LESSONS from A DISTANCE – Round 3– Start on June 29th (lessons sent during the weekend prior to the lesson week).
We’re offering a series of 5 more weekly Lessons From A Distance (Starting the week of June 29th for 5 weeks).
Are you be interested in Lessons at a Distance Round 3? Registration is for Returning and New Students.
Lessons follow our immersion-based English teaching methodology: Fun, Positive, Interactive, Practical with an emphasis on fluency.
Thematic Self Pace Lessons include links to activities, worksheets, videos, music, readings.
In Virtual Classrooms, we will discuss the contents of the Lesson plan, which the student should consult prior to the lesson.
Lesson Delivery each Weekend with the Lesson Plan for the following week.
- PreK and Elementary123 & 345 Students - Self Paced Lessons to work on with parents for containing related activities, songs, videos, stories, vocabulary. Zoom Video Check-In with the Teacher.
- Middle School, High School and Adults - Self-Paced Lessons plus Zoom Meetings. Prep includes a lesson plan including readings, videos and preparatory activities for the ZOOM Live sessions. Sometimes American guests are invited!
New Students are Welcome! You will need to be come a MEMBER of the Associazione and fill in our Membership Form. If your child is under age 16, the parent becomes the member. Here is the link regarding What it means to be a Member. Intero €35, Ridotto (studenti +16, docenti, +65) €25.
Did you skip Round 1 or Round2? No problem. Hop on board in Round 3.
Participation Fees at a very special price including Zoom meetings
PreK/Family €35.00 -self paced + Zoom check-in
Elementary 123 & 345 €45.00- self paced + Zoom check-in
Middle School €50.00 - including Zoom Classroom Mtg
High School €50.00 - including Zoom Classroom Mtg
Adult €62.50 - including Zoom Classroom Mtg
(Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate Conversation, Advanced Conversation)
Individual Lessons - Yes we can! €45 - hour
PAYMENT via IBAN - without discount
IT 05 M 02008 02230 000005261887
Please specify: Name of Student, Name of Course.
As usual, in the case of children under age 16, the reference is made to the Adult Parent Member.
Receipts will be available for pickup on Thursday mornings in June or later this yearwhen the restrictions for Coronavirus are lifted.
Looking for more FREE RESOURCES to IMPROVE your ENGLISH? Here's a LINK to virtual visits, courses, adventures, culture, libraries.
Info on ROUND 2 - Already started on May 25th - Registration Closed
LESSONS from A DISTANCE – Round 2– Start on MAY 25th (lessons
sent during the weekend prior to the lesson week).
We’re offering a series of 5 more
weekly Lessons From A Distance (Starting the week of May 25th
for 5 weeks).
Lessons follow our immersion-based English teaching methodology: Fun, Positive, Interactive, Practical with an emphasis on fluency.
Thematic Self Pace Lessons include links to activities, worksheets, videos, music, readings.
In Virtual Classrooms, we will discuss the contents of the Lesson plan, which the student should consult prior to the lesson.
Lesson Delivery each Weekend with the Lesson Plan for the following week.
Are you be interested in Lessons at a Distance Round 2? Registation is for Returning and New Students.
Lessons follow our immersion-based English teaching methodology: Fun, Positive, Interactive, Practical with an emphasis on fluency.
Thematic Self Pace Lessons include links to activities, worksheets, videos, music, readings.
In Virtual Classrooms, we will discuss the contents of the Lesson plan, which the student should consult prior to the lesson.
Lesson Delivery each Weekend with the Lesson Plan for the following week.
- PreK and Elementary123 & 345 Students - Self Paced Lessons to work on
with parents for containing related
activities, songs, videos, stories, vocabulary.
- Middle School, High School and Adults - Self-Paced Lessons
plus Zoom Meetings. Prep includes a lesson plan including readings,
videos and preparatory activities for the ZOOM Live sessions. Sometimes American guests are invited!
you skip Round 1? No problem. Hop on
board in Round 2.
Participation Fees
PreK/Family €25.00 -self paced
Elementary 123 & 345 €35.00- self paced
Native Speaker (Elem) €35.00 - self paced
Middle School €50.00 - including Virtual Classroom Mtg
High School €50.00 - including Virtual Classroom Mtg
Adult €62.50 - including Virtual Classroom Mtg
(Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate Conversation, Advanced Conversation)
Individual Lessons - Yes we can! €45 - hour
PAYMENT via IBAN - without discount
IT 05 M 02008 02230 000005261887
Please specify: Name of Student, Name of Course.
As usual, in the case of children under age 16, the reference is made to the Adult Parent Member.
Receipts will be available for pickup after the Coronavirus Lockdown is lifted.
Looking for more FREE RESOURCES to IMPROVE your ENGLISH? Here's a LINK to virtual visits, courses, adventures, culture, libraries.
#iorestoacasa #imstayinghome #daybyday