Made for Each Other continues.
What fun and what a crowd for Glee! Thank you Leonardo and Kyle Scott, Consul General US Consulate Milan.
This week's show is FAME - the original 1980 version - winner of 2 Oscars.
Monday, December 12, 2011, 8:30 p.m.
Cappella Underground, Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3 - Trieste
Leonardo Buonomo, Professor of American Studies, and American TV / Movie lover will give us some American Pop Culture to the max. His Comparative TV / Movie discussion follows the film. Last week we projected Glee.
Bring your membership card. Not a member yet? No problem... become a member either in the Association (Monday to Friday 4-8 and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10-12) or at the Cappella Underground before the show.
Membership is Euro 25 for Students, Teachers, Over 65 and Euro 35 for all the rest of us. Members also can attend the American Cinema Series at the Ariston, use our library, participate in our activities. What a great deal! What a great (and inexpensive) gift for your children, grandchildren, friends, spouse, mom.
Here is the complete listing of the upcoming Made For Each Other shows (back in January)
Monday , January 16, 2012: Family (TV series), winner of 4 Emmy awards
Monday, January 23, 2012: Ordinary People (1980), dir. Robert Redford, winner of 4 Oscars
Monday, February 6, 2012: Bewitched (TV series), winner of 3 Emmy awards
Monday, February 13, 2012: I Married a Witch (1942), dir. René Clair, nominated for 1 Oscar
Monday,February 27, 2012: Thirtysomething (TV series), winner of 13 Emmy awards
Monday, March 5, 2012: The Big Chill (1983), dir. Lawrence Kasdan, nominated for 3 Oscars
Monday, March 19, 2012: Seinfeld (TV series), winner of 10 Emmy awards
Monday, March 26, 2012: Annie Hall (1977), dir. Woody Allen, winner of 4 Oscars