'Antonio". I realize now that we are not in Texas.
My apologies.
For Members and Friends
Dear Members and Friends,
Oggetto: Trasloco AIA da via Roma a Piazza Sant’Antonio 6
Cari Soci, Cari Amici,
After 44 years at its historic location in Via Roma, The Associazione Italo Americana del FVG/American Corner is delighted to announce that at end of this month it will be moving to its new headquarters: a spacious, beautiful apartment on the second floor of the historic building located in Piazza Sant'Antonio n. 6, in downtown Trieste.
The new location is the fruit of a friendship with the Serbian Orthodox Community of Trieste who own the building the Association will now call home.
This move is a fundamental milestone of a long-term plan which began with a change in Administration in 2010. The new administration, along with a group of dedicated teachers and volunteers contributed to increasing membership, offering more programs, and building a stronger sense of community, all of which have made this move possible.
This move is a fundamental milestone of a long-term plan which began with a change in Administration in 2010. The new administration, along with a group of dedicated teachers and volunteers contributed to increasing membership, offering more programs, and building a stronger sense of community, all of which have made this move possible.
The new location will allow the Association to better serve members and the public. Along with a much-needed elevator, there are more classrooms to accommodate the growing language school and offer classes year round. The Association also plans to convert the new conference room into a state-of-the-art home theater. There is expanded space for the Paolo Bearz American Corner library and American Corner activities as well as a larger children’s library. The kitchen will be used for the American Cooking School and preparation of meals for Thanksgiving and other social gatherings.
The new location at Piazza Sant'Antonio, 6 will be open to the public starting April 3, 2013 at 4:00p.m. Spring activities and courses will begin on April 8, 2013.
Cari Soci, Cari Amici,
Siamo lieti di annunciare che, dopo quasi trent’anni quaranta-quattro anni, la storica sede dell’Associazione Italo Americana/American Corner di via Roma si trasferisce, alla fine di questo mese, nella sua nuova residenza: un ampio e bell’appartamento al secondo piano di uno storico palazzo, ubicato in pieno centro pedonale, in piazza Sant’Antonio, 6.
Si tratta di un passo importante, frutto di uno stretto rapporto di partnership e amicizia con la Comunità Serbo Ortodossa di Trieste, proprietaria di quella che possiamo chiamare “la nostra nuova casa”.
Questo traguardo è il risultato di un lungo percorso inziato con il cambio di Amministrazione avvenuto nel 2010. La nuova Amministrazione, attraverso l’impegno di un gruppo di insegnanti e di volontari che hanno contribuito ad incrementare il numero di soci, offrendo un ampio programma di attività e creando un' amichevole senso di comunità, è riuscita nell’impresa di trovare una collocazione ottimale.
In questo modo l’Associazione potrà soddisfare meglio le necessità dei suoi soci: un ascensore, un numero maggiore di aule per le lezioni di potenziamento della lingua e per i corsi annuali. Oltre a ciò l’Associazione si propone di trasformare la nuova sala conferenze in un ambiente moderno e funzionale adibito a proiezioni ed ascolto.
Inoltre, vi sarà un ampio spazio riservato alla Paolo Bearz American Corner Library e alle sue varie attività e alla Children's Corner Biblioteca per bambini.
La cucina potrà servire per l’American Cooking school e per preparare le vivande in occasione del Thanksgiving e di tutte le feste ed incontri che verranno organizzati.
La nuova sede di Piazza Sant’Antonio, 6 sarà aperta al pubblico a partire dalle 16.00 del 3 Aprile 2013. Tutte le attività ed i corsi avranno inizio l’8 Aprile 2013.
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Via Roma 15/Piazza Sant'Antonio, 6
34132 Trieste TS - Italy
Monday to Friday 4- 8 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday 10 - noon
Learn, Laugh and Speak ... in English. Since 1961.
TGIF - € 5 contribution
There was an error in the Piccolo announcement today.
A € 5 contribution is requested for TGIF (not € 15). Call us or e-mail to reserve a space 040 63 03 01 or
Remember to bring your own drinks! American Food from Marino in Via Timeus 9.
A € 5 contribution is requested for TGIF (not € 15). Call us or e-mail to reserve a space 040 63 03 01 or
Remember to bring your own drinks! American Food from Marino in Via Timeus 9.
Made For Each Other - Aliens!
Showings at 8 pm at the Cappella Underground.
Upcoming Made For Each Other couples are:
18/3/2013 Third Rock from the Sun (TV series, 1996-2001)
25/3/2013 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). Dir. Robert Wise
8 /4/ 2013 Tin Man (TV series, 2007)
15/4/2013 The Wizard of Oz (1939). Dir. Victor Fleming
Your membership card is valid for the entry to the Cappella Underground for these showings. Leonardo Buonomo will see you there, ready for another lesson in American pop culture 101!
What's Up?
Our regularly scheduled activities continue at the American Corner, still in Via Roma 15 for a couple weeks!
Thursday Coffee Break : Thursday, March 14th, 10-12. A coffee break (in inglese naturalmente). OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Friday American Experience: Friday, March 15th 6-7 p.m.
Women's History Month continues with a special on Hillary Rodham Clinton, the most powerful woman in American politics today. What does the future hold for her? A compilation of interviews with Hillary Clinton over the years. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
T.G.I.F. (Thank God It's Friday) a Happy Hour in the Library, Friday, March 15th, 7-9 p.m. Reservations requested. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
This month we'll feature American cuisine - from Marino in Via Timeus 9. Think Kentucky Style Fried Chicken, Cole Slaw, Caesar Salad. A €5 contribution per person is requested to pay for food. Bring you own drinks. Please confirm at 040-630301 or
Saturday Storytime , Saturday, March 16th 10:30-11:30. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
The story of the week is the Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle. Erin and the Storytime Team will delight you and your children with another fun and colorful story and a related activity. Next week the last Storytime of the series. Reservations requested at 040 63 03 01 or
Thursday Coffee Break : Thursday, March 14th, 10-12. A coffee break (in inglese naturalmente). OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Friday American Experience: Friday, March 15th 6-7 p.m.

This month we'll feature American cuisine - from Marino in Via Timeus 9. Think Kentucky Style Fried Chicken, Cole Slaw, Caesar Salad. A €5 contribution per person is requested to pay for food. Bring you own drinks. Please confirm at 040-630301 or

The story of the week is the Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle. Erin and the Storytime Team will delight you and your children with another fun and colorful story and a related activity. Next week the last Storytime of the series. Reservations requested at 040 63 03 01 or
Pres. Buonomo and Pres. Stojicevic |
The new location is the fruit of a friendship with the Serbian Orthodox Community of Trieste who own the building the Association will now call home.
This move is a fundamental milestone of a long-term plan which began with a change in Administration in 2010. At the time, the Association was suffering a serious economic crisis. The new administration, along with a group of dedicated teachers and volunteers were able to pay off all debts and turn the situation around in only 18 months.
The new plan called for increasing programs open to the public, inaugurating a children's library, increasing membership, controlling expenses, offering more courses, and moving to a location that better responds to the needs of the Association and our over 500 members.
Exciting features of the new location include an elevator, an expanded children's area, and a kitchen so that the Association and American Corner can continue to grow and expand and play an even more prominent role in the community.
The new location will be open to the public starting APRIL 8, 2013.
For questions, call: 3498666667.
American Corner Fact Sheet
American Corner Visitors
2012: 14,400
2011: 10,287
2010: 8,209
2009: 3,066
Programs Offered Free to the Public
2012: 112
2011: 90
2010: 69
2009: 47
Library Check outs
Books, DVD’s Magazines
2012: 4,879
2011: 3,458
2010: 1,487
2009: 1,388
American Corner Volunteers
2012: 50
2011: 30
2010: 20
2009: 15
Social Media
2,000 page views/month
American Corner Trieste
1,100 page views per week
International Women's Day, March 8, 2013
American Corner Trieste celebrates INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY
March 8, 2013 at 6 p.m. with the showing of "TRIANGLE FIRE"(PBS 60 min.) the tragic 1911 fire in the garment district of New York, that led to International Women's Day and labor reform. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Women's History Month continues next week with "The Legacy of Hillary Clinton" and the following week a guest lecturer Prf. Laura Moeller "Resistance is Futile: Exploring American Discourses of Technology".
March 8, 2013 at 6 p.m. with the showing of "TRIANGLE FIRE"(PBS 60 min.) the tragic 1911 fire in the garment district of New York, that led to International Women's Day and labor reform. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Women's History Month continues next week with "The Legacy of Hillary Clinton" and the following week a guest lecturer Prf. Laura Moeller "Resistance is Futile: Exploring American Discourses of Technology".
American Corner Trieste this Weekend
American Corner Trieste's Friday American Experience celebrates Women's Day on March 8th at 6 p.m. with the PBS Documentary Triangle Fire, 60 min.
The story behind the 1911 tragic fire in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in NYC that led to International Women's Day and labor reform.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - via Roma 15 - Trieste
Saturday Storytime continues until March 23rd. This week, If you Give Pig a Pancake - March 9th 10:30 - 11:30 with Erin, Katie and the entire Storytime team.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Call or e-mail to reserve a space for your little one. 040 63 03 01,
The story behind the 1911 tragic fire in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in NYC that led to International Women's Day and labor reform.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - via Roma 15 - Trieste
Saturday Storytime continues until March 23rd. This week, If you Give Pig a Pancake - March 9th 10:30 - 11:30 with Erin, Katie and the entire Storytime team.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Call or e-mail to reserve a space for your little one. 040 63 03 01,
As of today, we have 503 members, beating last year's record year of 495. We are only 97 memberships away from our goal.
For those who have not become members this year, please remember to do it soon!
THANK YOU for those of you who have!
As of today, we have 503 members, beating last year's record year of 495. We are only 97 memberships away from our goal.
For those who have not become members this year, please remember to do it soon!
THANK YOU for those of you who have!
The Master at the American Film Series
The Master in original version in the Associazione Italo Americana FVG's American Film Series
Cinema Ariston, Viale Romolo Gessi, Trieste
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Showtimes: 2, 4:15, 6:30, 9 p.m.
ATTN! The film is 144 minutes long so just for this film, it will start at 4:15 instead of the usual 4:00.
Drama, 144 minutes. Nominated for 3 Oscars.
Summary: A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by The Cause and its charismatic leader.
Cinema Ariston, Viale Romolo Gessi, Trieste
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Showtimes: 2, 4:15, 6:30, 9 p.m.
ATTN! The film is 144 minutes long so just for this film, it will start at 4:15 instead of the usual 4:00.
Drama, 144 minutes. Nominated for 3 Oscars.
Summary: A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by The Cause and its charismatic leader.
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson. Starring: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams
Mark your calendars. The next film is Moonrise Kingdom on March 21st.
Mark your calendars. The next film is Moonrise Kingdom on March 21st.
Films at the Ariston are for members only. Not a member yet? No problem. You can join directly at the Ariston on American Film Day, or in our office Monday to Friday 4-8 and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10-12. Membership: €25 for students, Teachers, over 65 and €35 for regular membership.
AIA-FVG / American Corner Trieste
March is
coming in like a lion, but it sure isn’t going out like a lamb for us! We have exciting news that we will reveal to
you soon!
Week – April 8-12 – Jump start your English. 10 hours of English in 5 days! Come out speaking almost like a native…Adult Beginner, Adult Advanced, Adult Intermediate- Monday to Friday 6-8 p.m. Cost €130. Contact us for details.
Spring Courses – Starting April 15 – Our regular courses will continue from April 15th with the same days and times. Talk to your teacher if you are already in a course. Classes for students will end with the Italian school year.
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 2012/13 – Exchange your temporary
membership card for the permanent one
FOR 2012-2013: 600. Membership
update: 501 (99 to go!)Join or renew now and take advantage of our programs: American Cinema Series at the Ariston, Made for Each Other at Cappella Underground, Library /Mediateca, Children’s Corner, Invitations to Special Events, Coffee Breaks, Friday American Experience, Saturday Storytime. Membership is: €25 for students (age 16 and over), teachers, over 65, €35 for regular membership. Another great gift idea for family and friends.
MADE FOR EACH OTHER at Cappella Underground – showtime
American TV compared to American film with the same theme, including commentary
by Prof. Leonardo Buonomo. True lessons
in American Pop Culture. Here are our
upcoming “matches”March 4th – Fort Apache The Bronx (Film 1981)
March 18th – Third Rock from Sun (TV series 1996-2001)
March 25th– The Day the Earth Stood Still (Film 1951)
AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Cinema Ariston – 2, 4, 6:30
and 9 p.m. – MEMBERS ONLY
To go the
movies, you must be a member of AIA –FVG.
Sorry, no single admission tickets can be sold. March 7th - The Master - 144 min. with Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams. Show times will be modified because it is a long film: 2, 4:15, 6:30, 9 p.m
March 21st – Moonrise Kingdom - 94 min. with Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Francis McDormand. Regular showtimes.
THURSDAY COFFEE BREAK in our library 10 – 12 – OPEN TO
14th – Our monthly appointment to have a coffee and some good conversation (in
FRIDAY AMERICAN EXPERIENCE in our Aula Magna at 6 p.m.
is Women’s History Month. March 1 – Fly Girls – WWII Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASPS), 56 min.
March 8 – Triangle Fire – The 1911 fire in a factory in New York that led to Women’s Day, 60 min.
March 15 – The Legacy of Hillary Clinton – Interviews, film clips, What’s Next, 60 min.
March 22 – Guest Lecturer- Prof. Laura Moeller - Resistance is Futile: Exporing American Discourses of Technology, 60 min.
TGIF! – in our office from 7 p.m. – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
March 15th - Happy Hour with drinks and snacks in our
library. Meet new people, speak English,
enjoy ethnic cuisine. Our first TGIF
with Masala in Via Nordio was a great success! Don’t miss it this month. Take Out Restaurant of the Month: Marino in Via Timeus 9: American Food –
Chicken Wings and Caesar Salad (€5 contribution, BYOB). Participants bring drinks to share. Call or e-mail us to reserve - or 040 63 03 01.
SATURDAY STORYTIME in our Kids Zone, 10:30 – 11:30
What a
fun and successful program with an average of 35 children each week. Here
are some photos. Our volunteer team
including Erin, Grace, Katie, Paola and others has been doing a fantastic
job! This year we focused on the authors
Eric Carle and Laura Numeroff. Come
on! We
will conclude on March 23rd.
Join us for a story reading by a mother tongue volunteer, followed by a
related activity. A fun, no stress way
to get your children to start learning English.
Call or e-mail us to reserve for
your little one. aia.fvg@gmail.comMarch 2nd – Polar Bear Polar Bear, What do you Hear? – Eric Carle
March 9nd – If You Give a Pig a Pancake – Laura Numeroff
March 16th – The Grouchy Lady Bug – Eric Carle
March 23rd – Grand Finale and Presentations of Storytime Certificates: If You Give a Dog a Doughnut – Laura Numeroff
CLOSED FOR EASTER VACATION Our office will closed from March 28 until April 2nd
for Easter Vacation. No classes, library
services or events on those days.
See you in February at the Association! FOLLOW
US on:
Hours: Monday-Friday 4-8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10-12
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