February 2018 Calendar

February is Black History Month at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste

Join us for a program, a film or an activity!  

Volunteer Appreciation!

The Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste is managed by over 60 volunteers!

We salute and thank you for all that you do.  It would not be possible to continue to offer our free programs and opportunities without you.  

The Week Ahead: Jan 29-Feb 2, 2018

State of the Union, Volunteer Appreciation, Andrew Carnegie Reading, Knit Wits are back! Moms & Babies,  Maker Space and more.
American Corner Activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Tuesday, Jan. 30
10 am - Short Story Club - Andrew Carnegie - An Immigrant Story - From Carnegie's autobiography, Chapter 2.  Dunfermline and America.  (go to Read this book online: HTML - Chapter 2 - Dunfermline and America).
Carnegie's First Impressions of the US as a 12 year old boy.  Carnegie was a Scottish-American Immigrant, Industrialist, Millionaire, Philanthropist.

10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group -Come and hang out.  Bring the Kids.  Don't get BLUE.  Get OUT of the house.

Wednesday, Jan. 31

10 am -  State of the Union Address Viewing Party (In Replay)  The speech will be delivered by President Trump on the evening of January 30th and we'll watch it the morning after. You can also watch the event live at 3 am Italian time here:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/

6 pm - Knit Wits - Knitting Group.  Come to knit in company, learn or teach!

Thursday, Feb. 1st
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group 

10 am - Morning Makers

6 pm - Volunteer Appreciation Reception - By invitation onlyA tribute to our over 60 volunteers who keep the American Corner and Associazione Italo Americana FVG operating and offering great programs and services.

 Friday, Feb. 2nd

5 pm - Teen Maker Space - continuing with our 3D T-Rex and  3D Design Projects.

The Week Ahead: Jan 22-26, 2018

Coffee, Nati per Leggere, Dyslexia Workshop, Maker Space and more.
American Corner Activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Tuesday, Jan. 23
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break.  

10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group -Come and hang out.  Bring the Kids.  Don't get BLUE.  Get OUT of the house.

Thursday, Jan. 25
10 am - Nati per Leggere Bilingual Italian/English reading for Children ages 0-36 mo.
11 am - Mom & Baby Play Group 
10 am - Morning Makers
8 pm - Women's Book Club - Discussing My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante.  Send an email to aia.fvg@gmail.com to participate.

 Friday, Jan. 26

7:30 pm - TESOL Italy Trieste Local Group Seminar 
Dyslexia and Second Language Learners. 
More info and registration at this LINK

5 pm - Teen Maker Space - continuing with our 3D T-Rex and  3D Design Projects.

For more details about January 2018 activities go to this LINK.

TESOL Trieste Workshop - January 26, 2018 - 7pm

Our first TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Trieste Local Group Workshop.
January 26th from 7 - 8:30 pm

Register at this link:  https://goo.gl/forms/iwFSreTE8DF40wDM2
The deadline for registration is: January 24, 2018

The event is open to TESOL Italy members. For those who are not TESOL Italy members for the current year, a free one-time provisional membership card will be issued. Conditions of this card will be explained onsite by the local group coordinator. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.*

*TESOL Italy (con i suoi gruppi locali) è riconosciuta come Ente qualificato alla formazione e all’aggiornamento per insegnanti di lingua inglese nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado – Autorizzazione MIUR, Direttiva 170/2016

Learn more about TESOL Italy and the TESOL Trieste Local Group at this LINK.

TESOL Trieste Local Group

What is TESOL Italy

What is TESOL Italy?
TESOL Italy (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a grass roots organization, run by teachers and for teachers. It is a non-profit Italian organization founded in 1975 by Mary Finocchiaro and Renzo Titone along with other foreign language teaching experts and pioneers. It has many members in Italy and abroad and is an affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in Virginia, USA, with over 11,000 members worldwide. TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016
What is TESOL Italy’s mission?
Its mission is to develop the expertise of those involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages and to foster professional growth and active participation in language teaching. This includes promoting community understanding of the role of language in a progressively changing environment while respecting individual language rights.
Who does TESOL Italy collaborate with?
TESOL Italy collaborates with people and organizations involved in English Language Teaching including:
Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR)
The U.S. Embassy – Public Affairs Section
The British Council
Other Professional Language Associations:
The Fulbright Commission
Italian universities
Regional educational authorities
What kind of professional development activities does it offer teachers?
  • Language improvement courses
  • CLIL language improvement and methodology courses
  • Pre-service and in-service training
  • Self-development opportunities
  • Training of teacher trainers
  • All-day seminars
  • After-school workshops
  • Annual National Convention
  • Local Group Activities
Why should I become a member?
Besides being able to take part in all professional development activities, members receive publications:
The Newsletter (five times a year) and the academic journal, Perspectives (twice a year). Members can
also start or join a local group anywhere in Italy.
What exactly are local groups?
Local groups are made up of at least five TESOL Italy members. These groups organize and hold
professional development activities in their areas. Existing groups are located in Benevento, Bologna,  Formia, L’Aquila, Marche, Messina, Napoli, Palermo, Roma, TRIESTE, Val d’Adige, and Venezia.

TESOL Trieste Local Group The TESOL Trieste Local Group was officially recognized by TESOL Italy on January 1, 2018.  Janine Sprague Zolle is the TESOL Trieste Local Group Coordinator.
A local group does many different things but basically it is a group of enthusiastic teachers who share a common goal – to engage in developing personally and professionally as EFL educators. The idea that “we are our own best resource” is empowering; it is the foundation of all grassroots organizations and what guides all local group activities.
Please remember that TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016

For more information about becoming a member of TESOL Italy, go to this LINK.  The TESOL Membership Year is from January 1st until December 31st.  

GLOW Workshop on Nutrition - January 19, 2018

GLOW Workshop - Food-a-thon 2018

Girls Leading Our World.  
Free and Open to All Middle and High School Girls

Pre-Registration Required at this LINK.
Learn more about GLOW at this LINK.  

Presentation - Italian Americans - January 19, 2018, 11:30

Free and Open to the Public. 
Presentation in Italian
Italian Americans make up one of the largest ethnic groups in the U.S.  Learn about the history of Italian Americans and the factors that lead young people to identify themselves as Italian Americans. 

The Week Ahead: January 15-19, 2018

Something for everyone this week!  The Film Jackie, Italian-American Conference, US Citizenship Program, Moms & Babies, GLOW, Teen Makers and more.

Associazione Italo Americana FVG Winter Classes began last week.  You can still join a class until the 3rd week of the session if there is availability.  Go to this link for course info and online registration. 

American Corner Trieste offers Becoming a Citizen Program, GLOW, Moms & Babies, Morning Makers, Teen Maker Space.  American Corner Activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Tuesday, Jan. 16
10 am - Becoming a US Naturalized Citizen.  The Steps involved.  

10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group -Come and hang out.  Bring the Kids.  Don't get BLUE.  Get OUT of the house.

Wednesday, Jan. 17
KNIT Wits - We will meet on January 31st.  The meeting this week is cancelled..

Thursday, Jan. 18
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group 
10 am - Morning Makers
13:30, 16, 18:30, 21 - Film JACKIE - American Film Series - Associazione Italo Americana FVG Members Only at Teatro dei Fabbri.

Dir. Pablo Larraín. Starring Natalie Portman. Biography. 100 minutes.
Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy fights through grief and trauma to regain her faith, console her children, and define her husband's historic legacy.

 Friday, Jan. 19

11:30 am - Conference and Presentation - Italian Americans - at Biblioteca Statale Stelio Crise in collaboration with the University of Trieste.
Free Entry.  Presentation in Italian.  

5 pm - Teen Maker Space - continuing with our 3D T-Rex and  3D Design Projects.

6 pm - GLOW - Girls Leading Our World - Food-A-Thon
Pre-Registration required.  Free and Open to all TEENAGE GIRLS.

For more details about January 2018 activities go to this LINK.

The Week Ahead: January 8-12, 2017

Welcome back after the break!
Winter Classes begin at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG. American Corner Trieste offers Moms & Babies, Morning Makers, Teen Maker Space, Family Film.  American Corner Activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, Jan.8
The Winter Session begins.  
10 more weeks!  
You are still in time to register. 
Go to this link for course info and online registration.  

Tuesday, Jan. 9
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group - Come and hang out.  Bring the Kids.  Don't get BLUE.  Get OUT of the house.   

Thursday, Jan. 11
10 am - Mom & Baby Playgroup

10 am - Morning Makers - Knit or use our Sewing Machines.

Friday, Jan. 12
5 pm - Teen Maker Space - continuing with our 3D T-Rex and  3D Design Projects.

5 pm - Family Film - The Incredibles
 A family of undercover superheroes, while trying to live the quiet suburban life, are forced into action to save the world.

For complete details about January 2018 activities go to this LINK.


Winter 2018 English Courses

Do you want to improve your English this year?  

Below are the links to the English Courses for Kids and Adults offered by the Associazione Italo Americana FVG.  Class begins the week of January 8, 2018.  The Association opens on the same date.

Many Sections are full.  To register, please go to the below links, and register ONLINE.

After Lesson 3, we close all registration.  You cannot join a lesson in week 4.  

See you soon!


January 2018 Newsletter


JANUARY:  Happy New Year!  We wish you all the best for 2018.  Theme of the Month: DEMOCRACY & CIVIL SOCIETY with Short Films, Readings, Conferences, Viewing. Winter Classes begin on Monday January 8th.  See you in Class or at an Event!  View the Newsletter on the Blog in Text Format and in Calendar Format.   Forward the newsletter to a friend!

Tuesday and Thursday mornings:  9-12 and Thursday afternoons: 4-7 pm
Pick up your IBAN Receipts, Make Cash Payments, during our Administration Hours, listed above. Questions? aiafrontdesk@gmail.com

Our Library hours are: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings 9-12 and Monday to Friday afternoons from 4-7 pm. The Library is volunteer run.  Call for Library Volunteers!

A Special Call for Volunteer 3D Printer lovers and Makers to help with our Teen Maker Space on Friday afternoons.  You need to know how to use a 3D Printer and love mentoring teenagers.  You can also use our MakerBot for your own 3D projects.  Contact us!


Classes begin the Week of January 8th.  Many classes are full.  Please check our links for course offerings.   Remember that the WINTER Session is 10 lessons instead of 12.   Here is the Link to the Winter Lesson Dates.  We ask you to pay for your courses before the course begins.  Links for info and online registration:  KIDS and ADULTS

WEEKEND WARRIOR Full Immersion Weekend in English for Adults. 
Jan. 21 & 22.  1 weekend, 10 hours of Full Immersion, Infinite Fun. Online Registration at this LINK.


TESOL TRIESTE LOCAL GROUP – We are proud to announce that the Trieste Local Group of TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) was officially recognized by TESOL Italy.  Congratulations to Janine Sprague Zolle, coordinator of the Teacher Learning Network, on this accomplishment.  Janine is the Coordinator of our Local Group.  TESOL is accredited by MUIR and English Teachers who join TESOL can receive certification for their participation in workshops.   The first TESOL Workshop will be January 26th, 7 pm – Theme: Dyslexia and Second Language Learning.  Guest Speaker:  Stephanie Smith.

DEMOCRACY and CIVIL SOCIETY – Participate in our January events.  Learn about becoming a US Citizen.  Take the US Naturalization TestRead about Andrew Carnegie’s first impressions of the US.  Watch the State of the Union Message.

19/01, 11:30 am – PRESENTATION -THE ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF ITALIAN AMERICANS and IL SENSO delle ORIGINI. Indagine sui giovani italoamericani di New York.  At the Biblioteca Statale Stelio CriseFree and Open to the Public. 
Italian Americans make up one of the largest ethnic groups in the U.S.  Learn about the history of Italian Americans and the factors that lead young people to identify themselves as Italian Americans. Presenters:  Stanislao Pugliese, co-editor of the Routledge volume and Rosemary Serra, author of youth heritage volume. Moderator: Leonardo Buonomo, president of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG. 

Our 2017/18 Membership Year began on September 1stHere is the Membership Form.  Membership prices remain unchanged.  €25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and over.  €35 – Intero.  Membership is valid until August 31, 2017.  Renew your membership each year to take advantage of the American Film Series, Register for Courses, Check out Library materials, Participate in Members Only Events.  READ MORE about what it means to be a Member.  You can become a member at any time of the year. 

37th AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Teatro dei Fabbri – Shows at 13:30, 16:00, 18:30, 21:00  AIA FVG Members Only.

18/01 - JACKIE - Dir. Pablo Larraín. Starring Natalie Portman. Biography. 100 minutes.
First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy fights through grief and trauma to regain her faith, console her children, and define her husband's historic legacy.


31/01, 10 am - STATE of the UNION ADDRESS by President Trump (In Replay).

·         Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am  - Mom & Baby Playgroup
·         Every Friday, 5-7 pm TEEN MAKER SPACE –– Printing in 3D and Coding
·         12/01, 5 pm - Family Film Festival The INCREDIBLES (2004)
·         19/01, 6 pm - GLOW – Girls Leading Our World Workshop – Healthy Choices for Life –For Middle and High School Girls.  Promoting leadership, friendship, and self-confidence. January Workshop – Healthy Choices for Life with Nutritionist Selma Jory.
·         25/01, 10 amNATI per LEGGERE –Bilingual Reading English/Italian for ages 0-36 mo.

·         Every Thursday, 10 am - Morning Maker Space.  Come to knit or use our sewing machines for other projects.  Think Carnival Costumes.
·         16/01, 10 am - Short Film - Becoming a US Citizen - Requirements, Naturalization Interview and Test, Lidia Celebrates America: July 4th at Monticello Naturalization Ceremony
·         17/01 and 31/01 , 6 pm - Knit Wits – Knitting Group.  Bring your winter project.
·         23/01, 10 am  - Coffee Break
·         25/01, 8 pm - Women’s Book Club – My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante.  Send an email to aia.fvg@gmail.com to participate.
·         26/01, 7 pm – TESOL Trieste - Teacher Learning Network - Dyslexia and the Second Language Learner.
·         30/01, 10 am – Short Story Club Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-American Immigrant, Industrialist, Philanthropist – Autobiography Chapter 2 - Dunfermline and America.

We are a Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association.
Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities.  We are looking for Volunteers to Mentor and Manage the Teen Maker Club, Assist with the Nati per Leggere program, Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities at the Front Desk and in the Library. Send us an email.  We’ll find a role for you.  University of Trieste students in Humanities, P.R. and other majors can earn Internship Credit Hours with us (CFU).   We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours (3 CFU).  You'll have a great experience and improve your English, while you also learn valuable life and people skills. High School Students can also do Alternanza Scuola Lavoro.  Contact us!  aia.fvg@gmail.com 

AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Since 2007, we have been part of the American Spaces Network.  Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.  A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids.  Specific sections of the library are dedicated to Educational Advising, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space.  Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVDs.   The American Corner also offers Life Skills in English Courses for Refugees thanks to a U.S. Department of State Grant and the US Diplomatic Mission to Italy. Coming Soon