Teacher Learning Network 2017/18

Professional Development for Teachers
FREE and Open to All Language Teachers

Peer Group at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.  The Working Language of the Meetings is English

  • Monthly Workshops in theme
  • Annual Professional Development Conference

Meeting Dates:
October 13, 2017, 6 - 7 pm - Workshop - Topic: Managing Large Classrooms with "Difficult Students" - Karoline Steckley
November 17, 2017, 6-7 pm - Workshop - Topic:  Entice, Captivate, and Allure: Engaging Tweens and Teens in the ESL classroom - Jason Lonie
January 12, 2018, 6-7 pm - Workshop
March 2, 2018, 2-7 pm -  Conference
April 13, 2018 , 6-7 pm -Workshop
May 11, 2018, 6-7 pm - Workshop 

Family Film Festival - 2017/18

Family Film Festival 2017/18
Our Favorite Family Films in V.O
Free and Open to the Public. You bring your kids, we supply the popcorn! American Corner Trieste
2017/18 Film List:
Sept. 22 Ready for School with Elmo and Sesame Street (2007) Oct 13 - Casper (1995) Nov 10- Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron - Spirit - Cavallo Selvaggio (2002) Dec 15 - Elf - Un Elfo a Nome Buddy (2003) Jan 12 - The Incredibles - Una Normale Famiglia di Supereroi(2004) Feb 23- The Secret Life of Pets - Pets - Vita da Animali (2016) Mar 16 - Brave - Ribelle - Brave (2012) Apr 27 - The Good Dinosaur - Il Viaggio di Arlo (2016) May 18 - Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - Capitan Mutanda (2017)

October 2017 Newsletter


FALL is HERE! October = American Film Series, Halloween, MisMas Magazine, Knitting, Teen Makers, GLOW Girls, Social Security and More! Theme of the Month:  Halloween.  Welcome to all our new Members and Students.  View the Newsletter on the Blog in Text and in Calendar Format.   Forward the newsletter to a friend!
Tuesday and Thursday mornings:  9-12 and Thursday afternoons: 4-7 pm
Pick up your IBAN Receipts, Make Cash Payments, during our Administration Hours, listed above. Questions? aiafrontdesk@gmail.com

Our Library hours are:  Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-12 and Monday to Friday afternoons from 4-7 pm. The Library is volunteer run.  Call for Library Volunteers!
·         Parent Library Volunteers while your children are in class help shelve books and Check ins / outs. 
·         Library Assistants for 1 or 2 afternoons a week – You’re a Librarian or just love Libraries?  We want you ! 

HOLIDAYS – CLOSED from October 29th – November 5th
No Lessons, No Office Hours, No Group Activities.  Enjoy the Break!


Registration for ALL Weekly Classes is now CLOSED.  Trial lessons ARE NOT offered during our regular courses.  Here is a link to the Rules for Classes.  If you are interested in WINTER, we can admit you only if Fall Students do not re-enroll.  In December, we’ll update you on class openings. 

HALLOWEEN in CLASS - We will be celebrating Halloween in Class from October 23rd to 28th.  Your teachers will give you more details. 

WEEKEND WARRIOR Full Immersion English for Adults. 
Oct. 14 & 15.  1 weekend, 10 hours of Full Immersion, Infinite Fun. Online Registration at this LINK

INDIVIDUAL LESSONS are possible all year long.  Yes you can! Schedule an appointment to discuss your needs.

Our 2017/18 Membership Year began on September 1stHere is the Membership Form.  Membership prices remain unchanged.  €25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and over.  €35 – Intero.  Membership is valid until August 31, 2017.  Renew your membership each year to take advantage of the American Film Series, Register for Courses, Check out Library materials, Participate in Members Only Events.  READ MORE about what it means to be a Member. 

37th AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Teatro dei Fabbri – Shows at 13:30, 16:00, 18:30, 21:00
The film series begins on Thursday, October 26th.  A fantastic Program!  We’ll take you to the moon and back.  Members Only.  9 great American films in English. First Film:
26/10 HIDDEN FIGURES  - Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe. Biography. 127 min.

SAVE THE DATE: THANKSGIVING POTLUCK DINNERSaturday, November 25th.  Members Only. Another great reason to become a member!  Details in November.


SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION at American Corner Trieste - October 25, 2017
Officials from the Federal Benefits Unit in Rome will be in Trieste.
3 pm – Presentation of Social Security and International Agreements regarding Italy/USA and related Social Security questions.  The Presentation is Open to the Public. Tax issues will not be addressed
from 3:30 – 5 pmIndividual Meetings by appointment at this LINK


Writers from our classes and all over the city submitted entries.  To quote one of our contributors “Life is an Adventure. Hop on and Enjoy the Ride”
16/10, 6 pm – Launch Party.  Meet the MISMAS Team.  Pick up a copy and have it autographed by your favorite writer.   Join us!

·         Nati per Leggere – Bilingual Reading English / Italian for ages 0-3 – Thursday, 19/10, 10 am
·         Mom & Baby Playgroup – Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am - noon
·         Family Film Festival Casper on Friday, 13/10 at 5 pm
·         TEEN MAKER SPACEEvery Friday from 5-7 pm
·         GLOW – Girls Leading Our World WorkshopFor Middle and High School Girls.  Promoting leadership, friendship, and self-confidence. First Workshop on Friday, 20/10, 6 - 8 pm


·         NEW!  Knit Wits – Knitting Group – Wednesday 4/10 and 18/10, 6-8 pm.  Evening knitting
·         Thursday Morning Maker Space- Every Thursday morning from 10-noon.  We’re knitting Purple hats for newborns to increase awareness for Shaken Baby Syndrome.  Come to knit or use our sewing machines for other projects.
·         Short Story Club  - The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, 24/10, 10 am
·         Book Club – Tender to the Bone by Ruth Reichl,  19/10, 8 p.m. Send an email for info to participate. 
·         Teacher Learning Network – Monthly Workshop – Free and Open to All Language Teachers – 13/10, 6 pm.

We are a Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association.
Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities.  We are looking for Volunteers to Mentor and Manage the Teen Maker Club, Assist with the Nati per Leggere program, Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities at the Front Desk and in the Library. Send us an email.  We’ll find a role for you.  University of Trieste students in Humanities, P.R. and other majors can earn Internship Credit Hours with us (CFU).   We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours (3 CFU).  You'll have a great experience and improve your English, while you also learn valuable life and people skills. High School Students can also do Alternanza Scuola Lavoro.  Contact us!  aia.fvg@gmail.com 

A Special Call for Volunteer 3D Printer lovers and Makers to help with our Teen Maker Space on Friday afternoons.  You need to know how to use a 3D Printer and love working with teenagers.  Contact us!
AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.  A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids.  The US Department of State has granted us a Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to our regular library, we also feature an Education Advising Section, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space.  Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVDs.   The American Corner also offers English and Life Skills Courses for Refugees thanks to a U.S. Government Grant.

October 2017 Calendar

October 2017 - Social Security, MISMAS, Knit Wits, Teen Makers and even Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Knit Wits - Knitting Club

Knit Wits - Knitting Group at American Corner Trieste.
Free and Open to All Knitters.
Meeting twice a month on Wednesday nights from 6-8 pm.
"Knot" your average knitting group. All ages and skill levels welcome. Exchange ideas, patterns, yarn, and needles.
Come share your “purls” of wisdom!

January Meetings: Jan. 17th and 31st. - 6 - 8pm
You're not an evening person?
Join us on Thursday mornings for Thursday Morning Makers - 10-12. Free. Knitting, Sewing, Beading... Whatever you want to make!

The Week Ahead: Sept. 25-29, 2017

Classes, Short Story Club, Makers, Teen Maker Space, Moms & Babies  

To Register ONLINE for Courses - Click HERE for KIDS.  CLICK HERE for ADULTS.  Many classes are already Full.  Please do not come without the online registration.  If a Class is closed, you cannot join the class. 

After week 3, we will not add students to courses in session.  You can join a class in January if a registered student does not confirm their participation.   
American Corner Activities are always Free and Open to the Public!

American Corner Moms & Babies 10 am
American Corner Short Story Club 10 am - We're discussing  - Teacher’s Examination for the One-Room Schoolhouse from These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder 
AIA FVG - NEW High School English Class Section from 4-6 pm  

Thursday -
American Corner - Moms & Babies 10 am
American Corner Maker Space - 10 am - Knitting Purple Baby Hats for Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness

Friday -
American Corner - Launch of Teen Maker Space - 5 pm

Save the Date:  
October 25, 2017 - Social Security Services in Trieste 
3 pm Presentation - International Agreement Italy / US
3:30 pm - Individual Appointments by Reservation.  

Social Security Presentation and Appointments


October 25, 2017

3 p.m. – PRESENTATION – Social Security/ INPS International Agreement US / Italy

3:30 p.m. INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS by Appointment

American Corner Trieste/Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Piazza Sant’Antonio Nuovo 6 - Trieste

FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC/ Ingresso Libero 

Explanation of the International Agreement by the Federal Benefits Unit, US Embassy Rome - Italian/English Presentation. Addressed to Individuals, Accountants, Specialists in the Sector.

An agreement effective November 1, 1978, between the United States and Italy improves Social Security protection for people who work or have worked in both countries. It helps many people who, without the agreement, would not be eligible for monthly retirement, disability or survivors benefits under the Social Security system of one or both countries. It also helps people who would otherwise have to pay Social Security taxes to both countries on the same earnings.
More info on the agreement at: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/international/Agreement_Pamphlets/italy.html

Individual Appointments from 3:30 p.m. - By Online Reservation at this LINK.  

Spiegazione dell'Accordo Internazionale a parte di Ufficiali del Federal Benefits Unit - US Embassy to Italy.  Presentazione in Italiano /Inglese.  Indirizzato ad individui, commercialisti, specialisti nel settore. 

L'accordo dtd. 1/11/1978 fra gli Stati Uniti e l'Italia migliora la copertura sociale per persone che lavorano oppure hanno lavorato in entrambi le nazioni.  Aiuta persone, che senza l'accordo, non sarebbero idonei per la pensione mensile,  pensione di invalidità oppure pensione per il conuige superstite secondo i sistemi di Social Security o INPS di una o entrambi le nazioni.  Inoltre aiuta le persone che altrimenti avrebbero dovuto pagare contributi sociali in entrambi le nazioni sugli stessi guardagni.
Ulteriori informazioni:  http://www.socialsecurity.gov/international/Agreement_Pamphlets/italy.html

Colloqui Individuali dalle 15:30 - per Prenotazione Online a questo LINK.

New Section High School English Class - Tues 16-18

Register now to start on Tuesday or move from Wednesday or Thursday.
  • New student?  Register online.  
  • Currently enrolled? Send an email to aiafrontdesk@gmail.com to change day
  • Thinking of going to the University abroad? - Register for Advance Test Prep

Full Info and Registration Link: CLICK HERE

See you Tuesday!

HIGH SCHOOL - 2 hours/week
Tuesday - 16:00 - 18:00 NEW! 
Wednesday- 15:00 - 17:00 (disponibilità esaurita - class closed)
Thursday - 18:00 - 20:00

Students in the last year of High School who need to prepare for specific exams in order to study abroad.
Tuesday - 15:00 - 17:00

GLOW Intro Meeting

Get Ready to GLOW on Friday, September 22, 2017 at 6 pm

  • Girls Leading Our World

  • An intro to our monthly workshop activities to be held once a month on Friday from 6-8 pm.  
  • All activities in English.
  • Next Meeting: October 20, 2017 - 6 pm

The Week Ahead: Sept 18-22, 2017

Classes, GLOW Girls, Coffee Break, Makers, Nati per Leggere, Book Club, Family Film and More!  

To Register ONLINE for Courses - Click HERE for KIDS.  CLICK HERE for ADULTS.  Many classes are already Full.  Please do not come without the online registration.  If a Class is closed, you cannot join the class.  

American Corner Activities are always Free and Open to the Public!

AIA FVG - Courses for Adults and Kids

American Corner Moms & Babies 10 am
American Corner Tuesday Coffee Break - Join us for a cup of coffee and some great conversation. 
Next Tuesday - Short Story Club - Laura Ingalls Wilder.   
AIA FVG - Courses for Adults and Kids

Wednesday -
AIA FVG - Courses for Adults and Kids

Thursday -
American Corner - Nati per Leggere 10 am - Bilingual Reading 0-3 yrs
American Corner Maker Space - 10 am - Knitting Purple Baby Hats for Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness
American Corner - Women's Book Club- 8 pm - Send an email to aia.fvg@gmail.com to participate.
AIA FVG - Courses for Kids

Friday -
American Corner - Family Film - Ready for School!  5 pm
American Corner - GLOW Introduction Meeting - Girls Leading Our World  - 6 pm - For Middle and High School Girls
AIA FVG - Courses for Kids

Saturday -  AIA FVG Courses for Kids