The Week Ahead: January 13-18, 2025


Join Us!  These events are FREE and Open to the Public.  

Registration required for English Conversation Club, Teen Maker Space and Trieste Ukulele Club.  

Click below for more info:

English Conversation Club - registration required for each meeting

Women's Book Club

Teen Maker Space - 1st time registration required

History of the Carol of the Bells - SHCHEDRYK Against "the Russian World" - in Ukrainian with English subtitles

Trieste Ukulele Club - 1st time registration required 

#americanspaces #skillsbuilding #englishlanguagelearning #library #unitedwithukraine #betterfunthanperfect #makerspace #ukulele #bookclub

Trieste Ukulele Club - Winter 2025


Mele Kalikamaka - Merry Christmas - Dec. 7, 2024

I Feel Good - Oct. 5, 2024

WINTER 2025 Meeting Dates.  Saturdays, always from 10-12

January 18th
February 1st
Feb. 15th
Mar. 1st
Mar. 15th

FIRST TIME REGISTRATION REQUIRED at this LINK (it is not necessary to register every meeting)

Our meetings are FREE. All are Welcome! All Levels, All Ages.

Meetings at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste - Italy

Loaner Ukes available for Meeting Days. 

Our Meeting and WhatsApp language is English.  Most songs are in English.  

We are NOT experts. We learn and have fun together.  Better Fun than Perfect.  

We play versions of songs that are ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE, even the person who just started.

Our goal is to learn one song well each meeting.  

If you are Advanced, you are welcome to play with us and then do an OPEN MIC of a song that you have been working on.  

While are meetings are FREE, we encourage participants to become members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG to help support our efforts and take advantage of other opportunities. 

Annual Membership 1/09/24 - 31/08/25:   Reduced: €25 - students 16+, teachers, 65+, Regular: €35 

More Resources:

We get inspiration from the Austin Ukulele Society and Cynthia Lin 
If you teach young students, you can get find tutorials from Dario VivianiSukuki Ukulele and Guitar Teacher in Trieste.

Previous meetings:

MEETING:  January 18, 2025, 10-12  

1) Warm Up:   Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin - C Dm F 

Swing Strum: d du | d du | d du | d du



    2) Featured Song - RING of FIRE - Johnny Cash / June Carter Cash 1963

    Johnny Cash with Mariachis and lyrics

    Original Johnny Cash performance 1964

    June Carter Cash Version 

    Video Tutorial - Uke Mullum

    Song Sheet - Uke Mullum

    Austin Ukulele Society Performance

    PLUS - EDELWEISS - Rogers and Hammerstein

    Song Sheet

    Original- The Sound of Music


    4) Open Mic

    5) If there's time:  Play through for an eventual performance (15 min)

    6) Closing: El Tram De Opicina
    I'll be There for You - Theme Song from Friends - 1st verse


    English Conversation Club 2025


    Looking for someone to speak English with? Come practice your communication skills in a relaxed atmosphere by joining the FREE English Conversation Club with American Corner Trieste! 

    This is NOT an English Class.

    Our FREE 1 hour sessions involve short presentations, Q&A, and small-group discussions on different topics and their American aspect with our American facilitator Melissa!


    Limit - 10 participants

    English Conversation Club

    Thursday mornings - 11:30 -12:30

    Jan. 16, 2024

    Jan. 30, 2025

    TESOL Trieste Local Group 2024 25



    Next Event:


    cordially invites you to the Free Workshop:

    Dyslexia in Second Language Learners

    In English-speaking countries, the percentage of students diagnosed with dyslexia is almost as high as 15%. At the same time, in Italy, the numbers are significantly lower, mostly due to a more accommodating language, but the diagnosis is on the rise. How can we help these students work around their difficulties? Time and resources are not always on the teachers' side and insufficient one-on-one time is given to the students with SpLDs (Specific Learning Difficulties). In this workshop, you will learn different activities you can use in the classroom, that help both students with and without dyslexia.

    hosted by

    Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste

    Friday, January 24, 2025 - 18:00-19:00 

    Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo, 6 – Trieste

    This workshop will be led by Giulia Gentile, a freelance English teacher and translator. She holds a B.A. in Linguistic Mediation from CIELS and an M.A. in Foreign Languages & Literature from the University of Trieste where she graduated with honors with the dissertation "Teaching dyslexic students how to learn a foreign language: techniques and accommodations". Currently, she teaches English at the Associazione Italo Americana and works as a translator.

    Register to Participate at this link:

    Dyslexia in Second Language Learners

    The deadline for registration is: Friday, January 24, 2025

    For additional information: 

    Janine Sprague Zolle, Trieste local group coordinator

    Future Meeting Dates:

    March 14, 2025 - Speaker and Topic to Be Announced.
    Would you like to be a Speaker?  Contact us.   

    PREVIOUS EVENTS in the 2024/25 school year:

    December 6 and 7th, 2024
    TESOL Italy National Conference, Rome


    November 8, 2024
    Monika  Kavalir - University of Ljubljana
    What is English to You? University students’ attitudes to English

    For young people in Europe today, English is no longer a foreign language in the traditional sense, but rather an additional language with which they come into contact while still learning their first language and one they interact with daily, especially if they choose to study English at the university level. This talk will engage the audience in thinking about their rapport with English and will report the results of an extensive online survey among students at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. This is part of a developing project to investigate when and to what extent young people use English and what their attitudes towards English and their first language(s) are, with Italy being one of the countries included in the SPEAKEng project.

    October 18, 2024

    Back to School with TESOL Italy Trieste

    Networking and Informational Event

    Join us for the first meet-up of the scholastic year! This event will introduce the TESOL Italy Trieste Local Group and outline our mission and goals for English language teaching professionals. We will present upcoming events, workshops, and opportunities for professional development. It's also a great chance to network with fellow educators, share ideas, and collaborate on future projects. Whether you're a returning member or new to the group, we look forward to connecting with you and building a strong community of ELT professionals in Trieste!


    QUESTIONS?  Fill in this FORM and we will contact you.

    What is TESOL Italy

    What is TESOL Italy?
    TESOL Italy (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a grass roots organization, run by teachers and for teachers. It is a non-profit Italian organization founded in 1975 by Mary Finocchiaro and Renzo Titone along with other foreign language teaching experts and pioneers. It has many members in Italy and abroad and is an affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in Virginia, USA, with over 11,000 members worldwide. TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016

    What is TESOL Italy’s mission?
    Its mission is to develop the expertise of those involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages and to foster professional growth and active participation in language teaching. This includes promoting community understanding of the role of language in a progressively changing environment while respecting individual language rights.

    Who does TESOL Italy collaborate with?
    TESOL Italy collaborates with people and organizations involved in English Language Teaching including:
    Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR)
    The U.S. Embassy – Public Affairs Section
    The British Council
    Other Professional Language Associations:
    The Fulbright Commission
    Italian universities
    Regional educational authorities

    What kind of professional development activities does it offer teachers?

    • Language improvement courses
    • CLIL language improvement and methodology courses
    • Pre-service and in-service training
    • Self-development opportunities
    • Training of teacher trainers
    • All-day seminars
    • After-school workshops
    • Annual National Convention
    • Local Group Activities

    Why should I become a member?
    Besides being able to take part in all professional development activities, members receive publications:
    The Newsletter (five times a year) and the academic journal, Perspectives (twice a year). Members can
    also start or join a local group anywhere in Italy.

    What exactly are local groups?
    Local groups are made up of at least five TESOL Italy members. These groups organize and hold
    professional development activities in their areas. Existing groups are located in Benevento, Bologna,  Formia, L’Aquila, Marche, Messina, Napoli, Palermo, Roma, TRIESTE, Val d’Adige, and Venezia.

    TESOL Trieste Local Group The TESOL Trieste Local Group was officially recognized by TESOL Italy on January 1, 2018.  Janine Sprague Zolle is the TESOL Trieste Local Group Coordinator.

    A local group does many different things but basically it is a group of enthusiastic teachers who share a common goal – to engage in developing personally and professionally as EFL educators. The idea that “we are our own best resource” is empowering; it is the foundation of all grassroots organizations and what guides all local group activities.
    Please remember that TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016

    For more information about becoming a member of TESOL Italy, go to this LINK.  The TESOL Membership Year is from January 1st until December 31st.  
    If you are a Teacher and have the Carta del Docente, you can use your funds to participate in TESOL initiatives.

    This Week - Jan.6-11, 2025


    Winter English Classes

    Tribute Documentary for President Jimmy Carter

    Inside Out 2 - American Film Series at Cinema Super - Members Only

    Teen Maker Space

    JANUARY - Presidential Portrait Gallery

    #AmericanSpaces #EnglishinTrieste #MakerSpace #italoamericana #americanfilmseries #skillsbuilding #USPresidents 

    Ukrainian Women United 2024/25


    Ukrainian Women United

    Ukrainian women in Trieste meet with a Cultural Mediator.    Times can vary.  Contact Lyudmyla before coming.

    Conversations, crafting, Ukrainian Library, Various Activities.

    Ukrainian Library.  

    Group Leader:  Lyudmyla 

    For Info:   Send an email to Lyudmyla at 

    17/01/2024, 17:00 - Film Documentary:  
    SHCHEDRYK against "The Russian World" - in Ukrainian with English subtitles. 80 min. Free Entry

    Corsi di Inglese 2024/25

    la settimana del 7 gennaio 2025


    • Inglese Full-Immersion senza lasciare Trieste
    • Corsi in presenza con classi a numero limitato. 
    • 3 Sessioni:  FALL - WINTER - SPRING da 10 lezioni collettive ciascuna. 

    Sotto troverete tutte le informazioni per iscriverti oppure i tuoi figli ai nostri corsi di inglese.  


    Si può fare il tesseramento direttamente ONLINE oppure in sede.  

    Se iscrivete un minore di 16 anni, il genitore deve creare un account per il figlio. Il minore è un socio SPECIALE (senza pagamento) collegato al genitore.

    Il genitore deve creare anche il proprio account ed iscriversi come tesserato (a pagamento) INTERO - €25 oppure RIDOTTO - €35.

    Abbiamo Offerto OPEN DAYS in SETTEMBRE per conoscere i programmi e gli insegnanti, ma NON ABBIAMO LEZIONE PROVA. 


    WINTER:  Lezioni: 10. 
    Inizio: 07/01/2025. Fine: 22/03/2025

    SPRING: Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 24/03/2025. Fine: 16/06/2025

    Costo per Sessione di 10 lezioni:
    Si sceglie un giorno e si partecipa il giorno scelto.  

    Pre K - €125 - 60 min

    Mar/Tue 17-18 - Chiuso
    Mer/Wed 17-18
    Gio/Thu 17-18 - Chiuso

    Elementary 123 - €180 - 90 min
    Mar/Tue 16:30-18 - Chiuso
    Gio/Thu 16:30-18 - Chiuso
    Ven/Fri 16:30-18
    Sab/Sat 9:30-11

    Elementary 345 - €180 - 90 min
    Mar/Tue 18:10-19:40
    Mer/Wed 16:30-18 - Chiuso
    Gio/Thu 18:10-19:40 - Chiuso
    Ven/Fri 18:10-19:40
    Sab/Sat 9:30-11:00
    Sab/Sat 11:10-12:40
    ELEM. Native Speaker 

    €235 - 120 min

    Lun/Mon 17-19
    Middle School - €235 - 120 min
    Lun/Mon. 15:45-17:45
    Mar/Tue 15:45-17:45 - Chiuso
    Gio./Thurs 15:30-17:30 - Chiuso
    High School - €235 - 120 min
    Mer./Wed 15-17 - Chiuso
    Gio./Thurs 18-20 - Chiuso

    TEEN Advanced Reading & Conversation  - NEW!
    €235 - 120 min.

    Ven./Fri. 15:30-17:30


    WINTER:  Lezioni: 10. 
    Inizio: 07/01/2025. Fine: 22/03/2025

    SPRING: Lezioni: 10. Inizio: 24/03/2025. Fine: 16/06/2025

    Costo per Sessione di 10 lezioni:
    Si sceglie un giorno e si partecipa il giorno scelto.  

    Beginner (A1) - €270 - 120 min
    Mer/Wed 18-20
    Advanced Beginner (A2) - €270 - 120 min
    Lun/Mon 18-20

    Intermediate Conversation (B1) -€270 -120 min
    Lun/Mon 10-12
    Mar/Tues 18-20
    Advanced Conversation (B2) €270- 120 min
    Mar/Tues 18-20
    Business English at Lunch
    Lun/Mon 13:30-14:30
    *English for English Teachers
    Day and Time to be decided
    Contact us if you're interested.  Starting in November.

    LEZIONI INDIVIDUALI a RICHIESTA e in base alla disponibilità dei nostri docenti.

    Quota di Associazione 
    Siamo un’Associazione Culturale senza fini di lucro e ogni partecipante deve diventare socio.
    Nel caso di ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, il genitore diventa socio e il figlio è collegato al tesseramento dello stesso.

    Tesseramento Annuale con validità 1/9 – 31/8:
    Intero - €35
    Ridotto - €25 (Studente da 16 anni; Senior da 65 anni; Docenti)

    Compreso nella Quota di Tesseramento
    • Ingresso alla Rassegna del Cinema Americano in V.O. al Cinema Super per soci da 16 anni. 
    • Convenzione presso TriesteCinema per biglietti a tutti i film del gruppo ad un prezzo ridotto per Soci 2024/25 (mostra la tua tessera aggiornata).
    • Utilizzo della biblioteca / medioteca.
    • Partecipazione ad eventi per solo soci.
    • Potrete diventare socio soltanto per frequentare la Rassegna Cinema oppure usufruire della biblioteca.

    • Online con Carta di Credito (scelta consigliataLINK
    • In Sede in Contanti e di soltanto la mattina con il POS.  
    • Con Voucher Welfare Aziendale come concordato con ns. admin.
    • Con POS - Soltanto da lunedì a venerdì 9-13.  

    Le informazioni dettagliate sui pagamenti sono disponibili cliccando qui

    Altri corsi
    Teniamo anche lezioni di gruppo e individuali per adulti a richiesta, in base alla disponibilità dei nostri docenti. 

    Il nostro numero è 040 63 03 01 - chiamate la mattina 9-13 
    Scrivete ad (nel messaggio fornire anche un recapito telefonico e richiameremo appena possibile)

    Ci trovate in sede da lunedì a sabato ore 9-13 e lunedì a venerdì 17-19
    Associazione Italo Americana FVG
    Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - 2° Piano (sopra il Bar Stella Polare)

    #corsidiinglese #ingleseatrieste #italoamericana #inglesetrieste #ingleseperbambinitrieste #ingleseperadultitrieste #ingleseperteenstrieste