Our Annual Ice Cream Social and Graduation Party!
For PRE - K and ELEMENTARY Students
Friday, May 26, 2017 at 6 pm
R.S.V.P. so we have plenty of ice cream!
Memorial Day 2017
MEMORIAL DAY is in remembrance of the men and women who lost their lives in the US Military.
American Corner Trieste Memorial Day events on Tuesday, May 30th include:
Read all of Ernie Pyle's World War II Columns at this LINK.

- 10 am - Short Story Club – THIS ONE is CAPTAIN WASKOW by ERNIE PYLE, 1943. Scripps-Howard Newspapers, Pulitzer Prize Winner.

- 11 am –
Documentary – WAR LETTERS: Stories of Courage, Longing and Sacrifice, PBS, 60 min. 2001. The
Letters that American Military wrote home from the American Revolution
through the Gulf War.
Lit Flicks 2017
Classic American Literature on the Big Screen.
June 7th - July 12th, 2017 - 8 p.m.
Films in V.O. Free and Open to the Public
at American Corner Trieste
Adaptation of James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans
(novel 1826). Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe, Russell Means.
Screenplay by Cristopher Crowe, Michael Mann. Oscar Winner: Best Sound.
The last members of a dying Native American tribe, the Mohicans, live in
peace alongside British colonists. When the daughters of a British colonel are
kidnapped by a traitorous scout, they must be rescued in the crossfire of a
gruesome military conflict of which they wanted no part: the French and Indian
7 Giugno – L’ULTIMO
DEI MOICANI, diretto da Michael Mann, 1992, USA, 112 min.
del romanzo di James Fenimore Cooper L’Ultimo
dei Moicani (1826). Interpreti: Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe, Russell
Means. Sceneggiatura di Cristopher Crowe, Michael Mann.
Gli ultimi
componenti della tribù di nativi Americani, i Moicani, vivono in armonia con i
colonizzatori britannici. Quando le figlie di un colonnello britannico vengono
rapite da un esploratore sleale, devono salvarle dal cruento conflitto militare
di cui fanno parte e in cui loro non vorrebbero entrare: la guerra tra francesi
e indiani.
Adaptation of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter: A Romance (novel 1850). Starring: Demi Moore, Gary Oldman, Robert Duvall.
Screenplay by Douglas Day Stewart.
It is 1667 in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and an uneasy truce exists between local Puritans and their neighbors, the tribe of the Algonquians. Chief Metacomet succeeds his father Massasoit as head of the latter just as a new colonist, Hester Prynne, arrives overseas from England. As Hester waits for her husband, who is due to follow shortly after, she falls for a young minister, Arthur Dimmesdale.
It is 1667 in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and an uneasy truce exists between local Puritans and their neighbors, the tribe of the Algonquians. Chief Metacomet succeeds his father Massasoit as head of the latter just as a new colonist, Hester Prynne, arrives overseas from England. As Hester waits for her husband, who is due to follow shortly after, she falls for a young minister, Arthur Dimmesdale.
14 giugno – LA
LETTERA SCARLATTA, diretto da Roland Joffé, 1995, USA, 135 min.
del romanzo di Nathaniel Hawthorne La
Lettera Scarlatta (1850). Interpreti: Demi Moore, Gary Oldman, Robert
Duvall. Sceneggiatura di Douglas Day Stewart.
Nel 1667, nella
colonia della Massachusets Bay, fra i locali Puritani ed i loro vicini, la
tribù degli Algonchini, non corre buon sangue. Il capo Metacomet succede a suo
padre Massasoit come guida della tribù, proprio quando una nuova cittadina,
Hester Prynne, arriva dall’Inghilterra. Mentre Hester attende suo marito, che
dovrebbe seguirla a breve, si innamora di un giovane sacerdote, Arthur
Oscar Winner: Best Picture, Best Supporting Actress, Best Screenplay
Adaptation of the slave narrative memoir Twelve Years
a Slave by Solomon Northup (1853). Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Kenneth Williams, Michael
Fassbender. Screenplay by John Ridley.
Based on an incredible true story of one man's fight for survival and
freedom. In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man
from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Facing cruelty
personified by a malevolent slave owner, as well as unexpected kindnesses,
Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity.
21 giugno- 12
ANNI SCHIAVO, diretto da Steve McQueen, 2013, USA, 134 min.
dalle memorie 12 Anni Schiavo di
Solomon Northup (1853). Interpreti: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Kenneth Williams,
Michael Fassbender. Sceneggiatura di John Ridley.
Basato sulla
storia vera di un uomo che lotta per la sua sopravvivenza e libertà. Nel
periodo antecedente alla Guerra Civile negli Stati Uniti, Solomon Northup, un
uomo di colore libero proveniente dallo stato di New York, viene catturato e
venduto come schiavo. Affrontando le crudeltà di un malevolo proprietario di
schiavi, Solomon non solo combatte per rimanere in vita, ma anche per la sua
Oscar winner: Best Costumes, Best Production Design.
Adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (1925).
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton. Screenplay by Baz
Luhrmann, Craig Pearce.
New York, 1929. Nick Carraway, in a sanitarium for depression and
alcoholism, is persuaded by his doctor to write a therapeutic account of what
put him there. Nick's journal describes how, seven years earlier, he had moved
to a tiny house on Long Island adjoining the sumptuous mansion owned by
enigmatic neighbor, the fabulously wealthy Jay Gatsby.
28 giugno – IL
GRANDE GATSBY, diretto da Baz
Luhrmann, 2013, USA, 143 min.
dal romanzo di F. Scott Fitzgerald Il Grande
Gatsby (1925). Interpreti: Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel
Edgerton. Sceneggiatura di Baz Luhrmann,
Craig Pearce.
New York, 1929. Nick
Carraway, che si trova in un istituto per la cura della depressione e
alcolismo, viene persuaso dal suo medico a scrivere per motivi terapeutici un resoconto
dei fatti che l’hanno portato lì. Il diario di Nick descrive come, sette anni
prima, si sia trasferito in una piccola casetta a Long Island vicino alla
lussuosa villa di proprietà del suo enigmatico e favolosamente ricco vicino, Jay
Oscar Winner: Best Actress, Best
Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Set Decoration.
Adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire (1947).
Starring Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando,
Kim Hunter. Screenplay by Tennessee Williams.
Troubled former schoolteacher Blanche DuBois as she
leaves small-town Mississippi and moves in with her sister, Stella Kowalski and
her husband, Stanley, in New Orleans. Blanche's flirtatious Southern-belle
presence causes problems for Stella and Stanley, who already have a volatile
relationship, leading to even greater conflict in the Kowalski household.
5 luglio - UN
da Elia Kazan, 1951, USA, 162 min.
dell’opera teatrale di Tennessee Williams Un
tram che si chiama desiderio (1947). Interpreti: Vivien Leigh, Marlon
Brando, Kim Hunter. Sceneggiatura di Tennessee Williams.
problematica ex-insegnante Blanche DuBois lascia la sua piccola cittadina in
Mississipi e si trasferisce dalla sorella Stella Kowalski e dal marito di
questa, Stanley, a New Orleans. La sensuale bella presenza del Sud di Blanche
causa problemi a Stella e Stanley, i quali già hanno una relazione instabile,
causando ulteriori conflitti a casa Kowalski.
Starring Gregory Peck, John Megna, Frank Overton.
Screenplay by Horton Foote. Oscar
Winner: Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Set Decoration.
Small-town Alabama, 1932. Atticus Finch is a lawyer
and a widower. He has two young children, Jem and Scout. Atticus Finch is currently
defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. Meanwhile,
Jem and Scout are intrigued by their neighbors, the Radleys, and the
mysterious, seldom-seen Boo Radley in particular.
12 luglio - IL
BUIO OLTRE LA SIEPE, diretto da Robert Mulligan, 1962, USA, 169 min.
del romanzo di Harper Lee Il buio oltre
la siepe (1960). Interpreti: Gregory Peck, John Megna, Frank Overton.
Sceneggiatura di Horton Foote.
storia si ambienta in una piccola cittadina dell’Alabama nel 1932. Atticus
Finch è un avvocato vedovo, con due figli piccoli, Jem e Scout. Ha in piedi una
causa per la difesa di Tom Robinson, un uomo di colore accusato di aver
stuprato una donna bianca. Nel frattempo Jem e Scout sono incuriositi dai loro
vicini, i Radley, e in particolare dal misterioso Boo Radley.
Summer Cartoon Festival 2017
Mid-June/end July - Metà giugno a
fine luglio
Wednesday Afternoons at 5:30 pm Mercoledì ore 17:30
INGRESSO LIBERO – Open to the Public
21/6 – FINDING
NEMO (Alla Ricerca di
28/6 – FINDING DORY (Alla Ricerca di Dory)
5/7 – THE ARISTOCATS (Gli Aristogatti)
12/7 – ZOOTOPIA (Zootropolis)
19/7 – BOLT (Bolt)
26/7 – MOANA (Oceania)
Written by Andrew Stanton. Voices: Albert Brooks, Ellen
DeGeneres, Alexander Gould. Screenplay by Andrew Stanton. Oscar Winner: Best
Animated Film
After his son is
captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken to Sydney, a timid clownfish sets
out on a journey to bring him home.
21 giugno – ALLA
RICERCA di NEMO, regia Andrew
Stanton, Lee Unkrich, 2003, USA, 100 min.
Scritto da Andrew Stanton. Voci di Albert Brooks, Ellen
DeGeneres, Alexander Gould. Sceneggiatura di
Andrew Stanton. Vincitore Oscar:
Migliore Film d’Animazione
Quando suo figlio viene catturato nella Grande barriera corallina e portato a Sidney, un timido pesce pagliaccio parte in viaggio per riportarlo a casa.
Quando suo figlio viene catturato nella Grande barriera corallina e portato a Sidney, un timido pesce pagliaccio parte in viaggio per riportarlo a casa.
Written by Andrew Stanton. Voices: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed
O'Neill. Screenplay by Andrew Stanton.
The friendly but forgetful blue tang fish, Dory, begins a search for her
long-lost parents, and everyone learns a few things about the real meaning of
family along the way.
28 giugno- ALLA
RICERCA di DORY, regia Andrew
Stanton, Angus MacLane, 2016, USA, 97 min.
Scritto da Andrew Stanton. Voci di Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill. Sceneggiatura
di Andrew Stanton.
Dory, un simpatico
ma smemorato pesce blu, inizia una ricerca dei suoi genitori durante la quale
tutti impareranno qualcosa sul vero significato della famiglia.
Adaptation of Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe’s novel The Aristocats . Voices:
Phil Harris, Eva Gabor, Sterling Holloway.
With the help of a smooth talking tomcat, a family of Parisian felines
set to inherit a fortune from their owner try to make it back home after a
jealous butler kidnaps them and leaves them in the country.
5 luglio – GLI
ARISTOGATTI, regia Wolfgang
Reitherman, 1970, USA, 78 min.
Adattamento del
libro di Tom McGowan e Tom Rowe Gli
Aristogatti. Voci di Phil Harris, Eva Gabor, Sterling Holloway.
Con l’aiuto di un gatto parlante, una famiglia di gatti parigini destinata a ereditare una fortuna dalla propria padrona cerca di fare ritorno a casa dopo che il maggiordomo geloso li aveva rapiti e lasciati nella campagna.
Con l’aiuto di un gatto parlante, una famiglia di gatti parigini destinata a ereditare una fortuna dalla propria padrona cerca di fare ritorno a casa dopo che il maggiordomo geloso li aveva rapiti e lasciati nella campagna.
Written by Byron Howard, Rich
Moore. Voices: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba. Oscar Winner: Best
Animated Film.
In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a rookie bunny
cop and a cynical con artist fox must work together to uncover a conspiracy.
12 luglio- ZOOTROPOLIS, regia Byron Howard, Rich Moore, 2016, USA, 108
Scritto da Byron Howard, Rich
Moore. Voci di Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason
Bateman, Idris Elba. Vincitore Oscar: Migliore Film di Animazione.
In una città di
animali antropomorfi, una coniglietta poliziotta ed una cinica volpe devono
lavorare insieme per svelare una cospirazione.
Writers: Dan Fogelman, Chris Williams. Voices: John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman.
The canine star of a fictional sci-fi/action show that believes his powers are real embarks on a cross country trek to save his co-star from a threat he believes is just as real.
The canine star of a fictional sci-fi/action show that believes his powers are real embarks on a cross country trek to save his co-star from a threat he believes is just as real.
19 luglio – BOLT, regia Byron Howard, Chris Williams, 2008, USA 96 min.
Scritto da Dan
Fogelman e Chris Williams. Voci di John
Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman.
La star a quattro zampe di uno show televisivo d’azione crede che i suoi superpoteri siano reali e si imbarca in un viaggio per salvare il suo collega da un pericolo che crede essere altrettanto reale.
La star a quattro zampe di uno show televisivo d’azione crede che i suoi superpoteri siano reali e si imbarca in un viaggio per salvare il suo collega da un pericolo che crede essere altrettanto reale.
Writers: Jared Bush, Ron Clements. Voices: Auli'i Cravalho, Dwayne
Johnson, Rachel House.
In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by the Demigod Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the Demigod to set things right.
26 luglio – OCEANIA, regia Ron Clements, John Musker, 2016, USA, 107 min.
In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by the Demigod Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the Demigod to set things right.
26 luglio – OCEANIA, regia Ron Clements, John Musker, 2016, USA, 107 min.
Nell’antica Polinesia, quando una terribile maledizione causata dal semidio Maui raggiunge l’isola dell’impetuosa figlia del capotribù, lei risponde alla chiamata dell’0ceano alla ricerca di Maui per chiarire le cose.
Presentation of Summer Courses and Activities

Monday, May 15th at 5 pm.
Summertime at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste means:
- Summer STEAM Full Immersion Mornings for Kids
- Summer Full Immersion Weekends for Adults
- Summer Cartoon Festival - Surf and Turf!
- Lit Flicks Film Series - American Literature in Film
- Independence Day!
The Week Ahead: May 15-19, 2017
Presentation of Summer Activities and Courses, Nati per Leggere, Makers, Moms, Teens. American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.
Thursday, May 18th
Friday, May 19th
Make, Create, Hang Out in English. Open to all Teens.
Looking Ahead!
Friday, May 26th, 6 pm - Ice Cream Social and Graduation for our PreK and Elementary Students.
MISS-MASS - All Submissions are in! We are now editing. We'll keep you posted. Details at this LINK
STEAM Kids, Weekend Warrior Adults, 2 Film Series
Tuesday, May 16th
10 am - Maker Space - make it, sew it, fix it with friends. More Technological? Come and try the 3D Printer! We have 3 Singer Sewing Machines, Knitting Needles and Craft Materials.
Make, Create, Hang Out in English. Open to all Teens.
Friday, May 26th, 6 pm - Ice Cream Social and Graduation for our PreK and Elementary Students.
MISS-MASS - All Submissions are in! We are now editing. We'll keep you posted. Details at this LINK
The Week Ahead May 8-12, 2017
Miss-Mass, Moms, Makers, Teens, Finding Dory and Jungle Book
Thurs. May 10th
10 am - Maker Space - make it, sew it, fix it with friends. More Technological? Come and try the 3D Printer! We have 3 Singer Sewing Machines, Knitting Needles and Craft Materials.
5:30 pm - The JUNGLE BOOK in V.O. - Last film in the Family Film Series. Free and Open to All.
Monday, May 15th at 5 pm - Presentation of Summer Courses and Activities.
Friday, May 26th at 6 pm - Ice Cream Social and Graduation Party - Pre-K and Elementary
American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.
Mon. May 8th - DEADLINE for MISS-MASS -
Write an original article in English for our new magazine MISS-MASS. You might get published! Details at this LINK
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date
Thurs. May 10th
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date

1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm - FINDING DORY - Last film in the American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri. Members Only.
Friday, May 11th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club. We're watching Jungle Book this week.
5:30 pm - The JUNGLE BOOK in V.O. - Last film in the Family Film Series. Free and Open to All.
Monday, May 15th at 5 pm - Presentation of Summer Courses and Activities.
Friday, May 26th at 6 pm - Ice Cream Social and Graduation Party - Pre-K and Elementary
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