Closed for Fall Break

🎃Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste will be 
Closed for fall break from:

Monday, Oct. 29, 2018 until November 3, 2018.  

Have a great break!  See you back on November 5th!  

Coding Kids - Nov. 11, 2018

Maratona di Mini Laboratori sul Coding

4 laboratori
per l'avvicinamento al pensiero computazionale
in modalità "unplugged" (senza l'uso del pc)
per bambini 4-7 anni

presso l'Associazione Italo Americana  
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 (Ts)
Da domenica 11 a martedì 13 novembre Trieste si trasforma nella città del coding con i mini laboratori di coding per bambini tenuti da The Coding Box (in collaborazione con l'Associazione Italo Americana FVG - American Corner di Trieste e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria ed Architettura di Trieste) e l'iniziativa nazionale Coding Girls promossa da Fondazione Mondo Digitale e Ambasciata USA in Italia con l’obiettivo di avvicinare le ragazze italiane alle materie STEAM (per info visita
Per dar modo anche alle famiglie dei più piccoli di approcciarsi al mondo del coding e dell'educazione digitale The Coding Box in collaborazione con l'Associazione Italo Americana FVG l'Associazione Archè, dedicherà un'intera giornata ai più piccoli ed alle loro famiglie.
Sono previsti 4 mini laboratori gratuiti della durata di 45'' min. 
per venire a scoprire cos'è il Coding.
Mentre i bambini giocheranno a fare i programmatori, gli adulti avranno la possibilità di confrontarsi con dei facilitatori (che hanno seguito il corso "Digitale senza limiti" dell'associazione Archè) sull'approccio al mondo digitale nelle diverse fasce d'età.

Orari Mini Laboratori:

Mini Lab. 1 >> dalle 10.00 alle 10.45
Mini Lab. 2 >> dalle 11.15 alle 12.00
Mini Lab. 3 >> dalle 14.15 alle 15.00
Mini Lab. 4 >> dalle 15.30 alle 16.15

per maggiori informazioni

TESOL Trieste - Workshop Oct. 26, 2018


cordially invites you to the Free Workshop:

Lessons from Improv for the ESL/EFL Classroom:
Encouraging Creativity, Collaboration and Fearless Conversation

hosted by
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste

Friday, October 26, 2018- 18:00-19:30
Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo, 6 – Trieste

This workshop, led by Karoline Steckley,  will introduce Second City, the Chicago School of Improv, and the importance of improv in American culture. Ms. Steckley will share trends in improv (from theaters to companies to classrooms) and guide a discussion on how it increases creativity, collaboration and synergy of the participants. Strategies for using Lessons from Improv in individual classrooms will also be discussed.

Karoline Steckley is the director of the Associazione Italo Americana in Trieste, Italy, where she teaches and coordinates language programs.  She holds a bachelor’s degree in French Literature and an master’s degree in Foreign Language and Literature from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee.  She has spent over 20 years teaching languages to students of all ages, specializing in spoken fluency development.

Register to Participate at this link:
The deadline for registration is: October 26, 2018
For additional information:
Janine Sprague Zolle, Trieste local group coordinator

The Week Ahead: Oct. 22-27, 2018

I, TONYA in the American Film Series Halloween Week!, Nati per Leggere - Bilingual, Teddy Bear Makers, Teen Makers, Moms & Babies.  Short Story Club.

It's Hispanic Heritage Month at American Corner Trieste.  Come and join us!  All American Corner Events are FREE.  Get your Membership card to go to the Film Series.

👻👾👽Halloween Week All Week Long!  Come to class in costume if your wish!

We remind you that we will be CLOSED from October 29th - November 3rd.  See you in class on November 5th.

Tuesday - 23/10 we propose
10 am - Short Story Club - We're discussing Names / Nombres by Julia Alvarez.  Click on the LINK,  read the story and come ready to discuss.    
10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - Production of Teddy Bears by Migrant Tailors in the Teddy Boy Project.  Come and learn more about the project and the artisans behind it.  Take home a beautiful and unique Teddy Bear. This is a continuing event every Tuesday morning.

 10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English.(every Tuesday and Thursday morning).  Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) .  Informal.  Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.

Thursday - 25/10

10:30 am - Nati per Leggere - Bilingual Reading for children 0-36 months.  Free and Open to the Public.

1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9 pm - 1st Film in the American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri.
 I, TONYA. Dir. Craig Gillespie. Starring Margot Robbie, Allison Janney. Biography, comedy, drama. 120 minutes.
Competitive ice skater Tonya Harding rises amongst the ranks at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, but her future in the activity is thrown into doubt when her ex-husband intervenes.
Members Only!  Get your Membership Card ASAP!

Friday 26/10

4 pm - TEEN MAKER SPACE - Make, Create, Innovate in English.  
Free and Open to Middle School and High School Teens. Every Friday afternoon.
3D printing, Lego Mindstorms, SnapCircuits, Makey Makey, Coding and More!  Under the guidance of a Super Cool Adult Expert. 
We are constructing a drone from scratch!      

6 pm - TESOL Trieste Italy Group
Using Improvisation in Class - Guest Speaker - Karoline Steckley

27/10 - Conference - Altre Storie - Guest Speaker - Leonardo Buonomo


AMERICAN CITIZENS!  Election day is on November 6th.  Be sure to send your ABSENTEE BALLOTS to the US ASAP.  Add the correct postage and use the envelope template.

You forgot to register to vote or to request your Absentee Ballot?  Look at this site.  You might still be in time, depending on your state.  

November is Native American Heritage Month.  Conferences, Films, Documentaries, Performances.

Halloween Week 2018

It's Halloween All Week Long!  October 22-27, 2018

Students are welcome to come to class in costume.  We will celebrate Halloween in all classes.  

We will be CLOSED from October 29th - November 3rd.  
NO Group Lessons 
NO Activities 
NO Library
NO Administration

American Film Series 2018 / 2019

Get ready for the 2018/19 American Film Series.

9 great American Films in Original Version.  Get your membership card today!  

The first film - I, Tonya on October 25th.  
See you at the movies! 

AIA FVG Members Only - Membership Cards can be purchased directly at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings 9-12 and Monday to Friday 4-7 p.m.  Definitive Cards are here.  If you want to download the membership form, here's the LINK.  What does it mean to be a Member? More info HERE.

€25 - Ridotto - Students +16 yrs, teachers, +65 years;

€35 - Intero - Regular Adult Membership.  

If you were a member last year, you're in the computer and we can register you quickly.

See you at the Associazione and then at the Movies at Teatro dei Fabbri!

25/10/2018: I, Tonya. Dir. Craig Gillespie. Starring Margot Robbie, Allison Janney. Biography, comedy, drama. 120 minutes.

22/11/2018: Ideal Home. Dir. Andrew Fleming. Starring Steve Coogan, Paul Rudd. Comedy. 91 minutes.

13/12/2018: The Florida Project. Dir. Sean Baker. Starring Willem Dafoe, Brooklynn Prince. Drama. 111 minutes.

31/01/2019: Coco. Dir. Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina. Starring Gael Garcia Bernal, Anthony Gonzalez. Animation. 105 minutes.

7/02/2019: Ant-Man and the Wasp. Dir. Peyton Reed. Starring Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly. Action, adventure. 118 minutes.

28/02/2019: Dog Days. Dir. Ken Marino. Starring Eva Longoria, Lauren Lapkus. Comedy. 113 minutes.

28/03/2019: Lady Bird. Dir. Greta Gerwig. Starring Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf. Comedy, drama. 94 minutes.

18/04/2019: Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot. Dir. Gus Van Sant. Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Jonah Hill. Biography, comedy, drama. 114 minutes.

2/05/2019: The Wife. Dir. Björn Runge. Starring Glenn Close, Jonathan Pryce. Drama. 100 minutes.

The Week Ahead: Oct 15-19, 2018

Cesar Chavez,  Coffee Break, Beauty and the Beast, Teddy Bear Makers, Teen Makers, Moms & Babies.  Plus Countdown to the American Film Series with I, TONYA on Oct. 25th.  

It's Hispanic Heritage Month at American Corner Trieste.  Come and join us!  All American Corner Events are FREE.  Get your Membership card to go to the Film Series

Tuesday - 16/10 we propose 

10 am - Laboratory / Workshop Teddy Bear Project Integration through Entrepreneurship - Production of Teddy Bears by Migrant Tailors in the Teddy Boy Project.  Come and learn more about the project and the artisans behind it.  Take home a beautiful and unique Teddy Bear. This is a continuing event every Tuesday morning.

 10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English.(every Tuesday and Thursday morning).  Come in and meet some other Moms and let your babies or toddlers play together (or Sleep) .  Informal.  Networking and Friendship for Moms and babies in our Baby Friendly environment.

10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break in English - Come in for a cup of a coffee and some great conversation... in English Naturally!   

5 pm - DEADLINE for American Citizens to drop Off their ABSENTEE BALLOTS at the American Corner for the midterm elections.  It will be sent to the US via Diplomatic Courier.  You forgot to register to vote or to request your Absentee Ballot?  Do it ASAP at  

Thursday - 18/10
10 am - Mom and Baby Playgroup in English. (see above)

10 am -  CESAR CHAVEZ Film in English for Hispanic Heritage Month- Free and Open to the Public.  In English with English Subtitles.
The story of this inspirational Activist for Farm Worker's Rights.  

8 pm - WOMEN'S BOOK CLUB - A RISING MAN -  Send an email to participate.  Bring a beverage and food to share.  Want to participate? Send an email to

Friday 19/10

4 pm - TEEN MAKER SPACE - Make, Create, Innovate in English.  
Free and Open to Middle School and High School Teens. Every Friday afternoon.
3D printing, Lego Mindstorms, SnapCircuits, Makey Makey, Coding and More!  Under the guidance of a Super Cool Adult Expert. 
We are constructing a drone from scratch!      

Disney - animation - 1991. 1 hour 24 min.
A selfish prince is cursed to become a monster for the rest of his life, unless he learns to fall in love with a beautiful young woman he keeps prisoner.


22/27 - Halloween Week - All. Week. Long!  Wear your costume to class if you wish!

25/10 - 1st Film in the American Film Series - I, TONYA

29/10 - 4/11 - CLOSED for Fall Break

AMERICAN CITIZENS!  Election day is on November 6th.  Be sure to send your ABSENTEE BALLOTS to the US ASAP.  Add the correct postage and use the envelope template.

You forgot to register to vote or to request your Absentee Ballot?  Look at this site.  You might still be in time, depending on your state.