Conclusion - Intensive English Month for Refugees

Many thanks to Tom and Mary of Pittsburgh, Volunteers, for teaching the Free Intensive English Month For Refugees at the American Corner Trieste.

We had over 50 students and offered 31. 5 hours of lessons.

Here is the LINK to the photos of the last day of class. 

Watch the TGR RAIFVG Feature below:  

May 2018 Calendar

May 2018 - HBU - Digital Friendship

May 2018 Newsletter

MAY:  Theme of the Month: FRIENDSHIP in the DIGITAL AGE. View the High School Poster Exhibit.  Register for a Summer Class.  Make a submission for MIS MAS 2018.  Come to a Poetry Reading.  We will be closed on May 1st and June 2nd.  View the Newsletter on the Blog in Text Format and in Calendar Format.  Forward the newsletter to a friend!
Tuesday and Thursday mornings:  9-12 and Thursday afternoons: 4-7 pm
Please Pick up your IBAN Receipts, Make Cash Payments, during our Administration Hours, listed above. Questions?
Our Library hours are:   Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings 9-12 and Monday to Friday afternoons from 4-7 pm. The Library is volunteer run.  Call for Library Volunteers!
MAY HOLIDAYS! We CLOSE: May 1st and June 2nd

WEEKEND WARRIOR May 19/20 - Full Immersion Weekend in English for Adults.  1 weekend, 10 hours of Full Immersion, Infinite Fun. Online Registration at this LINK.

SUMMER STEAM – Think Summer!  Registration is Open for Summer Full Immersion weeks for Kids from age 3 to High School.  Here’s the info and Registration LINK. 

NEW! INTENSIVE SUMMER TEST PREP – If you’re thinking of going to the University in the US, you will need to take standardized Entrance Exams. TOEFL for English and SAT or ACT for general knowledge.  Summertime is the best time to study for this.   Info and Registration LINK. 

HIGH DIVE Full Immersion Week for Adults – Take the plunge.  A Full Immersion English Experience without leaving Trieste!   Info and Registration LINK. 

May – HBU?  (How aBout yoU)Collaborative US / Italian Photographic Exhibit by High School Students at AIA FVG in Trieste and at the Abington Friends School in Pennsylvania.  Students created long distance friendships through social media, WhatsApp, Skype and designed an inspirational poster for their overseas partner.  On display for the Month of May.

5/6 May – 24 hour GLOW Weekend.   The event of the year for Middle and High School Girls.  Registration is closed.

07/05, 7 pm – ZACK ROGOW Poems of Love and Humor: A reading in tribute to Umberto Saba. Zack Rogow an American poet, translator, playwright, editor, critic, professor, is currently in residency at the Emily Harvey Foundation in Venice, Italy where he is working on a volume of Selected Translations of poetry from several languages. Among the poets he’s translating is Trieste’s own Umberto Saba.

Courses for Kids, Adults, Test Prep, Lit Flicks for Adults, Lit Flicks for Kids, Independence Day!

12/05, 2 pm – TESOL Seminar Teaching the 21st Century Student hosted by the TESOL TRIESTE LOCAL GROUP  Registration at this LINK.  You will receive MIUR Credit, enrich your C.V. and get Professional Development for English Teachers!

MIS MAS 2018   Deadline for Submissions:  May 18th - 2018 edition of MIS MAS our in-house literary magazine in English.  In addition to articles, prose, poetry, you can also submit photos and artwork.  Did you miss MIS MAS 2017?  You can read it at this LINK.

INTENSIVE ENGLISH CLASSES for REFUGEES – Many thanks to our Volunteers Tom and Mary of Pittsburgh for teaching free classes during the month of April.  31.5 hours of lessons and over 50 students! Watch the feature on Tgr RAIFVG. 

Our 2017/18 Membership Year began on September 1st.  Here is the Membership Form.  Membership prices remain unchanged.  €25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and over.  €35 – Intero.  Membership is valid until August 31, 2017.  Renew your membership each year to take advantage of the American Film Series, Register for Courses, Check out Library materials, Participate in Members Only Events.  READ MORE about what it means to be a Member.  You can become a member at any time of the year. 

FINAL FILM in the 37th AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Teatro dei Fabbri – Shows at 13:30, 16:00, 18:30, 21:00  AIA FVG Members Only.
10/05 – THE BIG SICK  Dir. Michael Showalter. Starring Kumail Nanjiani, Zoe Kazan. Comedy. 120 minutes. 

·       Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am  - Mom & Baby Playgroup
·       Every Friday, 5-7 pm TEEN MAKER SPACE –– Printing in 3D and Coding
·       18/5, 5 pm - Family Film Festival CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS -Animation 90 min.
·       24/5, 10 amNATI per LEGGERE –Bilingual Reading English/Italian for ages 0-36 mo.

·       22/5, 10 am  - Coffee Break
·       29/5, 10 am – Short Story Club – The Far and the Near by Thomas Wolfe
·       17/5, 8 pm - Women’s Book Club.  Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine [AFA1] [AFA2] by Gail Honeyman send an email to to participate.

We are a Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association.
Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities.  We are looking for Volunteers to Mentor and Manage the Teen Maker Club, Assist with the Nati per Leggere program, Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities at the Front Desk and in the Library. Send us an email.  We’ll find a role for you.  University of Trieste students in Humanities, P.R. and other majors can earn Internship Credit Hours with us (CFU).   We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours (3 CFU).  You'll have a great experience and improve your English, while you also learn valuable life and people skills. High School Students can also do Alternanza Scuola Lavoro.  Contact us! 

A Special Call for Volunteer 3D Printer lovers and Makers to help with our Teen Maker Space on Friday afternoons.  You need to know how to use a 3D Printer and love mentoring teenagers.  You can also use our MakerBot for your own 3D projects.  Contact us!

Did you study abroad with a FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP or through a US Department of State Exchange Program? Send us an email if you or someone you know participated in one of these programs!  We are organizing an Alumni Group in Trieste.

AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Since 2007, we have been part of the American Spaces Network.  Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.  A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids.  Specific sections of the library are dedicated to Educational Advising, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space.  Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVDs.   The American Corner also offers Life Skills in English Courses for Refugees thanks to a U.S. Department of State Grant and the US Diplomatic Mission to Italy. 

GLOW Weekend 2018

GLOW Girls Leading Our World Weekend 2018

May 5/6, 2018 - 24 hours of GLOW! 

Only for Middle and High School Girls

Registration is CLOSED.  
Sign up early next year.

HBU? - Photographic Exhibit

HBU Digital Friendship Exhibit 2018

HBU (How bout you?) is the title of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste 3rd annual student photography show during the months of April / May 2018 in connection with Le vie delle Foto. 

Like in previous years, our Italian high school students from the Associazione Italo Americana FVG were partnered with American photography and graphic design students at Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. 

This year students were given the task of live chatting with their partners for 3 weeks in order to get to know each other as well as possible. Students then had to take a photograph and choose a quote in order to create a poster for their partner based on what learned about them. We hope our viewers enjoy both the images and inspirational words! 

The same exhibit is displayed at the Abington Friends School in Pennsylvania. 

The exhibit can be viewed for the entire month of MAY 2018.  Here is a LINK to the posters made by the AIA FVG students.  

Closed for Holidays

We are closed on:

April 25,
April 30,
May 1

Here is the LINK to the dates of Spring Classes.

Enjoy the short Break!

The Week Ahead: April 23-27, 2018

Nati per Leggere, Short Story Club, Family Film and More!
Come on Down. Activities are Free and Open to the Public.
SAVE THE DATE:  MAY 8, 2018 at 6 pm
Summer STEAM Registation is open for PreK through High School. 
This Summer - NEW! High School Intensive Test Prep for University - TOEFL, SAT, ACT.  High Dive - Full Immersion week for Adults

Monday, April 23
9 am - Intensive Refugee English Classes

Tuesday, April 24
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date
10 am - Short Story Club -  Odyssey of a WOP by John Fante

Wednesday, April 25
We will also CLOSE on APRIL 30 and May 1

Thursday, April 26
9 am - Intensive Refugee English Classes
10 am - Nati per Leggere Bilingual Reading for 0-36 months.

Friday, April 27
5 pm - Teen Maker Space
5 pm - Family FIlm - The Good Dinosaur

WE WILL BE CLOSED on MONDAY, April 30th and May 1st.

MIS MAS - We're accepting submissions in English for our 2018 edition of the MisMas Literary Magazine.  Details HERE.  
You missed the 2017 edition?  Read it ONLINE.  

Fulbright Presentations - April 2018 Trieste

Fulbright- Italy will be in Trieste to make 2 presentations.

April 19, 2018 - 6 pm - American Corner Trieste - in English
Undergraduate Colleges, University Choice & Admissions Process, College Life.

April 20, 2018 - 10 am - University degli Studi di Trieste - In Italian
Opportunità di studio, ricerca e insegnamento negli Stati Uniti

Conferenza: Educazione Senza Frontiere - 20/4/2018 ore 1830

Educazione Senza Frontiere = Education without Borders
Classi multiculturali e giustizia sociale: i sistemi educativi italiano e statunitense a confronto

incontro con il maestro Fabio Rocco e il professore Luca Agostinetto 

a cura del Consolato USA a Milano e l'American Corner Trieste 

venerdì 20 aprile 2018 ore 18:30  - American Corner Trieste 
Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
Ingresso Libero

Fabio Rocco e Luca Agostinetto sono tra i 5.000 professionisti che ogni anno partecipano al programma di scambio International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), ideato e finanziato dall’Ufficio Educazione e Cultura del Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti d’America, nell’intento di far conoscere le migliori esperienze prodotte in questo paese sul fronte politico, economico, sociale, artistico.
Per tre settimane nell’estate 2017 Fabio Rocco e Luca Agostinetto, grazie all’esperienza IVLP condotta nelle scuole di Washington DC, Salt Lake City e Detroit, hanno potuto mettere a confronto le esperienze di integrazione dei ragazzi stranieri nelle scuole italiane e americane, sviluppando una riflessione approfondita sull’educazione come strumento per superare le ingiustizie sociali. 
Su questa esperienza l’autore ha pubblicato on line una serie di 8 articoli apparsi su Education 2.0 (, a partire dai quali ha preso le mosse un libro digitale, Educazione senza frontiere, che uscirà anche in versione cartacea sia in italiano che in inglese.

L’incontro, aperto a tutti, è rivolto in modo particolare agli educatori, agli insegnanti e ai dirigenti scolastici che giornalmente operano all’interno del sistema scolastico italiano, e che potranno acquisire nuovi strumenti e nuovi punti di vista sull’integrazione degli studenti migranti, a partire dalle buone pratiche rilevate nel sistema scolastico americano.

International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)
Tra coloro che hanno partecipato a questo programma, ci sono moltissimi capi di stato e di governo. Tra gli italiani, vogliamo ricordare tre Presidenti della Repubblica (Scalfaro, Cossiga e Saragat), quattro Presidenti del Consiglio dei Ministri (Mario Monti, Romano Prodi, Giovanni Goria e Giovanni Spadolin)

Fabio Rocco è maestro presso la scuola primaria Giovanni XXIII di Padova. Attraverso l'uso delle tecnologie digitali ha sperimentato metodologie di insegnamento innovative per favorire l'educazione interculturale e l'inclusione per gli studenti. 
Ha collaborato alle pubblicazioni dei volumi in serie limitata Fogli di Viaggio e Viaggiare sui muri – Guarda oltre. Il suo lavoro è stato descritto in numerose riviste a tiratura nazionale e nel libro "La Scuola Salvata dai bambini" di Benedetta Tobagi. Collabora con il magazine online Education 2.0, e tra giugno e agosto 2017 ha pubblicato il Diario di Viaggio sull'esperienza IVLP negli USA.

Luca Agostinetto è ricercatore in Pedagogia generale e sociale presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia applicata dell'Università di Padova, dove insegna Pedagogia interculturale e Pedagogia generale e sociale. Si occupa di formazione al lavoro educativo e consulenza pedagogica, operando nell’ambito scolastico, nei servizi educativi e negli enti pubblici, trattandoi temi della  professionalità e progettualità educativa, dell'educazione interculturale e dei minori non accompagnati.

Per ulteriori informazioni:

High Dive Full Immersion for Adults - July 23, 2018

Need to improve your English, but you don't have time during the school year?  

Take the High Dive - Adult Full Immersion.  4 hours each morning for 5 days.  
You'll still have time to go back to work or take a dip at Barcola in the afternoon!  
Amaze your colleagues, boss, family with your very fluent English, without leaving having to leave Trieste!  

HIGH DIVE – Adult Full Immersion English €250 (IBAN €237.50)
20 hours of Full Immersion in 5 days - Monday to Friday 9 am – 1 pm
July 23 – July 27                               Payment Deadline:  July 18

LEZIONI INDIVIDUALI €45 all’ora con date e orario da concordare

Membership for June/July/August Classes for new students is included in the price of the course, but you will need to fill in a membership form.  We are an Association and in order to take a class with us, 1 parent or the student over age 16 must become a member.  The membership year ends on 31/8/2018.


Need more info? Tel  040 630301

If you pay with an IBAN, you have a 5% discount on the class. 
Please write the Student Name, Class Name, Class Week in the payment reason.
Our  IBAN: IT 05 M 02008 02230 000005261887

The Week Ahead: April 16-20, 2018

Education without Borders continues!  Speakers on Integrating Students in the Multicultural Classroom, Fulbright Scholarships and more!
Come on Down. Activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Looking for a Spring English Course for Kids or Adults?  There is still space in some classes.  Here is the registration LINK

Monday, April 16

Tuesday, April 17
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date
10 am - Coffee Break in English

Wednesday, April 18

Thursday, April 19

10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date

6 pm - Study Abroad Opportunities for Undergraduate Students in the US with a guest representative from EducationUSA.

Friday, April 20
10 am - Fulbright Opportunities for University Students - presentation by and Educational Advisor from the Fullbright Commission Italy at Università degli Studi - Building H3, Room 3B

5 pm - Teen Maker Space

6:30 pm - Conferenza:  EDUCAZIONE senza FRONTIERE - Classi Multiculturali e Giustizia Sociale: Sistemi Educativi a Confronto USA e Italia.  
Relatori: Fabio Rocca e Luca Agostinetto

Free and Open to the Public.  In Italiano.  Information at this LINK

MIS MAS - We're accepting submissions in English for our 2018 edition of the MisMas Literary Magazine.  Details HERE.  
You missed the 2017 edition?  Read it ONLINE.  

STEAM Registation for PreK through High School is open. This Summer - NEW! High School Intensive Test Prep for University - TOEFL, SAT, ACT.  High Dive - Full Immersion week for Adults