The Week Ahead: Jan 30- Feb. 3, 2017

Short Story Club,  Maker Space, Teacher Learning Network, Moms & Babies, Teen Club.  

American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.

Tues. Jan. 31st 
10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby.

10 am - Short Story Club - We'll discuss George Washington's Inaugural Address as first president of the USA and look at other important Inaugural speeches. He was elected president in 1789 and re-elected in 1792.     

Thurs. Feb. 2nd
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English

10 am - Maker Space - make it, sew it, fix it with friends.  We're learning how to Knit Hats and Sew Carnival Costumes.  Bring a project. Ask for advice.  Learn how to sew or knit.  Teach someone how to knit or sew.  We have 3 Singer Sewing Machines, Knitting Needles and Craft Materials.

10 am - Survival Italian for Adults - not a formal Class, but a a way for you to learn what you need to get by. 

Fri. Feb. 3rd
5 - 7 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen ClubHangout in English for Teens 

6-7 pm - Teacher Learning Network - Topic: Technology in the Classroom.  Free and Open to All Language Teachers.  Group meeting language is English.  

February 2017 Newsletter

FEBRUARY:   Football, Black History and looking ahead to March with the Harlem Globetrotters and March Madness Basketball.  Matinée showings of Selma and The Blind Side.  Join us in Maker Space to make Carnival Costumes on our Sewing Machines or learn how to Knit a Hat.  Use February to perfect your Chili recipe for the March Chili Cook Off.  Come on down!  There are lots of activities for all ages.  View the Newsletter on the Blog in Text or in Calendar Format.  Themes of the Month: Black History and Football.   Forward the newsletter to a friend!
CLOSED for Carnival from Friday, February 24th until Wednesday, March 1st.  No CLASSES, No ACTIVITIES, No ADMINISTRATION, No LIBRARY.
Regular Hours: Mornings: Tues. and Thurs. 9–12, Afternoons:  Mon. through Fri. 4-7
During Office Hours, you can:  Pay for a Course with Cash. Check Out Books, DVDs 
REMEMBER to pick up your IBAN Receipts at the Front Desk, during our Office Hours, listed above. Questions?

LIBRARY AMNESTY MONTH – RETURN OVERDUE ITEMS – No questions asked and no fines
If you have overdue books and DVD’s, please return them so that we can all enjoy them.  If you can’t make it during our hours, or you are too embarrassed because of your lateness, you can put items in our mailbox or in a bag outside our door.  No questions asked. We will become stricter in March. 


BLACK HISTORY FILM SERIES Monday Matinées.  Free and Open to the Public
06/02 - 10 am and 1 pm - SELMA – 2014, 2 hrs 4min.   A chronicle of Martin Luther King's campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965.
20/02 – 10 am and 1 pm - THE BLIND SIDE2009, 2 hrs 8 min.  The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family.

for AIA FVG Members and their Families  - DEADLINE for Reservations and Payment:  FEBRUARY 17th. (The show is 29/3)
29/03, 20:30 at PalaRubini.  Click on the link above for Ticket Details on our Blog. Limit 6 tickets per family.  Reduced group ticket prices and no “pre-vendita” fee.  The Harlem Globetrotters is an exhibition basketball team, founded in 1926, that puts on a fantastic basketball, comedy show.  Lots of fun!

Here are our Course schedules for 2016/17:  KIDS and ADULTS.  Look ahead for a SPRING COURSE.  The next Weekend Warrior Full Immersion Intensive Weekend is February 18-19.   Registration Deadline: Feb. 15th. 
YOU CAN BECOME A MEMBER AT ANY TIME OF YEAR! Membership is annual and valid until August 31, 2017.  You must be a Member to take Classes at AIA FVG.  Membership is also valid for entry to the American Film Series, to check out books, DVDs and magazines, and to attend some member only events.  Here is the Membership Form.  Membership fees:  €25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and over.  €35 – Intero. 

36th AMERICAN FILM SERIES  at Teatro dei Fabbri – Showtimes:  13:30. 16, 18:30, 21
The film series continues. Great American films in Original Version.  2016/17 Members Only.  Become a member during Office Hours. 
09/02   ELVIS & NIXON. Dir. Liza Johnson. Starring Michael Shannon, Kevin Spacey. Comedy.86 min. 

  • Family Film Festival – 10/02, 5 pm – PETER PAN, Disney, 1953 (75 min.)
  • Nati per Leggere – 16/02, 10 am – Bilingual Reading English / Italian for ages 0-3 years.
  • Mom & Baby Survival Italian – Every Tuesday, 10 am
  • Mom & Baby Playgroup in English – Every Thursday, 10 am
  • Teen Club – Every Friday from 5 -7 pm

  • Maker Space for Adults – Every Thursday at 10 am – Use, Teach or Learn with our sewing machines to make a Carnival Costume, Learn how to Knit a Hat.  Hang Out. 
  • Survival Italian for Adults – Every Thursday at 10 am
·         23/02, 8 pm - Women’s Book Club – Discussing Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. Send an email to to participate.
03/02, 6 pm TEACHER LEARNING NETWORK – Free and Open to All Language Teachers
Discussion Topic: Technology in the Classroom


AIA FVG Members and their Families ONLY. 
Pre-paid Registration deadline for Chili Cooks and Chili Eaters:  March 3rd.    
1st:  2 tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters Show on March 29th and Hot Sauce
2nd Prize: Joy of Cooking Cook Book and Hot Sauce
3rd Prize: AIA FVG Coffee Cup and Hot Sauce
Certificates and Aprons for all Chili Cooks.

29/03, 8:30 pm – HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS in Trieste. 
DEADLINE for GROUP Tickets (AIA FVG Members and their families only): February 17th.

We are a Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association.
Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities.  We are looking for Volunteers to Mentor and Manage the Teen Club, Assist with the Nati per Leggere program, Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities.  Send us an email.  We’ll find a role for you.  University of Trieste students in Humanities or P.R. can earn Internship Credit Hours with us (CFU).   We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours (3 CFU).  You'll have a great experience and improve your English, while you learn valuable people skills. Contact us! 
 AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.  A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids.  The US Department of State has granted us a Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to our regular library, we also feature an Education Advising Section, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space.  Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVDs.

The American Corner also offers English and Life Skills Courses for Refugees thanks to a U.S. Government Grant.

February 2017 Calendar

February 2017 

The Week Ahead - Jan. 23-27, 2017

Tuesday Coffee Break, Moms & Babies, Maker Space, Women's Book Club, Teen Club.  Just for starters!  

American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.

Tues. Jan. 24th 
10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby.
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break - A cup of coffee and some clever conversation in Engish.  

Thurs. Jan. 26th
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English
10 am - Maker Space - make it, sew it, fix it with friends. 
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults - not a formal Class, but a a way for you to learn what you need to get by. 
8 p.m. - Women's Book Club  - Discussing The House By the Lake by Ella Carey.  Send us an email to participate  All participants read the book and come ready to discuss.  Everyone brings food or drinks to share.   

Fri. Jan 27th
5 - 7 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen ClubHangout in English for Teens 

Presidential Inauguration Viewing

LIVE Streaming of the Presidential Inauguration at American Corner Trieste

Friday, January 20, 2017 starting at 5 pm., Italian Time 

Free and Open to the Public.

If you want to view from home, go to this PBS live streaming link:

or The White House Site:

We also host American Corner Teen Club every Friday from 5 - 7 p.m.  Free and Open to all Teens.  Making, Hanging Out in English.

The Week Ahead - Jan 16-20, 2017

Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher Tribute, Nati per Leggere, Presidential Inauguration, Moms & Babies, Teen Club, Makers and more! 

American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, January 16th

WINTER COURSES for KIDS and ADULTS began the week of January 9, 2017.  If there is still space in a class, you can still register during Week 2.  We will deduct the cost of the first lesson.  Send an email at to see if there is space in the section you request.  

Tues. Jan. 17th 
10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby.

Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher Tribute Films
Free and Open to the Public in V.O.

10 am - Singin' in the Rain - 1952 104 min. 
Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor.  Directed by Stanley Donen
MGM Musical Comedy - A silent film production company and cast make a difficult transition to sound. Featuring Singin' in the Rain.

1 pm - Star Wars - 1977, 120 min.
Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill .  Directed by George Lucas.  Fantasy , Adventure
Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire's world-destroying battle-station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the evil Darth Vader.

Thurs. Jan. 19th
10 am - Maker Space - make it, sew it, fix it with friends. 
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults - not a formal Class, but a a way for you to learn what you need to get by. 
1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm - American Films Series at Teatro dei Fabbri - The Visit - 94 min. 2015

Director:  M. Night Shyamalan  With

Olivia DeJongeEd OxenbouldDeanna Dunagan
Two siblings become increasingly frightened by their grandparents' disturbing behavior while visiting them on vacation.  Members Only.  

Fri. Jan 20th
Inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America viewing in streaming.
5-6 pm - Pre-Inauguration Commentary
6-7 pm - Ceremony

5-7 Teen Club - Hangout in English for Teens 

Nati per Leggere - Bilingual Reading 0-3 yrs

American Corner Trieste is a Nati per Leggere Point.  Nati per Leggere is based on Reach out and Read, the American Association which promotes early childhood reading through contact with Pediatricians and Parents.  

We have:  

  • Children's Corner Library - a kid friendly space with lots of board books and children's books
  • Monthly Bilingual (English/Italian) Reading Appointments for Children age 0-3 yrs and their caregivers, parents.  
  • Advice for Parents about Reading with their Children
  • Baby Friendly Space where Moms can Breast Feed and Change Diapers, Hang Out
  • Mom & Babies meeting on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10-12.  
  • Collaboration with the Nati per Leggere network and Official NpL readers.  

Here are the 2017 Nati per Leggere Appointments at American Corner Trieste - Always on Thursday mornings from 10-11 am.  Always FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

19/1 , 16/2, 16/3
20/4, 18/5, 8/6
No Luglio / No July, No Agosto / No August, 21/9
19/10, 16/11, 14/12

For more information about other appointments in Libraries around Trieste, go to the Nati per Leggere Trieste Link on the website of the Comune di Trieste.   

Calling All Weekend Warriors

Do you have what it takes to be Weekend Warrior? Take the Challenge.


  • 10 hours of Full Immersion English,
  • 1 weekend,
  • Infinite Fun.

The next session:
January 21 - 22, 2017 - Saturday and Sunday afternoons
From 2 pm to 7 pm each day.

The Deadline for registration:
Wednesday, January 18, 2017  -


Contact us at for more information.  

Looking for a class that meets once a week?  Here is our list of courses for ADULTS.  
Too busy for a 10 am-noon or 6-8 pm class?  How about Night Owls - Tuesdays - 8-10 pm.

All participants of our Classes must be 2016/17 Members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG.  Not a member?  No problem?  Here is the link for membership details.   

Winter Closing Policy

Policy for Winter Weather Closing: 
In the event that the City of Trieste Closes the Public Schools because of Severe Weather, We also Close and Cancel Classes and Events. 

If you are in doubt, you can always find updates on our Facebook Pages and Blog. 

Stay warm tonight! No snow, just strong Bora and COLD temperatures!

The Week Ahead Jan 9-13, 2017

Classes Begin, Conference - Screen Time: When to Unplug, Moms & Babies, Teen Club, Aladdin and more! 

American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, January 9th

WINTER COURSES for KIDS and ADULTS begin the week of January 9, 2017.  You're still in time to register.  Send us an email at to see if there is space in the section you request.  If there is space, you can begin a course at any time of the year.  

Monday, Jan. 9, 2017-  5 pm 
Screen Time.  When to Unplug:  
A Conference for Educators, Parents, Librarians with Beth Holland of EdTech ResearcherEdutopia.  Ms. Holland's visit is made possible thanks to the U.S. Embassy to Italy.  Free and Open to the Public.

Tues. Jan. 10th 
10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby.

Thurs. Jan. 12th
10 am - Mom & Baby Play Date in English - Get out of the house and let your kids play whil you meet other Moms
10 am - Maker Space - make it, sew it, fix it with friends. 
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults - not a formal Class, but a a way for you to learn what you need to get by. 

Fri. Jan 13th
5 pm - Aladdin - Family Film in English
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Hangout in English for Teens