Santa Week 2018

Le famiglie sono invitati in aula per gli ultimi 10 minuti dell'ultima lezione della sessione Fall. 

  • Elementary 123
  • Elementary 345
  • Native Speaker

10-11-12-13-14-15- dicembre 2018

Le lezioni riprendono il 7 gennaio con la Sessione Winter.  

Teddy Bears on their way home!

The US Embassy to Italy supports the Refugee Bear Project at American Corner Trieste.  

Over 20 teddy bears found loving homes yesterday with the Embassy Staff!

Follow the Refugee Bears at

Come in to American Corner Trieste and select your own Teddy Bear!  What a great Christmas gift.  PS San Nicolò is coming up on December 6th!

Special price:  €25 per bear with an outfit.  Extra clothes: €5 per outfit.

Learn more about the project at this LINK


Trieste, 27 novembre 2018

E’ convocata


per il giorno 7 dicembre 2018 alle ore 16:00 in prima adunanza
 per il giorno 7 dicembre 2018 alle ore 16:30 in SECONDA ADUNANZA
presso la sede dell’Associazione Italo Americana della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia 
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6, Trieste 
per discutere e deliberare sul seguente

Il Presidente

Leonardo Buonomo   

Con la presente delego ……….......………...……………........................………. 
a rappresentarmi all’ASSEMBLEA STRAORDINARIA dell’Associazione Italo-Americana FVG
del giorno 7 dicembre 2018.

NOME E COGNOME DEL DELEGANTE……………………………...........……
FIRMA …………………………………………………………………….................


Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci - 7/12/2018

Trieste, 27 novembre 2018

E’ convocata


per il giorno 7 dicembre 2018 alle ore 17:30 in prima adunanza
 per il giorno 7 dicembre 2018 alle ore 18:00 in SECONDA ADUNANZA
presso la sede dell’Associazione Italo Americana della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia 
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6, Trieste 
per discutere e deliberare sul seguente





Concluderemo con un brindisi e lo scambio degli auguri. 
Il Presidente

Leonardo Buonomo   

Con la presente delego ……….......………...……………........................………. 
a rappresentarmi all’ASSEMBLEA ORDINARIA dell’Associazione Italo-Americana FVG
del giorno 7 dicembre 2018.

NOME E COGNOME DEL DELEGANTE……………………………...........……
FIRMA …………………………………………………………………….................


The Week Ahead: Nov. 26-30

Native American Events,  Teddy Bear Sale & Workshop, TESOL and more!    

Come and join us!  All American Corner Events are FREE.  

Tuesday - 27/11
10 am - GERONIMO - We Shall Remain - PBS Documentary in English.    

Born around 1820, Geronimo grew into a leading warrior and healer. But after his tribe was relocated to an Arizona reservation in 1872, he became a focus of the fury of terrified white settlers, and of the growing tensions that divided Apaches struggling to survive under almost unendurable pressures. To angry whites, Geronimo became the archfiend, perpetrator of unspeakable savage cruelties. To his supporters, he remained the embodiment of proud resistance, the upholder of the old Chiricahua ways. To other Apaches, especially those who had come to see the white man’s path as the only viable road, Geronimo was a stubborn troublemaker, unbalanced by his unquenchable thirst for vengeance, whose actions needlessly brought the enemy’s wrath down on his own people. At a time when surrender to the reservation and acceptance of the white man’s civilization seemed to be the Indians’ only realistic options, Geronimo and his tiny band of Chiricahuas fought on. The final holdouts, they became the last Native American fighting force to capitulate formally to the government of the United States.

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - Production of Teddy Bears by Migrant Tailors in the Teddy Boy Project.  Come and learn more about the project and the artisans behind it.  Take home a beautiful and unique Teddy Bear. This is a continuing event every Tuesday & Thursday morning.  Our Teddy Bears went on the first lag of their voyage.  They are now in Rome!  More Refugee Bears are in production and will be available this week! 

 10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English.(every Tuesday and Thursday morning).  Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) .  Informal.  Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.

8:30 pm - Performance - Canyon di Stelle with AMTT Accademia Musical Theatre Trieste directed by Giada Vitale.    

Thursday - 29/11

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - (see above)

 10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English.(every Tuesday and Thursday morning).  Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) .  Informal.  Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.

Friday 30/11

4 pm - TEEN MAKER SPACE - Make, Create, Innovate in English.  
Free and Open to Middle School and High School Teens. Every Friday afternoon.
Under the guidance of a Super Cool Adult Expert, we are constructing a drone from scratch!  Broken computer or broken electronics at home?  Bring them end and we will deconstruct them and salvage parts.

6 pm - TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Meeting.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful day!  

Of Course, Thanksgiving is followed by BLACK FRIDAY!  Pick up your very own Refugee Bear on sale starting November 23rd!

Refugee Bears - Black Friday Sale!

Take home your unique Refugee Bear!  

A beautiful gift idea for San Nicolò and the holidays.

Special price from November 23rd until December 20th.  

Be a part of something big!  
Take a picture of your bear and share your location on Instagram 

Associazione Italo Americana FVG
American Corner Trieste
Piazza S. Antonio Nuovo, 6
34122 Trieste, Italy
+39 040 63 03 01

The Week Ahead: Nov 19-24, 2018

THANKSGIVING, Native American Events,  Nati Per Leggere, Creative Writing, American Film Series, Teddy Bear Workshop, and more!    

Come and join us!  All American Corner Events are FREE.  

Tuesday - 20/11
10 am - CUSTER'S LAST STAND - Documentary in English.    

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship Production of Teddy Bears by Migrant Tailors in the Teddy Boy Project.  Come and learn more about the project and the artisans behind it.  Take home a beautiful and unique Teddy Bear. This is a continuing event every Tuesday & Thursday morning.  Our Teddy Bears went on the first lag of their voyage.  They are now in Rome!  More Refugee Bears are in production and will be available this week! 

 10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English.(every Tuesday and Thursday morning).  Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) .  Informal.  Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.

8 pm - Conference Native American - Camminare in Armonia - in Italian with Franca Pizzichillo.    

Wednesday - 21/11
10:00 am and 6:00 pm  - Reading - Half of What I Know - Metà di Quello che So by Christiana Langenberg - Christiana Louisa Langenberg is the author of the bilingual collection of stories Half of What I Know. Her second collection of stories,  She teaches in the English Department and Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Iowa State University.

Thursday - 22/11
10:30 am - Nati per Leggere - Bilingual Reading for 0-36 months.  

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - (see above)

American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri
13:30, 16, 18:30, 21 
Ideal Home. Dir. Andrew Fleming. Starring Steve Coogan, Paul Rudd. Comedy. 91 minutes.

8 pm - Women's Book Club - Reading around the world.  Discussing - The Gathering by Anne Enright.  To participate send an email to

Friday 23/11

4 pm - TEEN MAKER SPACE - Make, Create, Innovate in English.  
Free and Open to Middle School and High School Teens. Every Friday afternoon.
Under the guidance of a Super Cool Adult Expert, we are constructing a drone from scratch!  Broken computer or broken electronics at home?  Bring them end and we will deconstruct them and salvage parts.
5 pm - CONFERENCE - Native American Oral Culture and the Role of Pulitzer Prize Winnter N. Scott Momaday - Speaker:  Prof. Leonardo Buonomo - in English. 

Saturday 24/11 - 
Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner- Reservations required.  Members Only.   SOLD OUT. 

Lettera ai soci - Conferma Corsi WINTER 2019

Trieste, 17 novembre 2018
Gentili Soci,
l’autunno sta volando!  Se non avete già ritirato la tessera associativa e le ricevute di pagamento, Vi invitiamo a passare al Front Desk durante il nostro orario di ufficio (lun-ven dalle 16 alle 19).

I corsi del trimestre Fall terminano il 15/12/2018. Se non avete già provveduto, Vi chiediamo di passare al Front Desk entro il 29/11 per confermare la Vs. presenza per il periodo WINTER. Questo ci permetterà di informare le persone in lista d’attesa di eventuali posti liberi per rinunce. 

Il trimestre Winter va dal 7 gennaio 2019 al 23 marzo 2019, per un totale di 10 settimane. Il trimestre Spring inizierà subito dopo e durerà 10 settimane, fino alla fine dell’anno scolastico. In allegato trovate il calendario del trimestre Winter. Saremo chiusi la settimana di Carnevale dal 2/3 al 8/3. 

Gli importi da versare per i vari corsi del trimestre Winter sono:

Corso                                                             Contanti                     IBAN (sconto del 5%)
PreK e Family English                                  €100                            €95                                                                                  
Elementary 123 e Elementary345                 €150                            €142,50         

Native Speaker, Mid.School, HighSchool    €200                            €190                                                                                                          
Adult Courses                                                €250                          €237,50 
Il nostro IBAN è:  IT 05 M 02008 02230 000005261887

Richiediamo il pagamento del corso entro la data della prima lezione (7 gennaio). 

Vi invitiamo inoltre a partecipare a Thanksgiving il 24/11, evento riservato ai soci e alle loro famiglie – previa prenotazione. Vi ricordiamo anche che il tesseramento presso la nostra Associazione Vi permette di prendere in prestito libri, dvd e riviste, e di accedere all’American Film Series presso il Teatro dei Fabbri.

Cordiali saluti.

Karoline Steckley
Associazione Italo Americana FVG

The Week Ahead Nov. 12-16, 2018

Coding GirlsNative American Events, Teddy Bear Workshop, Moms & Babies, Pocahontas Family Film and more!    

Come and join us!  All American Corner Events are FREE.  

Monday and Tuesday November 12/13
Coding Girls - An international program sponsored in Trieste by the US Embassy to Italy in collaboration with Mondo Digitale, Microsoft, the Coding Box, Università degli Studi di Trieste to promote coding for High School Girls.  Offered in selected Trieste High Schools and in several other cities in Italy and around the world.
12/11 - Coding Girls Workshops
13/11 - Coding Girls Hackathon at the University of Trieste

Tuesday - 13/11

10 am - Native American Themed Conference:  The Birth of the Native American Rights Movement co-founded by Dennis Banks.  Guest Speaker:  Prof. Giampaolo Dabbeni - In Italian.    

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - Production of Teddy Bears by Migrant Tailors in the Teddy Boy Project.  Come and learn more about the project and the artisans behind it.  Take home a beautiful and unique Teddy Bear. This is a continuing event every Tuesday & Thursday morning.  Our Teddy Bears went on the first lag of their voyage.  They are now in Rome!  More Refugee Bears are in production and will be available this week! 

 10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English.(every Tuesday and Thursday morning).  Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) .  Informal.  Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.

8 pm - Documentary Native American Tribes of Northern America - In English.    

Thursday - 15/11
10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English. (see above)

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - (see above)

BOOK CLUB will be 22/11 - Next Thursday
8 pm - Women's Book Club - Reading around the world.  Discussing - The Gathering by Anne Enright.  To participate send an email to

Friday 16/11

4 pm - TEEN MAKER SPACE - Make, Create, Innovate in English.  
Free and Open to Middle School and High School Teens. Every Friday afternoon.
Under the guidance of a Super Cool Adult Expert, we are constructing a drone from scratch!   Broken computer or broken electronics at home?  Bring them end and we will deconstruct them and salvage parts.     
5 pm - POCAHONTAS - FAMILY FILM in English with English subtitles.  Disney 1995. 90 min.  

Sunday 18/11
7 pm - Native American Ceremony of Intention - By Reservation by Nov. 16th at cell: 328867426.  You will learn the location when you make your reservation.  


24/11 - Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner- Reservations required.  Members Only.  ATTENTION!  This event is always SOLD OUT.  Limit:  70 participants.